Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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Monday Evening April 29 1957 THE JOURNAL AND COU RIER RESIDE AT JAMAICA NY: ts The parents were Ruby L' Pabon "5 tions and hyacinths with i immediately following the cere rosebuds )mony Assisting at the reception Mrs Robert Timmons who was '3? jan quet uniui or me the month of the Blessed Virgin' Mr Kochert served his broth 1 Aand(Mary Thursday at 7 pm in the jer in Iaw as best man and ush wil1 be hosts in their chancery of Bishop John Ben eet ers were Ralph Walker of Craw for an open house residence Anna May Hat cy Carroll hotel I be in Circle 20 of Central Presby 8 i COLUMBIA 308 308 MAIN MAIN ST ST with Miss lorence Grimes a member of the state and slip set is made of embroi i a 8 TELEPHONE May Observance Set by St rancis High School Pupils Seniors of St rancis high honor attendant wore a lavender nylon over taffeta ballerina length gown with a Her bouquet was a Colonial ar rangement of pink carnations Normar Jean Timmons was flower girl and Ruben Dean Tim mons was ring bearer Joseph Martin served as best man and ushers were Charles arrell and Richard Slagle The couple greeted guests in the annual session of the Indiana Grand chapter Order of East era Star at Indianapolis They also attended the grand repre sentatives' luncheon and busi ness meeting where Mrs Sny der was re elected secretary and treasurer 'of the Indiana grand representatives While at christening set in Country club Among the giiests attending the wedding were Mr and Mrs Albright of SL Louis Mo Mrs Grace Albright and Mr and Mrs Royal Trltch and family of Ken dallville Mr and Mrs Russell Bennett and family of Wilmette Ill Mr and Mrs Parr Birch Mrs Harrison Espcnscheid Mrs Cole Hawkins and Airs' Walter Lindley of Danville Ill Mr and of Champaign III Miss Judy Ann Duff of Lebanon cousin of the bride was junior bridesmaid All wore gowns styled identically to the matron of Rev David Garrigus of New burgh brother of the bridegroom served as best man and ushers were John Patrick of Columbia Mo Luke Bpuriekas of i cennes John 'Bryan of Rlch The wedding vows of Miss Joanne Louise Jones and Timothy Parr Garrigus ofNew York City were sol I emnized Saturday at 2 :30 pm in Trinity Methodist church with Rev Thomas J' Luke offici ating in the double ring ceremo ny Mr and Mrs Paul Jones 18 Woodview court are parents society church will meet! 9 twx iw iVa MAIN ST christening set adorable in perma nently pleated nylon and lace 398 to 5 95 broidered vest pnly 3 9g Dress hand dered cotton batiste both 3t98 40 and 8r Kensington club win meet day at 1:30 pm in the home of A Hall 1501 Ravinia of Clarks West Lafayette in the1 uigoy Home Demonstration club wui meet weonesaay at 1:30 pm UR hnmp nf Xfr OlnvH Wor Jh LAAYETTE IND Cardigan cap bootee Dainty yoke dress and i set of nylon knit pat ruffled panty trimmed tern dainty hand em 'with lace: washable 2 398 to 598 broidery 398 298 to 398 for a distinctive hair style PHONE 2 3382 NORMA BEAUTY SHOP 5th Street Lahr Hotel i Kelly Studio MRS RALPH THOMAS ISBELL JR System Shawl all over pattern hand tied fringe large rayon satin bow trim Miss Jacque Ellen Heid enreich of 12 and Ralph Thomas Isbell Jr were united in marriage Saturday at 9 St Lawrence Catholic church Mr and Airs Wilbert Heidenreich former local residents now residing at Detroit Mich are parents of the bride and the par