ORIE M.Eng Handbook (2024-2025) | Operations Research and Information Engineering (2024)

Table of Contents

  1. ORIE M.Eng at Cornell
    1. Introduction
    2. Brief History of the School
    3. M.Eng Program Overview and Learning Outcomes
  2. Master of Engineering Program Requirements
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Credit Hours
    3. Course Requirements
    4. Other Course Eligibility
    5. Engineering Design Project
    6. Other Requirements
      1. Good Academic Standing
      2. M.Eng Exit Survey
  3. Concentration and Minor Requirements
    1. Applied Operations Research
    2. Data Analytics
    3. Financial Engineering
    4. C*. Financial Data Science (FDS) Certificate
    5. Information Technology
    6. Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
    7. Strategic Operations
    8. Systems Engineering Minor
  4. Policies and Procecdures
    1. Conduct
    2. Academic Integrity
    3. Early Admission for Cornell Undergraduates
    4. Academic Advisors
    5. Registration and Course Enrollment
    6. Petitions
    7. Extramural and Transfer Credits
    8. Transfers Between Cornell M.Eng Programs
    9. Changing Concentrations
    10. Extending Operations Engineering Programs to a Third Semester
  5. Financial Aid
    1. Merit-Based Financial Aid
    2. Need-Based Financial Aid
    3. Employment Opportunities
  6. University Resources
  1. ORIE M.Eng at Cornell
    1. Introduction
    2. Welcome to Cornell! This handbook is a guide to the Master of Engineering (M.Eng) program in Operations Research and Information Engineering (ORIE).

      The sections that follow outline the expectations and requirements of the M.Eng program, the courses and concentrations offered, various policies and procedures, and support resources that are available to you. We look forward to getting to know you and are confident that you will have a challenging and rewarding educational experience!

    3. Brief History of the School
    4. Operations Research and Information Engineering has a long history at Cornell. Industrial Engineering courses were first taught in 1895 through the Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering. Operations Research courses were introduced in 1955. In 1961, the Department of Industrial Engineering and Administration and the graduate field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research were established. In 1965, the undergraduate program in all engineering disciplines was changed from five years to four years (and the BEng degree to BS). The Master of Engineering program was established in the same year to give those students who desired BS and MEng degrees in ORIE the opportunity to pursue them both within a five-year timespan.

      In the decades since, the School of ORIE and the M.Eng program have grown and flourished. The ORIE M.Eng at Cornell is recognized globally as a top-rated professional degree program, producing outstanding thought leaders who solve problems and create positive impact.

    5. M.Eng Program Overview and Learning Outcomes
    6. As a two or three-semester professional degree program, the ORIE M.Eng is highly valued in the marketplace and continues to be an attractive option for well-prepared undergraduates in a variety of fields, including Operations Research as well as Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Information Science, Mathematics, Finance, Statistics, and many other quantitative disciplines.

      All M.Eng degree programs at Cornell share the following five Learning Outcomes. Below each outcome is its interpretation within the context of the ORIE M.Eng program:

      1. Mastery and Application of Core Disciplinary Knowledge
      ORIE M.Eng students will master core disciplinary knowledge entailing fundamental theoretical concepts, modeling methods, solution techniques, and computational skills in the areas of optimization, stochastic modeling, statistical modeling, and data science. They will apply these concepts by engaging in team-based project work with real organizations to address real problems.
      2. Problem Formulation and Organization and Planning of the Solution Process
      ORIE M.Eng students will gain experience in:
      1. Assessing a complex organizational or management need for which ORIE techniques are relevant and applicable.
      2. Synthesizing an accurate, coherent problem description, including (where applicable) mathematical representations of key elements.
      3. Developing logical solution approaches to address the problem.
      3. Collaborative Problem Solving and Issue Resolution
      ORIE M.Eng students will learn to:
      1. Contribute to team-based problem-solving efforts.
      2. Promote good team dynamics.
      3. Resolve conflict by exercising strength-based communication to build consensus.
      4. Communication of Knowledge, Ideas, and Decision Justification
      ORIE M.Eng students will develop the skills to speak, write, and present in a manner that is clear, concise, convincing, visually effective, and at an appropriate level for the target audience.
      5. Self-Directed Learning and Professional Development
      ORIE M.Eng students will demonstrate the initiative to cultivate the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish goals, both in the class room and in the professional arena. This includes:
      1. Recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses.
      2. Embracing opportunities for improvement.
      3. Building a contact network.
      4. Developing "storytelling" skills to effectively engage and sell ideas to others.

      Students in the ORIE M.Eng program fulfill these Learning Outcomes by satisfying general curriculum requirements, which include a minimum number of credit hours in various types of courses, course requirements (including ORIE Core, colloquium, and project preparation courses), and participation in a capstone engineering design project.

      Seven concentrations and minors are currently associated with the ORIE M.Eng Program:

      • Applied Operations Research Concentration (AOR)
      • Data Analytics Concentration (DA)
      • Financial Engineering Concentration (FE)
      • Information Technology Concentration (IT)
      • Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Concentration (MIE)
      • Strategic Operations Concentration (SSO)
      • Systems Engineering Minor

      Due to structural differences, certain requirements may only apply to FE students. To differentiate, all other concentrations may be referred to as simply "Operations Engineering" (OE).

