Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (2024)

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Oatmeal is one of my favorite winter meals andInstant Pot Steel Cut Oats make it easier to have them every day. You can set them up the night before and wake up to a steaming hot bowl of oats. Plus, you can make them sweet or savory depending on how you choose to top them.

My recipe makes the oats nice and chewy, but I give you info on how to make them soft and creamy if that’s what you prefer.

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (1)

What’s Your Favorite – Sweet or Savory Oats?

Today’s recipe is for plain Instant Pot Steel-cut Oats. That means you can top it with fruit, cinnamon, and your favorite sweetener for a sweet morning treat or cook up some kale mixed with other veggies and call it dinner.

How Can Steel Cut Oats be Controversial?

In the age of the internet, I think everything gets passionately argued over. If you look at myInstant Pot Apple Spice Steel Cut Oats for 2 andInstant Pot Pumpkin Coffeecake Steel-cut Oatmeal over on you will see so many comments that completely contradict each other.

I even have a comment about why are there so many contradicting comments. My only answer is people feel passionate about their oats and if they are chewy or creamy.

To me, there’s no one right answer or recipe that will satisfy everyone. My recipe times are taken from Jill Nussinow, so I know there are a few of us out there that like a little bite to our oats.

What Do They Look Like Once They Are Cooked?

They look similar to the photo below. A little clumpy and with some extra liquid on top. This is NOT a sign to cook more.

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (2)

Make sure to stir them and see if the liquid integrates well. The photo below is the same batch of oats as above, only stirred.

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (3)

That looks better, doesn’t it? After you stir them take a bite. Are they too chewy for you? If your answer is yes, then that’s a great reason to cook them a few minutes longer next time.

You can make this batch creamier right now by adding some liquid and cooking on saute until they are as soft as you’d like them to be.

You could try to pressure cook them for a couple more minutes, but once super thick foods are cooked once it can stick and you’ll probably get the burn message. I’ve had this happen on my split pea soup in the past. Remember you need at least 1/2 cup of water to come to pressure in the 6-quart Instant Pot.

How Can I Make Steel Cut Oats They Way I Like Them?

If you are super picky about your oats, you can look at Amy & Jacky’s post here where they try 6 different times and liquid amounts. Then you can eyeball the one that seems best for you.

In addition to my 1 to 3 method that cooks 3 minutes, I also tried their method #4 which cooks with less water, but for 10 minutes. They were more similar in chewiness than I expected.

If you like your oats soft try cooking my recipe for 10 minutes and see if that gets closer to your preference.

Why Make Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats for 2?

Personally, I love setting the timer on my Instant Pot and set up my oats to be ready to eat or put in a thermos before I leave the house.If you are a small household or don’t want to use a microwave once you get to work, making just enough is nice and not very hard.

How Do I Set the Delay Timer on My Instant Pot?

One of my favorite features of the Instant Pot is its delay timer. Add the water and steel-cut oats to your IP. Set the timer to start cooking about 20 minutes before you leave the house. That will leave you enough time to put it into your thermos and dash out to work.

Here are the step by steps:

  1. First select a cooking method, manual/pressure cook. You can’t set the time before you do this step.
  1. Adjust cook time in minutes with the + and – buttons
  2. The timer button must be pushed within 10 seconds of setting your cooking program’s time or you will have to press cancel and start over.
  3. Adjust delay time in minutes with the + and – buttons
  4. 8 hours is 480 minutes

Warning: Do not put perishable food in the pot without heat for long period of times. This is best for doing a plain water and grain mixture if it will be in the pot overnight.

Can I Cook Rolled Oats in the Instant Pot?

You can cook rolled oats, but you need to use different measurements and even a different method. I recommend cooking them in a pot in pot method. I’m working on a post about this with a recipe.

More Recipes to Try

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Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (4)

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (5)

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats

Kathy Hester

This is a basic recipe for 2 servings. You can double or triple it if you want. It cooks fine for 2 in a 6-quart or a 3-quart.

4.78 from 9 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 3 minutes mins

Total Time 8 minutes mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American

Servings 2 servings

Calories 154 kcal


  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup steel-cut oats


  • Add the water and oats to your Instant Pot. Put your lid on and make sure the vent is closed.

  • Plug it in and select the manual setting and set to cook on high pressure for 3 minutes.

  • The Instant Pot timer will begin counting down the time once it gets up to pressure.

  • Allow the pressure to release naturally. You’ll know when it’s ready because the round silver pressure gauge will drop down. This will take about 5 to 10 minutes.



You can use nondairy milk instead of water if you are NOT using the delay timer.


Serving: 1/2 recipeCalories: 154kcalCarbohydrates: 26gProtein: 6gFat: 3gSodium: 9mgFiber: 4gCalcium: 25mgIron: 2mg

Keyword hot breakfast cereal, instant pot oatmeal, instant pot oats, Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats, oatmeal

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Instant Pot Steel Cut Oats Basics and Recipe - Plant Based Instant Pot (2024)


What is the difference between steel-cut oats and instant steel-cut oats? ›

Steel-cut oats have a chewy texture and nutty flavor, while rolled and instant oats are milder with a softer texture. Steel-cut oats are the least processed of the three.