ents are "Mr and Mrs Isbell Sr of 12 Rev Gordon Gehring OJiI officiated at the double ring cer emony The bride wore a street length light pink dress with fitted hnd ice and bouffant skirt She wore a matching picture hat' and a white carnation corsage xi Miss Nancy Ehrie cousin of the bridegroom was honor at tendant Her dress was light blue with a scooped neckline dnd bouf fant skirt She wore white ac cessories and a white and blue variegated carnation corsage I Larry Videll of Brazil served as best man' The couple was honored at at 1 i in jvia rsnau reseau rant following the ceremony Mrs Isbell is a graduate of Jef ferson high school and attended Indiana university Medical cen ter at Indianapolis Mr Isbell at tended Jefferson high school and is serving with the Navy After May 6 the couple will re side at Hutchinson Kan where Mr Isbell is stationed with the Navy Auxiliary Names New Officers Plans Open Housef Mrs George Price has been elected president of the Home Hospital auxiliary Other officers who will serve for the coming year are Mrs Thomas Gra ham vice president Mrs John Lynch secretary and Mrs Roger Widmer treasurer The group is planning an open house from 3 to 5 pm riday May 17 in the home of' Mrs James Price 3500 "Cypress lane It will benefit the pediatrics ward at the hospital Care or Plants An oiled silk or plastic dish cover slipped over the bottom of the pot of a hanging plant will i catch the drips when the plant is watered swimsuit I Topper set fine combed cotton knit panty lined in plastic elastic back 198 to 398 Joanne Jones Bride Of Timothy Garrigus KEK PICK DP AXII UKLIVEKY PHONE 2 4424 Baby gets the bargains and pretty wearables for spring and summer too in our great Baby Week sale Every item specially purchased for Baby Week' every item a real value Hurry Winners Told Winners at euchre nlavnH the Knights of Columbus euchre party in the of home were Mrs John Steill and Mrs Rich ard Bongen lones Mrs Otis Smith and Alfred Boll nelr fir Mr and Mrs John Schweitzer second and Mrs Arnold Smith1 and Paul Brooks Srn low Mrs Thomas Watson' was special prize1 winner The next party planned by the group will be Saturday from 8 ta jo in the of hcynel at 7 :30 Chateau Ladies Aid'Hili Christian a i rii'siiur or UJ home of Mrs Joy Anderson 111 uuiue or airs uioya vvag Lawrence Altar and Aid so ner 121 North Salisbury West cieQ will inert al 6:30 Lafayette Assisting the hostess! Mrs William Naftzger and fami ly of Winnetka Hl Dr and Mrs Louis Howard of Urbana Ill Mr and Mrs William Robinson and Mr and Mrs Alfred rey of Chicago Mr 'and Mrs James Dorn of Dayton: Dr and Mrs A Sheehan of Norwalk Mr and Mrs John Patrick of Columbia" Mo Miss Carol Taylor of Cynthiana Ky Mrs Dennis Blind Mr and Mrs Dickey Mr and Mrs tr a Dralce Mr and Mrs Louis Roemer' Dr and Mrs Paul Sullivan Mr and Mrs Louis Roemer Mr and Mrs Donald Greenmap and Mr and Mrs loyd Poston of Attica Mr and Mrs Walter A Davis Mr and Mrs Ross lummerfelt Mr and Mrs Ivan Sours Mr and Mrs Howard Greenlee and Miss Eliz abeth Greenlee of Vincennes Mr and Mrs Garrard and family of Homewood Ill Mr and Mrs Cole Morton of Ridge arm Hl Mrs 'Jay Brels ford of Boise Ida and Mr and Mrs John Milligan of La Porte Also Miss Patricia cl*th ero and Mrs Harry Dees of Greencastle: Mr tk George Gear and Mrs Robert Mantes of t1 Wayne Mr and Mrs Robert Duff nnH fnmiiv Mr and Mrs Paul Tauer of Leb Mrs innoa otxzi Mr and Mrs red Jones of Muncie Mrs