      Each of these options is designed to meet certain educational objectives and has corresponding elective requirements that must be met in conjunction with the general requirements. Students in the Financial Engineering concentration also have the option of completing the Financial Data Science (FDS) Certificate as part of their studies. Details for each concentration and the FDS Certificate are given below.

      The capstone component of the ORIE M.Eng program is the team-based engineering design project, which all students complete with the guidance of a Cornell faculty advisor. The M.Eng project provides an intensive learning experience that is fundamentally different from the completion of a traditional individual Masters’ thesis. It is intended to prepare students for the professional arena by having them engage in project work with an organizational partner that involves real data, deadlines, and deliverables. ORIE M.Eng students are expected to play major roles in all aspects of their projects, including formulating and analyzing the problem, managing the partner relationship, monitoring the project timeline and milestones, and delivering the final results.

      The ORIE M.Eng program is designed to begin in the fall semester. Due to the sequencing of course offerings, course prerequisites, and the timeline for project activities, we strongly encourage completing the M.Eng program in the traditional fall-spring cycle (most concentrations) or fall-spring-fall cycle (financial engineering). Although some students are admitted to the ORIE M.Eng program in the spring semester, spring admission is typically limited to well-prepared applicants who are already enrolled at Cornell during the preceding fall semester and are able to participate in professional development and project activities that take place in the fall.

  2. Master of Engineering Program Requirements
    1. Prior to Enrollment

    2. Prerequisites
    3. Before beginning the M.Eng program in ORIE, all students must provide certificate or transcript verification that they have successfully completed the following coursework at a degree-granting institution:
      1. A standard engineering calculus sequence, including linear algebra (with eigenvalues and eigenvectors) and vector calculus, similar in content and rigor to Cornell's MATH 1910, MATH 1920, and MATH 2940.
      2. An introductory engineering probability and statistics course that covers theoretical fundamentals and is similar in content and rigor to Cornell's ENGRD 2700.
      3. An intermediate-level computer programming course in a general programming language such as C++, Java, or Python, similar in content and rigor to Cornell's ENGRD 2110. Courses that entail programming applications, but where programming is not the primary focus are not acceptable substitutes. Courses in statistical modeling languages, such as R and SAS, are not acceptable substitutes by themselves.

      ENGRD 2700 and ENGRD 2110 are offered each semester and during the summer at Cornell. Information is available at the Summer Session Office. Prerequisite course work completed more than five years prior to the start of the M.Eng program must be retaken or reinforced in an approved manner.

      Please note that certain concentrations have additional prerequisites. Failure to satisfy program prerequisites will jeopardize a student's academic standing at Cornell and may result in a mandatory concentration change or (in extreme cases) a leave of absence until all prerequisites are met.

      While Enrolled

      This section details the credit hour, course, and project requirements each student must fulfill to receive the Master of Engineering degree in ORIE.

      Students should consult the ORIE Graduate Field Administrator (279 Rhodes Hall) to confirm that their specific course selectinos meet the general requirements. Although academic advisors will assist students in course selection, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to plan their course of study and to ensure that all degree requirements are satisfied.

      The Cornell Course Roster is the most up-to-date list of course offerings and descriptions. Certain courses found in the Appendices may not be offered each year.

    4. Credit Hours
    5. As an ORIE M.Eng student, you must:
      1. Register as a full-time M.Eng student for two or more semesters.
        1. "Full-time" means enrolled in 12 or more credit-bearing hours. This is especially important for international students, as it is also a condition of your F-1 visa status.
          1. Credit bearing does not include audited courses.
        2. Early Admit students must enroll in at least one semester as a full-time student following the completion of the hybrid semester.
      2. Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of approved technical coursework.
        1. "Approved Technical Coursework" will necessarily include all courses listed in the Appendices. Other courses that have direct professional relevance and are suitably technical may be counted on a case-by-case basis. This will require a petition, which must be approved by both your ORIE academic advisor and the M.Eng Program Director.
        2. These courses must be distributed as follows:
          1. At least 28 of these credits must be letter-graded. The only permissible S/U credits are those associated with the practicum and colloquium courses.
          2. At least 9 of these credits must be from ORIE classes, and 3 of these must be taken in your first semester as a full-time m.Eng student.
          3. At most 8 of these credits may be earned at the SC Johnson College of Business (SCJ).
      • Strategic Operations students may count a total of 12 credits from SCJ.
      • You may take more than the allowed member of credits at SCJ, but the maximum that may be applied to your M.Eng degree is 8 (12 for SSO).
    6. In each semester as a full-time ORIE M.Eng student, at least 10 of your credits must count towards your M.Eng degree.
  • Course Requirements
  • As an ORIE M.Eng student, you must:
    1. File a study plan with the Graduate Field Administrator at the beginning of each semester detailing all courses in which you are enrolled or intend to enroll for that term. The plan template is found on the Resources page. Your study plan must be approved by your academic advisor.
    2. Fulfill ORIE Core course requirements. You must successfully complete:
      1. 12 or more credit hours of Core coursework; comprised of:
        1. 3 or more credits hours in each Core category:
    • Optimization Modeling
    • Stochastic Modeling
    • Data Science and Statistical Modeling
  • 8 or more credit hours in ORIE Department-labeled courses;
  • 3 or more credit hours in your first semester as a full-time mEng student.
  • You must receive a letter grade in all Core coursework.
  • You may not "double-count" any Core coursework towards your Concentration requirements.
    1. Specific exceptions to this rule are found within Section III, detailing individual Concentrations.
  • You may not transfer credits from your previous institution for any coursework, but especially for Core coursework.
    1. If your previous institution is Cornell University, please see the relevant discussion under Policies and Procedures.

