Daring-Do & The Battle For The Blood Jade Emerald (2024)

by Darkshadow2k7

Chapter 7: Divine Design

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Divine Design

“Deeper truths, signs, riddles, dreams full of mysteries, and yet familiarity, why is this happening to me? Why Now? Oh great Amun-Re, what does this mean, I pray to you for guidance and solace, give me the answer for which I seek, this is my request to you” said Kira softly, and sincerely as she crawled up into her bed, and sighed a bit as soon as she sighed, she saw that the candles around her room were going off. Her first reaction was one of surprised, but as the shadow drew closer to her, she saw that it was only Nasir helping her getting ready to go to bed, then as Kira put her necklace with the spirit of Krios inside the onyx of the necklace on the table, Nasir came to her, and kissed her goodnight, before he pulled the lever down for the black curtains to fall around the bed, and, of course, he left the balcony doors open.Then Nasir lay down on the other side of her bed, then he got closer to her as he did so he nuzzle her a bit.

“Why were you praying to Amun-Re, my love, tell me, what’s wrong?” asked Nasir looking at her with a concern look on his face.

“I don’t know Nasir, I just don’t know, to tell you the truth I been having this strange dream lately, and I am trying to figure out the importance of this dream. Gods, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you Nasir, my dream, I mean” said Kira shaking her head a bit, and use a soft tone voice as she look a bit concern.

Then Nasir raised his eyebrow in worry for Kira, wondering what made her so quiet, then he smile at her before saying, “Come Kira tell me, I won’t laugh, it seems like you are deeply trouble about something? “, as he nuzzle her neck as they were laying down in the bed with just the natural light of the moonlight lighting her room.

“You are very sweet Nasir, my dream happen not just two days ago, in that dream, I met Krios, you know the keeper of the emerald, Slayer of Star Heart, the pony tribe leader” said Kira looking at him with a worried look, but her voice was calm, and almost excited that she got to meet Krios.

“It was only a dream Kira, and yet I am a bit concern, but not too concern just yet, my love!” said Nasir as he snuggled against her, and then he kiss her cheek, and forehead, and smile at her before saying, “You are my moon and sun, my morning and evening star, Kira, I love you with all of my soul, and I will give my life for your happiness, my flaming beauty”, then he watched as she kiss him, and he kiss back, after a few seconds, she yawn , and fellasleep with a smile on her face.As she was sleeping, Nasir kept watch until he too fell asleep….

In Kira’s Dream world….

It was nighttime, wherever she was in, the moon was full, and it shine oh-so bright, lighting the path Kira was walking. As she walk she came across a village, it look old, and yet it look like it never age a day, it was beautiful by Kira’s standards, which were pretty high, of course, the village was simple, but with where it was situated at, she couldn’t help but just look at the village, it didn’t feel strange to her, actually it felt the total opposite, she felt like she belong in the village.But as she was walking toward the center of the village, she thought, “Talk about a peaceful village, this is very strange, indeed, there is no one here, its empty, why would the people just leave this beautiful place?”, then as she kept on walking, the scene she saw surprise her, next to a fountain, which was running smoothly, and was situated in the middle of a green, grassy area was a table with the most fresh fruits imaginable, just waiting to be eaten, and next to the bowls of fruits were a couple of golden chalices, full of pomegranate juice, her favorite drink ever. So she smiled at the sight, but she also thought howsimple, and peaceful this setting look, she was also a bit wary, why in this empty village, a table was set up for her, as if someone knew she was going to arrive, but she went over to the table, and chose a couple of grapes to eat thinking no harm will come on eating them. How wrong she was. As she was eating, and drinking her pomegranate juice, while she was doing so a young, and slender feline was watching her from the second floor of one of the buildings, purring almost contently before saying, “Krikri, my brother, you are saying that this pony is a descendant of ours? The fierce eyes of yours are within her, Hope’s spirit rides within her, brother, I can sense it. But I wonder what trait, has shegotten from me?”

“Mileena, what are you planning, my dear sister? I know that look of yours from anywhere, Mileena, tell me now, what is your plan?” asked Krios at first softly as his tail brushed on his sister’s back soothingly, but at the end his tone change a bit as if a bit worry for Kira, but he kept his composure, and smiled at his sister, so sweetly, and then he purred at her as he waited for her response.

“You worry too much brother, I was only just planning a little…..ambush, is all, nothing serious, Krios” said Mileena in a tone of oh-no I am in trouble now, with a bit of her tone feigning innocence, and sweetness as she waited for his response.

“You are setting a trap for Kira?! Are you out of your mind! I haveyet to win her full trust, and here you are Mileena, setting a trap, and guess who she will blame, me! And why should I let you do this to Kira?”asked Krios at first with a frustrated sigh, then a bit of anger pop out of his voice, which he try to hide from his sister, since he didn’t mean to get angry at her, and then his tone turn into I-am-very-curious tone of voice.

“Oh Krikri, you are no fun anymore” said Mileena with a small pout playing along her mouth, then she continue talking, “ Well since she is part of our family, and she has yet to realize that, so this ambush could, I guess it could be called her First Assessment to see if she truly is part of our family,how about we just watch, and see if she can handle herself in an ambush, a fight” as she purred a bit at the end, and had a mischievous smile on her lips as she waited for Krios agreement before she signal her ambush group to execute her plan.

“You do have a point, my young sister! Fine! I will let you do your little assessment of Kira, and I have to admit, I can’t wait for the entertainment to start, since that other pony Daring Do, only provided small entertainment for me” said Krios smiling a bit evilly looking a lot more like his old self during the war.

“I knew, you will agree with me brother, and I truly hope this provides some entertainment for you brother. Also if she is our descendent then she will use that keen, devious mind of hers to outwit her opponents” said Mileena reassuringly to her brother , then she signal her group to start the ambush.

As Mileena was giving the signal, Kira was just finishing her second cup of pomegranate juice, just as she did so, she heard the slight sound of a twig cracking as if someone step on it, then as she look at the direction where the sound came from, what she didn’t watch out for where the cats close to her, as her attention was diverted to the sound, not a second later, Kira felt five nooses tighten around her slender neck.When Kira felt the ropes twisting, and tightening around her, she try to shake the ropes off, but couldn’t, then she saw a small group of cats jeering a bit at her like as if she was easy prey for them. This hit the nerve core of Kira since she has never met anyone who would disrespect her that easily, but she retain her composure, even with the situation she was now trapped in.

