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Courses The courses described in this catalog are expected to be taught within the 2011-2013 academic years. SUNYIT reserves the right to cancel any course when the enrollment is insufficient to support it. The right is also reserved not to offer a course if resources become unavailable, or if the course has been dropped from the curriculum since the last printing of the catalog. SUNYIT also reserves the right to change faculty assignments, and therefore cannot guarantee students the faculty of their choice. For additional information, contact the Registrar’s Office, SUNY Institute of Technology, 100 Seymour Road, Utica, New York 13502. Telephone 315-792-7265. Courses approved to meet the new General Education requirements are so noted at the end of the course description. Students using old general education requirements should confer with either their advisor or the Registrar’s Office for applicable courses.

Accounting ACC 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (4) An accelerated introduction to accounting theory, including the nature and need for accounting principles and accounting concepts. Coverage includes financial statement preparation and analysis, internal control, and accounting systems. ACC 205 Managerial Accounting (4) Controller use of accounting data to assist with decisions on budgeting, factor and product combinations, pricing, and for performance evaluation of segments of the firm. Prerequisites: ACC 201, MAT 111 or equivalents, or permission of instructor. ACC 310 Income Tax I (4) Analysis of federal income tax legislation and IRS interpretations affecting individuals’ returns. This includes analysis of accounting methods used to determine gross income, deductions, capital gains/losses, and business income. Also includes instruction on availability and use of tax services. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent. ACC 311 Income Tax II (4) Impact of federal tax legislation and IRS regulation on taxation of corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts. Special attention is given capital gains/losses, normal tax and surtax, income and deductions of domestic and international/multi‑national organizations. Prerequisite: ACC 310 or equivalent. ACC 312 Accounting Systems & Computer Applications (3) Introduces students to topics in the area of accounting information systems. In addition to gaining exposure to commercially used accounting packages, students will gain an understanding of system documentation techniques including data flow diagrams, flowcharting, and E-R diagrams; internal control design and assessment; database design; information acquisition; and transactional accounting systems and accounting cycles. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent and computer literacy. ACC 320 Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations (3) Accounting principles and procedures as applied to not‑for‑profit entities. Accounting and financial management procedures for governments, health facilities, educational institutions, and charitable organizations. Prerequisite: ACC 201. ACC 370 Cost Accounting (3) Cost accounting and related analytical concepts. Topics include cost accumulation, variance analysis, joint costs, and standard costing. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

ACC 385 Intermediate Accounting I (4) An advanced theory course in accounting, including problems in corporation accounting, evaluation of items on the balance sheet, and statement of income. The course emphasizes the opinions, statements, and other current publications of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent. ACC 386 Intermediate Accounting II (4) Continuation of Intermediate Accounting I. Topics include Stockholder’s Equity and more complex accounting topics, including accounting for pensions, leases and income taxes, and the Statement of Cash Flows. Prerequisite: ACC 385 or equivalent. ACC 430

Financial Management for Health Care Organizations (3) Students will acquire a working knowledge of cash flow projections, budgeting, cost accounting and control and evaluation techniques for not‑for‑profit organizations. Case study analysis and presentations will be the primary instructional method. Students will learn to use an electronic spread sheet to assist in analyzing case studies. Cross listed with HSM 435. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent. ACC 450 Auditing (4) Auditing standards and techniques used in audit engagements; preparation of audit working papers and audit reports. Prerequisite: ACC 386 or equivalent. ACC 471 Advanced Management Accounting (3) Students will learn techniques for budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, segment evaluation and analyzing operating constraints. They will research and develop solutions to various advanced management accounting problems through case studies and problems from the CMA Exam. Finally, the students will present their analysis and recommendations orally and in writing. Cross listed with ACC 571. Prerequisite: ACC 205 or ACC 370 or equivalent. ACC 475 Advanced Accounting Problems (4) Advanced accounting problems cover partnerships, home office and branch relationships, fiduciary accounting, governmental and institutional units, consolidated financial statements, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and other advanced problems. Prerequisite: ACC 386 or equivalent. ACC 480 CPA Problems I (4) To assist students preparing for careers in public accounting, emphasis is placed on analysis required in examinations preliminary to expressing a professional opinion as to fairness; includes examination procedures and methods of reporting results. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Cross listed with ACC 580. ACC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. ACC 492 Accounting Internship (4) Supervised, discipline related experience in a business organization. Emphasis is on application, process, and techniques used by business to sustain business and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker will be targeted. Oversight will be provided by the School internship coordinator and the sponsoring organization. Periodic meetings with the supervisor, mid-semester evaluation, and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


ANT 301 General Anthropology (4) Examines the general characteristics of a holistic cultural approach. Presents a general theory of human cultural development. Places specific anthropological issues, such as the origin of gender roles, inequality, and the nature of the state, in theoretical and cross-cultural perspective. Integrates data from cultural anthropology, linguistics, biological anthropology, archaeology, and applied anthropology research and practices where appropriate. Designed for upper division students with no previous background in anthropology. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. ANT 303 Cultural Diversity (4) Examines the nature of social and cultural systems of diversity. Investigates cultural practices Relevant to the constitution of such social constructs as race, class, gender and sexuality. Emphasizes the processes through which such ideas, products and culturally and historically constructed social worlds, become parts of a taken-for-granted social universe. Integrates the relationship between conceptions of race, class and gender and sociological and anthropological practice. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. ANT 310 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (4) Provides an understanding of contemporary human issues through the study of diverse human cultures, with an emphasis on non-Western societies and practices. Basic concepts and ethnographic techniques practiced by cultural anthropologist are presented. Topics include family, language, kinship, health, gender, economics, politics, ecology, art and religion. Examination of issues such as globalization and the study of online communities and cultures. ANT 320 Social Policy (4) Examines various attempts to apply social science knowledge to address social problems and bring about appropriate change in human behavior. Explores the process by which social policy is developed and implemented. Examples taken from both the United States and other cultures. Among possible topics are social service, needs assessment, health and healing, work, education, and technological change. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. ANT 321 Distinction: Race, Class and Gender (4) Examines the nature of social and cultural systems of distinction. Investigates cultural practices relevant to the constitution of such social constructs as race, class, gender and sexuality. Emphasizes the processes through which such ideas, products of culturally and historically constructed social worlds, become parts of a taken-for-granted social universe. Integrates the relationship between conceptions of race, class and gender and sociological and anthropological practice. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110, or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. Restricted to Sociology and Criminal Justice majors. ANT 371

