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Asion Hospi 01 Federo· Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (1)

Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012

I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. . .

The opportu n ities of choice

Accreditation: The Philippines Experience

The Great East Japan Earthquake Medical Support System

Report AHG Board of Governors Meeti ng 2012

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AHF President (Jan 2012・Dec2013)

Dato' Dr. Jacob Thomas Malaysla


Australian Healthcare Association Hong Kong Hospital Authority

Paul Scown Australia

Dr. Lo Sul Vu Hong~∞g

Japan Hospital Association Indonesia Hospital Assoclatlon

DR. Dr. Sutoto, MKes Indonesia

Korean Hospital Association

Yoon Soo KIM(KHA)


Qゾ ~

Philippines Hospital Association

Dr. Tsuneo Sakai Japan

4伊 h也、


. ・h

Bu. C. Castro MD. LI. B. Philippines

Taiwan Hospital Association

(J・Mr Han Chuan Yang


GMC Hospital & Research Centre, UAE

Dr. Thumbay Moideen UAE

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AHFS舵 同"',,"1



A17-01 Me崎市ぽ以Bang且 NO.5Jalan

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E回10'Dr. Jacob Thom出

s.c同larialin charg.

Suhaemi Rahman

AHF Sludy Group

Prof. Dr Paul D叩由leDr. l.awrence

Dr.AdlbA凶ullahYat明Dr. Tsun回SakdlDr, Kwang Tae Klm

0810' D<.J配。blt柏町四S


Edltor 1" Cha吻・Ir. Tn副首T町nbunan


Dr. Ruben C. Flor・.(Philippin..)

Brian Johnll刷、CE,Th. Inl.rn.lion.1

H.allhcar. Slandard (Australi・0Tlun.o Sakai, MD, MS (Jap.n)

Dr. Kwang Tao Kim (Kor.o)

Prinling by

PT. Mcd由careInlctr噛li町田1.


Asian Hospit


Dear Members,

I deem it a real

honour that you have

placed your conlidence

in me by electing me as

the AHF President for

2012/2013.1 hope that

practices will enable us all in this r句ion

to learn from each other and to become

significant providers 01 Quality Healthcare

in our res問ctivecountries.

In this 4th Edition 01 the AHF Journal.

we focus on Disaster Management.

I will be able to continue some 01 the

excellent work done by Dr. Adib Yahya

during his 2 year tenure in office. I will

strive hard to ensure the role 01 AHF in

advancing the status 01 the healthcare

Accreditation and Advances in Cardiology in the region. This sharing will enhance

our preparedness for any eventuality and

enable us to be relevant and useful as

providers of worldclass healthcare.

Ilook forward to your continued

suppoバandcommitment for all AHF

initiatives and activities.


industry in the Asia Pacilic region目 lam

sure that 1 cannot do this without the lull

support and coo問ration01 all the AHF

member countries.刊eopen sharing

01 experiences and benchmarking best

Dato' Dr. Jacob Thomas

AHF President 2012-2013


Dear Members

First of all. 1 would like to congratulate

to DrιJacob Thomas as AHF President. period 2012・2013and I am very conlident

with his networking and capabilities he

could carry AHF as a place lor aspirations

and inspirations 01 hospitals in the Asia Pacific region.

world class healthcare

to provide an excellent

services not only for local

patients but also from all

over the world.


congratulations to Dr.

Jacob Thomas and success for all of us. I also hope that hospital induslry in

Ihis r句ionwill conlinue 10 grow into a Dr. Adib A, Yahya

AHF President 2011・2011)


The history 01 the Hospital Dr Ciptomangunkusumo, is inseparable Irom the history 01

the Facully 01 Medicine, University 01 Indonesia,国causethe development 01 both these

institutions are interdependent and complement each other.

In 1896 Dr. H. RolI was問intedas medical education leader in Batavia (Jakarta). At that

time. the laboratory and java medical school were still under this same leader. Then, in 1910

java medical school changed its name to become name in lull (STOVIA), the beginning 01 the

medical lacully 01 Universily 01 Indonesia.

On November 19,1919 the CBZ (Centrale Burgulijke ziekenhuis) was built. It was

affiliated with STOVIA since that moment 01 carrying out medical education and this service

gr制 rapidlyand devel口問dmedical lacilities service s限cialistslor all the Indonesian

sociely. In March 1942 when Indonesia was occup制 andruled by Japan, CBZ切came

a universily hospital (ika daigaku byongin). In the 1似5,CBZ changed its name again

国comingRumah Sakit Oemoem Negeri (RSON), which was then led by Prol Dr Asikin

Widjayakoesoema and subsequently凶 byProfTamija.

In Dec曹m国r1219ωRSON chang凶 itsname yet again and民cameRumah Sakit

Umum Pusat (RSUP). On August 17, 1964 the Minister 01 Health Prol. Dr. Satrio, officially

recognized RSUP and it became Rumah Sakit Tjipto Mangunkusumo (RSTM) and with the

development 01 Ejaan Baru Bahasa Indonesia, it once again changed its name to become

Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM.)


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Asian Hospital Federation

I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. . .

The opportunities of choice

I"'he movement of people to and from other countries in

I search of high quality and affordable health services is not I new, but has been the subject of a more public interest and

scrutiny particularly over the last decade.

Patients obviously are seeking to receive optimal care, in an environment that is responsive to their rl閃uirementsand

at an affordable price. However, the third party in this search are often those responsible for paying for care.刊isgroup can

include insurance companies, health funds and sometimes

governments. They have similar objectives as the patienl

themselves, but look 10 receiving 'value for money' in stronger

commercial terms. If a health care organisatlon has been

accredited through an internationally respected provider of such

services, then the 1句icthat follows is that risks of unintended

adverse outcomes from the care pr'∞ess is either (i凶uc凶 orremoved. This in itself is often the key motlvatlon for a hospital

or similar service to participate in an accreditation program. It

is in this environment that interest in internationally respecled

accreditation p明 ramshave grown.

The International Society for Qual ity in Heallh Care defines

accreditation as

. ,,"A public recognition bya healthcare accr凶itationbody

of the achievement of accreditation standards bya heallhcare

organisalion, demonslraled Ihrough an independenl exlernal peer assessmenl of thal organisalion's level of問 rformancein

relation to Ihe slandards."

There a陀 anumber of definilions of accredilation in use, bul

Ihe essenlial elements of standards based, inde問ndent問er

assessmenl are consistently applied.

so which are those organisalions Ihat provide inlernationally recognised accredilalion services? The belter rec句 nised

are the Auslralian Council on Heallhcare Standards, Joint

Commission Internalional, Accredilation Canada and the

United Kingdom based CHKS. The Council for Heallh

Service Accreditation of Southern Africa of course has had

a mullinalional focus since ils inceplion. However, Ihere

are several newer entranls into this market place including accrediting organisations in France. The Netherlands and

possibly Scotland白 Inaddition 10 Ihese nominalions there

are an increasing number of nalionally focused accreditation

organisations in a rapidly growing number of countries.

There is recognised international gro川hin using standards

based accredilation pr句rams.The results of a r配 entsurvey

conducted to more accurately assess the scale and nalure of


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HOTTOPIC Asian Hospital Fe

this growth will be publish凶 inthe near


From astrat句ic凶 sition,standards provide a framework for action. They can:


Build team work

Support policy implementation

Facilitate the collection of consistent


Suppoバthemonitoring of

performance, including -Policy effectiveness


Play a valuable role in informing

resource allocation decision making.

There are options in seeking to establish an internationally r配 ognised

accreditation pr句ramfor health services.

In broad terms they are:

Import the services of an existing

provider, Developaはalpr句ram;or

Partner with an established

accreditation organisation to fast

track the development of a local



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:⑨ Asian Hospital Federation


ACHS is actively engaged in each of

these options. The choice is very much

one to be based on local circumstances and would involve consideration of

issues, such as what the objectives are

for such a program, cost and benefits,

cultural alignment, nature of the local

health system (size, complexity, activity levels etc.).

Internationally ACHS is working

primarily in our region of the world

including, Hong Kong, Macau, South

Korea, the Middle East. India and Sri

Lanka. Our standards are also us凶

under a license arrangement in New

Zealand. In colla凶 rationwith the Hong

Kong Hospital Authority in May 2009 a

pilot scheme for the establishment of a

local program was b句un.Initially, the tasks were to work with a small group of

hospitals: in guiding and assisting them

to undertake a self-assessment process

and to ascertain their readiness for

Asion Hospi 01 Federo· Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (7)


accreditation assessment using ACHS

standards (the standards used had to be accredited by the International Society lor

Quality in Health Care): to adapt ACHS standards lor use in Hong Kong and

to gain ISQua accreditation lor those

standards: to undertake accreditation

surveys 01 three 01 the initial group 01

hospitals: to train surveyors Irom Hong

Kong and to provide a model lor luture collaboration. Since Ihe commencement

01 the contract the requirements have

been substantially expanded to include

more public hospitals. training 01 more surveyors. Hong Kong surveyors gaining

experience by participating in surveys in

Auslralia and the conducl 01 additional

educational programs • including master classes on quality and accreditation for

senior executives Irom凶ththe public

and private sectors. The enthusiasm 01

staff and the commitment 01 industry leaders have resulled in rapid pr句 ress

that has exceeded the project plan. This rate 01 progress is directly altributable to

Ihe decision to build on an existing model rather than slart alresh.

The Hong Kong project was

also externally evaluated bya team

commissioned lrom the Hong Kong Chinese University. The external

evaluation has reported very positively on

the outcomes achieved to date. One 01 the most pleasing leatures

to have emerged Irom Ihis project was

the decision by most 01 the private

hospitals in Hong Kong to join the projecl

and pa吋ic刷tein the accreditation prl句 ram.The Hong Kong Privale

Hospitals Association has been a key supporter 01 this development. Also. the

Association now has representation on

key committees established 10 oversighl

the project. The collaboration between

the public and private sectors has broken

new ground and is regarded as an

important additional success lactor.

