Could Swerve vs Ospreay Be Match Of The Year? - WR Daily - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

On todays episode of Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast Clark Taylor, Coby Galenzoski, Anthony Ricciardi and Tommy discuss last nights Forbidden Door PPV and if Swerve vs Ospreay could end up being match of the year.

Todays episode will be LIVE at 8:00pm BST / 3:00pm EST / 12:00pm PST!

Wrestling Republic’s Daily Broadcast is a 45 minute daily podcast (with video) discussing the days wrestling news and all of the latest shows. The show is hosted by Ben Allison, Clark Taylor or Shad Huda, with a cast of rotating panelists to join the discussion. To join in with the discussion, you can LIVE comment throughout the show via YouTube.

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[Music] Republic yes he is Republic Republic yes he is Republic Republic is is what is going on everybody we are back once again with another edition of wrestling Republic’s daily broadcast what in the world it’s Monday July 1st you’re kidding me where has the time gone in 2024 usually this would be mailbag Monday but unfortunately we are saving that mail for later because we are fresh off of forbidden door we’re gonna be breaking all of that down right this second essentially um I’ve already got a comment in here Lord virus of nurgle with up Clark what’s going on my friend thank you for tuning in but I got to introduce the panel for today out of the gates absolutely let me send this one over to Philadelphia we’ve been hanging out way too many days in a row But Why Stop Now post forbidden door yesterday daily how are you head of opinions Anthony richardi I’m doing all right you know it’s fun to always uh review a pay-per-view and uh today’s a special day you know Clark you you’ll appreciate this amongst everybody happy B Bobby Bena day it’s the fun day that every year July 1st a Phillies fan that hates the Mets gets to enjoy the fact that they did the dumbest thing of all time and deferred a payment of $6 million and instead are paying him 1.2 million a year until 2035 so it’s fun it is a beautiful day and if you know me you know I’m a good friend of Bobby Bona’s monster shout out American Airlines celebrity golf champions as teammates by Bo the man congrats once again another year stronger absolutely I’m going to send this one though now north of the border to our head reviewing a guy that really had to do a lot of extra work last night during that watch party we enjoyed for forbidden door Kobe galleni how are you on this fine Mond been pretty good of course it was a little more draining than normal didn’t have the crew I have Ben Allison had had import an important meeting today so I was do stuck doing the Instagram of course there was of course my my aw reviewer was unable to do it as well so I was stuck doing everything forbidden door related and review related at the same time it it went smooth of course I trust myself but of course it was an enjoyable night of wrestling regardless there’s some stuff like I had issues with and of course we’ll get into that when we can but you have one more person to introduce absolutely and we’re going to go South but not very far south to my hometown of Chicago coach Tommy Welsh what’s going on good to have you back how you been what’s going on guys it’s going to be back love talking some forbidden door and and aew I it’s it’s one of my favorite pay-per-views of the year uh went to the first one here in Chicago and absolutely loved it so I’m excited to to talk about it and I mean my night was a little bit easier than Kobe so I’m chilling I’m good man I’m ready to go absolutely I am fired up myself let’s get right into it let’s start with that main event of the evening out of the gates let’s get it out of the way because I think it’s the key talking point coming out of last night this is a match that was off the charts normally and I would head over to you but I know Kobe reviewed this match last night controversial score but not really it’s about as high as you could give it without going all the way not quite five coob I got to ask you about that because my question is could this potenti be considered a match of the Year candidate I mean that’s the thing it can and we’re not the the the if we’re talking about match of the Year obviously it doesn’t depend on my rating of course there are have been already a number of five star matches under the banner of course Cody and Roman biley and EOS Sky uh Sammy Gunther just to name a few Danielson Osprey of course this had every right to poten potentially be a festar classic a f WR Five Star as we like to call it of course but I I mean per personally there was issues with the psychology and at the end we know they love to do their near their near their near Falls they’re false finishes they it got to the point where it was like okay just just end it swerve swerve had it twice and pretty much should have had it one of those times before and then he had he had to hit him with the house call and Osprey still getting to his feet like you should have had that like I If if swerve is holding will osprey’s lifeless body or his dead weight up and then dropping him down