DAYDREAM @247yeeun - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)




May 28, 2018


the words we buried



Father never goes to the cemetery to visit Taiyu — not that she knows, at least —and, truthfully, she doesn’t go often herself. Like it or not, she takes after the tough businessman and the two of them don’t like feeling anything less than powerful and reminding that their empire means nothing compared to the will of God and life is fragile don’t help. Qian loved him deeply, still does, so she makes an effort to stop by from time to time and make sure the grave is still clean and colorful, that his portrait isn’t full of dust. Today is a special day: his birthday. Taiyu would turn 30 this year. Although she drives with a smile on her face during her lunch time, a small break from the hospital, her heart aches and there is nothing she can do to fix it — not even as a skilled cardio.

She has flowers in one hand and a bottle of liquor in the other. One is for him, the other for her. As someone who works hard to save lives and keep people alive, cemeteries show her that she’s no God, that all those names were there because her colleagues of profession failed. It’s a bitter place, chills run down her spine, but she misses her gege and as his own blood, she has to do it and be with him for an hour. It catches her attention how he probably would roll his eyes and shake his head knowing how much like father she was now, how she spent more time locked in the hospital than partying hard; if he could say it. As she slowly walks towards his grave, she spots a woman there, but she can’t see the face. However, the canvas she is placing by his grave reveals it.

Park Yeeun. Does she come here too? Qian almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Since she cut the other off years ago, back in high school, she never once wondered how Yeeun felt about her brother, so it’s a bit surprising to see her giving him something he loved: art. The heiress had no intentions to hurt her old friend, especially when she knew the girl was suffering too, but how could she stay around when Qian felt like she caused it? She was too close to break down and people like her only made her remember of her brother, which was too painful, and she couldn’t let it show, couldn’t keep going like this.

“You knew it was his birthday?” she asked in a flat tone as she approached the other.“I’m surprised to see you here, Yeeun-ssi.”

it would have been naive of her to not expect to see someone on this day. whether it had been a family member or a friend of his, yeeun should have expected someone because it was taiyu’s birthday and it isn’t a day that is easily forgotten by those who knew him or knew of him. he was that type of person to yeeun. he somehow gave a strong impression to those who met him, no matter if it had been for one moment of their day or their whole life. what she didn’t expect was to see qian, his sister- her friend standing in the same space after so long. she had long blurred herself away from yeeun’s life and seeing her was finally painting the picture of all three of them together in her memory again, but it felt off this time. other than yeeun aging, now qian’s face aged as well. it was only taiyu who froze in time and the hurt was becoming apparent once again.

she wanted to say her name as if it had been a while since they have seen each other, but yeeun couldn’t lie to herself. she had never been a good liar and both of them knew it hadn’t been“a while.” there was no way the other’s name would come out casually from her mouth. it took effort to speak the other’s name as if it was an instrument unused for many years and she approaches it cautiously, weary if she still knows how to play it or not. instead she swallows her name, hopefully to be used in a better moment and simply looks at her and shrugs slightly.“i was late last time to give him a present.” she motions over to the painting resting besides his grave.“i didn’t want to miss out this time.”

yeeun steps aside, giving enough room for the other to stand besides the grave and besides her for the first time in years. some could easily mask that they aren’t uncomfortable with the situation and talk with ease to someone who cut off any contact, but yeeun was never that person. her holds her hands in front of her, making herself small besides the other, not wanting to intervene between them as if she hadn’t been close to both of them at some point. she doesn’t look at the other after that one time and keeps her eyes on the grave, shifting towards the painting and back. but never to qian.“i just came to pay my respects. i think it’s better if i leave you two alone.” she says, but her feet wouldn’t budge from the ground.



May 17, 2018


☼ light & dark☽

#pye#{ q }



May 16, 2018


bittersweet mornings



There are mistakes he could never extract a life-long lesson from, even if he had the sincerest will to do so. Downing liquor with no regards for his limits nor his liver is one of those things Jiyong can’t voluntarily let go of, and he still dares to sonorously laugh it off and forcefully squeeze the blatant problem into the box of harmlessbad habits. He found something alleviating in recklessly drinking himself into the state of meager consciousness, but every single morning, when the intoxication vanishes and the too familiar bursting headache heightens at a drastic pace, he then questions himself whether any of this was so worth it. And today it’s the same old story. What he considers as the only advantage is the fact he has woken up in his bed, with nobody sleeping beside him.