    Both ORIE 5300 and ORIE 5500 are found on the Core lists. These courses are considered foundational for all concentrations, and we strongly recommend all students new to Operations Research take both prior to (or concurrently with) other Core or concentration classes.

    You are permitted to waive at most one core area requirement if you satisfy the following conditions:

    1. You have completed or are completing your Undergraduate degree at Cornell University.
    2. You have taken at least six (6) letter-graded credits of Cornell coursework in the core area you wish to waive.
      1. At least three (3) of those credits must be from ORIE Department-labeled courses.
      2. Undergraduate classes that co-meet with their graduate-level counterpart (e.g. ORIE 3300/5300, CS 4780/5780) are preferred, but students coming from the College of Arts & Sciences may have alternative equivalents that should be discussed with your advisor.
    3. This waiver modifies the Core course requirements as follows:
      1. 8 or more credit hours of Core coursework; comprised of:
        1. 3 or more credit hours in each unwaived Core category;
        2. 6 or more in ORIE Department-labeled courses;
    4. This waiver applies specifically to the requirement to complete graduate-level coursework in that core area, it is not credit-bearing. You are still subject to all other credit hour requirements (e.g., a total of 30).
  • Fulfill ORIE concentration or minor requirements.
  • Receive an S in your concentration's 1-credit Colloquium class.
    1. Financial Engineering: ORIE 5210, taken during your CFEM semester.
    2. Operations Engineering: ORIE 5920 (formerly ORIE 9100), taken during your Spring semester.
  • Receive an S in ORIE 5915, the ORIE 1-credit Career Practicum class, during your Fall semester.
    1. Financial Engineering: You must take this course in your first Fall semester - it is not available at CFEM.
    2. Early and/or Spring Admits whose schedules make ORIE 5915 an impossibility must work with the M.Eng or CFEM Director to determine an appropriate substitute.

    NOTE:These are the only two courses that you may take Pass/Fail (S/U) that count towards your degree. All other courses must be taken for a letter grade.

  • Successfully complete one of two Project Preparation courses during the Fall semester.
    1. ORIE 5100: Manufacturing Systems Design: A Consulting Boot Camp is a 4-credit course that also fulfills Stochastic Modeling Core requirements.
    2. ORIE 5110: Case Studies is a 1-credit course that only fulfills the Project Preparation requirement.
    3. Financial Engineering: You do not have to fulfill this requirement.
  • Other Course Eligibility
  • Most technical courses at Cornell offered by the College of Engineering, the College of Computing and Information Science (CIS), and the Department of Mathematics that are numbered 5000 or above, and taken for letter-graded credit, may be allowed to count toward the ORIE Master of Engineering degree, subject to core and concentration requirements. However, exceptions apply. Please refer to the sections below and appendices for details.

    Courses that are not allowed to count toward the ORIE M.Eng Degree include:

    • Courses numbered at the 4000-level or below (these are undergraduate courses);
    • Any course that is substantially similar to one you have already taken at Cornell or elsewhere (for credit or audit);
    • Teaching Courses

    Courses that are permitted only if petitioned for:

    • Any SCJ course not found in the Appendices under Allowable SCJ Courses or your concentration;
      • This includes all courses beginning with NBA, HADM, and ENMGT.
    • Any course found in [APPENDIX P];
    • Any courses outside of Engineering, CIS, and Math.
  • Engineering Design Project
  • You must successfully complete an approved engineering design project. M.Eng projects are team-based and have industrial, financial, or government-related organizations as partners and/or sponsors. The specific goals and expectations for M.Eng projects will be presented prior to team assignment. You will be able to rank the projects in the order of your preference, which will be taken into account during team assignment.

    For all projects, your group must submit a final written report signed by your faculty project advisor, and deliver a final oral presentation to the partner organization.

    Project Courses are designed so that you receive 5 credits for your workload, typically 1 credit in the Fall and 4 in the Spring.

    Precisely which courses you should enroll in (and when) will vary by your concentration and matriculation path.

    1. For standard matriculants, follow these guidelines:
      1. Operations Engineering (except for Strategic Operations):
    • Fall: ORIE 5980 (1 credit)
    • Spring: ORIE 5981 (4 credits)
  • Financial Engineering:
    • CFEM: ORIE 5220 (5 credits)
  • Strategic Operations
    • Spring: NBA 6500
  • Systems Engineering Minor:
    • Fall: SYSEN 5900 (3 credits)
    • Spring: SYSEN 5900 (3 credits)
  • For non-traditional matriculants:
    1. OE Spring Admits: You may enroll in ORIE 5980 during the Fall semester before your matriculation and transfer the credit to your m.Eng degree if and only if those credits will not be counted towards your Undergraduate Degree requirements.
      If you are unable to take ORIE 5980 either because of scheduling or enrollment issues, enroll in ORIE 5981 in the Spring for 5 credits.
    2. OE Early Admit Pathway: If your hybrid semester is in the Fall, you may enroll in ORIE 5980 during that semester and transfer the credit to your m.Eng degree if and only if those credits will not be counted towards your Undergraduate Degree requirements.
      If your hybrid semester is in the Spring, or you are unable to take ORIE 5980 in the Fall because of scheduling or enrollment issues, enroll in ORIE 5981 in the Spring for 5 credits.
    3. FE Spring/Early Admits: You will always participate in CFEM, so you will enroll in ORIE 5220 for 5 credits during your CFEM semester.
  • Students enrolled in ORIE 5981 are required to reconvene in-person in Ithaca to work on their M.Eng projects at least two weeks before spring semester classes begin. For Spring 2025, clases begin on Tuesday, January 21st.
  • Full commitment, participation, and teamwork are expected of all students.