ACHS has gained a lurther contract

to extend the development 01 the local

program. This next phase should see the

emergence 01 an independent and robust

Hong Kong health service accreditation

program. with its own set 01 standards

that rellect the policy and service rriorit1es 01 the broader Hong Kong

health industry.

In summary, you can see there are a variety 01 ways to progress an

As川 ospital同品傘


accreditation program locused on

achieving high quality performance

outcomes lor a health system.. ...the陀

are choices.

8rian Johnston Chiel Execulive

The Auslralian Council on Heallhcare Slandards

1 , Mlchael D. Horowitz. Jeffrey A. Rosen抑制g.and Chnslopher A Jones. Medical Tourism: Globahzallon 01 the Healthcare Marketplace. M凶GenMed.2∞7; 9(4): 33. Published online 2∞7 November 13 PMCID: PMC2234298

2. Inlemalional Society lor Ouality in Heallh care (l50ua). The ISOua su問的。rIr制ningslandards prog悶mme.Dublin. IRL; ISOua; 2009

3. Shaw el al. Suslalnable heallhcare accredilallon: messages lrom Euro関 in2∞9Inl J Oual Heallh Care 2010: 22:341・350

4. The Auslralian Council on Healthcare Slandards (ACHSJ. The ACHS EQulP5 Guide: Sydney Austral岨:ACHS; 2010


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Asian Hospital Federation


By: Dr. Kwang Tae Kim

Study Group Member, AHF

1. Background and Overview H:凶凶istorica討tα凶仰向吋叫iに防凶c悶ωa創lIy…a加nhas出e伺nknown and under

tense surveillance a舗thomeand abroad that Korean peninsula has

been divid凶 intoSouth and No巾 smce

1945 immediately after World War 11 and

through the Korean War in 1950-53 in

precarious military confrontation over the armistice line along the Demilitarized

Zone (DMZ)出tweenthe Republic of

Korea (ROK-South) and the North Korean

Regime (DPRK-North Korea).

There have出enthousands of

violations of Armistice Agreements that

have taken the form of military terrors

and atlackes, labelled as 1∞al armed hostilities and terrorist actions over印

years since the Korean war.

To name a few conspicuous incidents

of military terror atlacks, an ax-wielding

killing of American soldiers was occurred

by North Korean armed atlacks, that

brought about worldwide protests and

shocks throughout the world in 1970's.

And the downing of a commercial South

Korean airliner by NK-planted bombing

in flight, was executed, killing 113 south

Korean civilians aboard the jetliner over

the Bangkok air space in 1987.

Most recently, international expeバinvestigation teams have concluded that

there was a tor問doexplosives atlacking

of a south Korean Navy Ship apparently

engm田 r凶 andsunk by the No巾

Korean Naval terrorist infiltrators in May

2010. This was followed on 23 November 2010, by massive NK-artillery fires凶 ng

unleashed against rural villages in Yeonpyeong-do Island, killing 2 soldiers

and 2 civilians and many residents injurl凶 inthe western seashore areas of

Korean peninsula, bordering between

South and North Korean naval military


Besides, there have been many assassination terror schemes and

atlempts being exposed to be abortive

against some NoバhKorean defeclors

residing in South Korea.

It should be noted, on the other hand,

that in Korea there have been no conflicts

or incidents involving ethnic or religious

unrest and hostility aclivities so far, with no symptoms or traits of relevant terror

aclivities monitored in Korea.

11. Disaster and Emergency

Management Precticed in Korean


a) Government Disaster

Preparedness System installs

the "Central Disasler Committee, under which 5 divisions of

mission are organized for

operation, including Civic

Defense, Disaster Relief, Disasler

Preparedness, Agriculture and

Fishery and Nuclear Radiation,

with field-supports of 制限吋

group, relat凶 companies,NGO

volunteers. fire department. Police and Army Units目

b) Resources for Emergency

Management System include

Prevention and Education. Emergency Medical Information

Center, Emergency Patients,

Emergency Medical Institution, Emergency Medical Technicians

and Transport Corporation.

c) As to the characteristics of disaster in Korea, with no large

terror event. continuous threat by

North Korea is ever-present in all

as問ctsof daily livings in Korea.

d) We can enumerate some

problems in coping with

emergency management in this

country, namely, 1) how to control confusion and disarrangement at

the scene for orderly disposition

and solutions, 2) few actual

triage available to be sorted out,

3) failure in medical suppoバsystem, 4) victim identification

system not working well and町lack of efficient disaster trans閃rt



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Consequently. where hospital does fit. requirements for operating hospital

incident command system and continuity

of hospital operation are to be maintained effectively. with intervention of relevant

Government Ministry and or National

Hospital Ass∞iation for a central control


111. Government 5upports and


In order to cope with the situation

where medical and related services to

look after the needs of patients during the

extreme conditions when infrastructure

and resources are challenged in Korea, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has

maintained effective sets of emergency

measures to take care of any urgent

contingencies. Ambulance. helicopter

and other relevant mobility伺uipments

for all hospitals and related healthcare

institutions are to回 requisitionedlocally

and nationally when needed.

In principle. the cost and expenses

being accrued are to be borne by the

government emergency fund, volunteer services and civilian relief donations.

IV. Air Orill and Evacuation Program

It is rather unique in Korea that the

monthly air drill and

civilian evacuation trainings to cope with

the imaginary and

probable air, nuclear and other terror

actions and hostile

altacks have been

conducted nationally

in the last 60 years

since the Korean

War Armistice

in 1953. General public as well as

hospitals and other

relevant institutions

have been under

close training pr,句ramsagainst the

armed provocations in and Korea. In

brief, it can be safely assumed that the general publics together with healthcare

populations are accustomed to

emergency duty call against any altackes.

under which all hospital and healthcare

organizations are closely guided to

provide rescue and relief services under

contingency situations. This covers personnel mobility and as well as

logistics and financial suppo巾 needed.

aside from ardent volunteers being

rush凶 tothe troubled scenes.

Asian Hospit山 erd部品傘

V. Conclusion

It is emphasized that hospitals

-public. private. university and military.

level alike-are linked under official Government designation networks.刊is

interlock obligates emergency institutions

to be mobilized when national or local

crisis of healthcare nature requires

emergent services, in particular arising

from military or likewise terrorists altacks

being n句istered.


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Asian Hospi↑al Federation

The Great East Japan Earthquake Japan Hospital Association

By: Tsuneo Sakai川D,MS

F伽…純閃…sthe Great East Japan Earthquake

struck Japan on March 11. 2011. Although we have tried our best to

support the affected areas p四 pleand

hospitals in these a陀asare still suffering

from various calamities and these include

damage from the earthquake, tsunami,

nuclear incident. harmful rumors, and manmade disaster.

Japan Hospital Association (JHA) has

deployed a fair amount of manpower and

materials into the affected areas in the

acute stage with relatively good response

We also tried to establish support system

using information technologies. However

we also faced with certain difficulties in

supporting sufficiently and efficiently.

These include di仔icultyobtaining and

sharing accurate and timely information,

difficulty identifying who is in charge or to

whom we should get contact with before

making any decision. Many government

and non-government organizations were

involved and we found out that there were

lack of sufficient communication and

cooperation among them.

In the long-term support phase

we have decided to establish a new

medical support system based on our

experience. We are trying to organize

all-Japan support system asking many organizations to join us.ηle mainaim

of this system is to get all the necessary information, then陀 newand share the

information efficiently. We divide Japan

in 8 to 9 districts and have district centers which can function as the control tower

whenever necessary. We would not

knowwhich part of Japan will face any

kind of disaster. So we should prepare

forany paバofJapan could function as

the control tower in case of disasterιBy

integrating information from the affected

areas and from the non-affected areas, wecan makee行icientlogistic plans. The

key concept would be information loaded

GIS (geographic information system). We

can obtain virtual image of suppoバIngschema.

Old and NewDisas樹 Medc温Sl明JOrtS同鍋

JHA's New SUpp:抗Sy司副n


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Our People Our Care Our Service Ou r Technology

Everything we do revolves around

helping our patients live well

At Sime Darby Medical Centre Ara Damansara, we are committed to a philosophγthat

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The Brain Centre is dedicated to the care of patients suffering with complex brain disorders.

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Asian Hospital Federa↑ion

Advancements in Cardiac Technologies

@ Sime Darby Medical Centre Ara Damansara

-,圃守1eheart is akin to the engine in the

i加dyof a car. No matter how sleek

I and shiny your Ferrari or Mercedes

l∞ks on the outside, it all 9叩 sto naught if the engine is not functioning at peak performance.

As the most hardworking organ in the 加dy,the heart pumps blood at the rate

of 60 to 1∞times per minute, 24 hours a

day. Medical conditions, lifestyle factors

and inf配 tionsmay aft配 theaバfunction,

making the heart beat faster, slower or

irregularly. This results in various forms of heart disease, which may or may not

display symptoms.

In the past. patients often sought

treatment only when their symptoms

同camedistressing, such as when

the heart muscle became too weak or damaged. With increasingly advanced

modalities in cardiac treatment, patients

can discover problems early and take

the necessary interventional steps before

severe damage occurs.

.What's more exciting is the

availability of non-invasive cardiac

technologies for diagnosis and

treatment: says Dr. Annuar Rapaee,

Consultant Cardiologist at SDMC Ara

Damansara, a centre of excellence for

brain, heart, spine and joint treatments.

Clinical imaging, in particular, has

come a long way since the invention of the X-ray. T,凶ay,cardiologisls can

employa multitude of cardiac imaging

techniques that are painless and produce

results that are fast and accurate.