He languidly picks his lumbering self up and sits on the mattress’ edge, and as hisspiritless stare bores into the wall in ahead of him, Jiyong tries to recall the events from the previous night, yet the dark void is all his mind is filled with, except forincoherent images that still give him no concrete idea. Whatever. Exhaling a drowsy sigh, at least he doesn’t fail to remember he has a quiet place to go to. The thought of Magok works like a brisk energy shot which motivates him to eventually raise to his feet andendevour to make himself look less wretched, but Yeeun will be able to discern his poorly disguised issue.

The bookstore became his unrivalled hiding spot, a secluded universe where noise is nonexistent and therefore soothes the irksome buzz of yesterday’s debatable choices. Passing the doorway, his fatigued gaze immediately searches for the female, who he’s ready to name his much needed saviour the moment she begins preparing his regular order. It writhes his mouth tenderly he toddles sluggishly to the nearest table, quickly plopping into the chair.

Once he catches Yeeun’s voice, his glance darts at her and a low snort goes past his lips.“Who said I like it?” Jiyong mutters raspily, pulling his brows together when the throbbing headache makes its presence more prominent. He runs fingers through his ruffled hair, fighting the urge to let out the inward groan he’s holding in.“Concerned…” Repeating under his breath with a tint of wry amusem*nt, the following statement rolling off the other’s tongue elicits a rough chuckle from him.“I can always count on your honesty,” he says a tad lightheartedly because deep down he’s aware his overly shabby appearance must be a worrying sight, especially since it’s not the first time the woman witnesses Jiyong at not his very best.“Enough about me, how are youdoing? I hope your day started better than mine.” Wrapping his hands around the coffee cup, he offers a lazy smile.

yeeun’s never been the type to party or drink. she had never been curious enough to try it and she felt better off at home with a good book. it’s a very typical routine for a character like her, but she’s loved to be the person that she is. she doesn’t judge those who do enjoy the party life, however. she understood it was fun for them, but it was always the aftermath that confused her. yeeun has had her drinking moments, but she refused to drink to the point she forgets how to walk or talk- you know, the functions typically people are able to do.

“i, for one, enjoy waking up headache free,” she pokes the situation a bit more, leaning forward with her arms crossed.“so it did and i am doing great because of that, thanks for asking.” a corner of her lips pulls up and stifles a giggle before feeling slightly bad for picking on him first thing in the morning. but it’s really his fault.

“but seriously, my day is going well, just like any other day really...” her voice lowers as she loses herself in thoughts like,‘wow, my life is really boring.’ she stares at his eyes for a moment, not completely there, ignoring any silence between them and any sound in general. it’s almost impressive how she could easily leave this world for just a moment before coming back as if nothing happened.“i should go out more now that i think about it.” she nods her head, agreeing with herself.“wouldn’t it be interesting if we switched lives for a day?” she leans slightly closer as she speaks, her face brightening up at the thought.“you get to relax and i get to drink all day.” she says, poking fun at him for good measure.




May 16, 2018


strawberries & cigarettes



Octavia wasn’t clueless of her own feelings, at least not anymore. She had her time to figure out what all those fluttering and strange bumps of her heart meant and why those only seemed to appear when she was next to Yeeun. It sounded so cliché. The girl who starts to develop feelings for her friend, the only point of difference being that her affection is towards another female. She didn’t regreat those, even though she knew how complicated this whole story could be and there was always the possibility of making their relation weird. There’s always the option of hiding those feelings and let them just naturally melt away — but that usually took a long time to happen, especially when one sees the said person in an everyday basis.

She’s not a subtle person. She’s straightforward and she speaks her mind most of the time, but for Yeeun’s sake (or that’s what she tells herself because she doesn’t want to admit she’s scared of the rejection) she tries, as much as she can, to hide it. It doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t steal a glance or two at Yeeun. How her hair usually falls in front of her eyes when she’s reading something, or the way she smiles, or how good her perfume is and how Octavia can feel the scent whenever they sit close to each other.