Is it okay to eat steel-cut oats every day? ›

Yes, it is good to eat oatmeal every day considering its nutritional profile and health benefits, including weight control and heart-healthy effect. As a breakfast food and mid-meal snack, oatmeal is potentially a better option than the majority of foods available in the market.

How do you know when instant steel-cut oats are cooked? ›

Check on the texture of the oats after 20 minutes and cook an additional 5-10 minutes longer (if needed) to reach the desired texture. The longer they simmer, the softer and creamier they will become – 30 minutes is ideal in our house!

Which is healthier steel-cut oats or rolled oats? ›

Rolled oats and steel-cut oats are two minimally processed forms of oats. They have similar nutritional values and health benefits. Steel-cut oats may take longer to digest and therefore help a person feel full for longer. They also have a slightly lower impact on blood sugar.

Are instant steel-cut oats as healthy? ›

"It's a common misconception that one type of oat is healthier than another," said Rizzo. "They are all actually identical in terms of their nutrition. The difference is how they are rolled and cut." However, Price added that since instant oats are the most processed option, they generally have salt and added sugars.

What is the healthiest instant oatmeal? ›

15 Healthiest Instant Oatmeals on Grocery Shelves
  • Kodiak Cakes.
  • Nature's Path.
  • Better Oats.
  • Mylk Labs.
  • Better Oats.
  • Nature's Path.
  • Seven Sundays.
  • Kodiak.

Do steel cut oats spike blood sugar? ›

Less processed varieties of oats such as steel cut oats and old-fashioned oats can better dampen the rise in blood sugars and insulin since the soluble fiber in these foods is more intact compared to more processed varieties.

Are steel cut oats good for belly fat? ›

Including steel cut oats in a balanced diet may encourage weight loss. Oats' fiber may contribute to feelings of fullness, which may in turn lead to reduced calorie intake ( 7 ). Studies in both humans and animals further suggest that oat fiber may help reduce fat accumulation, especially belly fat ( 8 , 9 ).

Is 1 cup of steel cut oats too much? ›

The general oatmeal serving size is around half a cup of uncooked oats or one cup of cooked oatmeal. A serving of oats provides a variety of important nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Is it OK to undercook steel cut oats? ›

Yes, you can safely eat raw oats in all forms (rolled oats, steel cut oats, instant oats). However, there is a possibility that consuming raw, uncooked rolled oats can lead to digestive problems, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea in certain individuals.

Can I use milk instead of water for steel cut oats? ›

I like to do a mix of water and milk to make the steel cut oats extra creamy. The ratio is flexible. I generally use 2 1/2 cups of water and 1 cup of milk. You can use your milk of choice—dairy milk or non-dairy milks like coconut milk or almond milk are great (perfect if you need vegan steel cut oats).

How much water for 2 cups of steel cut oats? ›

Ratio of Steel-Cut Oats to Water

The basic ratio for making steel-cut oatmeal is 1 cup of oats to 3 to 4 cups of water — I've found that less water keeps the oats more intact and chewy while more water makes a silkier porridge.

Which is better for cholesterol oatmeal or steel-cut oats? ›

Steel-cut oats are less processed and can bring down sugar and cholesterol levels faster, say dieticians.

Which type of oats is best for weight loss? ›

If you are particularly trying to shed kilos, steel-cut oats are better as they contain a high amount of fiber. The fiber content in it can keep you fuller for a longer time and control cravings for unhealthy food items. Eating fiber-rich food also improves the count of healthy gut bacteria.

Which is better steel-cut oats or quick cook steel-cut oats? ›

Note: You may have seen quick cooking steel cut oats - they are simply cut smaller, so they cook faster. Like rolled oats, these are still good, but may have a lesser effect than the longer cooking steel cut oats. Keep them all on hand, if you like.

Can you use steel-cut oats in place of quick oats? ›

What do I do if I want to make a recipe but don't have the type of oats it calls for? If you are making substitutions, remember that quick and rolled/old-fashioned oats use 1/2 cup oats for every 1 cup liquid, and steel cut and quick-cook steel cut use 1/4 cup oats for every 3/4 cup liquid.

What is the healthiest type of oatmeal? ›

Steel-cut oats, also called Irish oatmeal, are the whole oat kernel that has been cut into two or three pieces using steel disks. This type of oats contains the highest amount of fiber, as it is least processed. Steel-cut oats take a little longer to cook, and result in a creamy and chewy porridge.

What are steel-cut oats best for? ›

Steel-cut oats take longer to digest, helping you to stay full longer and causing less of a rise in blood sugar. This low glycemic index, as it is called, is helpful for prediabetes and diabetes as well as active lifestyles.

Does instant oatmeal lower cholesterol? ›

Instant Oatmeal Also Lowers Cholesterol

If you are looking for the cholesterol-lowering effects, instant oatmeal or quick-cooking oats do the job as well as steel-cut oats or rolled oats. They are still considered to be a whole grain.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.