there’s no way will Osprey should be getting up right after the house call again and then it should have been swerve Strickland really pulling him up to get him into position for the jmml driver or I think they call it Big pressure now they might I’m pretty sure but regardless I mean that it it was the right move we needed will will ospry to lose this match you’re not putting both titles on him at this point swer strickle needed this defining victory for his championship Reigns got it I don’t know what’s to come of course we know will ospr is going to face Dan Dan Garcia in Chicago uh swerve we know is facing the winner of the Owen and I it I I think it’s either us it’s either Danielson or if this wild card has a shot maybe the wild card but I don’t know where where it’s going but I’m excited absolutely so sorry by the way I clicked the wrong button there um but the I was trying to unmute myself and I put the camera on myself I totally apologize Kobe but the no I I I love what you said there I understand also marking it down I do think Taz did a good job of covering up though the spot where it came to those house calls he said Osprey looks out on his feet thought that was one of the best commentary spots of the night I do have to give credit where it’s due when it comes to that but I also agree with you that a slower build or a more dead weight will Osprey would have been a visually more appealing finish to the match given all the false finishes we had at the end right the F that’s the thing you’re he out trying to sell that he’s out why why is he still moving out on his especially after another shot I will say this coob and I’m not even trying to extend the conversation on this part of it that much longer but we did both also watch Yi porosa and Alex petta on on Saturday night out on your feet is a real thing right yeah that that left hook in the first round is why what happened in the second round happened he was out on his feet right that that fight was already over they may they could have sold that that story better visually is the way that I would put it if that makes sense Co would you agree with that right no it could have been very well done like yes I understand they do the near Falls and you can do it but he could still stand up and be jelly more jelly legged more right like he he did still look like he was kind of in the match standing up from that many shots well yeah he was thing he probably shouldn’t have taken it off his elbow pad and just did it that’s part of the reason why swerf could have just went caught him no he took it off and then he still did it yep like I mean I don’t know there it it it I don’t want to say it took me out of what was a very entertaining and very good and I can say plenty of good things especially after basically bringing the crowd to life after a lifeless night I’m with you on that too it was by the match night a little bitow I I don’t want people to think we’re out here just like looking at a masterpiece and trying to find one bad brush stroke right like that that’s not the case this is the one thing you could possibly criticize and given that you reviewed it you know if 475 is as strong of a score as you can give other than one other so like let’s let’s not let’s not forget that this was a great great finishing match and like you said rewok the crowd from uh a night that was kind of up and down when it came to the crowd stuff Anthony obviously we’re head of opinions head of reviewing we got an All-Star team and then we got coach Come on Anthony Anthony what were your thoughts on this one last night was this the match of the night let’s not even go match of the year yeah I I for me I I think it was the match of the night for me um you know it’s a it was a very tough spot for them to be in because and as this has been just many times they overstack the card with 15 matches 5 and a half hours that’s a lot for an audience to sit through and to get a reaction from the crowd after all that time it’s extra hard for them um we we talk about on Thursdays all the time on throwback when we we cover Dynamite uh the build for this match has always been a a bit of an issue uh at least a part of in the beginning when they were building towards the swerve Osprey match but during those final builds they nailed it I I felt like it it was more of a okay there’s actual heat there so you can kind of do stuff with it I thought it they delivered in the ring uh I agree with you you know very much you can get hit and the lights are on but no one’s home you’re kind of on autopilot and I kind of viewed that’s kind of how Osprey was when he when he delivered um his hidden blade it was kind of like it’s just Instinct at that point um you know they they also continue the dawn story you know eventually this is going to lead to Osprey likely feuding with the Don call family whatever that particular group is going to end up being because it’s kind of it’s there but it’s not doing anything um but there’s a number of stables in aw there in that position um so I think that’s ultimately the direction it’s probably going to go uh him beating him clean uh surprised me a little bit because I thought knowing how they’re pushing him I wasn’t really