When she arrives in class that morning, with a cup of Frappuccino in one hand and the books she’ll need for that day in the other, she quickly spots the lonely figure already sat by their usual place. She smiles warmly and walks towards her. Octavia makes herself comfortable beside Yeeun, placing her belonging on top of the table as she sits with her legs crossed. “Good morning,” she responds. She fails to stop herself from rolling her eyes fondly at the dramatic remark, “unnie, you shouldn’t be this cute so early in the morning and not as dramatic either.” The next words makes her breath hitch but she tries not to read too much into it, instead she bites her bottom lip, a nervous act she developed over the years, “you know I’ll always show up for you.” Octavia put her legs down and sat straight this time, but she didn’t look away from her friend. Yeeun was always so enthusiastic with her books and stories, it was actually adorable, “You’re into poetry now then, it fits your image actually,” she said, “mark your favorites before lending it to me, I’ll read them thoughtfully,” she replied honestly. Octavia muffled a yawn and groaned, “I had no choice but study last night, attending writing and English classes were only good so I could meet you to be honest,” she leaned in the back of her chair and let her head fall, eyes closed. She was being too honest. Too dangerous.

she smiles at the other’s words and said nothing more for there was a lump in her throat preventing her to say anything more that may embarrass her or blow her cover. yeeun has never known what to do with her sexuality after her first kiss with another woman. it was quick and tasted like liquor, but she somehow wanted to try it once more.

it’s a curiosity that bloomed over the years to only have become a fact about herself. still, she is scared of venturing towards being with someone of the same sex. no one has ever made her want to cross the line unlike octavia has. as she smiles, her gaze follows the movement of her lips, watching them disappear as she bites down. she could feel herself wanting to lean closer, but her mind keeps her glued in her position until quickly directing her eyes towards the books on the table.

“well...” she leans forward, letting her elbow rest on the table to hold up her head as she directs her attention to the other.“i can’t say that that doesn’t make me happy to know, but i still can’t believe you are bothered by these classes.” from their many conversations, this is the one yeeun couldn’t let go.“i mean, this class is just reading books and talking about them. the other class is just writing about anything. it’s great.” she shrugs as if it wasn’t a big deal and as if everyone enjoys these things as abnormal as she.

“i mean, you get to be in these different places. create someone from nothing, or even play out things you’re afraid to do...” she shrugs once again, this time weaker than the other as the thought of confessing to octavia comes to mind. it’s an insane thought, she convinces herself. if she did tell her friend the truth, it would ruin everything. yeeun already has played it all out in her mind and even in her stories from before any of this. it always ends up the same no matter if she is a man or a woman. she ends up eating her words and lets her mind do all the talking instead. at least like this, i will be sure i still have her friendship.



May 14, 2018


midnight talk.


Walking around without a destiny in mind became more and more frequent in his life, especially during the night where he couldn’t sleep and staying inside the hotel felt too much. Breathing pure air, tiring his body, observing his surroundings, all of these were nice distractions to erase his worries for good. Most people run to bars, clubs or other loud alternatives, where distractions were easier and probably more effective, but Seokjin couldn’t picture himself in these chaotic enviroments. He enjoyed one glass of wine while listening to some relaxing song or a warm cup of latte instead, yet he didn’t know a place in Seoul that could offer these since he left the city when he was just a teenager who only enjoyed arcades, pc rooms and karaokes.

He almost passed by it without noticing. It took him to make an u-turn to see the open sign. It surprised him to find what seemed to be a small bookstore open at this hour. He checked the hour on the watch on his wrist. Almost midnight. The lights were still on and he could spot a female inside, so he decided to give it a chance. Quietly, he opened the door and peeked through the small space. Although it was empty, it looked open, so he walked in to ask the woman, because if he could stay, this felt like the right place to cure his insomnia at.