  • Other Requirements
  • This section outlines miscellaneous requirements that you must fulfill to receive your Master of Engineering degree in ORIE.

    1. Good Academic Standing - You are expected to maintain good academic standing throughout your degree program and must achieve it to graduate. To attain good standing, you must:
      1. Satisfy all prerequisites prior to beginning the program;
      2. Carry a course load that enables you to complete the program without unecessary delay, including credit hour requirements outlined above;
      3. Achieve a grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or better in each semester;
      4. Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better across all courses satisfying the requirements of the M.Eng Degree;
      5. Attain a C- or better in every graded course taken; and
      6. Resolve any incomplete course grade within one semester of the submission of the incomplete.
      7. Cornell uses a grading system with "+" and "-", and assigns decimal grade points to grades as folows:

        GradePoint Value

      If you fail to maintain good academic standing during a term, you will be notified of your status in writing and will be invited to meet with appropriate ORIE faculty to discuss the situation. Extremely poor performance – for instance, failing to meet three or more of the criteria for good standing – may lead to a mandatory leave of absence from the M.Eng program at the discretion of the M.Eng Program Director. This includes students who enter the ORIE M.Eng program with prerequisite deficiencies and subsequently fail to attain good academic standing during the first term. Students who fail to attain good academic standing for two consecutive semesters typically will be asked to withdraw from the M.Eng program.

    2. M.Eng Exit Survey - You must complete the mandatory M.Eng Exit Survey administered by the College of Engineering, which will be provided near the completion of your degree. This survey must be completed to receive your degree.
  • Concentration and Minor Requirements
  • This section outlines additional prerequisites and course requirements for each concentration and minor associated with the ORIE M.Eng program. Upon enrolling in a concentration, you must provide an attestation and/or certificate or transcript verification that you have successfully completed the necessary prerequisite coursework at a degree granting institution. In creating your study plans, note that certain courses may not be offered every year.

    Any requirements listed are in addition to those listed in Section II, the overall program requirements.

    1. Applied Operations Research
    2. The Applied Operations Research concentration (AOR) is the most general of the concentrations and allows the most flexibility with respect to elective courses. The AOR concentration is appropriate for students with undergraduate degrees in ORIE who want to increase the breadth of their exposure to operations research and its applications, as well as for those with undergraduate degrees in other fields who want to gain a solid foundation in the theory and practice of ORIE.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: None.
      2. You must complete 12+ letter-graded credit hours of approved ORIE department-labelled coursework. This excludes:
        1. Project courses (ORIE 5980/5981)
        2. Practicum courses (ORIE 5915)
        3. Colloquium courses (ORIE 5920)
        4. Independent study courses
      3. You may "double-count" courses taken to satisfy your core requirements, as noted in Section II.A.II.c.
    3. Data Analytics
    4. The Data Analytics (DA) concentration focuses on the theory and tools needed to make fact-based, data-driven decisions associated with the development, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services. Students admitted to the DA concentration who have not completed the prerequisites will be assigned to the AOR concentration until the prerequisites are met. Some students may need three semesters to complete the DA concentration due to elective course prerequisites, enrollment limits, or the timing and sequence of course offerings.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: You must complete a two-semester sequence of calculus-based probability and statistics theory, similar in content and rigor to Cornell courses ENGRD 2700 and ORIE 3500. Courses in which probability and statistical methods are used, but where theory is not the primary focus are not acceptable substitutes, nor are professional exam credentials (e.g., CFA, FRM).
      2. You must complete 3 or more concentration-specific courses, which total to 9 or more credit hours.
        1. One course must come from the Data Science and Statistic Modeling Core List [Appendix C]. This effectively means that you must take 2 separate DSSM Core classes - one to satisfy the program requirements, and one to satisfy your concentration requirements.
          Cornell Undergraduates: If you choose to waive the DSSM Core, you may not apply any credits towards your concentration requirements. If you do not waive the DSSM core, you may apply 3 credits towards your concentration requirements, provided that they follow the guidelines laid out in Policies and Procedures.
        2. One course must come from the Data Analytics Electives List [Appendix D].
        3. At most 3 credits may come from SCJ courses.
      3. You may not take ORIE 5500 or STSCI 5090 for M.Eng credit: these courses fulfill the prerequisites necessary for admission into this concentration.
    5. Financial Engineering
    6. The Financial Engineering concentration (FE) prepares students for careers that involve the quantitative analysis and management of financial instruments and risk. Such jobs frequently involve: (1) mathematical modeling and analysis of stocks, bonds, options, currency exchange rates, and other structured products; (2) developing quantitative models to help corporations understand and manage their exposure to risk; and/or (3) implementing algorithms to monitor, price, and trade financial instruments. As such, the concentration enables students to gain deep and broad knowledge of financial markets and investment strategies and innovations. FE is specifically designed to be a three-semester concentration (Fall-Spring-Fall), with the third semester taking place at Cornell Financial Engineering Manhattan (CFEM) in New York City.