sure if they were going to do the clean finish um but it it helped further establish swerve as a legitimate Champion which was the concern going into it that his booking didn’t didn’t have the same gravitas the same feel that he should have uh where he goes from here uh there’s any number of things like they said the ens tournament we don’t know exactly who’s going to win it could be Danielson it could be the wild card it could be rumored names that are possibly coming into the company it’s any number of people that can go in with a wild card it’s exactly not a wild card it it could easily be Ricochet it could be Danielson it could be Jeff Jarrett which I don’t think it would be um I can’t imagine that would be the match for all in but but overall I thought swerve and ospry delivered in there especially I love the spot with the um the stomp on the uh announced desk I thought that visually was a very cool move to witness and had it be a nightmare to receive it’s interesting because I think after the night we had to to your point we almost forgot about how athletic these two are like there was some Cirus CET stuff this there was some vintage Osprey stuff yes if you haven’t seen Osprey doing a long time right like there was there was some right stunt man type action um an interesting other one and I want to get Tom Tommy I want to get your I want to get your thoughts on the entire thing there was the spot with a screwdriver with Callas I think the part that I like the most about that was it actually established how much Nana means to Swerve Prince Nana’s role as swerves manager whatever you’d like to call him has really been kind of focused around how entertaining and fun the dance is MH and how supportive he is but he clearly means a lot to swerve and I thought that was one of the coolest storytelling moments in the match because it was real simple they did all kinds of moves and and things that you don’t see every day just a screwdriver that never gets used reminds us how valuable Prince Nana is to Swerve as his friend and Confidant which is cool I think it’s Unique for a Babyface Champion to have a manager that’s that relevant in the storyline but I want get your thoughts on all of it do do you agree with that sentiment though when it comes to the n and swerve relationship and partnership yeah absolutely I think that it it was a nice little touch at the end there and it was kind of like an Ode to Kenny against Moxley as well where it kind of went down and then the turn against Kenny so it was a really really great touch there and a really nice little perspective I really liked when when will had Nana by the by the guzzle was going to do it and and n was like will it’s me it’s me so it kind of added again to that like well ospr and swerve are kind of friends in real life so it added to that feel as well but I mean I you know Anthony and Kobe and you touched on it all like it all had its moments I will say that you know the the second false finish it popped me like I’m like okay it’s done that’s a cool ending it’s it’s over and then when he kicked out I was like oh okay cool like what else is next then it just adds more fuel to the J driver big pressure whatever that it’s a legit finisher which I love and I wish he would use more but understand how difficult it is against maybe some bigger opponents but you know overall the match was just fantastic I loved I loved swerve using the hidden blade against sapre looked so good uh going into the SCF stomp I thought that was awesome uh you know like you said the stomp on the table was phenomenal the pile driver on the on the railing I thought was so cool like they had teased it earlier then led to a sweet Hurrican and then boom we bring it back and and we actually hit a really impactful move uh the match was just it was phenomenal I mean like we were talking you can you can pick it pick apart just the little things but I mean Osprey again puts on another another Banger swerve is just that good so I knew going into the night that this was going to be the match of the night and it was going to be super entertaining and and high paced and all that stuff and it it did not disappoint so I I could not have been happier with this I I thought the the Finish to have swerve go over clean was good was smart um it definitely adds to his championship prowess and it’s it’s GNA be interesting if they want to go hangman swerve three at Allin if he’s the if he’s the wild card or if they bring in Ricochet or I would love a Jay White swerve at Allin just because I’m a huge Jay White Mark but I I loved it this was this was fantastic yeah I I am 100% with you it was definitely the match of the night in my eyes and and consider consider it a classic I think for sure but yeah the false finishes like you said the first two were like whoa and when we started getting deeper in the waters you’re like okay any one of these it’s this this is over and that’s where you’re it almost like sucked some of the wind out of the out of the Log Cabin they had built right like they just like yeah it it it was great the other thing that I found really interesting before we move on really quick was it just me or postmatch did it feel like there was going