“So this is how you treat a guest of this village, by ambushing her, how very noble of you” said Kira giving a face of indifference, and with a very sarcastic, cold-sounding voice at the end as she letthem lead her to wherever they were taking her.

“Oh please, miss, is that all you can come up with, that’s not even a retort, not even an insult! And besides it has been a while since we had a slave to work for us, and you might just be perfect for that position, my sweet pony” said a young, slender male cat with brown fur as his eyes kept a good eye on her making sure that she wouldn’t try to escape.

“I guess you are right, milord, you caught me by outwitting me, would you like a small kiss from me?”said Kira by using an I give up voice, and with an innocent tone of voice ask the cat if he wanted a kiss, hoping that he will let her kiss him, so then she could control him.

“Milord? Well, well it seems like we finally got an agreeable pony with us, my friends. A kiss?That is very ….kind of you, pony” said the brown fur male cat with a wary look at her at the end of his talking.

“My pleasure” said Kira overly excited as she touched lips with the male cat, and after a quick kiss, the brown male cat went quiet, almost stunned as he nodded toward her, it seems like Kira was lucky since she chose to kiss and control the leader of this small group of cat tribe warriors.Then with just the thought of wanting to be free from the nooses, the small cat received her order through his mind, and told his comrades to free her. As soon as she was freed, she started running, and running fast, very fast, as if her life depended on it.

Then as soon as she reached the plaza of the village, she saw five more cats comingtoward her, then she stopped, and skiddedbefore rushing toward the right, and hoping she could escape these cats by running through the forest that was close to the village in that specific direction, but then from the forest came another group of cats, and behind her another set of cats walled her into the center of their circle, along with the group who she was with.

“Oh my, oh my there are 1,2,3,4,5….20 of you, and one of me, what’s a poor pony to do” said Kira as she slumped to the ground, and started crying, or what seem to be crying as she was crying her pure, white hair was getting tainted with what look like a black dye cascading down her hair as it did so, her light green highlights were getting darker, but atthe same time were glowing, and turn into aemerald green color.As her hair on her mane, and tail changed, her physicalappearance change as she grew quickly, she became a tall, slender mare, her eyes were more careful, more sharp looking, and very calculating, but one of the most unique thing about her eyes was that they were glowing an emerald-green color. This mare, this pony was not Kira Chi, for this mare standing in front of all these cats had a darker purpose, vision for this lifetime.And then she started laughing evilly with a girlish glee mixed into the laughter, before she use a voice that didn’t sounded like her, but sounded like a god, or in this case an ancient goddess, an ancient divinity voice came forth from her mouth, as this was happening even Kira was surprise for she didn’t expected that to happen, but she remained calm, and use this transformation for her advantage in this situation.

“Okay warriors of Krios! Listen and listen well, I am the one mare you don’t want to go up against, I am in the simple tongue Kira Chi, in the ancient tongue Kira-moko-Kala (Also known as the Primordial One), and most importantly I am the Crown Princess, heir apparent to the Egyptian throne. So enough talking, fight me, and regret it or bow before me, and serve me” said Kira still using the voice of the goddess at first in a tone of you better be quiet, and listen or something horrible will happen to you to a calm, and very calculating tone of voice.

All the cats warriors stopped tightening the circle they made around her, and slowly one by one they all goton their knees, and were bowing before her, then she smile as they put down their weapons to bow before her. Then she smile oh-so sweetly, and walked proudly, and one could say with a superior look in her eyes, as she got out of the circle those cats were making around her. As she was walking out, she saw Krios with a proud look on his face, and also with a look of surprise as he was studying her new look, and gave her an approving nod as he saw that she was truly a descendant of his. Then he walked up to her, and nuzzle her affectionately, and she nuzzle back as she did so her transformation slowly, and gradually disappear, and she became her normal pony self, once again, since Krios is the only onewho has the power to return Kira to normal from her darker self transformation.

“My, my, my I am impressing, Kira, very impress, indeed! You have truly shown that you deserve to betrain by me, to be groomed by me. What do you say Kira? When you are with me I can teach you how to harness this powers of yours, I can make you become one of the most powerful warrioress that there ever was here in Egypt.” said Krios as he purred at her, while waiting for her answer, after he was talking, Mileena came towards them as she did so she look as if she was sizing, and studyingKira to see if she would make a worthy opponent.

“ Look at her brother, isn’t she a darling of a pony? So sweet, so gentle with all the beauty that any mare would ask for. But her fighting skills are lacking, she hates to sweat, she doesn’t know how to be ruthless” sang Mileena at first in a soft, honey-sweet tone voice of hers, but at the end with a bit of hidden malice, and almost mocking tone towards Kira.

“ Where you have brawns, I have the brains, where you have strength Mileena, I have the wit, you are direct, I am subtle, but if you want a fight go ahead, test me, try to best me, lest you are scare of me, are you a fraidy cat?” sang Kira with a tone at first that was a matter of fact to one that was totally taunting Mileena, and yet playful as she got closer to Mileena, and giggling at her a bit.

“I accept these conditions, don’t think I’ll shay away,from this challenge, I have bested many of my brother’s warriors, and you will-just-be-the- same!”, sang Milenna with a girlish glee as her eyes showed her excitementfor this fight, then she jumped, and pounce on Kira.

When Kira saw Mileena about to pounce her, she dodged the attack, but was only halfway successful as Milenna grabbed a part of her tail, then Kira smiled, and try to kick her with both of her hind legs, before Mileena started pulling on her tail to force Kira to get closer to her. Then Kira use a bit of Krios magic from the necklace on her neck, and loosen her tail just enough to slip out of her grip as she did so, Mileenafell down, as she was on the floor, she glared at her, but then smiled, and nodded her head as she got up.

“ Finally I see a familiar face, who like a dream, I have recall, this foal, was ye high, he had the very spirit that I see in you, oh how I miss, my nephew” sang Mileena with a nostalgic tone of voice with a bit of sadness as she remember her old life as she show Kira with her hand, how little Arik, Krios’s son look like.

“Who is this small foal that I remind you of, it sounds as if you loved him so much, and yet I see the sadness coursing through you like a breeze” sang Kira with a look of curiousness on her face as she watched Milenna remembering her oldlife.