“The results provide us with accurate

insights into a patient's heart, picking

up even small, easily missed problems

that were previously overlooked due

to limitations in the technology. The

comprehensive assessments help to

reduce healthcare costs in the long-run, with more accurate results and targeted

treatment," explains DrιAnnuar, who

specializes in cardiac imaging.

Basically there are four main options

for cardiac imaging, each with di行ering



PROS: It is an easily available and


Asion Hospi 01 Federo· Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (13)

affordable procedure that looks at the

heart's valves and function. The device

is relatively small and portable, which

means that it can be brought to the

patient's side if necessary. CONS: The screening procedure is

operator and patient.dependant; hence

itwill n問 uirewell.train凶 radiologists

such as those at SDMC Ara Damansara

Results may be compromised in patients

with excessive body fat or who are obese.

The procedure is unable to screen the

anatomy of the coronary artery and is limited to heart and valve function白

TIME: 30 to 45 minutes (15 minutes

for preparation; 20 to 30 minutes for the


PREPARATION: No preparation



PROS: This is a relatively new, fast and painless procedure that has seen increased usage in the last five years due

to its highly accurate reading. It is up to

99 percent accurate.刊 issignificantly

reduces the possibility of missing a

blockage in the coronary aバeriesand also calcium deposits which precede

artherosclerosis (plaque accumulation).

CONS: The patient is exposed to radiation when a dye is inject凶 intothe

patient's blood stream to form a contrast

for the readings. The dye can potentially

causeseve陀 kidneydamage or failure if

Asian Hωpital F…?13;;金the patient has

existing renal dysfunction. The

procedure is also unable to pick up wall

motion abnormalities, valve function,

ventricular function and myocardial

pe巾sion(bl∞d supply to the heart).

TIME: 30 minutes (15 minutes

for preparation, 15 minutes for the


PREPARATION: A renal function

test is taken beforehand to assess the

patient's suitability for this procedure.

Fasting (no food and drink) is r問uired

four hours before. On the day of the

procedure, medication to slow down the hea片岡atis taken.


PROS: This procedure involves using

radioactive isotopes to fom contrast, followed bya scan, much like the CT.

CONS: The results a陀 notas prec除eand clear compared to other cardiac

imaging proc凶ures.The radioactive

elements put patients at risk of other

conditions; hence the procedure is slowly 凶 ngphased out with the advent of safer


TIME: 45 minutes (15 minutes

for preparation, 30 minutes for the procedure).

PREPARATION: Fasting (no food and

drink) is required four hours before.


PROS: This is considered to be the

gold standard in cardiac imaging for its

comprehensive results. The doctor can

assess a wide range of heart functions,

ranging from the anatomy and function

of the ventricular system and heart

valves to myocardial perfusion, ischemia (lack of oxygen), periocardial disease

(membranes surrounding the heart) and others. The safety profile of MRls is better

as it does not utilise any form of radiation,

hence it is highly recommended for

children suspected of having congenital

heaパdisease.CONS: Higher cost but the results

are more comprehensive. The contrast

used, although non.ionising, may cause

generalis凶 fibrosisif the patient has

existing kidney dysfunction or chronic

renal failure. The procedure is only

offered byestablished medical centres

such as SDMC Ara Damansara, as


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Asian Hospital Federation

practitioners need to undergo intensive traini ng of up to six months in order to

provide this service. Furthermore, patients

on pacemakers or Automated Implanted

Cardio Defribillators, or who havc any

implants in the brain or joints, are

contraindicated for this procedure.

TIME: One hour (15 minutes for preparation and 45 minutes forthe


PREPARATION: No p陀 parationrequired.


With more babies being delivered

every year, cases of congenital heart

disease will rise in tandem, says

Dr. Hamdan Leman, Consultant

Cardiothoracic and Congenital Cardiac

Surgeon at SDMC Subang Jaya and

SDMC Ara Damansara. It's a numbers game: eight to 10 children in 1∞Owill get

some form of congenital heart diseaseφ

A seasoned surgeon, who trained for many years as one of the few congenital

heart surgeons in the country, Dr.

Hamdan understands well the extreme

anxiety that parents of babies diagnosed


with heart disease experience.

"T reating children with heart disease

requires a difterent approach compared

to adults," he explains. '1here's the need

to deal with parents' emotions, especially

when we try to explain the limitations of

certain treatments for their child陀 n."

The anxiety is not misplaced, as the

options for survival can be quite limited

in certain extreme cases. Unlike adults,

children may need multiple surgeries to correct a heart condition. Out of the 150 to 2∞types of congenital heart diseases

in existence, there is a small number of

complex congenital heart malformations

that can end up in poor quality of life and

a lifespan that lasts only until the teens or

twenties despite treatment. “It's a difficult choice for parents,

hence we need to counsel them

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extensively right at the beginning after

diagnosis," Dr. Hamdan stresses. The

only factor that has kept this surgeon

passionately soldiering on in this highly

charged field is the ability to turn a

certain total loss or desperate situation

into a total cure.

"1 imagine a hear! malformation like

an engine that was built wrong. AII it

needs is the touch of a surgeon to correct

it into a normal working engine again to

sustain life," remarks the doctor who had

his fair share of action with the National

Heart Institute for more than 10 years. After that stint, Dr. Hamdan went abroad

to share his expertise for five years before

returning home to ofter his services to the

nation once again.

The idea of creating miracles is truly

rewarding. "We are always discovering

new things in cardiology. Being able to

repair babies' hearts safely in this current era is truly a gift of life in the medical

sense," he states humbly.

This has only been achieved recently,

with tremendous advancements in

cardiology and cardiac surgery that make

it possible for children with congenital heart disease to have their ailments

detected and treated early. The chances

of survival and cure are much better now.

Backed by an experienced

team comprising cardiac surgeons,

cardiologists, radiologists, intensivists,

paediatricians, paediatric cardiologists and many others, the staft at SDMC Ara

Damansara's Heart Centre a陀 readyto

undertake all types of heaバsurgenes.

As children require more astute

intensive care following heart surgery, the

HeaバCentrehas made sure that all the

necessary facilities are in place so that

their little hearts continue to beat strong

For more information on

Sime Darby Medical Centre's, log on to

As川 ω山

(T es!imonial)

Vou helped my baby's heart, and mine, beat strong again

VIRYANTI and FELlCE CHOLIN, mother and daugh!er

My baby was born with a life threatening congenital problem, known as Tracheo・EsophagealFistula (TEの• In Sumatra, Indonesia where we are

from, it's not easy finding doctors who specialize的 treatingthese types

of complicated medical conditions so we decided to travel to Malaysia for treatment.

I decided to go to Sime Darby Medical Centre because the hospital is

well known的 mycity and they have an excellent reputation for treating

difficult cases, Iike ours. I knew we made the right decision choosing Sime Darby Medical

Centre, because instead of one doctor looking after Felice we had a team

of specialists, who also found and treated a problem with her heart.

I can't say this was an easy time for either of us, but the care and the commitment of the doctors and nursing staff were beyond anything we could have expected. I am happy to report Felice is doing well and

improving by the day... and so is her mother.


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Asian Hospital Federa↑ion

Accreditation for Quality Improvement i n Health Care


AR Abdul Aziz, MB Nishazini

KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital,



KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital

is a private hospital in Malaysia.This hospital国longto KPJ Healthcare

Berhad, the biggest private healthca陀

providers in Malaysia. KPJ Healthcare

Berhad currently had 21 hospitals in

Malaysia and 2 hospitals in Indonesia.

KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital was

134回ddedhospital excluding 3出dded

Cardiac Care Unit, 4国dd凶 Intensive

Care Unit, 4国dd凶 HighDe問ndent

Care Unit and 7 bedded trauma and

observation bayat the Emergency

Services and it staパedbusiness in

January 2005. In year 2006. it has been

ce代ifi凶 withIS09∞1 :2000 certification

and recertified during the transition audit

of IS09∞1 :2008 in year 20ωby Moody

International. To further enhance the

quality and patient safety. in July 2∞9, it

has been awarded with 3 years Hospital

Accrl凶 itationby Malaysian Society For

Quality in Health(MSQH), a certification

body for hospital accreditation in

Malaysia. MSQH is a member of

International Society For Quality in Health


Objectives of the study:

• To monitor how certification by

external bodies will enable the

organization to inc時asethe quality

of the services provided to our


. This study will enable the management to monitor the quality or

services provided

• Using indicators and benchmarking

will tacilitate the organization to

measure level of compliance to

the clinical standards to ensure

the services provided are safe and

following international standards

. The monitor how the external

certification enhance staff education.