“Uh- Hello! Excuse me,” he said with a low tone, almost inaudible, afraid to startle or bug the female. Different than what he first thought, the bookstore wasn’t so small, actually it was the opposite of it. How nice would be finding some interesting book to read and drink a hot cocoa in silence for a few hours? It sounded a lot like the perfect scenario for him. “I’m sorry to bother, Miss, but Is it still open? The sign says so, but it’s late…” he was stuttering once again, making excuses when he probably didn’t need to.

there is a drastic difference between morning and night. light and darkness. the cheerful hustle-and-bustle and the somber atmospheric night. there aren’t a set of rules to who one gets to be during the morning and night, it is simply more common to shine in front of others and later show ones true emotions in the dark. because of it, yeeun rests until its dark. when everyone is ready for bed, yeeun washes up and opens her store for a few more hours for those who find it difficult to be at home.she wants to meet those night-walkers. those sides of the people rarely anyone gets to see. those with stories and those with nothing to say. the people who have too much on their mind and just want some place to lay their thoughts to rest. or even to those who simply just feel like staying up with a good book. no one is ever not welcomed because to yeeun, people are fascinating.

the nights are the most calm when there aren’t drunk businessmen walking past her store. sometimes someone drops by and sometimes she’s all alone until morning- she doesn’t mind though. even as someone who enjoys being with others, there is nothing beats having some alone time after being with people for so long. she has a chance to de-stress by cleaning up her decor, arranging a few misplaced books and picking out books to place in the free books section for when it’s time to change it.

then there are times where at least one person comes inside- always wondering if it was still open or if someone had forgotten to lock up. yeeun turns around to see a young man holding the door open as he introduces his presence. her face brightens up with a smile, motioning him to come inside.“yeah, it’s open. c’mon in!” she places some books down into a box and walks behind the counter, pulling both hair strands behind each ear.“i usually open late as well. you never know when someone craves coffee... or a good book.” she shrugs, smiling sheepishly at her oh-so-subtle book promotion.“so, what would you like tonight?”



May 12, 2018

the words we buried

@247qian // 2018 . song tai yu’s grave . cemetery . 12:00 pm

she paints what she feels. every color, every stroke, every precise movement of the brush contains specs of her emotions displayed out on canvas. and right now she thinks of him and her lips curve up while her tears flow down. and she paints with his favorite colors. colors that do not necessarily fit together, but somehow, when it came to him, it always works. because who he was wasn’t simple. he wasn’t someone that was able to be categorized because he was simply himself. he’s shown yeeun a side of him she’s learned to love, but she knew there was more to him than the colors on this canvas. but now there isn’t a way to find out. not anymore.

after the news of the car accident in back in high school, yeeun found it hard to breathe. she couldn’t move other than her legs failing beneath her, dropping her down into a pit of sadness. she had forgotten how many times she called his number and then to qian’s just to understand if this was all true, and the moment she received a letter, she knew it was true. yeeun didn’t think she could go and say goodbye. it shouldn’t have been a goodbye because he was too young, too precious to so many people to just leave this world like that. then she thought of qian and she was the only strength that made her go.

his life, their friendship was short-lived after that. the other had avoided her that day and the days after that. yeeun called, messaged, did whatever she could to speak to qian, to show her that she is there for her, that she didn’t have to go through it alone. but there was no response. no contact after that. and years after that, yeeun still remembers.

she takes the bright colored canvas with her into the taxi, holding it close to her chest as she directs the driver towards the cemetery. whenever she could, she would bring a single flower to his grave, but it had been a while, so she brought a painting for him, knowing that he’d like it and smile just like before. yeeun places the canvas by his grave, towering over it. she looks down at it with a smile, remembering him. remembering the memories.



May 12, 2018


mesmerizing ✨

#pye#(im obsessed with a game so no replies until further notice)#(jk but seriously help)#(i'll try to do replies... after a quick game heh)


May 9, 2018

capture you

@bbhx247 // 2018 . meeting room . pjj publishing . 2:40 pm

when she received pjj publishing’s email, yeeun was reluctant about the whole ordeal. since she was young, her goal was to live a peaceful life, away from fame and rumors about her life. high school already gave her a piece of the struggle she doesn’t want and now this company was bringing it back. however her friends encouraged her to do it. it’ll be good for the business, they would say and magok is her baby- how could she really throw this opportunity away? yeeun sent her reply accepting the interview with a heavy heart, but as she pressed send, her wavering heart calmed down for a bit. she knew she couldn’t avoid attention no matter what she does. it’s only right to face it head on for the sake of her business. plus, it did feel great to be considered a must visit spot in seoul. yeeun marks the date on her phone and prepared all night the day before.