to be some sort of return or runin or something as they showed swerve celebrate a lot longer before the watermark came up yeah than I expected was I the only one that felt like that it felt like there was going to be and my only thought was it because nothing obviously happened did they finish early and they were just buying time till they finished the the pay-per-view like that’s that was the only thing I could think of because why else would you the idea of just allow swerve to celebrate for longer because it was an awesome match and he just beat will osre clean but it didn’t feel in a weird way it felt like it was like there was something else like maybe that they were going to and maybe didn’t necessarily work out I’m not saying like a major debut or anything like that but like there was they were going to do one more thing and like oh no that’s that’s the end of the show right that that’s that’s just the feeling I got yeah it ended right on the dot so like it’s possible that they did finish early like it the second 11 Central hit like boom they done it was G yeah 100% yeah it was just interesting the way that there was there’s a little bit more celebration time than I’m used to for an aw pay-per-view is is all I say about that yeah okay let’s talk about the aw women’s world championship match Tony storm and Mina shirakawa Tony storm doing character work all day in the curlers on the Zero Hour stop it stop it knock it off every time they show her sitting on it’s in black and white like come on you’re kidding me I love it and then she comes out gets the win Mariah may Tony it the whole thing I like I like all of this it’s just great character work it’s old school and it’s fun Kobe you rated it last night got to get your thoughts on this match and your thoughts though less important than your rating because if you haven’t read Kobe’s rating go read the article I’m not just gonna make him talk about his rating all day on today’s show tell me what you think about Tony Storm’s character work and how crazy it is since she’s I mean she was getting caked or pied in the face by charl Charlotte Flair at the end of that WWE run and now we have her in the 1950s where did she buy her time machine I mean that’s the thing is it’s insane to look at someone like Tony storm who’s been in aw for almost just over two years and she’s been Champion three different times and three different personas and it it shows her her ability to play more characters and different characters she won it normally she won it as the outcast of course Timeless I I do like the idea the Statue of Liberty appearance and she did had the flaming torch and she was wearing all green and the connection to that and the broken glass promo from Collision where she was stepping in the broken glass from the champagne bottle it connects it works it’s well thought out there’s a lot of good nuggets and good it’s a lot of good path lines right here sorry sorry I had to quickly mute regardless this match irked me and I think there’s a lot of good stuff in this you sound irked like I I do sound irked it it it it had a lot of things go in a weird position and Tony storm and Min Shakara didn’t play off the story that was being told the entire story that’s been the last three months is how Mariah May has passed with Mina shawa and she’s clearly doing stuff with Tony storm right now from start to finish that didn’t Dynamic those interactions those relationships were never played upon in throughout the entire match and that’s what irks me I wanted to see Mariah may be have an issue with it have tone have have Tony storm do the hip attack into the steps show her wincing the star of the program is Mariah May and she did nothing in this match outside of after the match that angle left a lot more to be desired based on just where this could have gone and what could have happened and what they could have done with the entire dynamics that they’ve created but it it just didn’t happen I think it was a good enough match for what it was probably the second best Tony storm match of the year I think that it’s still Thunder Rosa from Dynasty but the others were kind of underwhelming from Revolution and double or nothing but it was this was still underwhelming as well because I expected more story I expected more of the story that they’ve been telling to play out to actually come to light in this match and it didn’t I hear you and that’s what pains me we’ve got Andy W in the comments here that was the pre-show Main Event match was awesome I thought so too and it set up the curers everything it was great um I love the The Poetry on that like this left a lot to be desired and like the entire story was built around desire that one’s not lost upon me I’m just saying but let’s go ahead and talk about our friends over at Next Level because if you’re looking for more wrestling content and you haven’t already gone here I don’t know what you’re doing they’re great it’s absolutely free free no gimmicks whatsoever go to nxc connect. mewest Republic all of our content across all platforms linked all in one place super user friendly tons of giveaways all kinds of fun stuff going on and speaking of fun stuff let’s continue to talk about