Robe吋M.Pirsig 1928・,American

philosopher, defined・Quality

improvement' is a term that summarises

a whole range of approaches used by

industry and business to improve the

quality of services and products. A

number of quality improvement tools

and techniques are used in Clinical

Governance to influence changes in

patient care. The operation of these systems and processes will be influenced

by the organisational culture and quality

improvement methods adopted in your


There is no straightforward definition

of quality in healthcare. There are a

variety of views on its meaning and

some debate as to whether quality has

to国 measurable.The World Health

Organisation (WHO) suggests: Quality

is a process of meeting the needs and

expectations of patients and health

service staff例H02∞0).Quality is

the d句reeto which ca陀 services

influence the probabi1 ity of optimal

patient outcome. (American Medical

Association. 1991) Gronr,∞s(1984) suggest凶 thatquality in

healthcare had two distinct components:

• Functional quality: howa patient


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receives a service (1,∞d quality, access

to care)

• Technical quality: the quality of the

delivery of ca陀 (competenceand


Other delinitions 01 quality in health care include its relationship to public

perceptions 01 trust in those who deliver care and the appropriate use of


Patient問rceptionsof quality in

healthcare also inlluence the public

expectations and confidence placed in

the NHS. Clinical errors, patient su行ering

and hospital closures always attract

mediaa社entionwhile development of

new services, changes to treatments and

good news stories are hard to publicise. ・Trendsof patients' experiences of the NHS・(ThePicker Institute 2∞5) identifies eight dimensions of patient-

centred care:

Fast access to reliable health advice

Etfective treatment delivered by

trusted professionals

• Clear, comprehensible information and suppo内forself-care

• Involvement in decisions and respect

for patient preferences

• Attention to physical and

environmental needs

Emotional support, empathy and

res問ctInvolvement of, and support for, family

and carers

Continuity 01 care and sm∞th


In their simplicity these eight

dimensions underline the need to co・

ordinate the work required to improve the

quality of every patient experience

Crossing the Quality Chasm (Institute

of Medicine 2001) pro問 sesan agenda for

improving the quality 01 health care made up of six components:

Safe: avoiding injuries to patients from

the care that is intended to help them Effective: providing services based

on scientific knowl凶geto all those

whocould回nefitand refraining from

providing services to those not likely to

benefit (avoiding underuse and overuse,

Asian Hospit向的11ぷ金res問ctivelyPatient-centred: providing care that is res問ctfulof and responsive to individual

patient preferences, needs, and values

and ensuring that patient values guide all

clinical decisions

Timely: reducing waits and sometimes

harmful delays for bother those who

receive and those who give care

Efficient: avoiding waste, including waste

of equipment, supplies, ideas and energy Equitable: providing care that does

not vary in quality because of personal

characteristics such as gender, ethnicity,

ge句 raphiclocation and s∞io.economic


Quality measurement:

A quality measure is information

from a patient's record or an 0問 rational

process that is converted into a rate,

pe陀entageor time that shows how well

providers are taking care of their patients.

Quality measures give you information

about how well providers care for

some, but not all of their patients. Most

quality measures have been designed to

measure evidence based care. Patient who should not get the recommended

care treatments are not counted in the


Quality measurement is a relatively

new science and requires a large amount

of resou陀esto develop and collect

the information. Fully developed and

test凶 measuresare only available for

reporting on some 01 the most common conditions or processes of care. Over the past few years, an increased interest in this science has occurred which may

increase the rate of quality measurement

development and reporting overtime. But

there is some quality inlormation you can use right now to help you compare your

health care choices. Many public and

private groups are working to improve

and expand health care quality measures. 刊 egoal is to make these measures

more reliable, uniform, and helpful

to consumers in making health care


Research has shown that science-

based measures can be us凶 toassess quality for various conditions and for

specific types of care. For example,

quality health care is:

• Doing the right thing (getting the


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Asian Hospital Federa↑ion

health care services you need). • At the right time (when you need


• In the right way (using the appropriate

test or procedure).

• To achieve the best possible results.

Providing quality health care also

means striking the right balance of

services by:

• Avoiding underuse (for example, not screening a person for high blood


• Avoiding overuse (for example,

performing tests that a patient doesn't

need). • Eliminating misuse (for example,

providing medications that may have

dangerous interactions). Awell-understood and well

implemented system helps all functions

within the process to understand their

responsibility for meeting customer

needs, and appreciate their position in

the overall process for doing so.

Facilitates continuous improvement. There is a direct requirement that

the quality management system be

continually improved The requirements

are saturated with admonitions to

monitor, review, and improve the

subprocesses of the quality system. The

preventive and corrective action activities

required by the Standard enlist alllevels

and functions in the effort to prevent

quality problems and quickly mitigate

those that do occur.

Creates consistency throughout the organization.

It establishes and enforces consistent

working methods and quality controls

throughout the organization. This can be

RESULTS and analysis

Table 1: The result of various indicators for year 2008 and 2009 compared to the standard

lndi<.岡田Ycar 2008 (avc",gc)

Ycar 2∞9 (avc",gc)


型担L詑 ZLOS > S days aftcr ele<:tivc 曲目首相n抵抗由自

<1% 0.47% 0"-70

Unpl岨酎d ad皿is:sion 加 。lCU wilhin 24 h刷11$ of S町11.叩

Rat. ofWhit. Appendix S・20% 23% 12%

75% 95%

mls 町1In

60 30 40 30 75 62

% of My民 ardi.l >7M‘ Infarction p:1lien回聞耳iving 羽田mbo切1<


‘‘, ii

Waiting time admiss由nWaiting lime ror discharge ∞mpl副ntsr官。同ed


30 54 137

CliniCAli皿 idenlS 3.7% 0.3% 0.2% Non-Clini阻 11眠 idents 16% 0.4% 0.2%

Human Capi岨1Dcvelopment 21 34 Diplom .. POSI B坦 icTrnInin島 BftChelordegree 創叫M回怯r De製~

Und.rslandi明。fl.bel 40% 32%

lncm目tive伺 mmun!catl側 30% 29%

especially impoバantin larger,multisite organizations whose facilities are major

suppliers to each other.

Strengthens relationships between

your organization , its suppliers and

customers, and among suppliers/

customers within your organization.

Provides confidence to customers in

the capability of your organization


meet quality commitments. This benefit is

much stronger when the quality system is


Improves management decision

making. Internal audits, management reviews, analysis of organization-Ievel data, and effective document and data

control are four strong pillars of ISO 90∞ which provide management with the


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inlelligence il needs 10 make Ihe righl


Institutionalizes training in methods

and procedures essential to quality.

Reduces dependence upon individuals.

People are vilal 10 Quality.bul people also

come and go. The levels 01 procedural

development.documenlation. record-keeping. and training required byan

ISO 9000 quality system assu陀 Ihat

lechniques and skills will carry on even when performed by different individuals.

Impact of accreditation to hospital

Shortell et al. argu凶 thatQuality

improvement implementalion leads to

greater perceiv凶 patientoutcomes.

Pomey et al. assessed organizational

changes after accredilalion in France and

argued Ihat accreditalion can promote

quality improvement implemenlation

in hospitals Ihus leading 10 better


Changes in professional practice

Sludy by Sekimoto et al. (2∞8) suggests that accreditation has an

impact on the introduclion 01 infection

control pr,句rammesand development

of infection control practice in Japanese


Another study by 0・Aunnoel al (2002) which suggesls a relalionship

belween accreditalion by the Joinl

Commission on Accredilalion 01 Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and

compliance wilh melhadone doses

prescribed in methadone mainlenance

programmes in Ihe Uniled Slates.

Managerial changes (organisational

and cultural changes)

Sludy conducled by Pomey el al. (2010) on organisalional and cultural

changes (strenglhening 01 Ihe working

leam, team working. place 01 service users. elc) relaled to the inlroduclion of

a hospital accreditalion pr叩rammein

Canada. Impacl on heallh care outcomes:

clinical results σsludies) andlor palienl

and user satisfaclion (4 studies).

Sludy by Menachemi et al. (2∞8)

on Ihe ass∞iation国加問nJCAHO

accredltation and health care outcomes (hospital readmissions) of patients

trealed in ambulatory surgical centres in

Ihe Uniled States.


A retrospective sludy was conducted

from January to December 2008 before Ihe accredilalion of the hospilal

compared 10 January 10 December 2009 after the accreditation activilies. Even

though the hospital was accredited in

July 2009, the compliance to the standard

slarted from January 2009.The data

collected were as lollows:

Asian H叩 wd献金

For Patient Safety Indicators:

1. Percenlage of patients with lenglh of

hospital stay > 5 days after eleclive

caesarean section.

2. Unplanned admission 10 the inlensive

ca陀 unitwithin 24 hours of surgery.

3. Rate 01 White Appendix

4. Percenlage of Myocardial Infarction

patients receiving Thrombolytic

therapy within 1 hour of their

presentation at the Emergency

department. 5. Benchmarking indicators i. Waiting time & number of complaints ii. Clinical and Non Clinicallncidents

iii. Result of external audit/ surveyed findings

iv. Staff development and recruitment. v. Quality Improvement Aclivilies

vi. Medication Diabetic card and sticker

for prevenling medicalion errors


Refer to table 1. we can conclude that

the Patient Safety Indicators (PSls) are

a set of indicators providing informalion

on potential in hospital complicalions

and adverse events following surgeries.

procedures. and childbirth. The PSls

were developed after a comprehensive

literalure review, analysis 01 ICD-9-CM

codes. review by a clinician panel.

implementation of risk adjustmenl. and empirical analyses.

刊ePSls can be used 10 help

hospitals identify問tentialadverse events

that might need further study; provide

theop問rtunity10 assess the incidence

of adverse events and in hospital complications using administrative data

found in the typical discharge record;

include indicators for complications

occurring in hospital that may represenl

patient safety events; and, indicators


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Asian Hospital Federation

also have area level analogs designed to

detect patient safety events on a regional


Many studies now demonstrate

that patient safety is an international

problem. For example, large studies in the

United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom have

all identified high rates 01 adverse events, and smaller studies in many other

countries have found important safety


In KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital,

for patient safety, four indicators were monitored and the comparison was made

同制田nyear2∞9withyear2∞8. It was

found that for year 2∞8 the rate 01 Length of Stay (LOS) > 5 days after elective

caesarean section was 0.47% and 0% in

year 2009. Both data a陀 bettercom pared

to the standard of < 1 %.

Based on the study conducted by

Stytt Sjukrahuslega, in the Icelandic Medical Journal, 2011 it was found that Median hospital stay decreased

significantly from 81 to 52 hours between

2∞7 and 2008-9. Readmissions were four

in each period and outpatient visit rates similar. In 2008-9, 66% of all women we陀

discharged within 48 hours白 Womenin

the fast-track pr句 ramwere satisfied with

early discharge. Most healthy women can

be discharged early after singleton birth

by elective caesarean, without increasing


Unplan admission to ICU were higher

for both years of 2008 and 2009 in KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital compared

to the standard of zero. Unplanned post-

anaesthetic and surgical admissions

to the intensive care unit (ICU) can

provide an insight into the standard of

問「トoperativemanagement in operating

theatres and ICU resource management,

including quality of anaesthetic care.