“AahArik, how I miss him, and yet his name is yours, spell backwards, my dear” sang Mileena finally showing that she has finally calm down, and has just started getting to be relax near Kira.

“Since we are talking about you Kira, from what I have heard from being inthe onyx necklace I gave to you, your coming of age party is coming, and you do have an escort, am I right? A rugged handsome fella like myself?” asked Krios with a tone implying how egotistical he is about himself as he was giving her a charming smile of his.

“Very funny Krios, and yes I do have a companion to take me to my own party, and he is an old friend of mine” said Kira with a matter- of- fact tone of voice, and then she got closer to him, and smile sweetly at him before she use her two front hooves to push him away from her playfully.

“Oh, don’t be such a spoil sport about it Kira, and this cat couldn’t be the same thief, Nasir, now wouldn’tit Kira?” asked Krios with a smile playing around his mouth as he also try to use a voice of his that could make Kira squirm.

Then Kira looked at Krios than look away as she try to hide the fact that she was blushing a lot, then she said to Krios, “ Yes, Krios it is the same Nasir, who stole my necklace, and the same Nasir, who has been my childhood friend.”

“Oh, and what is this beautiful trinket you are wearing? A ring made of white gold, and small emeralds, and rubies, what a gift coming from a thief, he has fallen for you, my dear. A thief who wants to marry a princess? Oh Kira, why him? He is a thief, a commoner, and you, the pony full of beauty, and royal blood, why a commoner, instead of a mighty noble?” asked Krios smiling a bit evilly as he saw Kira trying to hide how much she was blushing.

“Krios, Nasir is a thief, yes, but he is my childhood friend, and I made a promise to him that if we ever saw each other again that we will get marry, Krios, surely you would understandour situation? Alsothereis this small rule….” said Kira at first blushing,and feeling a bit shy,to a more thoughtful tone of voice, then to a tone of uncertainty, and a bit troubled.

“A rule is stopping you from this dream that is share between you and him? Oh now I am definitely interested, please tell me this rule that is stopping the bond of you and Nasir to be complete!”said Krios in an interested, and almost overly happy tone of voice as he sat downon a blanket that appeared out of nowhere, then Milenna sat down on it also, so did Kira.

“The rule is that a princess is not allow to marry a commoner, let alone a thief, unless he proves himself worthy to Ra, and to the recent ruler, that being my older sister, Kiya.” said Kira in a sad tone of voice, as she look at Krios keeping eye contact with him, and waited for his response, and/or reaction.

“This is interesting, indeed! For you love him, I can see, and read it on your face, Kira. And he is also a runaway thief, a fugitive, am I right?” asked Krios smiling a bit at her.

“Yes, you are Krios, will it be…..too much to ask a request from you? A boon, perhaps?” asked Kira in a bit of a shy, and mostly nervous tone of voice as she lowered her voice at the very end, and smiling sheepishly.

“And what favor are you asking for, my sweet, dear Kira? You know that there is always a small price to pay, if you truly want to receive my help” said Krios softlyas he rubbed her side with his right side, and he let her nuzzle him.

“ Is there a possibility to have some sort of protection charm, a spelled amulet, even some sort of glamour for Nasir to use until the time is right toreveal our engagement? Krios I don’t want my sister to sentence him back to prison or even death, just because he escape, he stole, yes that is a crime, but I can’t bear it if something bad happen to him, Krios” said Kira at first in a questionable tone of voice, but then in a worry, concern, and also caring voice as she look at him, hopefully, and waiting for his reaction.

“Kira, Nasir is right you worry too much! Yes, there is a necklace that he can wear, which will give him a bit of a glamour, andprotection from any harm that befalls him, but the small price to pay is a bit of the purity of your heart, with that, and a bit of magic from the emerald, the necklace will keep him safe till you deem it safe to reveal him, this is my deal” said Krios softly as he kept eye contact with her, watching to see if she truly deserve such a gift.

“Purity of my heart? I will give my own life for his protection, Krios, but how can I give you something that evenI don’t how togive? I will give all ofmy pure heart, if it meant he will be safe, and unharm, I love him Krios more than you can ever imagine” said Kira happily, but at first in a sad tone of voice, mixed with a bit of an unsure feeling as she talk something came out of her eye, it was pure gold, and it look very unworldly as if it was a spirit itself.Then Krios gently wipe it away from Kira’s eyes, then he smile as he hold the cloth that has the pure gold ‘tears’, then he touch the cloth with his right paw, which some of his emerald power pulse through, and as soon as the emerald power held contact with those ‘tears’, it transform itself into a black leather collar, very similar to the one which Nasir was wearing, then Krios smiled, and handed it to her.

“ Tell him to wear it, and it will protect him, the glamour on the other hand is a different matter, it will let him slightly change his appearance just enough to make him unrecognizable, but it will also do as he wills it to do to, it is within his power to control the necklace’s power, also tell him that, it is his will which the necklace will connect itself to.” said Krios softly to her, and he smile a small smile at her as he saw how happy he made her, and hope that she will always stay this way.

“Thank you Krios! Nasir will like this gift, I will repay you Krios, I give you my word, I will find a way to repay you for this!” said Kira happily as she got closer to him, and nuzzles him as a way of saying thanks.

“Thank you Kira for that gift, I will be waiting, but I also have a feeling that you will be repaying me pretty soon than you think” said Krios sweetly as he was talking about the smile, and her happiness, but it was also a double meaning as he had a hunch on how she will repay him, but he wouldn’t tell her, he will let her figure it out herself, and he kept on smiling at her.

For a few seconds Kira look unsure, and almost wary as if she wanted to know at that instant ,what he meant byshe will be repaying him sooner than she thinks.But then she smiled at him, and at Mileena, who smile a bit also toward Kira…

In Daring’s Bedroom…

“Another day gone, and I am no closer in finding the legendary emerald. And what are with these dreams that I have been having lately? First almost being killed on top of an old altar by Krios, then almost being a belly-dancer for a filthy, group of warrior cats. I wonder what’s going to happen to me next!” thought Daringas she was putting her bag on the couch in her room, before tucking herself into bed. As shewas about to fall asleep, she heard a voice that sounded both strange, and familiar, the voice at first was humming a strange lullaby, then the voice started singing the aria Cadence sang not just a couple of days ago. Daring decided to ignore the voice, but let the voice lulled her into a deep, and strangely enough a fitful sleep.