the interview starts of slow and already yeeun felt her palms sweaty. it was always difficult to speak in front of an audience (even if it is only 4 people in front of her) and a camera filming her every move and glance. it was clear she was nervous, but yeeun composed herself better throughout the interview. soon her answers flowed naturally out of her, picking up the pace of the interview.“yes, i encourage everyone to visit at least once. my staff and i will make sure to accommodate your every need. our two story building will have plenty of space for families and friends who wish to find a comfortable place to study. our outside garden is also a relaxing place to be if you want to enjoy a book with the nice weather. i promise you won’t be disappointed.” yeeun smiles, nodding slightly, satisfied with her closing statement.

the group talk among themselves while she looks around for the photographer that was mentioned in the form. yeeun reread the form twice before signing and something she closely remembers in having to be photographed for the article and that made her more nervous than the actual interview. she’s always enjoyed being behind the scene of things, always admiring the models from afar, thinking she could never imagine herself in front of someones lenses. yet here she was, already signed her way to become the object of someone’s art. it’s a daunting feeling and she bites her bottom lip worriedly. as the people walk out, she spots someone with an expensive looking camera and she forces a smile upon her lips. she was doing so well and she didn’t want to ruin it after coming this far. yeeun bows slightly and watches as the younger male reaches her.“hi, i’m yeeun- i’m assuming you’re the photographer for this article?”



May 8, 2018

bittersweet mornings

@247jiyong // 2018 . magok bookstore . 8:50 am

magok bookstore was a simple idea in a young girl’s mind. she imagined countless of books surrounding her with the lingering smell of brooding coffee engulfing the store. she imagined people walking in, feeling as if they have a second home even if it is their first time visiting. she imagined people meeting here for the first time, finding love, or simply a new friend. she imagined heartbreaks followed by sweets or a new book just the ease the heart for a moment. she wanted the good and the bad of people’s lives connected to this bookstore. to hold memories within the walls that only they will know. the bookstore had to have a meaning not only for her, but for everyone living life. she imagined, but it was completely different than actually doing- which is how yeeun’s life changed for the better.

she greets her workers as she walks in and towards her office to get ready to help out as well. despite opening early, there are a few people going in to relax while the other business boom as people only want their drink and leave. yeeun doesn’t mind- she prefers the calmness of the mornings and the bustling of the afternoon. it gives a good balance and she somehow has everyday figured out because of it. the only thing she can’t seem to figure out is the younger male entering through the door, looking disheveled as ever- it’s as if he gets worse by each visit. it worries her every time too. yeeun signs and smiles once her eyes meet his.“i got this.” she tells one of her workers and starts prepping for a drink she knows by heart.

“why do you like feeling like crap the next morning so much?” she asks him over her shoulder while her hands are busy with the coffee machine.“not complaining since you come by every time, but...” she places the coffee cup under the machine and turns half way to look at him.“... should i be concerned?” she co*cks her head to the side, witnessing his weary face clearly now.“because you look really, and i mean really terrible today.” yeeun used to hold back on how much she speaks when she first met jiyong. from the way he looked, she thought he needed some quiet time- just as the purpose of this place is- but the more he came by looking the same, she’s become immune to his hungover status and continues her days as if her voice wasn’t booming inside his head. yeeun brings the coffee to his table and pulls out the chair in front of him and sits down. usually she doesn’t sit down with her customers, but jiyong’s always been a different case. every time.



May 8, 2018

strawberries & cigarettes

@247octavia //2012. classroom . university . 9:00 am

yeeun feared coming here. being in such a grand space, making her feel small. she was tired of feeling small- but here she was in an empty room with seats surrounding her from left to right, from behind and from the front. the podium seemed so far away and she wondered if the teachers were even worse here than back in high school. distant, secretive, always looking guilty for reasons yeeun doesn’t even want to think about. she knows she’s not supposed to judge so quickly, but school had never been a fun thing to look back to.

after weeks coming here, however, she’s found it less and less daunting, especially when octavia sits next to her. usually students move around, looking for new people each day or simply avoiding some the next day, but not her. already the seat next to her has a name and without words, everyone else knows it too.