For KPJ Seremban, even though

the rate of ICU admission was higher

compared to the standard, most

cases were post surgery admitted by

anaesthetist lor intensive monitoring of

post surgery patients. However the rate of

2009 was lower compared to 2008

Rate of White Appendix was higher than

the standard (5・20%)for year 2008 but it

had dropped significantly for year 2009

after the implementation of Accreditation

with recorded rate of only 12% which is


within the standard rate.

Under pathological conditions, a

thrombus can propagate into otherwise

normal vessels. A thrombus that has

propagated where it is not needed

can obstruct flow in critical vessels.

It can also obliterate valves and other

structures that are essential to normal hemodynamic function. The principal

clinical syndromes that result are acute myocardial infarction (AMI), deepvein

thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, acute

ischemic stroke, acute peripheral arterial

occlusion, and occlusion of indwelling

catheters. Therefore during acute Myocardiallnfarction it is very important

to administer Thrombolytic therapy within

1 hou r of the onset. The standard rate for percentage of

Myocardiallnfarction patients r配 eiVIng

Thrombolytic therapy within 1 hour at the

emergency department was > 70% .From the data collected in KPJ Seremban, it

was found that for the year 2008 the rate

was 75% and it was higher in year 20ω

with the rate of 95% in year 2009 after the

implementation of Accreditation.

More and more hospitals are finding

that significant increases in patient

satisfaction are an added benefit that

results from improving patient flow and

bed management performance. When a

hospital establishes a solid foundation

of effective patient flow processes and

suppoバingtools, satislaction with the overall care experience is enhanced.

Given that consumers have more choice

of where to receive services and are

usi ng data that are now widely avai lable

to infcrm their health care decisions, it is

imperative that hospitals address patient

satisfaction issues. And once a patient receives care, satisfaction plays a role in

how likely he or she is to recommend a

lacility to others. Even high-performing

Organizations struggle to improve Patient


For several years the Hospital

of the University 01 Pennsylvania

(HUP), a member of the University of

Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS)

in Philadelphia, had not seen overall improvement in its patient satisfaction

ratings. The organization 1∞used on

S問cificconcems, such as improving

patient flow from the Emergency Department (ED) into the hospital, but

did not address patient flow and bed

management as a hospital-wide issue.

Then, in October 2005, HUP began to take

a comprehensive, end-to-end approach to improving patient flow.

The University Hospital (fUH) in

Cincinnati, Ohio, a member of the Health

Alliance, had not achieved its patient

satisfaction goals for the three years

prior to undertaking a comprehensive

patient flow performance improvement

initiative in June 2006目Thehospital had established a committee to review patient

satisfaction scores and outline activities

to support improvement. However,

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the committee lacked meaningful data

and analyses that could help pin問intopportunities and assist in developing

action plans for increasing patient


刊eChildren's Hospital-DenverσCH)

回gana comprehensive patient flow

improvement effort in April 2007. For two

years priorto the initiative TCH had seen

a steady decline in its Press Ganey patient

satisfaction scores. TCH attempts to

improve patient satislaction lir試 focused

on individual hospital departments taking

responsibility for their own satisfaction

scores. Then service excellence teams were develop凶 thatfocused on

areas such as the EO, inpatient units and surgical ca陀 .However, patient

satisfaction improvement efforts did not

link flow pn民 essesorganization.wide

or provide data necessary to monitor

performance. Therefore KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital had embarked on

benchmarking activities on admission

time ,discharge tlme and number of

complaints白 Thestandard for patient

admission was 30 minutes. However for

year2∞8 it was印 minutesbut loryear

2∞9 it was reduced to 30 minutes and

meeting the set standard. For discharge

the set standard was 54 minutes. In year2∞8 it was 40 minutes and much

be杖erin 2009 with only 30 minutes after

Accreditation being implemented.

育児complaintshad also improv凶

from 75 cases in 2∞8 to 62 cases in 2∞9.

80th were lower that the set standard 01 137 complaints. However for year 20ω, it

was better than year 2∞8.

Reasons for complaints:

行1emain reasons for complaints

were the p∞r attitude 01 the staff (15

cases in 2008, 12 cases in 2∞9), not giving enough information to patients

(30 cases in 2008, 25 cases in 20ω),

professionalism of staff and doctors (15

cases in 2008, 12 cases in 2009), delay

in getting treatment (10 cases in 2∞8,8

cases in 20ω), delay in admission and

discharges (5 cases in 2∞8and 5 cases

in 2∞9).

Patient complaints are indications

01 their dissatisfaction with the service r民抑制.With increasing patient

expectations, we need to address this

issue for a more satisfying relationship

between healthcare provider and user.

As a comparison, another study

was conducted by HC Lim et al, Why do

patient Complain which was published

in Singapore Medical Journal, was

found that, the main reasons why

patients in this study complained, were strikingly similar. Poor attitude/

conduct, unprofessional conduct,

mismanagement, poor communication

and long waiting time were common

causes of patients' unhappiness.

The Medical Defence Union reported

that breakdown in communication

between doctor and patient constitutes

a major component in complaints

and claims. In this study, the main

reasons for complaints were found to

be related to attitude/conduct (28.8%),

professional skills (17.8%), unmet patient

expectationS/requests (16.2%), waiting

time (10.0%) and communication (7.8%).

Awareness of these reasons for patient

dissatisfaction is n氏自saryas a 1げ5tstep

in the prevention and management of


In this study, the top patient

complaint was relat凶 toattitude/

conduct. Patients seeking medical care

ex問ctto回 treatedby doctors and other

healthcare問 rsonnelwith kindness,

concern and empathy. With increasing

consumerism and the evolving medical

scene into a more customer.orientated service, patients not only expect good

medical care but also good service from

As剖ia伽O∞…nthe medical profession. Real or perceiv凶

poor attitudinal behaviourwould cause

dissatisfaction. Real conduct problems

should be n凶uc凶 toa minimum. It is

also important lor healthcare personnel

to portray a professional and caring

image so that patients do not misperceive

them as being rude and uncaring・

Healthcare personnel also need to match

their professional styles according to

different patients. A doctor's personal

style is not always appropriate for all

his patients and may sometimes be

misinterpreted as hostile even when it is

not. The second main reason for

complaints was related to professional

skills. The complaints were mainly of

cursory examination, incompetence and

inadequate explanation. Patients ex閃ct

doctors to be com問tentand skillful,

thorough in their clinical examination

and 10 provide adequate explanation

r句ardingpatients' illnesses. Competency

and good professional skills are basic

requirements expected of any healthcare

professional. With rapid advances in

medical science and technology and

with an increasingly well.inform凶

public, healthcare問rsonnelne剖 to

involve themselves in continuing medical

凶ucationand training to maintain

their prolessional skills and know恰dge.

Continuing educational and service

training for all cat句oriesof healthcare

personnel should be emphasised and

maintained. In a busy polyclinic with

a heavy workload, consultation tlme is

sometimes limited. Complaints about

cursory examination and inadequate

explanation are often the reflection of

short consultation time白 Measurestaken

to increase the consultation time would

also increase patient satisfaction and decrease complaints arising from a

rushed consultation.


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Asian Hospital Federation

Dissalisfaclion also occurs when

there is a mismatch belween palients'

expectations or demands and medical services received or offered. These unmet expectations were found to be mostly

related to medical leave, medication or referral. 11 is crucial for healthcare

personnel to provide clear and adequale

explanation to address these unmet needs and expectations. In cases of

unrealistically high expectations, a

more tactful approach is necessary.

The informalion provided by the mass

media and the press may sometimes be

misinlerpreted by the public resulting

in unrealistic expectations. Healthcare

personnel and the mass media should

work together to provide appropriate

informalion to better inform and educate the public.

Waiting lime was found to be an

important cause of unhappiness. Waiting

to consult a d∞lor and r句islralion

accounted for the majorily of complaints

on waiting time. Patient load, staff

situation and flow of patients in the

問Iyclinicsare faclors Ihal would affecl

waiting time. Having an adequate staff

complement appropriate for the patient

load is important in reducing waiting

time. Continuing e行ortsat workflow improvement in the polyclinics would also

help increase efficiency.

Unnecessary comments and inadequate

explanation accounled for the majorily

of complaints under the category 01

20 0σOBER -DECEMBER 2012

communications. Whilst it is necessary

to provide patients with adequate

information, healthcare providers

should at the same time avoid making

unnecessary remarks. Complaints often

follow a conflict situation. Good listening,

communication and n句otiationskills

are ne凶edto resolve these unpleasant

situations. These are skills that can be learnt and improved upon. Role playing

complaint siluations can help healthcare

personnel develop better strategies in the

management of such problems

From the data collected in KPJ

Seremban, it was found lhal for clinical incidences the percentages had reduced

from 0.2% in 2009 compared to 0.3% in 2008. Result for year 2009 was better

compared 10 2008国foreAccreditation

implementation. For both years it was

better compared to the standard of 3.7%

to 16%. The same trend can be seen in

non clinical incidences where 0.4 % was

record凶 in2∞8compared to only 0.2 in

2∞9. For continuous human capital

development, as part of the requirement

of hospital Accreditation the number of

sta行attendedtraining in KPJ Seremban

had improved from 21 in year 2008 to 34 in year 20叩.Corporations are

recognizing the importance of investing

in their employees now more than ever

before. Companies are beginning to

understand that to stay on top in the

glo回leconαny,theyn偲 dto place more and

more emphasis on developing and relaining

t同irPEヨople.Organizations that appreciate t同financialim問ctof their employ田soften

referto them as human capital. Derek Stockley (2008), who works

as a human resource trainer, defines human capital as“rec勾 nitionthat

people in organizations and businesses

are an important and essential asset who

contribute to development and gro叫 h,in a similar way to physical assets such

as machines and money. The collective

attitudes, skills and abilities of people

contribute to organizational performance

and productivily. Any expenditure in

training, development, health and suppoパis an investment, not just an expense." He

continues to say, .Competition is so fierce

and change is so fasl. that any

Competitive edge gained by the

introduction of new processes or

technology can岡山o件liv凶 if

competitors adopt the same technology. But to implement change, their people must have the same or betler skills and


For the audit conducted for ISO 9001:

2008 compliance there was no non

conformance recorded in year 20ω.