Merton Keefe Miss Betty Keefe dnd William Lus combe of Kokomo and Mr and Mrs Thomas McClure of Syra cuse Mary Soentgerath Edward Boyle Wed in Ceremony The wedding rites of Miss Mary Katherine Soent gerath daughter of Mrs Helen Soentgerath 302 North Eleventh and Edward Carlyle Boylfe were solemnized Sat urday at 11 am in St Mary cathedral Mr and Mrs Eu gene Boyle of 1314 South' Second are parents of the bridegroom Rc: John Duewcke read thejearried a golden carnation bou uwuuxcr iiiig wcruinopy ana 1st was Mrs Leo Hession The bride wore ar beige street lengtn vorcss with fitted bodice fordsville brother in law of the and scalloped neckline and a net bridegroom and Robert Smith zivAT sizi rt vrtji cousin of the bride aava nao OllUlllUEl i 1 lhe couple was honored at 1 7 car nea breakfast in The Trails paintings are on display Reservations qr cancellations of reservations are to be made Art Clubs To Attend Institute Indiana ederation of Art clubs will participate in an The Busy Clubwoman Wntnpn' ir nniikj xii avus vviuuru momp Mrs Li guild of Holy Trinity Erfglish son Guests at the birthday table Ott and Mrs rank Pcr'igo Mrs wul 1 Tuesday for a 3vered dish pot will be Mrs Glen Lawler and lue supper in St Lawrence Mrs Gross The project so 'ial hn lesson Dish Meals" will be Stockwell by Mrs Wilfred More in the Methodist church I rftEMrflamnCWiTn bJlnJ SWe Home Demonstration Lephard club will meet Thursday at 1:30 will be hostess assisted by Mrsp in the YWCa Charles Jbhnson Mrs McKlnleyiwiU be Mrs Earl Heimburger Mri RfivnMl KT Ndburger Mrs Harold rrand wxzaa ai i vai kJi 1 Martin were Gamma chapter vefeturned from the 83rd rvprCTcnuuives ounoay at a Delta Chi Sigma sorority state round table discussion in the Deming hotel at Terre Haute Mrs George Shoop a representative Mon tan a grand chapter of Order of astarn" Star In TnHinnn anX eiiM icjjiuaciiiAuveB wmie Bl Mrs Samd Snyder grand Indianapolis they visited Mrs Jacque Heidenreich Ralph Isbell Jr Marry peanina representative" taNew York Bert Bishop grand renresenta I chanter In Indiana tfva glilUU 0180 ter in Indiana Mr and Mrs Harry Erickson have returned from a week end visit at Brookville where they were called by the death of her uncle Joe companying them were her parents and Mrs Michael Baudendistel and also her sis ter Mrs Louis Relander church parlors "Craft will Thad Cartmill and Mrs Ray be featured with dcmonstrations'Platt of textile painting cake decorat ing and other arts and Vrsfts Hostesses for the meetintr win tw terian church will meet at 7:30 Mrs Edwardf Priest Mrs Wednesday in the home Methodist uunnson ana Mrs onnv Miller of Mrs Thomas McCaw Romney Methodist Garrigus of Vincennes I Joseph lummerfelt of Vlri cennes was organist and soloist i was Miss Corinne Clark The bride wore a formal length ivory embroidered peau de soie gown featuring a bateau neckline and princess style The sleeves tapered to points over the hands and were trimmed with narrow bands of seed nori 1 The fitted bodice extended into a bouffant skirt Her fingertlp length silk illusion veil was trimmed with seed pearls and fell from a crown of ivory em broidered peau de soie The bride's bouquet was a Colonial arrangement featuring lilics of the valley and was centered with three white orchids Mrs William Lusmmhp nf Tfw win lesiue at sfi zo une bnde ma Hundred orty Eighth Jamaica tron of honor and wore a gown after May 4 bzmv viiauiuuKiin XI 1 1'l I 