People and Systems: Cultural Perspectives on Information Practice (4) Presents the general concepts essential to a cultural perspective on information practice, including awareness of how information activities are mediated by cultural constructs and are developed within preexisting socio-technical frameworks. Examines the results of research and reflection from a variety of relevant fields which document and illuminate the social and cultural dimensions of the evolving cyberspace and information applications like system development. Illustrates how to combine these results and reflections into analyses of why systems succeed or fail and how to incorporate into system development work specific tools which increase the likelihood of system success like participatory design. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. ANT 382 Cultures, Health and Healing (4) Presents the essential elements of a cultural perspective through examination of health and illness-related behavior. Places disease and illness in holistic perspective. Explores specific issues in medical anthropology, such as the way various cultures conceive disease and

illness, cross-cultural conflict in health care delivery, industrial and non-industrial approaches to therapeutic intervention, the relationship of disease and human evolution, and alternative approaches to the study of such issues. Assumes no previous study in anthropology, although this would be helpful. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. ANT 460 Ethnography (4) Provides an intensive survey of ethnographic practice in anthropology, sociology, and other fields. Examines a wide range of ethnographic materials focusing on the actual production of ethnographic materials including the use of “participant observation,” the collection and making of the ethnographic text, questions of ethics in field work practice, and recent relevant feminist and postmodern discussions. Provides students’ with the skills and information required in fieldwork practice. Covers specific projects that require students to generate primary field data and complete an analysis of this data using one or several of the theoretical perspectives covered during the semester. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. Cross listed with ANT 531. ANT 490 Selected Topics in Anthropology (4) An in-depth treatment of a selected topic in Anthropology. Provides students with the opportunity to investigate Anthropologial subject matter that will not be repeated in a future seminar. Prerequisities: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. ANT 491 Independent Study (Variable Credit 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisite: Matriculated student only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

Art ART 120 Studio Art: Visual and/or Performing (2) An introduction and hands-on experience with the style and techniques of a visiting artist. Suitable lecture/demonstration of background and personal approach to the work will be shared by the artist. Students in a studio/workshop type of environment will participate in sequential exercises designed to allow them adopt and adapt some of those stylistic elements and/or features in their own work (visual and/or performing). Meets new General Education Arts requirement. ART 135 Drawing (2) This is a beginning course in free‑hand drawing for the layperson. The student will be guided through a sequence of lessons beginning with line quality, the vocabulary of lines, and proceed through drawing materials and techniques, foreshortening and shading. Emphasis will be placed on the representation of forms in drawing. Lessons will consist of lecture‑demonstrations, class work, and homework. The expected result is to provide the student with more confidence in the self‑expression and appreciation of drawing. Meets new General Education Arts requirement. ART 140 Painting ‑ Technique & Style (4) An investigation of visual art forms and techniques that influence and express qualities of American culture. Aspects of design, color and style will be explored through studio experience, lecture, slides, and demonstrations, to enable the student to use the elements of line and color to create visual space on a flat surface. Meets new General Education Arts requirement. ART 210 Principles of Two Dimensional Design (4) A foundation studio course focusing on the visual dynamics of the twodimensional picture plane, with special attention on the application of basic design principles to problem-solving in the fine and applied arts. Explores a variety of hands-on techniques pertaining to image creation, manipulation, and construction including space, line, shape, value, texture, color, and their design relation to one another. Combining technical and artistic skills, students will create 5-8 portfolio pieces. It is SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013




Courses strongly recommended that students have taken or are taking concurrently a studio drawing course. Meets new General Education Arts requirement. ART 341 Painting II - Techniques & Style (2) Continuation of the investigation of visual art forms and techniques for students who wish to improve visual literacy. Students will explore several major styles in the modern Western tradition, applying and experimenting with the brush and pigment techniques through which those styles are achieved. Meets new General Education Arts requirement. ART 350 History of American Art (4) A survey of important trends and significant styles of American painting and sculpture from colonial times, including works of Sargent, Whistler, Homer, Inness, Johns, and Pollock. Lectures, slides, and museum tours. Meets new General Education Humanities or Arts requirement.


Astronomy AST 222 Astronomy (4) A survey of the nature of celestial bodies within the solar system, as well as constellations and phenomena in and beyond our galaxy. Also covered are comets, meteoroids, asteroids, black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, star clusters, and double stars. Meets new General Education Natural Sciences requirement, but does not meet the SUNYIT laboratory science requirement.

Biology BIO 101 Introduction to Biology (4) Biological issues are at the forefront of public attention, from cloning to climate change to conservation, and understanding these issues takes an increasing amount of scientific literacy as the issues become more complex. Covers the scientific knowledge base behind many of these issues, and also explores current areas of agreement and contention and applications of these data in technology and society. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 103 Biology I (4) First part of a two semester sequence of introductory biology. Focuses on chemistry of living organisms, cell structure and function, metabolic processes, genetics and evolution. The processes of observation, measurement, hypothesizing, data gathering and interpretation, analysis of data and application are stressed in laboratory each week. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 104 Biology II (4) Second part of a two semester sequence of introductory biology. Focuses on the diversity, anatomy, and physiology of living organisms. The processes of observation, measurement, hypothesizing, data gathering and interpretation, analysis of data and application are stressed in laboratory. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: BIO 103 BIO 105 Introduction to Ecology (4) Study of interactions living organisms have with their physical and biological environments. Special attention is given to population dynamics, pollution control, and the consequences when ecological systems are disturbed. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement, but does not meet the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 122 Insects and Society (4) Examines the impact of insects on human society. Provides an overview of the biology and ecology of the major insect orders and addresses the influence of insects on history, beliefs, folklore, medicine, agriculture, art, music, literature, and the importance of insects in human well-being. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement, but does not meet the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

BIO 130 Plant Biology (4) Plants provide us with oxygen, food, and most of the raw materials we use; they form the very basis of life as we know it. Addresses current issues and technologies surrounding plants, including bioengineered food, botanical forensics, and the interaction of plants and climate change, and examines the structure, classification, and physiology of plants. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 215 Anatomy & Physiology I (4) Covers the various systems of the human body. The first semester emphasizes the anatomy and physiology of cells, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Laboratory studies include the skeletal system using articulated and disarticulated human skeletons, tissues using prepared slides, and the nervous system using preserved specimens and physiological exercises. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: BIO 101 and CHE 110 or permission of instructor. Meets the new General Education Natural Science requirement. BIO 216 Anatomy & Physiology II (4) Covers the various systems of the human body. The second semester emphasizes the anatomy and physiology of the autonomic nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, urinary system, acid-base balance, digestive system, endocrine system and reproductive system. Laboratory studies include the musculature of a cat, circulatory system, respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system and reproductive system. Dissections of a cat and cow hearts will be performed. Tissue studies will use prepared slides. Respiratory volumes will be measured and EKG’s will be recorded using IWORX. Three lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: BIO 215. Meets the new General Education Natural Science requirement. BIO 222 Nutrition and Health (4) Examines the nature of nutrients, their metabolism and physiological function, and the factors that may influence the degrees to which these nutrients are required for healthy functioning. Nutritional health issues and the influence of drugs and environmental factors on nutrition and health will be emphasized. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement. BIO 224 Biology of Aging (4) Introduces biological concepts with emphasis on the process of aging. Topics include demographics, concepts of aging, anatomy and physiology as well as general non‑medical assessments of the elderly. Students cannot receive credit for both BIO 350 (Advanced Physiology) and BIO 305. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement. BIO 225 Biology of the Sexes (4) Examines the genetic and physiological basis of male and female differentiation in different organisms, the evolution of reproduction as a genetic strategy, physical differences of the sexes and parenting in mammals. Addresses how societal constructs of gender have influenced the development of theories in various scientific disciplines and the roles of gender for scientists. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement, but does not meet the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 230 Plant Anatomy (4) In-depth examination of the internal organization of plants, particularly angiosperms, with an emphasis on understanding anatomy from a structure-function standpoint. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104 BIO 235 Introduction of Mycology (4) Designed as a survey of the kingdom Fungi. Emphasizes the systematics of the fungi, their physiology and development, and their applications and interactions in the ecosystem and with humans. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104.