Daring’s Dream World…

When Daring enter her dream, she wasn’t solid nor did she had any substance, whenDaring saw that her whole self was transparent, she freaked out a bit, before she force herself to calm down, by saying that the one up-side to this, is that, then anyone who will be in her dream won’t see her unless she wants them to see her. But then something strange happen, as she was floating or was it flying? She saw a scene unfold in her dream, it look like a fight of sorts as she got closer; what she saw freaked her out of sorts, she saw Star Heart, since he was the pony fighting……Krios.

“This is beyond strange, these are not my memories, but then again, this is the story Cadence sang about, so why am I dreaming about the story of the legendary fight of Krios, and Star, then?” asked Daring as she got closer to see the fight more clearly, unaware that it was an unknown force pulling her closer to the fight as soonas she was just a few feet away, everything went fast-forward, really fast.

“Whoa! What’s happening to me now? No! No! No! This is not happening to me! “said Daring as she saw her figure merged with that of Star Heart’s. “Okay, I want out of this dream, now! This is bad, no that’s an understatement!! I want to wake up now!! Let me out of here!!” said Daring, who was starting to freak out as she was starting to feel the lasso around Star’s neck tightening its grip on him, and then she started to choke. As this happen, Daring try to calm down, and try to breathe while she can, before she started choking again, just as what happened in Cadence’s aria. Then as Krios started pulling on his lasso to get Star closer to him to do the final killing blow, Daring started to choked, and she tried so hard to use the ‘windows of opportunities’ , given to her to breathe, before she started choking again.As she was choking, she was unaware how close she was getting to Krios, it seem like Krios knew exactly what he was doing his plan was working purr-fectly, of course.Death for Star Heart was close at hand, Daring wanting to know more about the mysteries surrounding the history of the Emerald, Krios, and Star was about to have a first-hand virtual experience on how Star lost this momentous, and historical fight in Egypt.

Then when Starwas close to death, Daring saw through the eyes of Star, Krios in his prime, a young, and strangely enough, he was a gallant of a cat, whose eyes were filled with hatred, and anger; when Daring saw this she began to have mix feelings in the way of freaking out since she knew from Cadence’s song what happens next, but also she was wondering how someone could have so much anger, and hatred in one’s eyes. Then she saw Krios raising his right paw, high up into the air, before it quickly came crashing down, then Daring screamed before she woke up. When she woke up, she saw she was shaking quite a bit, but as her eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness in her room, since it was still the middle of the night, she saw that someone set a glass of water on one of the end tables close to her bed, so she decided to take some sips of it to see if that will help her to relax a bit. Which surprisingly it did, then Daring went back to sleep, this time she didn’t had any dreams to trouble her mind, just eternal darkness, safe, protective, peaceful darkness, until the next day rises…

The Next Day- In The Grand Ballroom

“Kiya, this room hasn’t change a bit, it’s beautiful with its marble columns, with its smooth, stone floor, and the stair case that descends into the ballroom, don’t you remember Kiya, the parties that your parents held that we were a part of before they abdicated the throne to you?” asked Lucifer in a thoughtful voice smiling very sweetly towards Kiya.

“Yes, I do remember Lucifer, my sweet, as if it was yesterday, I remember how we were two young cats with a semi-carefree life, and how we dance, and dance those nights away. Can you still hear that sweet, slow music we use to dance to?” asked Kiya as she started swaying to a part of a song that she remember from a party they both went to, long time ago.

“Yes, of course, I do, my love, and once again, we will put it back to its glory days for your sister’s coming of age, Masquerade party, which we have hid from your sister, surprisingly enough, she has yet to get suspicious in what we are doing here in the ballroom, the timing Kiya of her party, and the main festival was excellent, my dear, and tomorrow night the Masquerade will begin!” said Lucifer in a loving voice before it change into an excited tone of voice as his eyes were glinting, and smiling as if he had a plan up his sleeve to use on Kiya.

“ A party of mystery, and a touch of romance, and deception comesalong too. What a night it will be! A sea of masks will filled these hallow halls, the ballroom will be a spectacle to remember forever, and ever!” sang Kiya in a sweet, excited voice of hers as she saw a few Pegasus coming, and some earth ponies, and unicorns to help decorate the ballroom.

“Your Highness, we are ready to work, all we need now is for you to choose the colors, and the theme, my Queen”said Star Shine, a unicorn that has dark, blue fur with a cutie mark of ‘glittering’ stars.

“ Hmm…Star, my head decorator, I think black, gold, and dark blue will be the main colors for this masquerade, for the theme, let me think….something gothic yet mysterious, something fun with a mixed of the unseen. Let us see how eternal darkness, and light come together, Star” said Kiya at first with her royal voice to a more mysterious, and riddle like voice knowing that Star is one ofthe few who can understand her riddle, and give her what she wants.

“Of course, my Queen, we will decorate this ballroom the way you want it to be” said Star Light as she kneel in front of Kiya, and put her head down to look as modest as possible, but smile at her old friend Kiya, who gave her this job, so then Star could be able to show off her interior decorating skills.

Then as Star, and her helpers were setting up the ballroom, Lucifer led Kiya to her throne that was situated at the back end of theballroom, when they reached the marble dais that held the thrones, hers, Kira’s, and Lucifer’s; Kiya sat on hers, and watched Star Light, and her friends decorate the ballroom.

In Kira’s Room…

“Nasir, wake…” said Kira, but as she turn around she saw that Nasir had gotten out of bed, and saw that he did a small disappearing act, but as she was just about to get out of the bed, she saw that Nasir was just setting down some food to eat at the table next to a couch of hers in the adjoining room, which she made into her living room. So Kira stretched, and yawn as she got out of the bed, and walked sluggishly toward the couch that Nasir was sitting in.

As soon as she reach the couch, she sat herself down on the couch, before readjusting herself into laying on her belly side, then she started eating some grapes that she saw in a bowl that Nasir set up for her as she was eating a couple of grapes, she felt something on her hoof, at first, she looked unsure as to why she would put a bracelet on herself before she went to bed. But then she looked at her hoof, and again she was astonished on how her dreams seemed to cross the line of reality, and fantasy. Then what she held on the tip of her right hoof was the black leather necklace that Krios made with a bit of her heart’s purity, and then she smile as she show Nasir the necklace.