The result of final survey for MSQH

Accreditation produced in July 2009

found that KPJ Seremban Specialist

Hospital complied to the standard set

by the accrediting加のandthe hospital

was awarded 3 years accreditation until

middle of 2012.

The figure on poor underslanding of

label was improved from 40% in 200810

32 % in 2009. Ineffective communication

had also being improved from 30% in

2008 to 29% in year 2009


Based on the data collected we can

Asion Hospi 01 Federo· Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (23)

see clearly how various clinical and

non clinical indicators, accreditation,

licensee and external assessment

process had improved quality services

for KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital.

The data produced by this study was

in line with the other literature reviews

conducted by many researches. After

the implementation of various external

assessment such as ISO 9001 :2008 and

MSQH hospital accreditation, we can see that for indicators related to patient

safety such as rate of Length of Stay>5

days after elective caesarean section

and percentage of Myocardial infarction

receiving Thrombolytic therapy within 1

hour at the emergency department were

better than 2∞8 and the standard after the implementation of the Accreditation.

Regarding the benchmarking indicators

the admission time ,discharge time and number of complaints had improved after

the implementation of Accreditation.

The complaints had also improved from

75 cases in 2008 to 62 cases in 2009

For both ISO 9001 : 2008 and MSQH

Accreditation, during the surveys that

were conducted, there was no non

conformance recorded and in year

2009 the hospital was awarded 3 years

accreditation until middle of 2012. 刊efigure on poor understanding of

label was improved from 40% in 2008 to 32 % in 2009. Ineffective communication

had also being improved from 30% in

2008 to 290/0 in year 2009


1.附 p://Www.wich配 k問intorgl

wha悶ualityHealthCare.aspx2. htlp!Jハ州


3. httpJ/www.clinicalgovernancescot.

4. htlp://media.wiley.col1'Yproduct_ data 5. Shortell SM et al,Assessing the impact

of continuous quality improvemenVtotal quality management:concept ve隠us

implementation.Health Serv Res


6. Pomey MP et al, Accreditation: a t∞Ifor organizational change in hospitals.lnt J

Health Care Qual Assu r 2∞4

7. Sekimoto M , Impact of hospital

accreditation on infection control

program in teaching hospitals in japan.

Am J Infect Control2∞8

8. Unno T et al,Changes in methadone

treatment practices. results from a

national panel study, 1988-20∞ 9. M,Lemleux Charles et al, Does

accreditation stimulate change? A

study of the context and the impact

of accreditation pr,∞ess on Canadian healthcare organization,lmplement Sci 2010

10. Menachemi N et al, Quality of care in accredit凶 &nonaccr,凶it凶 ambulatory

surgical contents.The Joint Commission

Journal on Quality & Patient Safety, 2∞8 11.

12. AllerG, Myles P, Wolfe R, et al. Validity

of unplanned admission to an intensive

care unit as a measure of patient safety

in surgical patients. Anesthesiol勾Y

加05;103; 1121-1129.

13. Emedicine.medscape.corrν

aバicle/811234-overview14. www.healthleadersmedia.corrν


15. www.altaaぉociates.corr削 f/06-AUG-Cc.凶f

Hj Abd Aziz Abd Rahman Chief Executive αficer (CEO)

Aged 56 years, Hj Abd Aziz Abd Rahman is The Chief

Executive Officer of KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital since February 2004 heading the commissioning team and officially

opening the Emergency services in November 2004

He graduated with a Master in Pharmacy. 1983 Irom

Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia (ITB) , Post Graduate

Diploma In Medical Microbiology (lMR) 1990 Irom Institute 01 Medical Research Malaysia, Master Clinical Pharmacy (1992) lrom University Science

of Malaysia (USM) and Post Graduate Hospital and Heallh Managemenl, 1997 Irom Soulh Bank University of London and holds MBA in 2002 from Instilute of Business

and Management IBM GLOBAL Jakarta Indonesia in cooperalion with Washington

Internalional University. Currenlly he is pursuing PhD in Technology Management in Universili Malaysia Pahang.

He started his career as Pharmacist in Govemment hospital from 19邸ー1995

His careerwith KPJ Healthcare 8erhad commenced in 1995 as Chief Pharmacist

in KPJ Johor Specialisl Hospilal Irom 1995-1999 and promoted to Deputy General

Manager in PSH in 1999, General Manager in Rumah Sakit Selasih, Indonesia from 2000-2003. Now he is the CEO 01 KPJ Seremban since it's operational.


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Asian Hospital Federa↑ion

AHF BOG Meeting 2012 圃 iuesday17 July2012・Kuala

I Lumpur, MAしA,YSIA.The Board

I of Governors of the Asian

Hospital Federation held its annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur on 17 July

2012. Participants included Dato'

Dr. Jacob Thomas (AHF PresidenV Board Chair), Dr. Ruben C. Flores (AHF

President日配t), Prof Dr Paul Dugdale

(Representative of The Australian

Healthcare &. Hospitals Association) ,

Dr Lo Su Vui (Representative of Hong Kong Hospital Authority), Dr Lawrence

Lai (Immediate Past Representative of Hong Kong Hospital Authority),

DR. Dr. Sutoto, MKes (President of Indonesia Hospital Association), Dr

Yoon Soo Klm (President of Korean

Hospital Assoclation), Dr Kwang Tae Kim (IHF President Designate), Dr BU C Castro (President of Philippines

Hospital Association), Dr YトHungChu

(Representative of Taiwan Hospital

Association). The meeting was hosted by the


Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia during its 20th Annual

Conference and Exhibition from 17 to 19 July 2012 at Kuala Lumpur

Convention Center. The Board was also

invited to join the APHM conference

with the theme Re.Thinking, Re. Engaging, Retaining Human Capital,

Re-Inventing Leadership.

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_Q, APHM .、ν一、 Int・m酬。n,,1H.olthccro

司 ψ 2012

APHM Internotionol Heolthc日re(onference & Exhibition 2012 17・ 19July 2012, Kuolo lumpur Convention Centre, Moloysio

The Iαunching of APHM's 20th Conference and Exhibition by YB 0ω。, Sri Liow Tiong

Lαi, Minister of HeαIth Mαlαysia,針。rfed

off with αrousing drums performαnce by

the Malαysian Drum Symphony

y・Ooto'5t1 Uow n。のglol, MlnIst.r of H.。陥

MaloysJo, pr・同州司

仲時 Ope叫ngAddreu.O1he,vtP,制針。@・w.r.Oo,。・OrJo∞b

n剛 TKn,APHM Pr.sI・由冊。s叫 OrKwo咽To・KIm,P,.sld・冊a.o, Int.rno1刷。,e幅削'01f・d・'0'嗣

鞍 |The onnuol APHM Confer-

ence ond Exhibition hosロ1-

woys been 0 mudトロwoited

ev・ntby it$ membe" ond

。Isoby those in the heolth-

C口reond reloted industries.

Criticol issues offecting the

heolthcare industry hロd

been disωssed ond pre-

sented eoch yeor.

In this 20th yeor, APHM's focus wos on the criticロli詰 ue

of human copitol with 35

lnvlted foreign and locol

expe同spresenting on the

theme:“Re・,Thinking,Re-Engaging, R・畑iningHu・man Capital, R・-Inv・ntingL凹 dership".

Among the notoble speok-


• Keynote Spe口ker:Mike

Wogner, Executive Director ond Teoching Officer, The

Advisory Boord Compony, USA

・JohonMohmood Merl-

con, CEO, T口lentCorporo・


• Woyne Br山 e,Chief Executive, Ccentric Austrolio

・DrRuben C. Flores, President Elect, AsiロnHospi-

tol Federotion

• Dr Mory Cordoso, Im-mediote Post President, Mo・

loysion Medicol Associotion

・PouloWilson, President ondO、iefE.xecutive, Joint Commission Intl, USA

• Ton Sri Doto' Dr Abu

Bokor Suleimon, President, Intl Medicol University

• Dr Soniiv Molik, Exeω-

tive Director, Hospltols &

Consultoncy, Group HR

Heod, DM HeロIthcore,UAE

APHM olso orgonized its

。nnuolNursing Conference

。n19 July 2012 with Dr

Sharon Vosuthevon, Presi-

dent of the Nursing A日目io・

tion, South Africロosits Key-

note Speoker. We olso hod

speokers from Austrolio, Singopore, Indio ond Thoi・lond shロringtheir expeけise

with the nursing foculty.

The Asion Hωpitol Federo・

tion hod 0 Forum to disωss

issues thot Asion c。開tries

fロcedin meeting its hυmon

copitol needs in heロIthcore.Portidpoting in this Forum

were the Presidents of hospi-

tol ossociotions from Hong

Kong, Toiwon, Indonesio,

Jopon, S。ωhKoreo ond the

Philippine$. The Forum WO$

moderoted by Doto・DrJocob Thomos, the President

of AHF os wellロsAPHM.