BIO 275 Microbiology (4) Covers the fundamentals of microbiology including the study of bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and protozoa as well as microbial structure, metabolism, culturing, control and genetics. Basic laboratory skills and microscopy techniques are also included. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO 101 and CHE 110 or permission of instructor. BIO 300 Ecology (4) Covers interactions at the organismal, population (single species and species interactions), and community level. Applications of ecological theory to current environmental problems are examined throughout the course. Emphasis in the laboratory and field exercises will be placed on ecological methodology and the application of these methods. Students will be required to use various statistical methods to analyze and interpret the data. Each exercise will require a report in the format of a scientific paper. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: BIO 104. Co requisite: STA 225 or MAT 225 BIO 310 Evolution (4) Introduction to evolutionary theory. Includes the historical development of components of evolutionary theory, population level microevolution, the fossil record and macroevolution, and current methods in evolutionary research including their application to genetic engineering. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement, but does not meet the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 315 Plant/Animal Physiology (4) Examines functional responses of organisms such as photosynthesis, water relations, movement, hormones, and growth in plats and, in animals, the nervous, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems. Four hours of lecture each week. Prerequisite: BIO 270. BIO 320 Entomology (4) Designed to familiarize students with the anatomy, physiology, and ecology of insects. Provides the necessary background for advanced courses in entomology and pest control. Laboratory focuses on sampling, specimen preparation, and recognizing different insect families using morphological features. Insect collection required. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: BIO 104. BIO 322 Integrated Pest Management (4) Examines the basics of applied entomology and pest management. Covers basic insect biology and identification, as well as the theory and practice of pest management. Topics discussed include issues such as management tactics, sampling, thresholds, pesticide properties, biological control, and environmental risk. Four hours of lecture each week. Prerequisite: BIO 320. BIO 331 Comparative Plant Morphology (4) Examines the external organization of plants as well as the evolution of major plant grouped as evidenced through the fossil record and comparison of hom*ologous structure. Assumes general botanical knowledge. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104; plant anatomy (BIO 230) is encouraged as a prerequisite or co requisite. BIO 340 Vertebrate Zoology (4) Focuses on the biology, ecology, taxonomy and comparative anatomy of animals within the vertebrates. Students will have “hands-on” experience with live and preserved specimens in the field and laboratory. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104. BIO 341 Invertebrate Zoology (4) Focuses on the biology, ecology, taxonomy and comparative anatomy of animals within the invertebrate phylum. Students will have “handson” experience with live and preserved specimens in the field and laboratory. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104.

BIO 342 Animal Behavior (4) Biological study if vertebrate and invertebrate animal behavior. Basic topics covered include animal learning, mechanisms of behavior, foraging, competition, defense against predation, aggression, sensory systems, communication, mating systems and parental care behavior. Four hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: BIO 104. BIO 350 Advanced Physiology (4) An integrated study of human physiology at the biochemical, cellular, tissue, and organ level. Designed primarily for upper division science and nursing majors. Emphasis will be on explanation of biochemical and cellular mechanism in the major organ systems of the human body. Prerequisite: BIO 216 or permission of instructor. Does not meet the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. BIO 351 Genetics (4) A broad coverage of the field of genetics to include discussion of the transmission, chemical nature and function of genetic material, with special attention to its importance in medicine, agriculture, and other aspects of human life and culture. BIO 390 Junior Seminar (1) Introduction to the general principles and procedures of scientific research with emphasis on the use of scientific literature and methods of research. Seminar, 1 hour each week. Prerequisite: Junior status. BIO 401 Phylogenetics (4) Introduces students to methodologies of reconstruction evolutionary history. The history of various approaches is covered as well as current and emerging philosophical debates in the field. Modern methods utilizing computational analysis will be taught along with specific issues regarding different types of data. Prerequisites: BIO 270, BIO 351, BIO 380 BIO 430 Plant Systematics (4) Serves as an introduction to the field of systematics as will as an in-depth study of the classification of flowering plants. Assumes general botanical knowledge. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104. Students are encouraged to take one other plant course (BIO 230, BIO 315, or BIO 331) before or in conjunction with this class. BIO 460 Biotechnology (4) Upper level biology majors course that includes such topics as: history, future, process and methods used in biotechnology, substances and products produced through biotechnology, the application of biotechnology, forensics, industry, energy production, pollution abatement and the environment as well as issues such as ethics, regulation, safety and public perception. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Molecular biology course or BIO 470. BIO 470 Molecular Biology (4) Modern molecular biology with an emphasis on gene structure and activity and the biochemistry related to the understanding of the functions of the gene. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisites: BIO 104, BIO 270 BIO 475 Bioinformatics (4) Introduction for understanding how genomic sequence and its variations affect phenotypes. Will focus on the information available from DNA sequencing projects, ranging from the sequences of individual genes to those of entire genomes. Students will learn analytical techniques that can be used to evaluate sequence data, and examples of the biological significance fo such analysis. Prerequisites: BIO 270, BIO 380, BIO 470 BIO 487 Senior Life Science Seminar (1) A capstone seminar focusing on life science research conducted by seniors and faculty. Seminar, 1 hour each week. Prerequisites: BIO 390 and Senior status. BIO 488 Senior Bioinformatics Seminar (1) Capstone seminar focusing on bioinformatics research conducted by seniors and faculty. Seminar, 1 hour each week. Prerequisites: BIO 390 and Senior status. SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



BIO 270 Cell Biology (4) Survey of modern cell biology which includes the chemistry of cellular molecules, structure, functions and specializations of cells and organelles. Four hours of lecture each wekk. Prerequisites: BIO 104


BIO 489 Senior Biotechnology Seminar (1) Capstone seminar focusing on biotechnology research conducted by seniors and faculty. Seminar, 1 hour each week. Prerequisites: BIO 390 and Senior status.



BUS 101 Introduction to Business (4) A survey course that will provide an introduction to current business practices in a changing global economy. Includes an overview and introduction to the functional areas in American business such as accounting, finance, marketing, management, human resources, and production. Selected business topics will be covered to illustrate how the concepts, structures, and theories are related within business. Enrollment is restricted to freshmen/sophom*ore students or by permission of instructor. BUS 105 Business Law I (4) A case‑approach analysis of business transactions in the legal environment. Coverage includes: court structure and processes, contracts, sales, commercial paper, secured transactions, and property transactions. Related local, state, and federal statutes and forms are also considered. BUS 302 Web Analytics for Managers (2) Focuses on the methods and concepts that today’s business managers can use to effectively manage their electronic commerce site activity. Through gaining a better understanding of web analytics, managers become better informed of their company’s online activities, enabling them to improve their marketing, sales and profit results. Examines the various ways that web activity is measured and analyzed, including the metrics that provide the essential data for analysis and the technologies that are used to track and report web activity. BUS 306 Business Law II (3) Designed to extend the student’s legal knowledge of business transactions by stressing issue recognition and case analysis. Topics covered include agency, property, suretyship, legal liability, bankruptcy, and business organization. Prerequisite: BUS 105. BUS 310 Principles of Insurance (4) Introduction to basic principles of life, health, property, liability, and other forms of insurance from the viewpoint of the purchaser. Emphasis will be on universal insurance concepts and not specific policy provisions. Consideration is given to the importance of risk in personal and business transitions and various methods of handling risk with emphasis on insurance. BUS 345 Real Estate Transaction (4) The principal purpose is to develop an understanding of the legal framework and basic principles that apply to real estate transactions. Residential and commercial real estate transactions will be examined in detail. Specific legal issues are presented in a problem‑solving format and may include: introduction to real estate, recording statutes, title abstracting and title insurance, survey and legal descriptions, mortgages, leases, deeds of conveyance, settlements and closings and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. BUS 420 Employee Benefits (4) Concepts of group life, health, retirement, and emerging employer sponsored benefit plans. Emphasis is on plan design and management with special attention to cost funding, regulation and tax considerations. The impact of government programs such as Social Security on individual insurance and employee benefit programs and potential impact of proposals such as national health insurance. Prerequisite: MGT 318. BUS 451 Issues in Business and Society (4) Analysis of forces external to the firm which influence its goals, structure and operation. Includes legal and regulatory constraints, primarily as they reflect the philosophical backgrounds of free enterprise and managerial enterprise, and managerial enterprise viewpoints current in American business. Also, the social, political, and technological factors which influence managerial/non‑managerial behavior in the firm, and the