“ Why do you look so surprise, my dear? “ asked Nasir as he was watching what she was doing since she got up, then he smile at her sweetly when he saw that she still wanted to lay down for a while longer.

“Nasir, this necklace, how can I say this…..Last night I had a dream of meeting Krios, and surprisingly enough his sister was in my dream, her name was Mileena, but that’s beside the point, I told Krios about us, and he agreed to help us, or to be more specific to help you, my love” said Kira as Nasir let her put the magical necklace on him that look like his necklace, without the small ruby hanging from it.

“So he just gave you this necklace to help me without any strings attached?” asked Nasir as he gave her a dubious look. Then he smiled at her, very slyly, and before she could react, he jump, and gracefully landed on top of her, then he pinned her to the couch, and started nuzzling her playfully.

“Hey! Nasir get off me! You ball of fluff!” said Kira as she was laughing softly as Nasir was nuzzling her, and he look like he wasn’t going to stop soon, so then Kira gave up on trying to get him of her, and went back to her original laying position on the couch. Then she try to get some grapes to eat, but every time when she try to put one in her mouth, it seem to disappear from her hoof, and then she looked up, and saw that when she was distracted just for a nano-second, Nasir will skillfully steal the grape she was about to eat from her hoof.Then when she saw what he was doing, she looked at him with knowing eyes, and shook her head as she was smiling at him.

“You know these grapes are so soft, and juicy, and they are oh- so fresh, Kira, you truly live the life of luxury, my sweet” said Nasir sweetly as he kiss the back of her head, before he got off her, and went back to his side of the couch.

“Yes, I do Nasir; also can we please get back to the subject at hand? This necklace I am giving you, Krios made, but it did come with a small string attached, I had to give up a bit of the purity of my heart, this necklace will protect from harm as long as you wear it, along with that protection, is the ability to disguise yourself slightly, since Krios also put a glamour in this necklace.” said Kira in a matter of fact tone of voice, then she kiss him deeply, and sweetly.

Then as they finished kissing, Nasir look at her sweetly then his expression change into a worry look as she mention that she gave up a bit of her heart’s purity, then he said in a worry yet loving tone as he rub her right side with his tail, “Why did you do that for me Kira, you shouldn’t have, my sweet, sweet mare. But your heart will become dark, and maybe even ice-cold, maybe you will stop caring about me, your friends, and your family”.

“Don’t worry Nasir, I still love you, of course, and besides it was just a bit of purity of the heart not much, you know Nasir, you have yet to tell me what you are going to wear to my coming of age masquerade party” said Kira at first with a caring tone of voice then to an excited tone of voice as she try to use a voice to persuade Nasir to tell her what he is going to wear.

“Now, now Kira, I already told you, I can’t just tell you just yet, it is a surprise, and besides isn’t that the idea what masquerades are suppose to be? “asked Nasir giving Kira a sly grin as he kiss her forehead before leading her to her bathroom area, then he left her there, and went back to laying on the bed.

Then while Nasir was lying on the bed, Kira was taking a long bath, then when she was finished relaxing there, and finally waking up from her sleepy state that she was in while having breakfast with Nasir. As she was drying herself, she went to the closet, and chose a silver skirt, and then she picked up a ruby anklet to wear on her right hoof, and her onyx necklace that has Krios, along with a ruby necklace that had rubies cascading to the end of her long slender neck. Then she came out of her closet, and went to her bedroom.

As Kira was walking back to her bedroom, Nasir went from his laying down position to a seating position, andraised his eyebrows as he saw, what she was wearing, and then he smile, and kiss her, and Kira kiss him back. Then Nasir lead her out of her room to the ground level of the Palace to start their day…

Ground Level of the Palace….

“So what are the plans for today Twilight?” asked Applejack as she was finishing her last bit of breakfast, which was half of an apple left to munch on. While she was asking that Kiya was making discreet waving of the paw gestures hoping to catch Pinkie’s attention, which she did after a few minutes. Then Pinkie smiled when she saw who wanted to talk to her, so she went toward Kiya, who was standing next to the entrance of a room that Pinkie had yet to explore.

“Hmm…Wellwe can enjoy the festival, work in our own shops, that’s about all we can do right now.” said Twilight smiling at her friends as they started to leave to go to the main area of the festival, as they were going Rainbow Dash called for Pinkie to hurry, and to follow them, if she wanted to.

“I’ll be staying here friends for a bit, Kiya wants my help on something, so I will catch up with you, my friends, later, okay?” asked Pinkie happily and very excited as she waited for one of her friends to respond to her.

“Okay Pinkie, just don’t miss the dancing competition at the tavern that you want to enter, we will be waiting for you there!” said Twilight out loud as she lead Spike, and the rest of her friends to the front entrance of the palace, then they left Pinkie by herself with Kiya in the lounge area of the ground floor of the plaza.

As soon as they left, Kira with Nasir just behind her made it to the ground level of the palace at the exact same moment as the Mane Six left the palace. Then Nasir nuzzle her softly before walking toward the entrance of the palace waiting for Kira to follow him out of the palace, which she did after a few moments.Then they descended down the stairs outside of the palace, which will lead them to the plaza of the bazaar.Then she kiss him deeply as some people pass them by, not even giving them a second glance, then when she was done kissing him, she smile at him lovingly as she was living this moment, but also remembering the first moment that they met here, at the bazaar, and that she couldn’t believe all those years had pass them by so quickly.

“So Kira what are your plans for today, my dear?” asked Nasir, as he was looking at her sweetly, while he was neatly cleaning his right, front paw.

“Well today is the dancing competition at the tavern, and then at sunset is the treasure hunt at an abandon palace that is near Cairo, called the Al-Razzaz Palace, hopefully I will win that treasure hunt, Nasir, it is supposedly in my blood to find hidden treasures no matter what” said Kira smiling at Nasir while planning already what she will do as soon as she gets inside that very, old palace.