      In certain cases, and capacity-permitting, it may be possible for well-prepared Cornell ORIE undergraduates to complete the FE program in two semesters (starting in the spring and finishing at CFEM the following fall). Please consult the M.Eng Director for eligibility and details. Cornell undergraduates who have successfully completed FE elective courses as part of their undergraduate degree may count at most 3 credits towards the satisfaction of the FE concentration requirements.

      You will receive a Dean's Certificate in Financial Engineering in addition to your diploma on successful completion of this concentration.

      1. Additional Prerequisites:
        1. A two-semester sequence of calculus-based probability and statistics and/or stochastic processes, similar in content and rigor to Cornell courses ENGRD 2700 and ORIE 3500/3510. Courses in which probability and statistical methods are used, but where theory is not the primary focus are not acceptable substitutes, nor are professional exam credentials (e.g., CFA, FRM).
        2. An introductory finance course with a strong focus on mathematics, not economics or accounting.
        3. It is strongly reccomended that you have experience with differential equations at least at the level of Cornell course MATH 2930.
        4. Python and/or C++ are the preferred coding languages for FE students.
      2. You must complete 12 or more letter-graded credit hours of coursework from the Financial Applications Electives [Appendix E] list.
        1. 6 or more credit hours must be earned during your CFEM semester, via courses numbered 52XX.
          This does not include your Project course, ORIE 5220.
          ORIE 5252-5257 are "Special Topics" courses and are taught by professionals affiliated with CFEM. Topics vary from year to year.

          ORIE 5258: Python for Finance, is designed for first-semester FE students located in Ithaca, it is not part of the Special Topics sequence and can not be taken while at CFEM.
        2. Any courses taken for Financial Applications credit may not count towards your Core requirements.
      3. You may not take ORIE 5500 or STSCI 5090 for M.Eng credit: these courses fulfill the prerequisites necessary for admission into this concentration.
      4. You may not take ORIE 5510 for Stochastic Modeling core credit, but you may count it towards the 30 credits necessary for your M.Eng degree.
      5. You may not take ORIE 5630 for DSSM core credit, but you may count it towards your Stochastic Modeling core.
      6. You must complete the CFEM Exit Surveyin addition to the M.Eng Exit Survey. This will be provided near the end of your CFEM semester. It must be completed to receive your degree.

      C*. Financial Data Science (FDS) Certificate

      If you are interested in data science, you may complement your studies with the FDS Certificate by fulfilling the requirements below. All must be succesfully completed for letter-graded credit.
      This framework is designed to enable you to add value to an organization immediately by cultivating critical skills in big data collection, manipulation, storange, and access, as well as machine learning theory, algorithm implementation, and evaluation.

      1. Complete ORIE 5270: Big Data Technologies, which is offered in the Spring for 2 credits and is foundational for the framework.
      2. Complete at least one course listed in [Appendix F].
        Some of these courses are also permitted to satisfy Core or Elective requirements.
      3. Complete an FDS-eligible Special Topics course while at CFEM.
        The eligible courses will be announced prior to enrollment in your CFEM semester, and still apply to your Elective requirements.
      4. Complete an FDS-eligible Project while at CFEM.
        The eligible projects will be announced prior to your enrollment in your project section.
      5. Participate in non-credit-bearing workshops while at CFEM.
        Details will be announced as they become available.
    7. Information Technology
    8. The Information Technology (IT) concentration prepares students to participate in the development, acquisition, and integration of information systems (particularly those embodying OR approaches) to ensure that strategic business needs are satisfied. Students who elect this concentration will be introduced to the essentials of information technology and ways to design and manage IT transformations.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: None.
      2. You must complete 4 or more concentration-specific courses, which total to 12 or more credit hours.
        One course must come from each of the 3 following categories:
        1. Technology and Infrastructure [Appendix G]
        2. Information Economics and Strategy [Appendix H]
        3. Managing IT Implementation [Appendix I]
        The remaining course may come from any of those areas, or from the Additional IT Electives list [Appendix J].
      3. At most 1 course may be counted towards both the ORIE Core and an IT Elective requirement.
    9. Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
    10. The Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering concentration (MIE) prepares students to use their operations research skills to improve manufacturing environments and associated processes across the supply chain network. This concentration covers aspects of design, production, and distribution of goods and services, as well as fundamentals of modern manufacturing technology including computer-aided design, analysis, and management of manufacturing processes. Students admitted to the MIE concentration are expected to have a working knowledge of probability and statistics as well as strong disciplinary credentials. Industrial experience is advantageous but not required.