forbidden door we have a TBS title match that I was excited about Stephanie Vare is awesome she is so dang good it’s not even funny and I’m a giant fan of Mercedes Monae I am even though that she’s got the Boston connection with the Snoop relationship she’s basically an honorary West coaster in my eyes so I’m totally a Mercedes Monae fan the CEO gets the win and then the right rivalry was built bring back that dentist we’re gonna have some teeth rearranged Tommy what are we doing here yeah no I I mean that that was the big takeaway from that match for me is Dr Britt Baker DMD comes back and and The Crowd Goes Nuts I mean the the three things that I took away from this match were New York hates Boston Mercedes Monae and Stephanie vaker uh is a is a stud and then obviously Dr Brit breaker but you know it it was super entertaining it was you know a a great match I thought it was paced really well I I is with how they are treating title compared to the Women’s Championship that’s my only gripe with with this is that they’re building this title up to be even bigger than the Women’s Championship here’s Tony storm doing everything under the sun to make it super relevant and super good and here you bring in Mercedes Monae now she’s double champion and then you have Brit Baker come back like it just felt weird to me in that sense that they’re treating this title bigger than the Women’s Championship but overall I mean the match was great it was super entertaining we found a new star in Stephanie veier in in the Women’s Run and then yeah I mean that pop that Dr Brit Baker got was just unreal like it it was one I was like all right we know Mona is going over it’s cool I’m I’m enjoying it then boom that music hit and I popped again a little bit I was like nice we haven’t seen and it’s great to have her back so I’m excited to see that Feud out and would love for it to to you know push far and I assume it’ll lead to Allin and that but it it it was great I love seeing RIT Baker come back the good doctor is back that’s all I’m saying she’s back right I’m excited about it I loved the like you said New York Kates Boston it was hilarious you see the one guy in the Celtics t-shirt I think he thought the crowd was chanting at him and just had no idea that Mercedes Monae is from Boston his reaction the poor guy he’s like the one guy he’s wearing a Celtics championship t-shirt in the third row he stood up he like looked around he’s like what did I do I’m so sorry I wore the wrong t-shirt it’s like it’s not you they don’t they’re not even looking at you Clark side note you you and I and and Kobe when we were at Mania weekend last year the Ring of Honor show the same thing happened in La where there was somebody wearing a Celtics Jersey and the Lakers but but again but still we witnessed it twice it’s it’s a rival we’ve seen it Tony konos at least twice like you said it was at the at the LA Ring of Honor show Mania weekend 39 uh there’s a guy in a Jason Tatum jersey in the front row and the immediate chant was F Boston from the entire crowd yep he was milking though I got to give this guy credit he loved every second of it I was like I that that’s sweet although I don’t know how you wake up and you’re like you know what I’m going to wear the Ring of water show tonight my Jason Tatum Jersey you wake up and chose violence he woke up and chose violence that day never understood that it’s like it’s an odd choice for sure yeah it’s an odd decision you’re like you know what I should totally wear is my Ron arest throwback to the Garden no been great that would be funny love that or at least in Detroit if you we’re really getting nasty on when it comes to that one like we’re Larry bir Jersey something I I would respect a retro like but yeah Jason Tatum like yeah he’s great but the guy was wearing it too I think I said this to actually Anthony and Kobe when we were sitting in the seats watching him I’m like pretty sure Tatum’s younger than the guy that’s wearing the Jersey you said it to me you said it to me I think Tatum’s like four or five years younger than that guy okay I’m sorry that’s enough on it’s enough on Celtics and Lakers in New York let let’s move on to the IWGP heavyweight championship match correct yes World Heavyweight Championship match between tetsuya naito and John Moxley Ben Ben had a day in the field with this one or a field day as they would call it he was really disappointed in one tatsuya Nao I don’t know without AI type translation technology that Nao can ever hear this so I think we can be really critical when it comes to this segment and at least that’s what I told Ben this morning but I totally get where he’s coming from nao’s facial expressions are great something was up there was some funk and also I like the New Japan theme I guess with Moxley but can’t they just play Wild Thing Anthony what in the world is going on here with this it’s funny because Ben got a lot of push back even from our own people in in a general chat about this this take one particular person in particular I had an issue with it um to me I don’t watch a lot of New Japan I will watch it if I hear something or there’s a match that I really want to see but as a whole I really don’t so I