× Bidding has ended on this item.
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Payment and pickup must be made before Saturday January 18th at 6pm
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You may make payment at pickup using credit, debit and cash. We do not accept AMEX cards
All items must be picked up at 366 Grand River Ave, Brantford. Ontario
Pickup Times:
Friday January 17th 9AM-6PM
Saturday January 18th 9AM-6PM
This Auction Uses Proxy Bidding.
Brondell Omigo Element+ Non-Electric Warm Water Bidet with Dual Nozzles 
Condition: Like New MSRP: 74.99
- Current Price $5.00 ( ) No Reserve
- 1 Bid(s) View Bid History
- High Bidder: Mishy2024
Contact Seller Payment Options Seller Accepts PayPal
Seller Accepts Credit Cards
Lot # 124489
System ID # 55857261
End Date
Start Date
Condition: Like New
Inspection: Damaged box but the contents do not look opened. No signs of water on the plumbing parts. Untested with water
Below is the manufacturers description. We do not guarantee this description to accurately describe the products being sold. Please bid accordingly
Features:Please Note: Warm water connection requires access to your sink’s incoming water line; Includes 6 feet of clear flexible tubing to connect to your sink’s hot water line; Slim design slips beneath your existing toilet seat; Fits round and elongated toilets; Electricity-free operation; Large, easy-to-use dial controls; Dual front and rear nozzles; Precise water pressure control ; From soft to full-powered spray; Fresh-water nozzle rinse runs automatically before and after every wash; Hygienic nozzle guard protects nozzles; Nozzles retract when bidet is not in use; Brass and ceramic internal components; Easy DIY installation with everything included for a standard installation; Omigo is part of the Brondell family; Includes:Bidet Attachment; Metal Braided Hose; Hot and Cold Connection T-Valve; 6 ft. Flexible Tubing; Specifications:Dimensions (L × W × H/D): 26.67 cm × 39.37 cm × 7.62 cm (10.5 in. × 15.5 in. × 3 in.); Weight: .363 kg (0.8 lb.)