yeeun felt like an outlier because she was older than most of the students in her class. she applied two years later than those her age. she assured herself it wasn’t going to be a problem even if for a while it was. it was until octavia sat next to her for the first time was when she didn’t feel much of an age gap and knowing they both went to the same high school gave a bigger incentive to keep in touch with her. but that wasn’t the only thing. oh no, there was so much more to octavia that yeeun doesn’t speak about. like the way her smile appears almost instantly when she looks at her (it’s because of me, right?), the casual skinship shared after class (of course not, we’re just friends), the way octavia pays attention to her no matter who is around (she’s a good friend then).

she holds her breath at the door opens and of course it had to be octavia. they were both always the first to arrive before anyone else, giving them enough time alone together. just them two. yeeun sends a little wave and her heart beat paces faster and faster the more the other reaches her spot.“hey.” she pulls the cushioned seat down for her and pats her hand on it with a smile.“finally- i thought i was going to die in this silence by myself.” yeeun loves silence, but the sound of her voice beats it tenfold.“it’s no fun without you.” she looks at her. she smiles, but it’s long lived once realizing how honest she’s becoming- too dangerous, so she pulls back.“i didn’t even study last night. i found this really good poetry book in the library. i’ll lend it to you when i’m done. you’ll love it.”



May 6, 2018

not necessarily fully formed plots, but more like ideas:

high school 2007-2010 (16-18):these could be past threads or can be the base for a present thread.

art buddies. your muse was one of the few people (other than her clique maybe) who could handle her constant rambles of different stories in her mind and her talks about books and art she’s seen during the weekend. really close friends and could possibly still be friends till this day.

friend or foe? your muse couldn’t understand yeeun and instead of ignoring her like everyone else, you decide to take her away from her world and into yours (could be your muse shows her something cool or just bullies her for whatever reason your muse would).

the first. yeeun’s first boyfriend. before her crush and the rumor about having a crush on B from the nobodies, yeeun and your muse were together. probs the weird couple or maybe he wasn’t weird at all and just liked her which would consider him weird for doing so.... anyway, things got rocky after the rumors started spreading and well it didn’t end well bc yeeun didn’t deny that she did have feelings for B and yeah.

anything else that fits tbh...

chicken restaurant and other workplaces (16-20):these could be past threads or can be the base for a present thread.

customer. yeeun helped her parents a lot at their chicken restaurant and you were a frequent customer bc the place is so good and cheap and magically yeeun was always your server.

i know where you live. you ordered for delivery form yeeun’s fams chicken restaurant and magically yeeun was always your delivery person.

company. your muse frequent the sauna during the days where yeeun worked as well.

party party. your muse was quite the party person and you call a number thinking it’s your friend/family/a taxi, it’s yeeun’s number instead and bc she’s nice and could use the money, she goes to pick you up and for some reason you continued to call her to be picked up after that.

sing with me. yeeun worked at a karaoke place for a while and your muse goes in and before yeeun left after leading you into the room, you stop her and ask her to join you.

anything else that fits tbh...

college 2012-2015 (21-24):these could be past threads or can be the base for a present thread.

the first pt. 2. as much of an innocent creature yeeun portrays, doesn’t mean she doesn’t like the dirty if u know what im saying ;) this could be like a boyfriend too or a one time thing with someone that became partners for a project so it’s kinda awkward now...

the experiment. out of curiosity, yeeun kissed a girl and she liked it.

anything else that fits tbh...

present/magok bookstore/banjeom aparment:

hungover. your muse is hung over so they go to magok bookstore bc it’s quieter than a normal cafe and it’s the perfect place to just relax

night-owls. your muse is a night owl and the only place open is magok’s bookstore. you head in there and you find yeeun’s presence/words comforting, so you just keep coming back- this could be multiple ppl bc they could maybe entrust her with their troubles and she kinda just listens and it’ll be like a cool series.



anything else that fits tbh...


one of yeeun’s secrets is that she heard through the grape vines and gossip girl about your muse’s secrets and kinda pieced the information together to create one of her stories to post on her blog when she was in high school. so it could be possible that one of your secrets is out there.. if you’d find that interesting we could discuss about how we can work this out!

one of her other secrets is that she’s a painter with a good reputation, selling her paintings in thousands, but she keeps this hidden. maybe your a fan of her paintings or maybe a friend and you suspect its her? idk!

i’m more than happy to be part of one of your secrets if you think it fits! just send a message!

#winter's blues
DAYDREAM @247yeeun - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.