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

firm’s impact on society. Actual cases influencing the firm or industry objectives, and the philosophy of private enterprise will dominate the subject matter. BUS 485 Management Policy (4) Emphasis is placed upon analysis of the factors upon which ultimate business decisions are made; construction and review of business plans, and business strategies in domestic and foreign operations under varying political, economic and legal constraints. Special attention is given to actual situation analysis. Current functional and managerial techniques are applied to a variety of case problems. Prerequisites: Senior status and completion of all business core requirements. BUS 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only; permission of instructor and dean of subject area. BUS 492 Business Internship (4) Supervised, discipline based experience in business organization. Emphasis on application, process, and techniques used by business to sustain and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker are targeted. Oversight provided by the School internship coordinator and the sponsoring organization. Periodic meetings with the internship coordinator, mid-semester evaluation and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Pre-requisite: Permission of Instructor. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course.

Chemistry CHE 110 Essentials of Chemistry (4) An introduction to chemistry for non‑majors. The course will cover some key topics in chemistry, with emphasis on its impact on society. Course includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT laboratory science requirement. CHE 130 Introductory Chemistry I (4) First course in two semester sequence of the college-level introductory chemistry for students in the sciences or related technology programs. Topics include: measurements, forms of matter, stoichiometry, chemical reactions, gases, thermochemistry, atomic structure, structure of the periodic table, chemical bonding and molecular geometry, properties of solids and liquids, and properties of solutions. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: one year of high school chemistry or equivalent. CHE 131 Introductory Chemistry II (4) Second course in a two semester sequence of college-level introductory chemistry for students in the sciences or related technology programs. Topics include: periodic patterns in the chemical table, organic compounds, chemical kinetics, equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, elemental occurrence in nature and usage in industry, coordination compounds and lastly, nuclear chemistry. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHE 130 or equivalent. CHE 322 Organic Chemistry I (4) First course in two semester sequence. Topics include: Bonding and molecular orbital theory, structures of non-conjugated organic compounds, nomenclature, stereochemistry, basic organic reactions, structural determinations via infrared spectroscopy (IR), mass spectrometry (MS), and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and basic synthetic approaches. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Chemistry 131 or equivalent. CHE 323 Organic Chemistry II (4) Second semester of a two semester sequence. Topics include: Conjugated and aromatic organic compounds, ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy, reactions of aromatic compounds, alcohols, thiols, ethers, epoxides,


CHE 252 Instrumental Analysis (4) Analytical chemistry course that deals with chemical analysis utilizing electronic instrumentation. Topics include: infrared, Raman, atomic emission, atomic absorption, atomic fluorescence, NMR and mass spectrometry; electrochemical techniques such as ion selective electrodes, polarography, coulometry, amperometry, conductance; and chromatographic techniques such as gas, liquid column and HPLC. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each weeks. Prerequisite: CHE 231 or equivalent. CHE 433 Biochemistry I (4) First course in a two semester sequence. Topics include: Molecular components of the cell such as amino acids, proteins, enzymes, sugars, lipids, lipoproteins, nucleotides, vitamins and coenzymes. Also covered are energy yielding processes such as the ATP cycle, glycolsis, tricarboxylic acid cycle, the phosphogluconate pathway, redox enzymes and electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid metabolism, amino acid degradation and photosynthesis. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHE 231 or equivalent. CHE 436 Biochemistry II (4) Second course in a two semester sequence. Topics include: synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleotides, the conversion of biochemical energy into motility, membrane transport mechanisms, hormones and the regulation of metabolic processes, metabolic organization, the structure and properties of DNA, protein synthesis, genes and their regulation and systematic morphogenesis. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHE 430 or equivalent

Chinese CHI 101 Elementary Chinese (4) Designed for students with no previous knowledge of Chinese. Introduces students to the official Chinese language called “Mandarin” by English speakers, putonghua in the People’s Republic of China, and Kuo-yu in Taiwan. The course aims to help students obtain the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the Chinese language. Students will learn basic vocabulary and sentence structures for use in essential daily-life situations through various forms of oral practice. Pinyin (the most widely-used Chinese phonetic system) will be taught as a tool to learn the spoken language. Students will also learn Chinese characters. Approximately 200 words and expressions in both Pinyin and character forms will be taught. While linguistic aspects of the Chinese language are the primary focus, introduction to the social and cultural background of the language will also form an important part of the course. Meets the new General Education Foreign Language requirement.

Civil Engineering Technology CTC 101 Introduction to Engineering Technology (2) Required for all freshmen in Civil Engineering Technology. Topics include academic requirements, advisem*nt, software packages, career opportunities, and project management. Additional topics include professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement. Cross listed with ITC/MTC 101. CTC 162 Computer Aided Design (4) The use of AutoCAD software to develop geothermic models for engineering technology applications. Blue print reading and basic drawing fundamentals. Basic geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. Introduction to the creation and visualization of three-dimensional