“And I will be watching for you outside the palace, my love, waiting to see you in the limelight, when you find that diamond, and show it to your sister, the Queen, and for her, and everyone else praising your skills, my love” said Nasir smiling at her a knowing smile as if he knew she will succeed. Then he rubbed her right side with his tail softly as a sign of affection, before they race to the tavern, so then they will be on time for the dancing competition…

In The Ballroom…

“So you need some extra hooves to make this party a success, am I right, Queen Kiya?” asked Pinkie a bit excitedly as she was jumping around the place a bit showing how excited she was to help the Queen, and her decorators make this party a success.

“Exactly, Pinkie, what we need is some black, and gold balloons to match the color scheme that Star and I chose for the party” said Kiya a bit loudly since Pinkie almost made it to the other side of the ballroom, then Pinkie turn around, and smile at Kiya as she nodded toward Kiya, and ran off to get the balloons to decorate the high ceiling of the ballroom…

In a house not far from the Palace….

“Well these days in Egypt, I have to admit has been well spent, it is a beauty of a city in the middle of the desert. I have also heard that the royal family is throwing a masquerade ball, I think we should go to it, who knows what we will discover there, maybe we will find out who can help us with our little problem, the Mane Six, and then our revenge will be complete, Trixie.” Said Chrysalis, while laughing a bit of that girlish laugh, before she went to the little kitchen to serve some tea for her, and Trixie.

“I, Trixie, agree to that Chrysalis, we need our plan of revenge to advance while we still have the chance here in Egypt.” said Trixie as she sat down to sip her tea across from Chrysalis.

“So my plan is to take on a form of an black-furred Earth pony, who is dress up as a Changeling, what about you Trixie, how is your outfit going to look?” asked Chrysalis with what look to be a true blue look of interest from her.

“Hmmm….Trixie will, of course, go as the most powerful, and beautiful sorceress of the House of Life.” Said Trixie with a smile playing around her mouth as she finishes with her cup of tea.

In The Tavern…

In the back of the of the tavern room was an old pony, well, not that old, he was just thirty- five years old, his name is Aryan, which back in his home country India means “Nobility”. He was Princess Kira’s tutor, and old friend, who also told her stories from India like the Ramayana, Laila and Majnu (AMiddle Eastern that is like the famous Romeo and Juliet love story), The Mahabharata , and he even taught her some of the Vedic Texts ,or in other words, The Vedas, which back in his country are sacred text, which has been pass from generation to generation as is tradition.Aryan left Cairo, Egypt to go back to India to visit his family, so he left her for a few years, but before he did, he promise Kira that he will come back to visit her, and that’s why he is here in Cairo for to fulfilled that promise as a surprise for Kira, since he knew that her coming-of-Age Day was coming soon, so of course he wouldn’t want to miss it for the world. So for now he was just enjoying his time in the tavern, and at the festival before he reveals himself to Kira. Then as he was drinking some Arabian coffee, and as he was putting the cup down on the table, what he saw surprise him, and made him smile as he saw Kira with a male cat walking into the tavern, and then he saw Kira getting ready for the belly-dancing competition, by practicing some of her dancing skills, and techniques.

As he was finishing his cup of coffee, he went closer to where Kira was, andthen he said “ Salaam Begum Sahib of Cairo, it has been years since I last saw you, my pupil, and my, you have grown into a lovely mare, have you remember my lessons, Kira?” asked Aryan as he waited for Kira’s reaction.

Then Kira froze, and gracefully finish her spin with a bow toward the stallion, who spoke to her from behind, then she slowly lift herself from her bow, and saw it was none other than her mentor, and her old friend Aryan, and he still looked the same as he always did, when she first saw him for the very first time ever. When she was filly, she had a crush on the golden furred- body, white-silvery mane, and tail of a stallion with the most beautiful, but icy blue eyes, she had ever seen, who is also her beloved mentor.

“Yes I have remembered your lessons, my old mentor, and friend, here is a quote from the Bhagavad Gita that you read to me that I remember: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him, and my other enemies will also be killed. I am the lord of everything. I am the enjoyer. I am perfect, powerful and happy. I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none as powerful and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus I shall rejoice." Kind of reminds you of someone that we know, no?” asked Kira as she was at first showing off her declaiming skills, and then gave him a knowing smile since she was talking about a specific noble, who was part of the Egyptian aristocracy.

“You have never disappointed me, my dear pupil, and that was an excellent declaiming, you have always had a knack for remembering quotes, poems, and stories that I have taught you ever since you were a filly” said Aryan proudly as he nuzzle her very sweetly.

Then Aryan magically summon a sitar of his, which was an Indian instrument that look as if it was a mixture of a violin, and aguitar. Then he started playing an upbeat tune that Kira could follow easily , then she started swaying, and swishing her skirt as she made sure everyone was watching her, and then everyone in the tavern started stomping their hooves or clapping their paws to Aryan’s music, and the bells , Kira was wearing on her anklets, and as she was dancing, she then started twirling with the help of some of the stallions and male cats close to her, ending her last twirling with Nasir, who she blew a kiss to at the end of her dance.

Then when Kira was done dancing , it was Pinkie’s turn, her dancing always seem to have little bounces here and there, but other than that her dancing was good, and for everyone very entertaining to watch, than to study, which they did with Kira’s dancing, and also the daughter of the belly-dancing master, whose name is Kirouna, who has been learning how to dance since she was a filly.So then Kirouna dance with the coins cascading from her headdress clicking together, creating an upbeat rhythm for her to follow to, and with a bit of Aryan’s music, her dance was smooth yet complex since she added a bit of complex hand movements that went with each step of her dance that she did.

So when the dancing competition was over, all of the participants went back to their tables to relax a bit, and to wait to see who won the dancing competition, as everyone was sitting down, Kira sat with Aryan, and Nasir sat right beside her, then they order some drinks to drink, as Kira was taking off her anklets, and having Aryan use his magic to summon them back to her bed in the palace which he did, then what came out of her mouth was a heavy sigh, since that dancing competition, this time took a lot of her energy away from her. Then not just a few minutes past till the drinks came, and then Kira did something so un-princess like she chugged all of the pomegranate juice into her mouth, and then when she was done, she just smile, and order some more juice to drink. While she was chugging down Aryan watch her with a surprise look on her face, and Nasir try, but failed to hide his laughter from Kira as he watch her with a shocked expression on her face. Then Kira finally regain back her composure, and then they started talking, and joking around a bit.