don’t have as much experience seeing naido as as some other people I have seen him a bunch I’ve never been a fan of naido um but I get exactly what Ben’s saying last night for a guy that’s 42 he was moving around in that ring like he was 62 like it like there was no real effort by by him in this match at points it literally looked like I’m laying on my back let Moxley do all the work like it very much felt that way and you know from the sloppy moves at different points this was a match that like I don’t I guess the New Japan audience it might appeal to them but the audience was dead for this for the most part I I mean you know after a long night this did not help because this was towards the end of the this was the next to last match if I’m if I’m unless I’m completely for that’s absolutely correct my m so it’s a semi Main and the audience was dead for this like you know no one cared and then it was it felt like it was never ending at different points this was just it was not a good match Ben was right naido was wasn’t even mailing it in he just he was barely delivering it I think more effort was given to him taking off his ring guard to get into his ring gear which takes forever in a day uh it just I don’t think it was a good match and Moxley holding the title I get why they did it because New Japan don’t really have anybody else star power-wise to carry it because the two biggest ones okata and ospre aw swiped so who else you going to give the belt to so essentially they gave it gave it to Moxley for a rental period between Nido and Nido again I don’t know what they’re planning on doing with it but if that was supposed to be a real positive representation of this partnership I don’t think it was there like you show that and then you show an ad going January 5th we’re doing another combo show and you’re like if that was a representation that’s not a good representation to motivate people to buy a show January 5th um yeah I just I it didn’t deliver in my opinion yeah I am with you other than that the January 5th show I’m excited about I am listen I’m not saying I’m not excited but if but if that was the match to motivate people if they were on the fence I don’t think it motivated anybody that’s a very good point and it’s weird the ad was weird because the the door part of it you’re a little like yes oh this timing is it felt cringey at the timing that they played the ad and I hate to be so critical because I’m a huge aw fan and I thought there was a lot more good in last night’s pay-per-view than we gave credit forward like initially yeah um but at the end of the day there were still some negatives that’s what’s gonna happen though with a new comp and I think you broke that down perfectly Nao isn’t in aew this is this is forbidden door right this is a different animal than he’s used to Funky magic could have been anything I was telling Ben when he was talking to me about it separately off the air right not to give anybody some inside baseball or anything but I was kind of just like hey look I agree with you but I also thought he kind of looked compromised I haven’t seen Nao look that stiff and I don’t mean stiff striking I don’t mean stiff like that he looked like he didn’t get stretched like he like he couldn’t get loose that’s what I mean when older I thought he was struggling to get loose more than it was like he mailed in the effort I it’s almost like I wonder whether or not he’s working through an injury and he’s doing it for New Japan of going listen I’ll take the belt so that this can go to somebody else but like I’m doing the bare minimum to get through this I don’t know I don’t know him enough I don’t watch him enough to know that but what Ben said about him sort of mailing it in I see that based on what I saw last night yeah no no exactly and and by the way I don’t know I’m just speculating from what I saw I I was was looking at a guy I’m like he’s compromised in some way I thought like his hips just looked really stiff stiff every time he was getting up it didn’t look like he was selling and I think the awkwardness of that made it look more like a lack of effort than uh than what the reality was which was like he was actually just kind of like really tight basically um in some way for and I don’t have a reason for that that is complete speculation I’m guessing to be clear like I’m not that that’s just what based on my my view of it it felt like um was possible shot added uh should have built Gabe kid versus Moxley not how politically couldn’t happen two Champions yeah two New Japan Champions at that point yeah to to comment on I I I’m a huge Kno fan a lot of naido matches and I’ve seen a lot of his stuff when he was working when the relationship between Ro and New Japan was big in the 2010ish and whatnot and this was not what I was expecting or wanted or or thought would happen I I it seemed that he didn’t really care and he has that kind of Mantra of not caring about stuff I mean there’s a reason why he wasn’t on the first forbidden door like he didn’t want to come over and do it he he had all these issues so it felt like he may have been forced fored to do this because like we said there is no other option at this moment for somebody to