Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Student (IMM 5709) (2024)

Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as aStudent (IMM 5709)

Who must fill out this application form?

This form must be completed by each person who wants to apply for an extension of their studypermit or change conditions of their stay in Canada, including applying for an initial studypermit

Note: If you are under 17 years old and studying inCanadawithout being accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, you mustcompletea notorized CustodianshipDeclaration [IMM 5646](opens in a new tab) and submit itwith yourapplicationfor study permit. You must submit pages 1 and 2 of the form.

Completing the form

You must answer all the questions on this application form unlessindicated otherwise.

Download and fill out the application form on a computer.

You also have the option of saving your form and completing it later.

Note: Completing the form electronically is easier and reducestherisk of errors that can slow down the application process.

In order to help you fill out the application form, read and follow the steps below.

Question 1

Type your universal client identification number (UCI).

Note: The UCI or Client ID can be found on your study or workpermitunder the section “Country of Citizenship”.

Question 2

From the list, select the language (English or French) in which you would like toreceiveyour service.

Question 3

Check the appropriate box or boxes to indicate if you are applying for:

  • An initial or an extension of a study permit
  • An initial or an extension of a temporary resident permit
  • Restoration of your status as a student.

Note: If you want to restore your status after your study permithasexpired, check

  • Restoration of temporary resident status as a student, and
  • An initial study permit or extension of a study permit

Personal details

Question 1

Full name

Type your family name (surname) as it appears on your passport ortravel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a family name on your passport ortravel document, enter all your given names here and leave the given name fieldblank.

Type all of your given names (first, second, or more) as they appearon your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not useinitials.

Note: If you do not have a given name on your passport or traveldocument, leave this field blank. Do not enter “*”, “Notapplicable” or “NA”.

Question 2

Nick names/Alias

Check the box to indicate if you ever used any other name. This could include yourbirth name, maiden name, married name, nick name, etc.

If you checked “Yes”, type any other family namethat you have ever used.

If you checked “Yes”, type any other given name (first,second, or more) that you have ever used.

Question 3

From the list, select your gender (F-Female,M-Male, U-Unknown or X-Anothergender).

Note: If you choose a gender identifier that is different thanwhat you currently have or have had on your Canadian temporary resident document(visa, electronic travel authorization, work permit, study permit or visitorrecord), you need to complete the Requestfor a Change of Sex or Gender Identifier (IRM 0002)(opens in a new tab) form and send itwith your application.If you’ve never had a Canadian temporary residentdocument but you intend to apply for one and you identify with a gender that isdifferent than what appears on your foreign travel document or passport, youalso need to complete the Request for a Change of Sex or Gender Identifier formand send it with your application. No supporting documents are required.

Question 4

Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unknown, please use“*” (star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, monthor day, where applicable.

Question 5

Type your city or town of birth.

From the list, select your country or territory of birth.

Question 6

From the list, select your country or territory of citizenship. To be a citizen of acountry or territory means that you were either born in that country or territory(in most cases) or have been granted citizenship by that country or territory. Ifyou have dual citizenship, select the country or territory that issued the passportyou will be using for this trip.

Question 7

From the list, select the appropriate information to indicate your immigration statusin Canada:

  • Visitor
  • Worker
  • Student
  • Protected Person
  • Refugee Claimant
  • Other

Other: This section must be completed if you selected“Other” as a status.

Provide the dates (From-To) to indicate how long you have had this status.

For out-of-status applicants:

  • Under “Status” select “Other”;
  • Under “Other” type in “Out of status, restoration”;
  • Leave the “From” and “To” boxes blank.
Question 8

Check the box to indicate whether you have lived in any country or territory otherthan your country or territory of citizenship or your current country or territoryof residence for more than six (6) months in the past five (5) years.

If you checked “Yes”, from the list select the appropriateinformation to indicate the following:

  • The name of the country or territory you lived in,
  • Your immigration status for the time you were in that country or territory:
    • Citizen
    • Permanent resident
    • Visitor
    • Worker
    • Student
    • Other
    • Protected Person
    • Refugee Claimant
    • Foreign National
  • Other: This section must be completed if you selected“Other” as a status,
  • The dates (From – To) you were living in that country or territory.
Question 9
  1. From the list, choose your current marital status:
    • Annulled Marriage: This is a marriage that is legallydeclared invalid. An annulment can also be a declaration by the CatholicChurch that the marital union did not have a binding force.
    • Common-Law: This means that you have lived continuouslywith your partner in a marital-type relationship for a minimum of oneyear.
    • Divorced: This means that you are officially separatedand have legally ended your marriage.
    • Legally Separated: This means that you are married, butno longer living with your spouse.
    • Married: This means that you and your spouse have had aceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your marriage must belegally recognized in the country or territory where it was performedand in Canada.
    • Single: This means that you have never been married andare not in a common-law relationship.
    • Widowed: This means that your spouse has died and thatyou have not re-married or entered into a common-law relationship.
  2. Enter the date (year, month and day) you were married or you entered into yourcurrent common-law relationship.
  3. Type the family name and given names of your current spouse or common-lawpartner.
  4. Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate if your spouseor common-law partner is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.