models. Four hours of lecture per week. Laboratory activity will be substituted for lecture as appropriate. Cross –listed with MTC 162. CTC 218 Statics (2) Analysis of equivalent systems of forces, free body diagrams, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, centroids, friction, and forces in structures. Two hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: PHY 101 and MAT 120. Cross listed with MTC 218 and ITC 218. CTC 212 Microstation (2) Basics of CAD as applied to civil engineering technology using Microstation software for typical civil technology applications such as: structures design drawings, highway layouts, detailing, etc. One hour of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Basic understanding of geometry and trigonometry. CTC 213 AutoCAD (2) A refresher course in the basics of AutoCAD as applied to civil engineering technology using AutoCAD software for typical civil technology applications such as: structural design drawings and details, highway layouts, etc. One hour of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. CTC 215 Sustainable Energy Systems (2) An introduction to sustainable energy systems. Topics include solar energy, wind energy, wind energy, fuel cell technology, biomass energy, geothermal energy, clean coal technology, ocean energy, hydroelectric power, and nuclear power. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross-listed with ETC 215 and MTC 215 CTC 222 Strength of Materials (2) Effect of shape and composition on strength of materials. Moments of inertia, shear forces and bending moments in beams, torsion of shafts, thermal expansion, and pressure vessels. Two hours lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: PHY 101 and MAT 120 and MTC 218. Cross listed with MTC 222. CTC 250 Elementary Surveying (4) Introductory course in surveying methods and theory. Topics will include land surveying, construction surveying, and route surveying. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. CTC 255 Soils and Foundations (4) An introduction to geotechnics and its application to problems in engineering design and construction. Topics will include soil properties, soil testing, compaction and stabilization, stress distribution in soil, soil shear strength and lateral earth pressure. The principles of soil mechanics will be applied to the design of foundations and retaining structures, and to the study of slope stability. Course consists of three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CTC 222 CTC 260 Hydrology (2) Introductory course in surface water hydrology. Topics include watershed delineation, unit hydrographs, IDF curves, time of concentration and routing. The rational and TR-55 methods will be used to determine peak flows. CTC 261 Hydraulics (2) Introductory course in applied hydraulics. Topics include fluid statics, buoyancy, open channel flow, conduit flow, culvert hydraulics and design, storm water systems. Prerequisite: CTC 218. CTC 275 Construction Methods (4) Provides students with an overview of the methods and materials used in the construction industry. It will look at the equipment, materials, and methods used to construct buildings and roads. The lab will focus on field trips and small building projects to give students a hands-on feel for the construction industry. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students may not receive credit for both CTC 375 and CTC 413 or CTC 414.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



sulfides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, reactions of carbonyl compounds, aliphatic and aromatic amines, nomenclature, basic synthetic approaches and an introduction to biological molecules. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHE 230 or equivalent.


CTC 301 Professionalism in the Work Place (2) Topics include lifelong learning; professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement. Cross listed with ITC 301 and MTC 301. CTC 320 Structural Analysis (4) An investigation of the analysis of both determinate and indeterminate structures. Emphasis is placed on application of the principles of mechanics on the analysis of structural systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Lab hours will be used for experiments and problem solving using computer applications. Prerequisite: CTC 218 and CTC 222or equivalents.


CTC 340 Transportation Analysis (4) Introductory course to Transportation Engineering. Topics include highway design, traffic analysis, capacity planning, and computer modeling. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Pre/Corequisite: MAT 121. CTC 415 Construction Estimating and Scheduling (4) Teaches students the basic concepts of estimating and scheduling construction projects. Students will learn how to estimate quantities, determine project length, and determine labor and equipment needs. Group projects during lab times will allow students to gain practical experience. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students may not receive credit for both CTC 370 and CTC 415. Prerequisite: CTC 275 or equivalent or permission of instructor. CTC 422 Design of Steel Structures (4) The design of steel structures from conceptual design through the production of contract documents. Emphasis is placed on application of the AISC Code (Allowable Stress Design) and applicable building codes to steel structures using conventional and computer-aided methods. Course consists of three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CTC 320. CTC 424 Design of Concrete Structures (4) The design of reinforced concrete structures from conceptual design through the production of contract documents. Emphasis is placed on application of the ACI Code and applicable building codes to concrete structures using conventional and computer-aided methods. Course consists of three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CTC 320. CTC 430 Engineering Dynamics (4) Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies. Kinetics of particles and rigid bodies with translation, rotation and plane motion using the methods of force - mass - acceleration, work-energy, and impulse momentum. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with MTC 430 and ITC 430. Prerequisite: CTC 218 or equivalent. Pre/ Corequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. CTC 440 Highway Design (4) Course emphasizes the highway design process using conventional and computer methods. Industry standard design handbooks and software are used to complete a highway design project involving site planning, earthwork, geometric design, pavement design, cost estimating and project management. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Surveying and familiarity with CAD software. CTC 450 Water and Wastewater Systems (4) Topics include water quality, water supply systems, wastewater systems, solid waste management, and pollution control. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CTC 260 and CTC 261, or equivalent. CTC 465 Special Topics in Civil Technology (Variable 1-4) A study of a selected topic of interest to civil technologists which will enhance the student’s ability to practice in his/her profession.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

CTC 470 Construction Administration (4) Advanced course in the responsibilities and risk associated with project management within the construction industry. Subjects addressed relate to special problems encountered in construction and the management of those problems. Special emphasis is given to responsibilities, relationships between owners, contractors and labor, construction safety and construction contracts. Prerequisites: CTC 275 or permission of instructor. CTC 475 Economic Analysis in Technology (4) Methods for choosing between alternatives based on the time value of money. Replacement studies, depreciation and after-tax analysis, risk, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Prerequisite: MAT 121. Cross listed with ITC 475 and MTC 475. CTC 476 Finite Element Applications (4) Concepts of Finite Element Analysis and their applications. Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures, bar, truss, plate, and shell elements. Condition of plane stress and plane strain. Model generation to include fluid flow, combined elements and automatic meshing. Extensive use of ALGOR software. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with MTC 476. Prerequisite: CTC 218, CTC 222, MAT 122 and a formal course in computing or permission of instructor. CTC 490 Capstone Design (3) Provides students with the opportunity to work as part of a multidisciplinary Civil Engineering Technology design team. The course will consist of a design project with presentations and reports. Lectures in professional practice and teaming will augment the design project. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Senior standing and at least 2 of the following: CTC 422, CTC 424, CTC 340, CTC 440, CTC 415, CTC 470, or permission of instructor. CTC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. CTC 492 Internship/Co-Op Assignment (2 or 4) Provides part-time supervised experience in a professional atmosphere which supplements classroom instruction. Two written reports on the work experience and two supervisor’s evaluations required. One site visit or conference call planned. Required contact hours min. 150. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Free elective; CANNOT be counted as a technical elective. Course is graded as satisfactory/unsatisfactory.

Communication COM 106 Introduction to Technical Communication (4) An introduction to the field of technical communication focusing on technical writing. Students will create technical documentation of a current project or concern on campus, usually in the form of a proposal for changes. The class is highly writing-intensive; students review and edit each other’s work in class. Restricted to Communication and Information Design. COM 206 Ethnographic Writing (4) Uses writing to explore cultures. Students will study the observation and research of human behavior and will do field writing, reflective writing, and formal reports. A semester-long ethnographic project, conducted by small teams, will be presented to the class. Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalent. COM 212 Digital Photography and Imaging (4) Explores concepts and techniques in electronic photography and imaging. The class will build and reinforce critical digital imaging skills such as image manipulation, light effects, scanning, color correction and special effects. Combines design theory and hands-on work, introducing students to basic aesthetic issues in photography and image manipulation and the