be their their top guy but it it was just different and it was disappointing because every time I’ve seen Nito in the US like it’s huge pops it’s him super invested in what he’s actually doing and here it just didn’t feel that way and and I out of outside of osprey and and swerve and then the elite like this was the match that I was looking forward to most and it just it didn’t deliver and I I don’t know why I I’m I’m interested to hear if there was like like we’ve been saying anything else with it but it definitely wasn’t a typical Nido in the US match so it felt like there was more to it I I agree I don’t even think it was a typical Nido in Japan match right like it wasn’t it it was it was different it’s it’s tough cuz a lot of his matches are those slow builds they’re slow they work with the selling they work with the leg normally he’ll sell a leg or he’ll sell a neck or normally those do happen and they are normally good but if you’re and I said like we can say this a year year ago if you’re tetsuya naito and you’re not facing Hoshi tanahashi kucho or will Osprey you’re not going full speed and that never it doesn’t happen against Moxley and it doesn’t happen against Sonata and I haven’t seen the Yodas suji match yet from this year but that it’s just the reality of it is he wrestles a slow style because he is in that position where he has to I almost I like obviously not to continue to speculate I almost wonder if it was he saw the reactions from Shango tagi from Mina Sher rakawa from hito against mjf they all struggled and he got this he got discouraged that’s actually an interesting take maybe he was like oh I don’t know if they’re man we a lot of time wasn’t ready or didn’t think he was going to get any good of reaction that is a fair question to ask there Co and he did he struggled the pop of the match was red shoes yes okay but we’re running low on time so let’s get into our final segment C no because we could talk about that for the rest of the day if we wanted to but let’s get into our final segment which is going to be each of our match that we want to highlight moment that we want to highlight that we have not yet already on this show so Kobe I am actually going to go right to you if it is red shoes that’s totally fair but your highlight of last night’s show my like obviously there’s so much to talk about regarding forbid door like Anthony has said on this show already 15 matches obviously there’s not 15 highlights but to me the one thing that went beyond what I was expecting and of course I was expecting chaos it was the TNT ladder match it was a very predictable ending the predictable result but I thought this was by far the best ladder match of the year so far I haven’t obviously there hasn’t been many on a on a higher scale so far but I think from start to finish this is exactly what it needed to be it was chaos it was Innovative moves tashel looked like he murdered two guys with the Brain Buster on this on the ladder and the blue thunderbomb to Al fantasmo and and then we have the what was it Mark Brisco had a number of Dives and El fantasmo got that UFO neck breaker through the ladder to Leo rush it was just a lot of really good and I don’t want to say dangerous looking spots but it looked it looked rough to on the competitors and that’s what a ladder match needs to do I if if I’m not seeing that main event I’m saying this is match of the night but of course M the main match of the night is the main event I I hear you there and I love that I will say though Kobe I think the one thing you missed you were saying some name in Spanish I didn’t understand but the fact that they got Logan Paul at forbidden door a guy that signed to the WWE to show up in last night’s Ladder Match I the real arguably gonna be my highlight of the night I mean Logan was out there taking all those spots yeah I mean I thought he was going to win and add to the United States title I thought it was weird that the WWE didn’t let him bring the United States title was the one thing they couldn’t agree on but El fantasmo is Spanish for the Maverick so I can understand it is that’s exactly correct yep that was Logan did you see it he’s The Unofficial in that match I’m watching forbidden door I’m like holy heck they did it he said that you asked me they got him unbelievable what a talent okay love uh my my uh my night my match that that I that I enjoyed obviously was the elite match I’m I just love everything they do I mean okata is a freaking genius I mean when when they put the the headphones on and he was being a DJ like he’s just pure gold man and I I didn’t see Collision or all of it um Saturday night but I didn’t I didn’t realize that tanahashi was now the scissor Ace so when they said that I pretty big I I thought that was fantastic the prepackage before the match where they were just you know just hyping up the elite again and do it like it’s just great I mean outside of swerve and Osprey on a nightly basis like the elite is the best story going in in aw and I I enjoyed when fans were trying to chant the name that shall not be named right now and the fans started booing the people doing that I loved it like it just showed that people were were for the elite at