      You may find tht you need an additional semester to finish both the M.Eng degree requirements as well as the Concentration requirements.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: None.
      2. You must complete the following Manufacturing Focus courses, details on which may be found in [Appendix K]:
        1. ORIE 5100: Manufacturing Systems Design: A Consulting Boot Camp
        2. NBA 5530: Accounting and Financial Decision Making; or
          NBA 5020: Managerial Accounting and Reporting
        3. ORIE 9100: Enterprise Engineering Colloquium
      3. You must complete 9 or more credit hours of concentration-specific electives, found in [Appendix L].
        Among these, certain classes are mutually exclusive and may not be taken together:
        1. CEE 5900: Project Management; and
          ECE 5830: Introduction to Technical Management; and
          SYSEN 5930: Project Management and Leadership for Complex Systems
        2. ENGMT 5940: Economics and Finance for Engineering Management; and
          SYSEN 5140: Economic and Financial Decisions for Engineers
        3. NBA 6410/6420: Supply Chain Strategy/Analytics sequence; and
          ORIE 5126: Principles of Supply Chain Management
      4. Courses from the Manufacturing Focus or Electives lists may also be counted towards the ORIE Core requirements.
    11. Strategic Operations
    12. The keystone of the Strategic Operations concentration (commonly called the Semester in Strategic Operations or SSO) is the SSO Practicum offered by the Johnson School. Taken in conjunction with related courses, the SSO Practicum provides a comprehensive look at how business and operations strategies are aligned and executed for success, including product design, logistics, quality control, corporate organization, employee organization and compensation, marketing, and globalization. Graduate students from the College of Engineering, the Johnson School, and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations participate.

      SSO course material is integrated with company site visits and team-based project work with industry partners. The ORIE M.Eng project requirement is fulfilled within the context of the SSO framework.

      You should plan to complete most or all of your Core requirements during your Fall semester, as the majority of the SSO-specific programming is only offered in the spring.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: Strong background in operations research and/or relevant professional experience.
      2. You must complete the following Strategic Operations courses:
        1. ORIE 5126: Principles of Supply Chain Management
          May also be counted towards your Core.
        2. NCC 5080 (orNCC 5580): Managing Operations
        3. NBA 6500: Strategic Operations Immersion Practicum
      3. You must complete 3 or more credit hours of concentration-specific electives, found in [Appendix M].
        You may enroll in courses outside of SSO during your spring term, so long as the courses do not conflict with site visits or other mandatory SSO activities.
      4. You may count up to 12 SCJ courses, instead of the 8 allowed for other concentrations. All SSO-required courses count towards this total.
    13. Systems Engineering Minor
    14. The Systems Engineering Minor prepares students to meet the increasing need from industry for engineers who go beyond the expertise in a particular engineering discipline. Within this minor program, students with diverse interdisciplinary skills integrate engineering system components, ensure total system operability, and evaluate various economic forces in the marketplace.

      1. Additional Prerequisites: None.
      2. You must complete the following courses, details of which may be found in [Appendix N]:
        1. ORIE 5140: Model Based Systems Engineering
        2. ORIE 5142: System Analysis, Behavior, and Optimization
        3. CEE 5900: Project Management
      3. You must complete both semesters of SYSEN 5900.
        This project course is central to the minor, and requires significant time commitment throughout the academic year. Most team projects encompass system design, analysis, integration, implementation, and participation in competitions.
  • Policies and Procedures
    1. Conduct
    2. The Cornell University Student Code of Conduct establishes expectations applicable to all students. The Code centers around the core values of: purposeful discovery, free and open inquiry and expression, a community of belonging, exploration across boundaries, and changing lives through public engagement. The full text of the code is available here.

      Every M.Eng student is expected to exhibit courteous, professional, and honest behavior in all aspects of their role as a Cornell student, including but not limited to all communications with faculty, staff, alumni, recruiters, project partners, and fellow students. Discourteous, negligent, or deceitful behavior may result in action being taken against the student in accordance with Cornell University policy. In extreme cases, a student may be required to withdraw from the M.Eng program.

      Cornell University is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning, living, and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff members. If you have any questions or concerns about incidents involving potential sexual harassment, assault, gender discrimination, or other related forms of violence, please visit the Sexual Harassment and Assault – Response and Education (SHARE) website. This site offers information about SHARE partners who provide services, support, reporting options, education, and advocacy.

      For immediate reporting of conduct concerns, please see ORIE department leadership or, in an emergency, contact the Cornell Division of Public Safety by telephone at 911 or 607-255-1111.

    3. Academic Integrity
    4. The School of Operations Research and Information Engineering adheres to the policies and procedures of the University on academic integrity. M.Eng students are subject to these policies and procedures. Take time to familiarize yourself with the complete Code of Academic Integrity. The rapid growth of online resources and natural language processing resources can complicate maintaining integrity. Further, specific academic integrity rules may vary from course to course.

      If you ever are in doubt of the rules, consult your instructor before submitting the assignment. Don’t guess! The process for adjudicating integrity violations is stressful and time-consuming for students and faculty alike and is easily avoided by up-front communication.

    5. Early Admission for Cornell Undergraduates
    6. The Early Admit Pathway is designed for high-performing Cornell seniors who have completed the vast majority of their undergraduate-level coursework and hope to get a head start on completing their M.Eng degree.

      Provided that the eligibility requirements are met and your admission to the program is approved, you will register as an undergraduate student for your final semester as an undergraduate, but you are able to enroll in and count credits towards your M.Eng degree as appropriate. This is referred to as your "hybrid" semester.