Exhibition-A great success with all 120 booths sold。ω!

TheE.x十、ibitionthis yeor re-

celved tremendous supp。円

from organisations from

Moloysio ond obrood who

took this opport開 ityto

showcose仲糟irlotest prod-

師事 ondservices for the


80 locol ond foreign com-

ponies回目pied1 20 exhi-

bition booths.

Exhibi針。n5al.5 for APHM

2013 has alr伺 dycom・

m.n回 d.Ev・ntwill be h.ld on 2--4 July 20日 inSun-way Pyramid Conv・ntionCentre.












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Dr 50,唱lvMo'ikpri・柑同Ing噌・d・“巾噌個叫 R・耐*噌leod.r耐 pfor21stC断"‘wy"Mod・rotorfor仲圃叫叫@柄、,刷M"Mllt. WOII帽,


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Asian Hospital Federation


The Philippine Experience


A~∞cr,悦ωr伶制e凶ω州仇山山di出蜘州i比陥制t匂凶a討tiゆ伽o∞n… standards and continuous quality improvement i陪s just beginning to take root in the Philippines' health

care system.

The passage of the National Health Insurance Act of

1995 saw the establishmenVcreation of the Philippine

Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC). Because PHIC as

per RA 9241, Article 1, Section 2 is mandated to promote

the improvement of quality through the institutionalization

of quality assurance at alllevels of the health care delivery

I syst…ccredi凶 nwas the neポstepThus in 2002, PHIC launched its Benchbook for national

application. The Benchbook standards were developed based on International standards, more particularly,

the ACHS and JCI standards for hospitals adopted to

the Philippine situation taklng into account the local

circumstances, laws and culture. This Benchbook was

perceived as a new way of incentivizing hospitals to adopt

quality improvement activities in order to be granted by

PhilHealth an accreditation status. Accreditation is linked

with PHIC reimbursement. This PhilHealth Benchbook aims to assess the other

aspects of hospital operation focusing on the pr∞ess and

outcome beyond mere structural standards compliance.

Specifically the Benchbook look atthe following areas:

1. Patient Rights and Organizational Ethics 2. Patient Care

3. Leadership and Management

4. Human Resource Management

5. Information Management

6. Safe Practice and Environment

7. Improving Performance


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This Benchbook was adopted as the new accreditation

standards for hospitals and was implemented in 2010. In its

first year of the PhilHealth Benchbook implementation. many

hospitals exerted efforts to comply with the standards and

the table below shows the percentage of achievement per


| L州 01Accreditation I Num加~仰Is I Percentage

Center 01 Salety

Center 01 Quality











Based on the survey results, the following can be


1. Benchbook compliance seems not a significant problem

among higher level hospitals (Lavado et al. 2010)

2. Some lower level hospitals experience hardship

in complying with the standards because of the

administrative and financial constraints.

3. Training and educational assistance should enable the

majority of hospitals to obtain accreditation in one to two years.

4. The impact of the Benchbook on improving health

outcomes has yet to be established.

The Philippines can be considered unique in a sense

because accreditation is being undertaken by a government


To further institutionalize the national accreditation

initiatives. a body that will undertake the accreditation

of hospitals was espoused by the Department of Health.

Towards this end. a national multi-stakeholders consultation

meeting was conducted last June 10. 2011.

In this meeting. the Philippine Council for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (PCAHO) was

unanimouslyendorsed by the delegates to the Secretary of

Health to be designated as the National Accrediting body for

hospitals adopting the PhilHealth Benchbook standards as

the accreditation tool.

This new development would effect a shift on the task

of accreditation from being performed by government

(PHIC) to one that is carried out bya private entity thru a 3岨partyaccreditation scheme. PCAHO is actually a multi-

stakeholder organization dedicated to quality improvement

initiatives and accreditation and has been in existence for

almost thirteen (13) years now. PCAHO was borne out of

an ADB Funded Project -Strengthenmg of Licensing and Regulatlon of Hospitals. DOH. 1995・1997-that saw the

need for Accreditation of Hospitals for the improvement

of the Quality of hospital services.刊leDepartment 01 Health currently recognizes PCAHO as the National

Accredltlng Body for Accreditation of Health Facilities for

Medical Tourism and the CeバifyingBody for the QSS of

medical clinics of OFW and CDTL. PCAHO is currently an


institutional member of the International Society for Quality

in Healthcare (ISQua) and an Associate member of the

ISQua Accreditation Federation (IA円.It is also a National

member of the Asian Society for Quality in Healthcare (ASQua) and a member of the Executive Board. It has been

invited to serve on the JCI Asian Pacific Advisory Council

The task ahead is Herculean. PCAHO has to gain the

credibility and acceptability in the hospital community by

establishing a track record for competence in accreditation

at parwith 1∞al and eventually international standards. It is to be hoped that with this new development.

accreditation in the country willleapfrog and thereby ensure safe. quality. and excellent health services to the Pilipino and

the global community.


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Asian Hospital Federation

PURI CINERE HOSPITAL Lactation Clinic Child陀 nare Ihe lulu re generalions ...山P 即叩……a釘酌m叩nn判吋1附吋州n刊附川山…9ω仰仰山10伽削orlパt

and lough i比1is our responsibilily as parenls.

Slarting Irom Ihe psychological aspecls of malure

pregnancy 01 mom, balanced nutrition, and regular medical

examinations until the baby was born to be the main thing that

musl be considered.

When the baby is born, breast milk is best lood 10 be

supplied to meet the nutritional needs 01 infants and protect it

againsl possible infections. But still many 01 Ihe molher is nol

oplimal 10 give milk 10 Iheir babies lor various reasons.

Relerring 10 Ihe Indonesia Law -Health Law No. 36 of 2009

section 128 is Ihal Ihe adminislration 01 Molher's Milk (ASI) 10

Ihe righl 01 every baby and during breasl feeding Ihe lamily.

The purpose 01 Puri Cinere Hospital Lactation Clinic is

a place to gel information for pregnant women who want to

undersland more clearly aboul the benefils 01 breastfeeding I support of“10 Sleps 10 Successful Breastfeeding" are:

and how breaslleeding is good lor Ihe baby. Also 10 provide I 1. Have a written policy on breastfeeding

counseling and Ireatment for molhers who have breastfeeding I 2. Pro¥lide training lor officers

problem. I 3. Explain Ihe benelils 01 breastfeeding righl

Laclalion Clinic Services addressed 10 Puri Cinere I 4. Implemenling Early Inilialion 01 Suckling

Pregnanl and nursing molhers, Ihe role of Specialisl I 5. Demonslrale Ihe correcl breastfeeding lechnique Obsletrics and Gynecology Specialists Children are very high. I 6. Do not gi¥le lood or drink other than breastmillく

Mom -Mom is in a period 0128 weeks (ANC) can already be I 7. Implement rooming referred to the Lactalion Clinic as well as the mother -mother I 8_ Helping Molher breastfeeding baby as ollen as possible and

after delivery (posl partum) may perform counseling or joint I arbitrarily education classes held in Puri Cinere Hospital Lactation Clinic, I 9. Do not give your baby a pacifier or kempeng

Home care and Services_ I 10. Promoting Breastfeeding Support group

Supported by:

• Certified International Consultant

• National Certilied Counselors & experienced

• Facilities and equipment are appropriate and comfortable

• Time effective service_

• Strategic Clinic Locations

Puri Cinere Hospilal Lactation Clinic will pro¥lide services and

to meet Ihe criteria that have been issued by WHO / UNICEF in


Clinical Lactation

PURI Cinere Hospital -FLOOR 4

JしMaribayaNo. 1・PuriCinere Depok 16514

Tel (+62-21) 7545488, Fax: (+62-21) 7545490

LlQUID MAGIC IS NAMED“milk" The presence of beloved凶byis the most awaited byall mothers.

Towards the day of 'H", all the equipment the child usually is ready, but if

you also have 10 pre問開f∞dlor the little guず?

are mixed using t.ωay・slechnology could not match the benelits 01 this

miraculous lood.

List Ihe benelils 01 breastfωding lor babies is being added every day

Research shows Ihal凶bieswhowe問 breastfedare同州cularlyprolecled

ASI (Air Susu Ibu/Breast Milk), THE MOST IMPORTANT I against respiraloryand digesti¥lesystemdiseases.刊紙 isbecause the

FOOD FOR BABIES I immune substances in brea討削除 providea direcl delense against disease.

Breast milk (ASI) is a malchless compound crealed by G凶 10lullill I Other propeバies01 breast milk also provides proleclion against the disease the nutritional needs 01 inlants and protect it against possible inlections. I is providing a hospitable environment lor bacteria 、rolilable"so-callω The balance of nutrients in breast milk is at its best and has the lorm 01 I 綱円ormallloraへThepresence 01 Ihese bacleria inhibit the growth 01 bacteria,

milk is best forthe baby's immature body. At the same time, breast 川 Ikis I vi叩sesand parasites. Mor,ωver, it has been demonstrated also that there

also very rich in food juices which accelerate the growth 01 brain cells and I are elemenls in breast milk Ihat can shape Ihe immune system againsl

the development 01 syslem-saral_Makanan artificial lood for infanls who 1 inlectious d除easesand help to work properly.


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Because il has除enmixed in a s問cialway, milk IS the most easily

digesled 10剖 yourbaby. Allhough very rich in nutrients, breasl milk is easily

digesled by Ihe baby's digestive system is vulnerable. Since the baby thus

ASiGnHopiblMerd税金Therelore, breastfeeding is the mosl powe巾lantib吋yaid lor ear1y

growth 01 the baby. Moreover because the milk turned oul to contain many

millions 01 white blo吋 cellsthat are useful to kill the凶dbac!eria in the gut

expends less energy on digestion, so that he can use that energy lor other I 01 inlants. Immune substances is truly am位 ing.Mothers immune 10 various

加dilylunctions, gr,仰Ihand 0吻andevelopment I diseases will be r凶uc凶 10Iheir inlants through breast milk. 1I there's

One 01 Ihe things that cause breast milk is nece鈴arylor the _ ~・.... a mother has antiは刈iesagainst live diseases, the凶bywillalω

d悦 lopmentoln制 bomsis the content 01 omega-3 oil alpha linoleic ‘v 、getthe same heritage.