    Note: If you are in a common-law union, youmust also complete the Statutory Declaration ofCommon-law Union (IMM5409) form and include it with yourapplication. If you are married, you must provide aphotocopy of your Marriage license or certificate with your application.

Question 10

Check the box to indicate whether you have previously been married or in a common-lawrelationship. If you checked “Yes”, provide the:

  • Family name(s),
  • Given names,
  • Type of relationship:
    • Common-law, or
    • Married.
  • Dates (From – To) for which you were in the relationship with your previousspouse or common-law partner,
  • Date of birth.


Question 1
  1. From the list, select your first (native) language. This is the language thatyou learned at home during your childhood and which you still understand.

    Note: If your native language does not appear in thislist, select “Other”.

  2. If your native language is not English or French, select from the list which oneyou use mostly:
    • Both
    • English
    • French
    • Neither
Question 2

From the list, select English, French or both as your language of communication:

  • English
  • French
  • Both
  • Neither
Question 3

Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you have taken atest from a designatedtesting agency to assess your proficiency in English or French.

Note: You are not required to provide evidence of languageproficiency to submit your application. However, language testing may be requestedat a later date to further assess your application.


Question 1

Type your valid passport or travel document number exactly as indicated on yourdocument. Make sure there is no space between each number or letter.

Question 2

From the list, select the name of the country or territory that issued your passportor travel document.

Question 3

Enter the date your passport or travel document was issued.

Question 4

Enter the date your passport or travel document will expire.

Question 5

For this trip – Check “Yes” or “No” to tell us ifyou are using a passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan thatshows your personal identification number.

Question 6

For this trip – Check “Yes” or “No” to tell us ifyou are using a National Israeli passport.

National Identity Document

Question 1

Check “Yes” or “No” to tell us if you have anational identity document.

Question 2

Enter your national identity document number exactly as shown on the document.

Question 3

From the list, select the name of the country or territory that issued your nationalidentity document.

Question 4

Enter the date your national identity document was issued.

Question 5

Enter the date your national identity document will expire.

US PR Card

Question 1

Check “Yes” or “No” to tell us if you are a lawfulpermanent resident of the United States with a valid alien registration card (greencard).

Question 2

Enter your valid alien registration card (green card) document number exactly asshown on the document.

Question 3

Enter when your alien registration card (green card) document will expire.

Contact information

Question 1

Indicate your current mailing address (where information should be mailed) by typingthe following information:

  • Post Office Box (P.O. Box) number, if applicable. If you do not indicate a postoffice box number, the Street number must be provided.
  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street number (No.), if applicable. This must be provided if you did not type ina P.O. Box number
  • Street name, if applicable. Do not abbreviate words (Street,Avenue, Boulevard, Drive etc.) except for directions (NW, SE, W, etc.)
  • City or Town
  • Province
  • Postal code

Note: All correspondence will go to this address unless youindicate your e-mail address.

If you wish to have a representative who can conduct business on your behalf, youmust provide their email and mailing address in this sectionand on the Use of a Representative (IMM5476)(opens in a new tab) form.

Question 2

Check the box to indicate whether your residential address (where you live) is thesame as your mailing address. If “No”, type the followinginformation:

  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street Number (No.)
  • Street Name. Do not abbreviate words (Street, Avenue,Boulevard, Drive etc.) except for directions (NW, SE, W, etc.)
  • City or Town
  • Country or territory
  • Province
  • Postal Code
Question 3

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada, theUnited States (US) or Other (any other country or territory).

From the list, select the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell or mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 4

Check the appropriate box to indicate if your additional telephone number is fromCanada, the United States or Other (any other country or territory).

From the list, select the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell or mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area or regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 5

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile (fax) number is from Canadaand United States or Other (any other country or territory).

If applicable, type your facsimile (fax) number, including country code, area orregional codes, etc.

Question 6

If applicable, type your e-mail address using a format similar to the

Note: Please ensure this email address is checked regularly. Anyemails sent to you by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) willend in “”, or “”, or “”. Please addthese to your “safe senders” list in your email program and check the junk mailfolder in case important emails get filtered. If IRCC is advised that the emailaddress you provided is not functional or no longer exists, we will communicatewith you by mail. By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizingtransmission of correspondence including file and personal information to besent electronically to you at the address provided.

Coming into Canada

Question 1

Provide the date and the place where you first entered in Canada

Question 2
  1. Indicate the purpose of your original visit:
    • Business
    • Tourism
    • Study
    • Work
    • Other (medical visit, transit, etc.)
  2. If you choose “Other” in question 1a), provide details.
Question 3

Provide the date and the place of your recent entry to Canada.