      During your hybrid semester, each course that you take may count towards either your Bachelor's or your M.Eng, not both. See Section IV.7 for details on transferring additional credit to the M.Eng program.

      You will be considered an undergraduate for financial aid purposes and will not pay M.Eng tuition rates until you matriculate as a full-time M.Eng student. If you are receiving United States Federal Student Aid, you must be enrolled in at least 6 courses which count towards your Undergraduate degree to retain that aid.

      Matriculation to the M.Eng program is expected the semester immediately after your hybrid semester. Attempts to defer matriculating as an M.Eng student will jeopardize any credits earned during that semester.

      Eligibility requirements are maintained by the College of Engineering, which has stated that an eligible student will:

      1. need between one (1) and eight (8) credit hours to complete their bachelor's degree during their hybrid semester, including any special designations;
      2. submit and obtain Graduate Field Administrator approval of an early-admit pathway petition;
      3. apply for early admission by the published deadlines (generally, by October 1 for spring early admit and December 1 for the following fall early-admit); and
      4. complete their bachelor's degree by the end of their hybrid semester.
    7. Academic Advisors
    8. Each M.Eng student will be assigned an academic advisor just prior to the start of the fall semester (or spring semester for spring admits). You should contact your advisor as soon as possible for advice on course selection and study plan approval.

    9. Registration and Course Enrollment
    10. As an ORIE M.Eng student, you are required to register every semester in order to gain access to campus resources. To qualify as a registered student, you must:

      1. Complete course enrollment;
      2. Settle all financial accounts, including the current semester tuition;
      3. Satisfy New York State and university health requirements; and
      4. Clear any and all holds from the College of Engineering, the Graduate School, the Judicial Administrator, Cornell Health, and the Bursar’s Office.

      You can check your registration status and view your holds by visiting Student Center. Upon arriving to campus, students should check in with the Graduate Field Administrator to ensure that ORIE has all necessary documentation.

      In general, all Bursar holds must be cleared before a student will be allowed to enroll in classes. See the Registrar Calendar for the complete timeline of course enrollment and add/drop deadlines for the academic year. Note that certain courses may not be available for enrollment until the semester begins.

    11. Petitions
    12. We recognize that flexibility is sometimes necessary when unusual circ*mstances arise. Please use this petition form to do the following:

      1. Request for a course to satisfy Core requirements
      2. Request for a course to satisfy Concentration/Elective requirements
      3. Request for a course's credits to count towards your M.Eng degree
      4. Change your Concentration
      5. Extend your program a third semester (International students: see Section IV.J: Extending Operations Engineering Programs to a Third Semester)
      6. Waive a program requirement (Colloquium, Practicum, etc.)
      7. Wave a Core Area requirement

      The above are all processes that happen at the Department level. The College of Engineering Registrar handles petitions related to enrollment and student status, and they keep a list of relevant petitions on their website that allow you to request the following:

      1. General Petition
      2. Enrollment Petition
      3. Release of Information Form
      4. Over 20 Credits in One Semester Petition
      5. Time Conflict Permission Form
    13. Extramural and Transfer Credits
    14. You may transfer up to 9 credit-hours towards your ORIE M.Eng degree, provided that all of the following apply:

      1. The credits were earned at any of Cornell's colleges or divisions;
      2. The credits are letter-graded;
      3. The credits are not applied to any other degree or credential;
      4. The credits satisfy ORIE M.Eng Degree Requirements;
      5. You have obtained program approval within three weeks of the start of your first M.Eng semester or hybrid semester, whichever is earlier.

      For Early Admit students, any transferred credits are distinct from those earned during your hybrid semester. [However, you are only able bring a maximum of 15 credit hours from your time as an undergraduate with you; e.g. if you are taking 8 credits of M.Eng coursework during your hybrid semester, you can only transfer a maximum of 7 credits.]

      Decisions concerning the denial of transfer credits are final and may not be appealed to the M.Eng Academic Committee. No other transfer credits are accepted by ORIE.

    15. Transfers Between Cornell M.Eng Programs
    16. The College of Engineering sets the policy for transfers between Cornell M.Eng programs. Upon accepting an offer of admission to an M.Eng program, students are required to register in that program for at least one semester and are expected to make progress towards the degree requirements for that program. Students who wish to transfer to another M.Eng. program after their first semester must inform and receive approval from both programs. Approval depends on several factors and is not automatic. Students seeking this approval should consult with the ORIE M.Eng Director. If approved, the transfer will be effective at the beginning of the subsequent semester. Other transfer rules apply as outlined in the College of Engineering Rules for the Master of Engineering Degree. Financial aid in the form of fellowships and scholarships will need to be reviewed to determine if it is transferable.

    17. Changing Concentrations
    18. Within the ORIE M.Eng program, there are limited options to change concentrations after admission. Changes into the Financial Engineering concentration are not permitted. Requests for changes into the other concentrations/minor will be considered on a case-by-case basis and require the approval of the faculty advisor and ORIE M.Eng Director.