7 and r<附e凶tina悶1冶a,theo州ili陪sa創|陶鈎v将e町『叩ylmp閃0同巾an川tl伽0町rne制W凶m円s.Om 句a.叫.δ3 , 、r pr,時e閃『“in叩91伽0ぴre伺ar均Iyb伽re鈎aお制s試tmil胤|胤k.H口仰wdω01η

;に:::に;;:;:::幻沈沈::3U;:r;:l:;:口:::;以;江:立以:立立訪詑?:立::;;口;::;コ;:!:古:江出;::l:なご~e (~、門 宅ヤs幻1,P.且STI目!Lは以::;:z立;;ご?:;i:む;:訂;:お九品L::LLL:Lらゐいいe刷W川叩1げ叩「叩巾pr句叩馴陥馴anc叩c、-〆/戸--.... J 問削cularlyemphasize the im閃巾nce01 breastfeeding as a 、』・ー_-J Counseling is done during pr'句nancy,

natural and閃rfectstore 01 om句a-3. 司、 剖lowingmothers to get inlormation about the nail on the benefits

01 breastfeeding, how to breastfeed, and 50 on


1I plays an important role on the health 01凶bieschange with the I during childbirth

stages through which the inlant and the ty問。1nutrients needed at I 3. Asking the right to NOT GIVE AN行HINGOTHER THAN INTAKE mllk to

ce巾 instages. The content 01 the milk change to meet the needs 01 this I the newborn

very special. ASI, which is always ready at all times and always at the ideal I 4. Asking the right to BABY DO NOTβSUEDSEPA臥JEIrom the mother

temperature, plays a major role in bram development because Ihe sugar I 5. Ch∞sing health care lacilities and health workers who run the 10 Sleps

and匂1it contains. In addition, elements such as calcium which has play凶 I to Successlul Breastfeeding

a major role in the development 01 baby's bones

AJthough it is called milk, this miraculous compound actually consists

mostly 01 water. This is the most impo巾ntfeature回causein addition to

以刈,回biesalωn関 dliquid in Ihe lorm 01附 ter刊 esitualion is really

clean and heallhy may not be established in water or loodstuffs olher than

mother's milk. However, breast milk. at least 9びlbwater., the baby's water

needs in Ihe most clean and healthy.

ASI AND INTELLlGENCE Scientilic research shαNS that cognitive development in inlants led

breast milk is better than other babies. A comparative analysis 01 b陪ast・f凶

inlants and lormula.led babies by James W. Anderson・anexpert Irom the

University 01 Kentucky. proving that 10 (intelligence)凶biesled breast milk

were5問 nlshigher Ihan other babies. Based on the results 01 this study

established that breast milk is given up to 6 months benelit the intelligence

01 inlants, and children who are breastfed are less than 8 weeks show no 10


On the flrst day alter birth, breast milk is very high nutrient content. AT

ほAST30 minutes or hall an hour alter bi巾,inlants should be breastfed.

At that time the mother pr,凶ucesmilk colostrum, early milk.colored or

yellowish and watery. Colostrum is rich in nutrients and antibodies thal

serve to prolect inlants Irom inlection. Colostrum will ap閃aragain 30 hours

laler. That means il the baby does not immedialely get the li附 colostrum,

she 1ωt her highly nutritious substances lrom Ihe mother

Functionally, colostrum plays clean up the bile and mucus (meconium)

in the baby's digeslive tract. This is very im四社ant回causeat Ihe time after

biバh,回biesare very susceptible to inlection and a very new environment

lor him. Colostrum al50 will eliminate hunger in Ihe newborn must be

accompanied by the intake 01 sugar without milk or lormula

In addition to filling, colostrum conlains immunoglo凶linsor immune.

Type 01 prolein in the body in charge 01 lighting the infecti∞明snol抑制by

the dairy animals. The∞ntent 01 this su凶tanceincolωlrum hmgga17 a国Jt

10 times r<none than in matune bneast milk. Thalωus凶 bre,俗世凶babieshave

Immune optimally 15 to 20 times better. A.ctually, the凶by・s凶 yhas同unω

CHOOSE PLACE OF LOVE BABY CHILDBIRTH Matemity home or hospital・dear凶by・isa health care facility that

meels Ihe criteria thal have険制issu凶 byWHO,八JNICEFin order 10

sup仰パtheprogram meyusui. The 10 crileria are:

1. Have a written問licyon breastfeeding

2. Pr,側detraining lor officers

3. Explain Ihe benelits 01 breastfeedlng nght

4. Implementing Ear1y Initiation 01 Suckling

5. Demonstrale the correct breastfeedlng technique

6. Do not give以刈ordrink olher than breastmilk

7. Implement (1∞ming

8. Helping molhers breastfeed your baby as ofte円as凹ssibleand


9. Do nol give a pacilier and or kempeng

10. Foslering Support Group Breastfeedlng

To determine whether a healthωre lacility to implement 10 measures

Ihe success 01 breastfeeding, Ihe mother can ask lor their righls, namely:

1. 10 explain the benelits 01 breastfeedmg

2. 10 be taught the pro閃rway 01 breastfeeding

3. 10 get service when Ihe delivery 01 Early Initiation 01 Suckling

4. not 10 give an州ingolher than breast milk intake 10 a new凶m

5. lor babies are not kept separale Irom Ihe mother

6. 10 support mothers to breastfeed whenever

7. 10 nol give a pacifier or kempeng

8. Health workers not to give gllts that come Irom manulaclurers 01 inlant


9. Health lacililies are not pul lormula milk manufacturer's logo on

posters, leallets, banners, baby boxes, blankels, and all malerials 01


10. to be develo問dor relerr,凶10breastfeedmg mothers sUPI初代group

So, do not ever hesilate to glve exclusive breastfeeding as the 10ωs lor

make its own anti刷 less∞nafter birth. Hα嶋 ver,the new anli刷 iesIhal will I our babies白

neach peakst陀n以hin infanls aged nine to 12 months From Vlrious師 u.'四 S


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Asian Hospital Federation Advertising Rates

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US$7∞ 1x

US$5∞ US$3∞

ADVERTISING RATE CARD Date Effective June 1, 2012

The Asian Hospital Federation is an independent, non-political body, constituted bya number of national

hospital association in the Asia Pacific region.

The aims and objectives of the Federation a陀 toωordinateactivities of hospital associations in the

陀gionfor the attainment of quality health care and to establish and promote asystem for the exchange

of information in every aspects of hospital and health care services, and on the latest advances and


US$ 750





US$ 650

US$5∞ 4x



Please remit the payment to the bank account as below:

Account Name: Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia

Account Number: 1432・0002193-054

Bank Branch: CIMB Bank Cawangan

Add陀ss:Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman 338 Bangunan Commerce Life 50100 Kuala lumpur

Swift Code: CIBBMYKL


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Feel Better


24 Hours TolI FREE :1・800・88・PCMζ

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Prince Court Medical Centre 39, Jalar、KlaPeng 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel; 24 hours HOTLlNE ・t(60l321600000 Fax: +(60)3 21600010




E対官さ話t? a%旬a編b且a詔寵 @ @ 愈.・~・.m. ..4He .岡.‘ !市叫~: ,、


軸田岬圃幽..._ 血咽・.珂叫旬"... . ,胸咽'園町' _.、-・ 園田唱_..‘曲-"*'-'"‘組M・陶岨酬M・'.・・'"m-・a個個m H咽.. 畠a.i四 4tse・bHP,町 ,司ーー甲田iii;胃盲R目,...回・-

品目 '一 ー... 同 圃"'.11崎申 『 帽圃・-~由司岡両,司_ .・・.-・u・e・... ・..........,・唱 _.._

川 ~ 一一、宅関空.. ~弓lf'Zli可.

=,'., Professional Care. .Exclusive_ $e汀ing.Personalised. Ser;Vic.e:-_-

rj白色晶画L一PtCQ• lf TFN¥W1一一“出品ー白血岨幽幽由民一~白血凶部品一一Itk4ιII1II']

Asion Hospi 01 Federo· Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (32)

You helped mγbaby's hea閃,and minel beat strong agaln.

VIRYANTI and FELlCE CHOLlN, mother and daughter

6'.... -.

U 。,暗"剛/v;(岬嗣.....岡coow闇瞬間納館開曲e咽

My babywas born with a life threatening congenital problem, known as Tracheo-Esophageal

Fistula (TEF). In Sumatra, Indonesia where we are from, it's not easy finding doctors who specialize

in treating these types of complicated medical conditions so we decided totravel to Malaysia for


1 decided to go to Sime Darby Medical Centre because the hospital is well known in my city and they

have an excellent reputation fortreating difficult cases, like ours. 1 knew we made the right decision

choosing Sime Darby Medical Centre, because instead of one doctor looking after Felice we had a

team of specialists, who also found and treated a problem with her heart.

1 can't say this was an easy time for either of us, but the care and the commitment of the doctors and

nursing staff were beyond anything we could have expected. 1 am happy to report Felice is doing

well and improving by the day... and so is her mother.

www.simedarbγhealthcare_com Healthcare

Asion Hospi 01 Federo · Asion Hospi↑01 Federo↑ion EDITION 04・OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2012 I nternational Healthcare Accred itation. - [PDF Document] (2025)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.