“I know that everyone has been waiting for this moment, the moment of triumph, so here are the results in third place is Pinkie Pie’s energetic dance, and then for second place…..Hmm….This is unprecedented, for the first time in a dancing competition, t here is no second place, but a tie for first place, so those who hold first place status is Kira, our princess, and Kirouna,my daughter” said Shay as she smile at first to Kira, then at her daughter, showing her daughter, how proud she was of her….Then everyone was clapping, and praising both Kira, and Kirouna…..

At The Bazaar….

Walking through the Bazaar acting as if she had nothing to worry about was a mare with golden furon her body, and with a beautiful, lavender-colored mane, and tail, swishing back, and forth as she trotted toward a couple of jewelry stores.Afterbuying some new gold bangles, she went to a café, and sat down as she did so, she breathed a sigh of relief, then she stopped in mid-sigh, and it was as if her heart skipped a beat, then her mind started to whirled, and twirled till she started to think that she was floating from the café, and then slowly, but very slowly , her mind started to relax, and her sense of reality was coming back to focus.

“Its here, the emerald of untold power is here, after so many years, I have finally found it! But where is it? Who has it? I hope no one has found it yet, because only grief, and sorrow comes from it, and I don’t want anyone bearing a burden such as that one.” thought Ramla, as she was drinking some coffee she order, and took a couple of bites of a chocolate muffin to help her stomach settle down, and then she was able to finally relax again, and shrugged off that strange sensation, she always gets when she gets close to the location of the emerald.

Sunset Time- Treasure Hunt Competition Begins…

“Kira, Kira, wait up! You silly mare, I am not as young as I use to be!” said Talisia jokingly as she was catching up to Kira, who was already studying the old Razzaz Palace, and just looking at the vastness of the palace just took her breath away. As Kira was looking at the castle she thought , she saw someone inside the palace by one of the bottom windows,then she turn to look at Tali for one second, when she was about to look at the cat that she saw inside the palace again, the cat disappear.

“Who was that? Was I seeing things? Tali by any chance did you saw someone in that palace?” asked Kira as she quickly started rebraiding her hair, and making sure the shoulder bag, she was using was securely hanging from her right shoulder.

“No Kira, I haven’t, and maybe you were seeing things Kira, besides this is such an old palace that it shouldn’t be surprising that you saw a figure emerge out of nowhere, besides we live in Egypt, stranger things have happen.” said Talisia, as she nuzzle Kira quickly, before Kiya started to announce that the treasure hunt will start in a few minutes.

“Fellow mares, stallions, and cats, the sunset hour is finally a upon us, and like the past festivals tonight’s activity is the annual Treasure Hunt competition, and joining us this year is the famous Equestrian explorer Daring Do, and her friend Applejack. And of course like every year my sister, your princess has also enter into this competition, So good luck to all of you, and may the best team win.” said Kiya out loud as she announced the new arrivals who were entering the competition.

Then Kiyagave the signal, and the competition started, many of the teams went upstairs to find the diamond, while others stayed in the ground level, getting them lost in the various rooms, and hallways that interconnect with one another. Some started to go to the basem*nts, but none went deeper into the interconnecting basem*nts, and tunnels underground which also contain a few dungeons here, and there.As the teams were deciding on their next move, Talisia and Kira stretched, and at first had a look around the ground level, which still had some of its old glory shining through the dust that settle down on the walls, floors, and furniture that was still in there. Then they enter a room, which was full of trinkets here, and there along with a chairnext to the window.

“How strange Tali, that we come to this room, with the exact same window that I saw from the outside, so then where is the young cat that I saw looking at me, then? ” said Kira as she sat on the chair, as she looked outside of the window, and saw that it was the same exact window, she was looking at when she saw the young cat looking at her.

As they were looking out of the window, a young feline with fur as black as night, with a golden fur swirling around her backside, and with a sweet-looking pair of dark, brown eyes was looking at them, and all of a sudden her eyes started glowing, a golden color, and a voice came out of her, which wasn’t really her voice, but one, who sounded as if she has live for hundreds of years.

“ Tali, groundkeeper of Kiya’s garden, and Kira, the crown princess, whose lineage is unknown yet known. You two seek a jewel of beauty in this old palace, and like hope, it is hidden in a container concealed by darkness, find the area that manyponies, and cats avoid just because of a simple fear.” said Tamani, whose golden eyes turn back into their normal, dark shade of brown, and then she smile at them.

“Okay? What did you mean by all of that? Also who are you,young one?” asked Kira as she turns around to face Tamani, wondering , how she knew her, and her friend Tali’s name.

“Why hello there, sorry for the unexpected monologue, but I am Tamani, the oracle, and I am guessing from what I just said you are going to be the winners ofthis treasure hunt, so Congrats! Also Kira, princess, is it possible that I can live in the palace just for a bit, I have nowhere to go, but to this old palace, I have actually been waiting in this palace to meet you, my princess” said Tamani at first with a happy, go lucky tone of voice to an almost sadden tone when she talk how she had no home to go to, but this old palace, and then just as quick her tone change back to the happy-go-lucky tone of voice, she was using just a minute ago.

“So you are an oracle, so of course you will know the future, or the possibilities of other futures, and of course you are welcome to the palace, Tamani, and before I forget thank you for the tip….I think” said Kira with an excited tone of voice, then to a grateful tone of voice at the end.

“Thank you Tamani, and for this little tip, I will give you one in return, go to the back way of the palace, there you will find an old entrance into Kira’s garden area, there you will see an old iron gate doorway, the key is hidden under the old stone steps, hanging from a small hook under the top step. As soon as you enterher garden area, go to the first door that you see, open it, and there should be a staircase go up the stairs, and it will lead you to the living room of Kira’s apartments.” said Talisia as she gave Tamani a smile.

“Thank you for your kindness, Kira, and Talisia; I won’t forget it, I assure you two, I won’t, and I will meet you guys later in Kira’s living room,okay? Oh, and here is one last tip, you better start heading downstairs now, before the others find their bravery” said Tamani as she smile at both of them, and while she was leaving them to get to Kira’s place in the palace, they wave her good bye, before they headed down the stairs to the basem*nt area.