COM 240 Writing for New Media (4) The ability to write clearly and elegantly is a difficult skill to acquire, especially when new media such as the web and/or video are added in the mix. COM 240 is a writing course that covers both the practice of creating well-written and engaging text in a traditional format, as well as the art of shaping words that can harmoniously co-exist with evolving media. Students will learn to write effectively, to connect with their own inner voice, and to translate this voice into powerful and effective writing. This course will also place a strong emphasis on peer editing and will demand that students learn to not only make the distinction between good and mediocre writing but to formulate clear arguments that support their opinions. Assignments will cover the following types of writing: Hypertext, Web/Intranet writing, Video scripting, Non-linear creative writing, Weblog writing, Electronic literature, and Polymedia (digital environments that explore new ways to use language). Meets Upper Division Writing requirement. COM 262 Online Politics (4) The emergence of the Internet, and especially the Web, as a significant factor in American and global life has challenged traditional views of communication and politics. In this course, we use some core concepts of political communication, information design and technology, and deliberative democracy to examine the role of information technologies in candidate and issue campaigning, online voting, protest and advocacy movements, law-making and electronic governance. Students will be required to engage as participant-observers of a Web-based political activity using a methodological approach appropriate to their analysis. Cross listed with POS 262. Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement. COM 300 Oral Communication (4) Designed to train students’ capacity for oral communication, this course emphasizes research, organization, and presentation of speeches which inform, persuade, and entertain. Delivery, style, and audience analysis will be stressed. Small group discussions will aid the students to interact with others, and to apply the theories and techniques of debating. Extemporaneous speeches are also required and evaluated by the group. COM 302 Presentational Speaking (4) Students will submit a proposal and present a paper just as they would at a professional technical communication conference. Public speaking skills will be augmented with the latest graphic presentation skills and software. Students will research, write, and organize a talk to either persuade or inform an audience of technical communication professionals. This course is designated for technical communication majors; others on a space available basis. Students may not receive credit for both COM 302 and COM 300. COM 303 Successful Library Research (1) Research techniques for personal, professional and academic life. Develop skills and strategies for using Library tools to find and evaluate information for use in the classroom, home and job. Librarians will lead hands-on demonstrations of indexes, databases and search engines. COM 305 Foundations of Communication/ESL (4) Designed as a precursor to the core communication courses 300 & 306, the course gives students with ESL needs an opportunity to develop the language skills necessary for a complete technical education. Covers research-based technical writing and also develops fundamental principles of effective oral communication and presentation. Purpose is to complement, not replace, other required communication courses. Eligibility to enroll will be determined by results of a placement test or by permission of the chairperson. COM 306 Report Writing and Technical Communication (4) Students will learn to communicate more effectively in a professional environment through ample practice with individual as well as group composed documents (i.e. memos, letters, instructions, proposals, and

analytical reports) and the oral presentation of a formal report. Since the course is usually taught in a computer lab, word processing and computer graphics are used to enhance the reports. Meets Upper Division Writing requirement. COM 307 Business Communications (4) Business communication will give students preparation for effective writing in business and related fields. Because an understanding of persuasion is key to effective business communication, students will practice and master both audience and rhetorical analysis for all formal assignments, and the standards of formatting for various business documents. Specifically, students will write single and multiple audience routine and specialized correspondences using direct and indirect organization patterns, resumes and job letters, proposals, annotated bibliographies and multi-part research papers. Students will write graded and ungraded work individually and in teams, and part of the course will be devoted to self and team evaluation. A graded oral presentation will also be part of the class. Meets Upper Division Writing requirement. COM 308 Analytical & Research Writing (4) Students pursue a research project of their own design, using primary sources. Statistical and theoretical sources are analyzed in class and used in the research essay. Students keep a research log and practice a variety of research methods. Meets Upper Division Writing requirement. COM 310 Technical Editing (4) A study of the principles of editing and their application to a wide variety of documents. Students will complete two major projects, one in copyediting and one in comprehensive editing. For both projects, students work with documents and clients from off campus. Students edit many sample documents and review each other’s work in class. Prerequisite: COM 306 or equivalent. Cross listed with IDT 531. COM 311 Public Relations Writing (4) Designed to teach students the basic concepts of effective public relations writing and to give them a solid foundation in the use of multiple communication tools that are used in the public relations industry. The emphasis is on media techniques, preparation of materials, and the dissemination of them through appropriate channels. Meets Upper Division writing requirement. COM 316 Media and Communication (4) The impact of the mass media (television, radio, journalism, film) upon American society is well‑documented. Emerging technologies (computermediated communication, cable video, satellite communications) will further change the ways in which we communicate. Through study of communication theory, survey of traditional and new media, and creation of original media projects, students will explore the relevance of the new technologies to their own disciplines. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. COM 320 Information Design (4) Students will be exposed to the nature of visual language and how designers use and readers process such information. Theories and research that relate to visual communication will be covered. Students will analyze and evaluate selected readings and examples; and students will use modern desktop publishing techniques to design and produce printed material. Additionally, the theory of design of online material will be discussed with particular emphasis on publication of World Wide Web home pages. Projects will include home page design and publication. Concepts covered earlier in the course will be applied to computer screen design. Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic computer skills. COM 341 Video and Communication (4) Examines the role of video in the new communication technologies through projects which use video for various applications: education, training, sales promotion, etc. Emphasis is placed on the design process and the many choices available to deliver a video-based message. The course will draw upon the Institute’s Instructional Media studio capabilities. Pre/Corequisite: COM 342 is recommended, but not required.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



ethical concerns associated with the medium. Students will generate a portfolio of images based on specific themes. Meets the General Education Art requirement.


COM 342 Field and Studio Video Production (4) Covers the fundamentals of basic video and audio production. The student develops skills necessary to serve on production crews and operate a digital video camera. Also covers the fundamentals of video production with emphasis on direction, and operation of associated field equipment, developing the various skills necessary to produce quality video.

hands-on training and use of the Internet throughout the semester, this is not a “tools” course on using the Internet. Rather, we will use our experiences on the network to write about and discuss the underlying social, political, legal, and educational aspects of networking. Students will become familiar with issues involved with networking as well as associated terminology and jargon.

COM 350 Visual Thinking and Online Documentation (4) Teaches students to evaluate, design, and develop online information. Students design an online tutorial that addresses human-computer interface and design issues covered in the course. Meets Upper Division Writing requirement.

COM 413 Digital Animation (4) Using a mix of theoretical and practical assignments, students will develop an understanding of the conceptual issues regarding animation while also producing an animation project. Students will create a set of storyboards, a simple animation with images, graphics, sound and special effects, and produce a video on various media, including a Web site. Students are expected to have a basic understanding of computer operating systems and will be expected to learn computer animation software while in the course. The animation software will be determined by the instructor at the time the course is taught.


COM 353 Newswriting (4) Provides an introduction to the field of journalism. Students will participate in a group discussion about the newswriting process, from story ideas and development through to a close review of the final product. Students will develop story ideas and write articles suitable for publication. Prerequisite: Any Upper Division writing course. COM 354 Newspaper Production (2) Designed to help students develop insight and a better understanding of the role that newspapers play in society while providing hands-on experience in the production of a student newspaper. Students will discuss and write about such issues as news judgment and the impact of the media on public attitudes, government programs, and politics. Student discussions and papers will reflect, in part, their experiences managing, designing, writing, editing, and laying out a university-based publication. They will also read and discuss relevant literature. Both traditional and electronic (Web) publishing will be discussed. May be taken twice for a maximum of 4 credits. COM 360 Product Design and Testing (4) The only way to judge the usefulness of a document product or interface in the marketplace is by usability testing. Students will study various evaluation methodologies and practice the basics of test design and analysis for hypothetical or real products. Students will refine testing methodology and administration, in addition to understanding the factors affecting information and product quality. COM 380 Communication Theory (4) Exposes students to a range of communication theories, including those allied to systems theory, rhetoric, linguistics, psychology, philosophy, and anthropology. Students will explore a single theorist/theoretical position in depth. COM 400 Computer Software Documentation (4) Explains how to write professional computer documentation, from writing a proposal, to gathering data, to designing a document and related visuals, to running a usability test on the material, to revising style and polishing the final reference. Discusses the nature of visual language and considers the utilization of modern desktop publishing techniques to develop communication ideas and transfer them onto the printed page. Student teams develop a software documentation package using the school’s desktop publishing hardware and software. Meets Upper Division Writing requirement. COM 410 Communication Research Methods (4) Gives an overview of the communication research process and provides training in research methods. Considers theory, underlying logic, and various quantitative and qualitative tools. Students apply principles and strategies by designing, conducting, and reporting on preliminary communication research projects as time permits. Computers are used for statistical analysis of data. Prerequisites: Valid campus computer account and COM 306 or COM 308 or COM 400 or equivalent. COM 411