11 i MX uuucKiuuius uarcnm wpr bateau hosts at a rehearsal dinner ri neckline the oetitn mllarlHnv rtvonin ended in hnw s' 111 tuc iuyee MRS ROBERT JOHN MITCHELL shape by summer No one limj you like Stauffer or Stauffer reduces inches well as pounds We tuck in your tummy Smooth away hips and make your throat and shoulders and jutni prettier tooX you want to make your way to the nearest swimming pool brim ming with pride and confidence call Stauffer! Complete figure analysis REE No obligation i Swimsuit by Gwrelch Wtttwtf Mrs orrest Williams 124 Marstellar St West Lafayette Phone 3 2306 ptMkuwa ccuncsj uunii Dryaji qi xxICH of the bride and parents of the mond and' David Jonea brother bridegroom are Mr and Mrs Ross of the bride Mrs Robert Duff of Lebanon aunt of the bride and Airs James Rush cousin of the bride as sisted at the reception in the La fayette Country club immediate ly following the ceremony Mrs Garrigus is a graduate of Jefferson high school and Dc Pauw university at Greencastle where she was a member of Kap pa Gamma sorority She is also a member of Kappa Kappa Kapba sorority Mr Garrigus at tended Lincoln high school at Vincennes and is a graduate of DePauw university where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity He also served in the Army ollowing a trip through the East Mr and Mrs Garrigus will reside at 88 25 One were Miss Margaret Mitchell and Mrs James Coomey sisters of the bridegroom Airs orrest Robin son and Mrs Harold Schultz Mrs Alitchell is a graduate of Cristobal high school (Panama) and Indiana Business college Mr Mitchell is a graduate of Jeffer son high school and served four the month nf thr the couple will reside Mary Thursday at 7 pm in the 2 Vabash me couoie was nonnrrd nf rnsiirinnnn anno 'rehearsal partv ridav nvpninr in To close the event there willke will nerform thr wmirninhe home of the HZ II fotlT nf fho i 1 Atz4l bolnmAnt li mw uui kuiun 81 iu 1ICL tLLLUnacinUS itarium where the Benton murals will be Sandra Seiters Judy De 1 1 a a I a 1 1 a I 1am Aa 2 i wic ULJiit'tTLiuii ill i ri 1 1 1 i nnnnra ann ixinn a cascade bouquet of white car nations with blue accent Th tr ovivui mr or reservations are to be made bridegrooms sister Airs Boyle graduated from Jefferson by riday and should be filed rx nnOr ho of a I I 1 Repeat Vows Miss Rllbv Lillian Palmn Q11 TTrta John Mitchell repeated their wedding vows Saturday at 11 am in St Ann Catholic church Mr and Mrs Manuel Pabon of New Cristobal Panama are parents of the bnde and Mrs Mary Best and the late William A Mitch ell are parents of the bridegroom 'Rev Leo McHale off iciated 1 at the double ring ceremony and organist was Sister Rita Clare St Ann choir sang The bride wore a ballerina length gown of rosebud lace over antique satin fashioned with a boat neckline and sleeves which extended to points over the hjknril Wpr Tnnt'hlno wall A A wmmzw III axil a nrfr studded with seed Dearls and she course at Indiana univer sity at Bloomington' in the ine Arts Department Wednes day Alay 8 One of the highlights of the program will be a speech on Japanese art by Theodore Bowie professor of ine Arts at the Atembers participating will view the studios in the ine Arts department and will also see a collection of Japanese art ol lowing the afternoon session Dr Henry Hone chairmen nf the Vinton TA Plans Event Vintpn TAj will sponsor fish fry Saturday from 5 tn pm in the school The academic materials