Then when Talisia and Kira reached the bottom of the stairs, they saw that the first part was lit, it look like a huge room full of old paintings, hieroglyphics on the walls, and some pieces of old furniture, mixed with trinkets here, and there. As Kira and Talisia went a bit deeper into the basem*nt, they use a couple of lanterns that they found in the basem*nt, and lighted them up, and they went into the more older parts that were less decorative than the main basem*nt area. As they were walking , Kira almost trip on a small chest that was hidden from her view because it was shrouded in darkness, even with the small light from the lanterns, they couldn’t see everything that was still hidden by the darkness. So then Kira picked up this small, wooden chest, and when she picked it up, the sound that came from the box was a rattling sound as if something was freely moving around the box. Then when Kira, and Tali open the box, they saw a diamond the size of their hooves inside the chest, they both froze thinking that they were in a dream, but then they close the chest, and Kira put it in her bag, then they went back to the main room of the basem*nt level, galloping, and yelling shouts of victory.

As they were coming up the stairs from the basem*nt, many of the ponies, and cats were smiling at them, and patting their backs, and congratulating them every step of the way. Then the rest of the treasure hunters came downstairs to find out what the commotion was all about, many of them came with their bags full ofcostume jewelry, and smaller jewels, and even some candy, then Daring came down the stairs, and shake her head as she saw what the commotion was about, then she, and Kira shared a smile, when they both looked at each other at the exact same time as Kira was passing the area where Daring was at. Then as soon as everyone exited the palace with Kira, and Tali, in the center of the moving crowd, Kiya along with Lucifer walked toward the ever-growing crowd that open up for them, and as they got closer to the center, they saw that her younger sister, Kira, along with groundskeeper, and dear friend Talisia founded the diamond, which she told Lucifer to hide it somewhere in the basem*nt area. Then Kiya went to her sister, and hugged her before saying how proud she was of her, and Tali. Then Kiya announced the winners, and told Kira that she couldkeep the diamond as her trophy, and do with it as she please, and Kira was just smiling as everyone was congratulating her, and Tali again, and especially, when Daring went to her, and said that she was as good as her…..

A Few Hours After The Treasure Hunt….

“ Aaah, what a peaceful day it has been, right? My old friend?” asked Lone Sword as he was walking through one of the old neighborhoods that many of the nobles have decided to restore to its former glory, and to settle down in.

“Yes, Lone Sword, it has been an amazing, peaceful day, and have you heard Kira won the treasure hunt, I knew she had it within her, she is a very smart girl, Lone Sword! Also her Coming of Age Party is tomorrow night, it should be a sight to see, am I right Sword?” asked Dark Amulet as he walked beside Lone Sword, but also keeping a keen eye out for anything suspicious looking and/or for the unexpected.

“Yes Our Princess, sure is maturing, and along with herComing of Age Party is the traditional choosing of a mate, and I have a guess who it could be, but I am not so sure, if my guess is right, anyways.So has your eyes seen anything suspicious yet or has your nose sense or smelt anything unusual, which by the way, I wouldn’t be so surprise if that did happen” said Sword while laughing as he teased his friend Amulet, who believes that his senses has supernatural powers embedded in them that had save his, and Sword life a few times, and also has help them in some of their cases that they did backduring their old days as rookies in the black Stallion Guard.

“Very funny Sword, may I say that my magic also had a part in all of our successful cases, not just my sense of smell!” said Amulet joining in Sword’s laughter before he stopped on his hooves, when he started smelling this weird ,copper smell, then he raced toward where he thought the smell came from then as he was going around an old manor, what he saw shocked him to the core, because what was in front of him was a male, noble cat, and by the look of it, this cat was going to meet up with someone, and with what he was carrying, he was going to meet a lady friend.

“Lone Sword! Come here quick! This is not good! Hurry up!” yelled Amulet in a you better hurry and get up here tone of voice as his eyes were frozen looking at the dagger that someone used to stabbed the chest areaof this poor cat, but for what reason? Thought Amulet, as he sawSwordcatching up with him.

“Oh Gods, what happen to this cat, this wasn’t an honorable death, this wasmurder, who will dare do such a thing to a young cat in love? This is an outrage, don’t you agree Amulet?” asked Lone Sword as his temper was flaring before he regains his composure once again.

“Yes this is a serious crime, which hasn’t been committed in such a long time Lone Sword, we have to reported this to Kiya, Our Queen!” said Amulet quietly as he looked at Lone Sword with a serious expression on his face.

“You are right, Amulet, we have to report this, immediately!” said Lone Sword as he gave a sharp nod to Amulet, then he use some of his unicorn magic to send a signal out to nearby guards to help to protect the murder scene…

Back in the Living Room of Kira’s apartments…..

“ The Book of the Dead, and the Book of Life, two books that hold so much power, knowledge, and spells” said Kira to herself quietly since she was finally alone for just a bit, since Nasir left to go to the kitchen to get some early dinner for him, and Kira.

“Now let me see…Ahh here it is the spell that I need….Osiris, I command thee to open the gate for the soul, whom I seek to be turn whole once more, to give life, and breathto this cat of yore that has intertwine with my fate, and destiny. So give me the life whom I ask you for, for I will not ask for anything more” said Kira in a singsong voice as soon as she ended the spell, a swirl of mist, and fog surrounded her, and cover her whole room, then a door appear in the middle of her living room, and when it open, it sounded like an ancient tomb being opened after many years of silence. Then a shadowy figure emerged at first it look like a ghost, but as it got closer to Kira it corporalized in front of her, and the cat smile at her, then kneeled right before her, before kissing her hoof, and bowing his head,before looking up , and keeping eye contact with Kira’s eyes.

Then he said, “Thank you, Kira, my princess, and my protégée for this small gift, I will use it well, and cherish it, it feels so good to be alive, once more” , in a grateful tone of voice as his eyes were looking gently at her.

“You are welcome Krios, I am happy to give this small gift to you” said Kira sweetly at him, as he stayed kneel before her, and then they both share a small smile before, he got up quickly, and surprise Kira by twirling her around gently with his slender right paw, and then he started an unexpected waltz with Kira. As he did so he studied her discreetly seeing how she has grown, and mature into the warrioress that he wanted her to be.

Next Chapter: The Masquerade Ball That Bested Them All (Act 01)Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 12 Minutes
Daring-Do & The Battle For The Blood Jade Emerald (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.