Question 4

Provide the document number of your most recent Visitor Record, study or work permit.

Details of intended study in Canada

Question 1
  1. Write the full name of the school or institution;
  2. From the list, select your level of study;
  3. From the list, select your field of study;
  4. Write the address of the school:
    • Province or Territory
    • City/town
    • Address
Question 2
  1. Write your Designated Learning Institution (DLI) number
  2. Write your student ID number.
Question 3

Write the expected duration of studies using the From ─ To fields.

Question 4

Provide details about the cost of your studies in the following sections:

  • Tuition
  • Room and board
  • Other (e. g., books, transport, pocket money, etc.)
Question 5
  1. Write the amount of funds (money) in Canadian dollars that you have availablefor your studies in Canada.
  2. From the list, select who will be responsible for your expenses in Canada:
  3. If you choose “Other”, indicate who will cover your expenses(e.g., relative, a scholarship, a business, etc.).
Question 6
  1. Check Yes or No to indicate if you are also applying for a work permit
  2. Indicate the type of work permit you want:
    • Co-op Work Permit
    • Open Work Permit
    • Post-Graduation Work Permit
  3. Refer to the DocumentCheck List for Students Applying for a Work Permit [IMM5583] (PDF,1.51MB) to ensure you submit proper forms and documents for theprocessing of your application.
Question 7

If you received an attestation of issuance of your Québec Acceptance Certificate(CAQ), provide:

  • the certificate number
  • the expiry date


Check the box to indicate if you have any post-secondary education (including university,college or apprenticeship training).

The following table provides examples of post-secondary education:

Trade or Apprenticeship

Training completed in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto mechanics.

Non-university certificate or diploma

Training in a profession that requires formal education but not at the universitylevel (e.g., dental technician or engineering technician).

Bachelor’s degree

Academic degree awarded by a college or university to those who completed anundergraduate curriculum; also called a baccalaureate. Examples include a Bachelorof Arts, Science or Education.

Master’s degree

Academic degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or university. You musthave completed a Bachelor’s degree before a Master’s degree can be earned.


Highest university degree, usually based on at least three years of graduate studiesand a thesis. Normally, you must have completed a Master’s degree before a PhD canbe earned.

If you checked “Yes”, provide full details of your highest level ofpost-secondary education:

  • Enter the dates (year and month) you attended the institution,
  • Fields of study (mechanics, social sciences, medicine, etc.),
  • School or Facility name,
  • City or Town,
  • From the list, select the country or territory, and
  • Province or State.

Employment (Work/Occupation)

Provide the following information about your employment for the last 10 years. If you areretired, provide the 10 years before your retirement.

Question 1

Current Activity / Occupation

Provide details about your current Activity / Occupation:

  • Enter the dates (year and month) you have been working at your occupation,
  • The activity/occupation or a brief description of your position. If you do notwork, describe what you are currently doing (retired, not working, going toschool, etc.),
  • Indicate the name of the company or employer or facility where you work,
  • City or Town,
  • Country or territory,
  • Province/State, if applicable.
Question 2

Previous Activity / Occupation

Provide details of your previous Activity / Occupation for the past10 years. If you are retired, provide the 10years before your retirement:

Note: If you need more space, print out an additional page ofthe form, complete this section and submit it with your application.

Background information

All questions in this section must be answered or the application will be consideredincomplete and will be returned.

Question 1

Check the box to indicate if:

  1. you or any of your family members have ever had tuberculosis of the lungs orbeen in close contact with a person with tuberculosis within the past two years.
  2. you have any physical or mental disorder that would require social or healthservices other than medication during your stay in Canada.
  3. If you checked “Yes” to any of the above questions, providedetails and the name of the family member, if applicable.
Question 2

Check the box to indicate if you have ever:

  1. remained beyond the validity of your status, attended school withoutauthorization or worked without authorization in Canada.
  2. been refused any visa or permit, denied entry or ordered to leave Canada or anyother country or territory.
  3. applied previously to enter or remain in Canada.
  4. If you checked “Yes” to one of the above questions, providedetails.
Question 3
  1. Check the box to indicate if you have ever:
    1. committed,
    2. been arrested for, or
    3. been charged with or convicted of any criminal offence in any country orterritory.
  2. If you checked “Yes”, provide details.
Question 4
  1. Check the box to indicate if you have ever served in any military, militia,civil defence unit, or serve in a security organization or police force(including non-obligatory national service, reserve or voluntary units).
  2. If you checked “Yes,” provide your dates of service and thecountries or territories where you served.
Question 5

Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you have everbeen a member or associated with any political party, or other group or organizationwhich has engaged in or advocated violence as means to achieving a political orreligious objective, or which has been associated with criminal activity at anytime.

Question 6

Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you have everwitnessed or participated in the ill treatment of prisoners or civilians, looting ordesecration of religious buildings.

Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Student (IMM 5709) (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.