least or at least for aew in that moment so I I loved that match I thought it was great I I super entertaining I mean anytime you get a rain maker in a match is great when he does the when he’s now doing the the rain maker spot and he just flips off the camera like it is it is awesome I love seeing again the tanahashi okata Rivalry be reignited again for one night and it it was fun it wasn’t a a a five star amazing match by any means but it told a good story it kept the elite on top it kept okata a main draw I mean he still gets one of the biggest pops of the night when when that coin drops like it’s it’s just fun man and I and I love seeing it so that that was my entertainment for the night was was the elite I love it the in the coin drop I’m with you it’s electric it’s underrated it’s brilliant and what I like about it is it’s a sound we all call it the coin drop yeah right it’s not a phrase It’s not yeah it’s not what it’s not suck it right it’s not it’s not a catchphrase but coin drop somehow kind of became a catchphrase just because you hear the sound there’s Brilliance to that I I think that’s unique to okata and I think it’s really really cool and I love like you said the way he just doing the rain maker spot in aw with with with the big bird yeah yeah yep I’ll take it every single time Anthony moment of the night we haven’t already covered okay I would go with shingo and Danielson uh in the owen uh qualifying match uh I think you know you knew going in these are two guys that can really go and you know it’s one of the only matches that like you didn’t need a story for this because it’s a tournament so like tournament matches you really don’t necessarily need a story so it was fine but you knew they could deliver you knew they were going to uh although the winner was very predictable in that you knew Danielson was going over because I don’t picture aw giving somebody the win in this tournament that doesn’t get their check signed by Tony Khan um and I think Danielson is very much a front runner for this because we know as he said and again he could change his mind like everything else in wrestling this is probably towards the end um so to Main Event uh uh all in with him going for the title that’s a possibility I still think there’s a chance um and I said this back when we were in La over a year ago when they we’re talking about the first all in uh but more so now because every time he’s on commentary Nigel throws his digs to his old rival Danielson I think Nigel is going to cost Danielson the tournament and I think we’re getting Nigel Danielson one last time at all in that’s my honest opinion cuz I don’t think Danielson wants the belt um so I don’t I think that’s where this is going personally I know that’s a little side note but that was my thought I really like that call I think it’s a great one I think it makes a ton of sense I have no issue with that that could borderline Main Event Wembley with no belts on the line yeah I thought the same thing too like I’m glad you you brought it up Anthony that’s a couple th000 ticket match yep right that’s for Nigel’s match coming out of retirement for last go old rival makes sense put that on a poster okay before we finally go home I’ll do my moment of the night outside of what we had already covered I’m gonna go with Zack saber Jr who I love to criticize his haircut because it’s just ridiculous I mean stop it but heck of a Grappler heck of a catch wrestler but the reason it’s my moment of the night is despite him picking up the win via just an gous submission I mean he twisted him into a pretzel we need to stop on Orange Cassidy can’t go or hang or the gimmick won’t work everything orange Cassie does Works he can work with multiple different styles he just worked with the most Sublime grappling based Talent we’ve got going and stood in there with him and looked great he hung with Zack saber J the list goes on Moxley last year I mean every single match all of these matches and it’s week in and week out and it doesn’t stop so we need to stop with orange Cassidy doesn’t work because he does work he’s awesome this match was awesome I was excited I’d love to see it again I would love to see what we could do with Zack saber Jr with a run in the US and that’s another reason I picked this one I would love to see him have a run in any company I don’t think he’s a good fit for WWE but dang is he a good fit for aew TNA or anything like that I’d be fascinated to see what he can accomplish with a sustained run over here on this side of the pond but that my friends that’s gonna bring us here to the end of the show thank you everyone that’s tuned in if you haven’t liked and subscribed please do give it a thumbs up check out all of our other stuff on the wrestling Republic YouTube channel check out Kobe’s review Anthony’s got an article coming out check out me and me and Coach T on all kinds of shows we’re great um thank you again have an awesome Monday enjoy Monday Night Raw and we’ll talk to you all soon same place same time tomorrow so that’s going to be noon Pacific that’s 3 in the East that’s 8 in the UK and of course 9:00 am. in Hawaii everyone have a good day

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