    19. Extending Operations Engineering Programs to a Third Semester
    20. Like other professional graduate degrees, the M.Eng has a planned program timeframe. Barring unforeseen emergencies, major illnesses, or other extreme circ*mstances, you are expected to complete your degree requirements on schedule with your cohort. For ORIE Operations Engineering M.Eng students, this means finishing in two semesters. However, it may be difficult to complete the requirements for a particular concentration in two semesters because of gaps in your background and/or the sequence and timing of courses offered.

      In most cases, the School of ORIE will allow an M.Eng student to pursue a third semester of study, provided that they follow the extension request process outlined on the associated petition form and submit all necessary documentation prior to the stated deadline, which is usually the Friday following April 15.

      International students should pay particular attention to the extension guidelines presented by Cornell’s Office of Global Learning.

      Any ORIE M.Eng student who extends their program to a third semester is subject to additional academic requirements and costs, as detailed next. You must accept responsibility for meeting these additional requirements and costs as a condition of having your Extension Request approved.

      Academic Requirements for Program Extensions:
      1. You must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of coursework.
      2. At least 6 must be letter-graded credit hours that count towards your M.Eng Degree.
      3. At least 3 of those must be in ORIE department-labelled courses.
      4. You may enroll in SCJ courses during your extended semester, however the limit on countable SCJ credit hours from your concentration still applies.
      5. At most 1 course may be Audited.
        Audited courses do not count as credit hours.
      Costs associated with an Additional Semester of M.Eng Study:

      M.Eng students who request Program Extensions are not eligible for pro-rated tuition and should expect to pay for a full additional semester of study, including tuition and fees, living expenses, and student health insurance. If you are an international student, financial certification may be required as part of the I-20 extension process.

      Extensions are not available to FE students due to the design of the CFEM semester.

  • Financial Aid
  • The ORIE M.Eng degree is self-funded. It is a professional degree, meaning its focus is on professional development in a given field and ensuring future success in your career. This is different from a research degree, which is focused on in-depth research and development for a future in academia, and is typically externally-funded. If you are interested in a research degree in ORIE, please see our Ph.D program page.

    The decision pursue a professional degree is an investment in yourself and your future that will pay off both financially and with enhanced career opportunities. Over the past several years, not only has the ORIE M.Eng average starting salary been $10,000-$15,000 higher than the average starting salary for our undergraduates, but M.Eng students often enter the professional arena with a higher status or an advanced trajectory because of their additional training and experience.

    The current tuition and fees for the ORIE M.Eng program may be found on the University Bursar's website under the Master's Degree (Tier 1) entry.

    Cornell also offers a convenient installment plan to pay tuition and certain other bursar billed items. For more information, see the Cornell Installment Plan (CIP) site, or contact the Bursar directly at 607-255-2336.

    Two types of financial aid are available to M.Eng students: merit-based aid and need-based aid. Only merit-based aid is made available to professional degree students via the School of ORIE and the College of Engineering. Need-based aid for professional degree students comes primarily from federally or privately funded loan programs. Each is described in more detail below. In addition, students may seek part-time employment to help defray program expenses.

    1. Merit-Based Financial Aid
    2. All applicants to the ORIE M.Eng program are automatically considered for merit-based financial aid as part of the admissions process. There is no separate aid application – you should highlight your achievements and contributions on your application to the program itself. Merit-based aid for ORIE M.Eng students primarily comes in the form of partial tuition fellowships, and are largely funded via donations from generous alumni.

      The College of Engineering also offers the Knight Scholarship, a program for M.Eng students who are interested in a future MBA degree from the Johnson School. You may indicate interest on your application to the program, and will be contacted about your essay prior to the deadline if you choose not to upload it with your application itself. Knight Scholarship applications are typically due February 1st, while the Fall cycle application deadline is December 1st.

      M.Eng financial aid is awarded on a discretionary basis, based on applicants’ qualifications and the availability of funds.

    3. Need-Based Financial Aid
    4. Cornell currently participates in two federally funded student loan programs: the William D. Ford Direct Loan and the Federal Graduate PLUS loan. These programs are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are matriculated toward the degree. More information may be found at the Graduate School Fellowships page.

      For underrepresented United States citizen students, the GEM Engineering Fellowship provides financial assistance and a paid summer internship. This fellowship covers tuition, fees, and provides a stipend for living expenses for the graduate academic year. Note that the M.Eng degree may not be explicitly mentioned on some of their materials, but M.Eng students are eligible.

      There are currently no need-based programs for international students administered by the University or the Department.

    5. Employment Opportunities
    6. Any student who can prove their identity and eligibility to work in the United States can explore part-time jobs available on or off campus. Non-work study positions are listed by the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment.

      Course assistantships are available to M.Eng students on a limited basis. These are hourly positions with varying responsibilities, but M.Eng students are typically designated as Course Assistants, not Graders. Depending on availability, the Graduate Field Administrator will contact qualified students approximately one month before a semester begins.

      ORIE M.Eng students are able to hold assistantships in other departments, but individual departments have their own recruitment priorities and procedures.

      Legally, as a full-time student you can work up to 20 hours per week. That said, you should not work over 10 hours per week due to the rigor of the program and the time commitment of searching for employment. Historically, students who have attempted to manage a 20 hour workload alongside their responsibilities as an ORIE M.Eng student have found themselves seriously underperforming in both.

  • University Resources
  • ORIE M.Eng Handbook (2024-2025) | Operations Research and Information Engineering (2024)


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    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

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    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.