committee will be in charge of the event under the chairmanship of orrest Stearns and Postlethwait Proceeds will be used to Durchase science Clark Mrs Dnrothv I a awiiSK A viSfeW Al I AC meet ill be Airs Ravmond Dickr AT win nraen xa Wednesday at in the son Mrs Lloyd McIntyre Mrs lesson Tricks for Your Home Birthdays of Airs Lloyd Whitley Mrs AL Hobson and Mrs Al Lindsey will be ob served WSCS? nf JarlfSAn 'TT I trh I a rhlirAh wtll man Johnson and Mrs John Miller of Mrs Thomas McCaw 2113 Thursday at 2 In the home Romney Methodist church South Seventh Mrs Richard WSCS will meet in the churcn Rasmussen will direct the proarlcs MeCaw wHl be in charge Wednesday at 2 Program Srra and Airs orest Tyler of the worship service The pro will be directed by Mrs William wU1 Iead devotions wilL Rcder and Mrs Clyde Rayle will! Women a Buck Lri ho iou in me eaucanon avuuvn musun ana Mrs buildin? of the rhnrrh fnr a Mrs Lillian Shirlev i United Lutheran Church Worn i at Green Hill will meet Thurs i Mrs Herbert Zinsmeister Mrs lull th iAhinxi amen union ok irst Hap ouck assisting me nosr berx uHnhrlnLP th i cnv tist church Will mec Wednesday ess will be Mrs Charles Staf education ford Mrs Robert Mason and TaxtIaa ir tr tvuuuing ux me enuren xor a aes plrkn ert luncheon Hostesses will be Mrs Jose oh Ratcliff Mrs A VW 8 A A A A I red Kennedy and Mrs Wilbur paui Young will lead devotions cn of St Paul Lutheran church i ar izwaav uii miii rrxi 1 TV Tv I AX IV 9 rC a 11 4 vx uxxxuuxs wui ue Riven Ladies Aid soeWv win new officers will be installed a rx va Tj a a 11 St 1 avaA lid Ud jl I la III HI MI Pi IV i rx meetat 1:30 Thursday njvorxern Oscar Weigle will present the the borne of Mrs Simuel unk Dorcas of the Lafayette topic on World Lutherans Wel aj Cleo unk Gospel center will meet Tuesday come to North and will be devotional leader lat 7 pm in the basem*nt of the Mrs Swain Cottingham will be in Winm hflW ni Jhurch Mrs Wilbur Rock will charge of the magazine quiz 1j: Eg 40 and 8 Chet nuwera Airs Car 347 will meet Wednesday at 7:30 cncc Cook and Mrs Elsie Dew Goodwill club will meet Tues tn the Eagles home cere winners were Airs day at 1 pm in the home of Robert Shriner and Airs Donald Mrs John Gipson 1213 North ociiac ii mvtig th Sixteenth group win ds Thursday May 16 i ou in the vine waa macron of honor She my WWT uVMlUdll ncuuillg dress with yellow accessories and (trip they will reside on 11 MRS TIMOTHY GARRIGUS 11 Phot Art ended in a bow with streamers ttL lire uacK ine oouffant skirt "was ballerina length and she car ried a Colonial bouquet of white snowdrift mums accented with deep blue corn flowers Her headpiece was a wreath of flow ers matching her bouquet Bridesmaids were Miss Sandra Jones of Muncie cousin of the bride Miss Prudence Dix Cole rain and Miss Mary Jordan Airs Boyle is a graduate of Sti rancis high school and Air nooerr nocnert of Crawfords high school and served in the Ar ville was matron of honor She mv ajptnt green street length ollowing a southern wedding board of directors at the owler dress with Vallow accpstfnrips nnH IrUrx th a aaaUa 1 d)B 'X i 's vct s8p i JhaMrMBMk iW A 4 vf Mitchell w7 4 v4 i e' II 4 a 7 sU JHk I A JSSMraaR x' 7 x' A i ft A Xi S' I Vr 7 Sk 5 5 A 1 is 4 I 7 7 i jS fr' A'' 's '1' A' hr i i I 7X? 77k fl i A fl 4 a itxS2 I juvi 1 xrtitiiiH aw 4 aa4teMrxMf at k' Z'H nrtfihncraK? 54pW5L I iBSj WHtsjg 1.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.