Communicating on Computer Networks: Issues and Implications (4) Examines the various facets of computer networks; their history, the reasons for their existence, their use, operation and design, collaborative issues, and concerns regarding copyright and intellectual property. Emphasis is placed on the nature of networks, how they can and will affect our world, and how they are best utilized. Although there will be


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

COM 414 Advanced Digital Graphic Design (4) Designed to increase the student’s ability to creatively design within the digital domain. Major topics include: essentials for successful digital design, color and color accuracy in the digital world, symmetric and asymmetric layout techniques, creative use of shapes and space, large file management techniques, theoretical and applied typography, professional production methods to increase workflow, and stereographic imagery. Prerequisite: Basic Photoshop knowledge. COM 415 Writing About Imagery (4) Offers students a framework for studying images composed of both text and visuals. Each serves a variety of purposes and will explore the relationship between writing (creative nonfiction, i.e., the essay) and imagery (photography, sculpture, advertising, commercials, documentaries, Web sites, films, etc.) in its critical, creative, and practical dimensions. Through critical reading, analysis, interpretation, inquiry, field exploration, and composition, students will explore more thoroughly how to “read” and understand visual texts, how to write about visual texts, how to compose with visuals, and how to make their own writing more visually effective. Prerequisites: COM 306 and COM 320. COM 416 Advanced Digital Animation (4) This course builds on the design, layout, and basic animation features learned in previous courses by adding more advanced interactivity and user input as well as development of more complex 3D-like imagery and storyline techniques. Where the previous course focuses on object-oriented directed imagery and sound, this course involves more advanced scripting techniques to develop a vocabulary of concepts, skills, and aesthetic practices for producing more meaningful animation. The course blends direct technical instruction — including programming in ActionScript and server-side file and scripting access — with narrative and aesthetic development and discussion with the goal of moving past linear animation to more evolving and interactive animation practices. COM 417 Visual Identity and Branding (4)A studio based course in visual communication and methods for developing a brand identity for an organization, product, or individual. Brand identity is the use of design to project a memorable and consistent graphic image of brands, services, corporations, institutions, organizations, or other groups. (Prerequisite: COM 320). COM 418 New Media Theory and Digital Culture Studies the meaning of “New Media” and its influence on culture. Through readings, discussions, analysis of cultural artifacts as well as a longer hands-on project, we will reveal the underlying ideas of our digital historical moment. As we analyze various modes of representation, we will investigate the impact electronic media have had on society and explore it implications for activities such as online learning and education. Using a series writings by pioneers in new media theory, we will place our current 21st century culture in a larger framework of established theoretical perspectives. COM 420 Web Site Design (4) Provides instruction in various processes that involve innovation, planning, analysis, design, implementation, and promotion of Internet-


COM 460 Advanced Web Site Design (4) This course builds on the design, layout, and development principles learned in previous courses by teaching students to approach web site design and structure in a new way. Where previous courses focus on designing the front end of a static web site, COM 460 focuses on developing the back end of a dynamic web site. Students will produce an interactive commercial web site, incorporating specific data structures, web elements, and web technologies, while employing the design principles learned in previous courses. Prerequisite: COM 420. COM 490 Special Topics in Communications (Variable 1-4) An in‑depth treatment of a selected topic not normally treated extensively in other communication courses. The subject matter will be related to current trends in communication. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. COM 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. Standard grading or S/U option at discretion of faculty supervisor. Options must be chosen no later than last day to add/drop. COM 492 Technical Communication Internship (Variable 2‑8) The internship, for qualified senior Technical Communication majors, is designed to provide practical work in the field of computer documentation, editing, public relations, graphics, or Web design. Students either work on or off campus under the direction of a qualified communication specialist. Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA in major; permission of program faculty and internship corporate sponsor. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. COM 495 Senior Practicum in Communication (4) Integrates academic and practical experience by placing students in an industrial, corporate or professional writing setting. Students will choose clients in various businesses and industries, and they will work either on and off site in completing their major projects. As students work through the documentation process, they will be given detailed classroom instruction about writing and editing in the corporate culture. This course is designed as a one semester practicum where students will meet with the instructor in the classroom and with their clients on a weekly basis. Prerequisites: COM 306 and COM 320, and permission of instructor. COM 499 Portfolio Review and Professional Development (4) Gives Communication and Information Design majors a first‑hand look at the job search process (professional development) and portfolio development. Students will be expected to research some aspect of the field, complete and write up an informational interview, submit a portfolio for review, and go on an actual interview. Prerequisite: COM 302, COM 306, COM 320, COM 380. Corequisite: COM 495. Student must be in his/her last or next to last semester in the program.

Computer Engineering Technology CET 101

Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (4) Introduction to basic circuit laws and analysis, transient circuits and first order circuits. Introduction to electronic devices and linear electronics. Examine the concepts of power systems, programmable logic controllers, and transistor switches. May not be taken for credit by graduates of associate degree programs in electrical/electronic or computer engineering technology. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: MAT 120 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ETC 101.

CET 102 Electric Circuits (4) Units and definitions. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Circuit analysis using superposition, nodal and mesh methods, Norton Thevenin theorems, and current and voltage divider rules. Transient and sinusoidal steady state response of circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and incutors. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 101 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ETC 102 CET 103 Electronics I (4) Introduction to semiconductors, conductors, and insulators. Analysis of transistors, diodes, and their related application in rectifier and amplifier circuits. Wave‑form interpretation, AC‑DC load lines, biasing techniques, small signal amplifiers, and h parameters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or permission of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll in this course for credit. Cross listed with ETC 103. CET 203 Electronics II (4) Introduction to operational amplifier circuits incorporating feedback. Amplifier configurations, feedback amplifiers, applications of Op‑Amps in analog computers, and active filters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 103 or equivalent or permission of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll for this course for credit. Cross listed with ETC 203 CET 210 Digital Systems I (4) Fundamentals and advanced concepts of digital logic. Boolean algebra and functions. Design and implementation of combinatorial and sequential logic, minimization techniques, number representation, basic binary arithmetic and finite state machines. Logic families and digital integrated circuits and use of CAD tools for logic design. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or equivalent or permission of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll in this course for credit. Cross listed with ETC 210 and ECE 251. CET 265 Digital Systems II (4) Study of Digital Systems Design using the Intel family of microprocessors and their peripheral support integrated circuits. Incorporate Intel assembly language to develop programs to run the Intel hardware. Devices studied include the 8255A PPI and 8251 PCI. Design and implementation of Intel hardware and software will be emphasized. Interfacing and testing of the computer’s internal buses using logic analyzers and other test equipment will also be included. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent. Cross listed with ETC 265. CET 299 Quality Control and Workplace Issues (2) To provide a broad educational understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context along with a knowledge of contemporary issues and career opportunities. Also, focus will be placed on the process controls necessary for the practice of electrical and computer engineering. Cross listed with ETC 299. CET 342

Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Programming and Design (4) Programming the microprocessor for embedded systems application. Includes an introduction to interfacing components and hardware of the microprocessor. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or permission of instructor. No prior microprocessor background needed. Cross listed with ETC 342 and ECE 252. CET 416

Data Communication & Computer Network Technology (4) The principles and techniques of data and computer communications are covered in detail in this course. Topics include principles of data transmissions, data encoding, digital communication techniques, transmission codes, error detection and correction, protocols, communication networks, interfacing and architecture. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with ETC 416. CET 423 Microprocessor Interfacing (4) Analysis of microprocessor interfacing with operational hardware. Three SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



based information publishing, especially on the World Wide Web. Introduces students to the theoretical principles of visual language and also affords the practical opportunity to apply the principles using modern Internet publishing tools.

Courses hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ETC 110 or equivalent and ETC 342 or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ETC 423. CET 429

Microprocessors, Microprogramming and Computer Architecture (4) Design of microprocessor and computer central processing units. Stresses the architecture and microprogramming of the processor. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ETC 429.


CET 431 PC Integration and Maintenance (4) This course stresses the architecture and design of personal computers and emphasizes the use of diagnostic hardware and software to evaluate PC systems in actual lab situations. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 311 or ETC 342 or CS 220. Cross listed with ETC 431. CET 444 Special Topics in Microprocessors/Digital (4) Seminar on the state-of-the-art in microprocessor and digital techniques. Topics will vary as technology changes. May be taken more than once for credit provided topics are different. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ETC 444.

Computer Science CS 100 Introduction to Computing Seminar (4) An introduction to computer information science and computer information systems to include topics such as: structure and organization of modern computers, data representation, abstraction, algorithmic thinking, problem solving, interaction with a computer without using a graphical user interface, operating system basics, and an introduction to programming. CS 108 Computing Fundamentals (4) Fundamental concepts of computing and programming. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline. Course taught using the C programming language. Prerequisites: No programming or computer science experience is required. CS 220 Computer Organization (4) Introduces students to the organization and architecture of computer systems as a hierarchy of levels, beginning with the standard von Neumann model and then moving forward to more recent architectural concepts. Topics include digital logic, microprogramming, conventional machine and assembly language levels. Emphasis is given to those aspects of computer hardware that effect programming. Prerequisites: CS 108 and MAT 115. CS 240 Data Structures and Algorithms (4) Fundamental concepts of data structures and the algorithms that proceed from them. Topics include recursion, the underlying philosophy of object-oriented programming, fundamental data structures including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs. The basics of algorithmic analysis, and an introduction to the principles of language translation. Prerequisites: CS 108 and MAT 115. CS 249 Object-Oriented Programming (4) Problem-solving and program design using an object-oriented approach. Starts with a review of control structures and data types with emphasis on structured data types and array processing. It then moves on to introduce the object-oriented programming paradigm, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include an overview of programming language principles, simple analysis of algorithms, basic searching and sorting techniques, and an introduction to software engineering issues. Prerequisite: CS 240. CS 307 UNIX Programming Environment (4) Promotes effective use of the UNIX programming environment. Topics include: text editor, file system, utility programs, pipe and filter paradigm,


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

construction and use of regular expressions, shell language programming, internet, and interprocess communication. CS 311 Data Analysis (2) A hands-on introduction to data analysis using a microcomputer-based statistical package such as SPSS PC+. Topics include descriptive statistics, measures of association, and hypothesis testing. Emphasis is placed upon data collection, data organization and report generation. Prior coursework in statistics is helpful, but not required. May not be taken by students who have received credit for CSC 323. CS 324 Introduction to Internet Tools in Windows (2) A hands-on introduction to the use of software Internet tools in Windows environments and the concepts and perspective in computing and communications essential to using them effectively. Topics include the Windows interface and environment, and tools for browsing, editing and Web site creation and maintenance available in the Windows environment. At the conclusion of the course, the student will have an understanding of computing communication environments and the ability to use Web software tools to construct, configure, and maintain a Web site. CS 330 Operating Systems and Networking (4) Integrates the fundamental concepts of operating systems and networking with the purpose of realizing workable models of modules and constructs. Topics include concurrency, synchronization, processes, threads, long and short term scheduling, memory management, I/O, file systems, device management and multimedia systems. Networking topics include basic network models, layered architectures, network hardware and standard protocols. Within this framework, client-server microkernel design is also presented. Prerequisites: CS 220 and CS 240. CS 345 Logic Design (4) A concentration on the digital logic level of computer organization. The theoretical and practical concepts covered include: Boolean algebra, simplification of Boolean functions, and analysis and synthesis of digital circuits with emphasis on mixed logic. The most common combinatorial and sequential integrated circuits, and algorithmic state machines are highlighted. Prerequisites: CS 220 and MAT 115. CS 348 LISP Programming (2) An intensive survey of the LISP programming language. Topics include: expressions, data types and representations, control structures, and input/output functions. Prerequisite: CS 240. CS 350 Information and Knowledge Management (4) The concept of information as a unifying theme. Investigates a range of issues in computer science, including database systems, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, multimedia systems, and data communication. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 115. CS 351 Web Development and Internet (4) This course teaches students to install, configure and maintain an Internet/Intranet Web Server. Topics include: developing Web pages, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripting, and displaying information on the Web via a Database Management System (DBMS). Prerequisites: CS 108 and CS 307. CS 370 Software Engineering (4) Combines a range of topics integral to the design, implementation, and testing of a medium-scale software system with the practical experience of implementing such a project as a member of a programmer team. In addition, this course includes discussions on professionalism and ethical responsibilities in software development and human-computer interaction. Prerequisites: CS 220 and CS 249. CS 371 Software Engineering Projects (4) This course offers the student an opportunity to participate in a non‑trivial software engineering team project and to apply the concepts studied in CS 370. The following will be emphasized throughout the project: documentation of projects; different roles in a project; corporate, academic and military software development standards; specification and requirements documents; configuration, quality assurance, test, verification, integration plans; post‑development software support. Prerequisite: CS370.


CS 381 Principles of Computer Security and Cryptography Focuses on general principles of computer security and cryptography. Topics covered include threat trees, threat taxonomies, malware, common attacks, cryptographic principles, block ciphers, hash functions and public-key cryptography. Prerequisites: MAT 115 or MAT 413, CS 249 and CS 330. CS 407 UNIX System Administration (4) Topics will include: concepts involving system administration and maintenance procedures to facilitate normal system operation; technical details regarding problems that could result from operating system malfunction as well as threats to system security that are inherent in a multiprogramming environment; techniques and tools for hardware and software configuration management. Prerequisite: CS 307; Corequisite: CS 330. CS 409 Software Project Management (4) This course presents different techniques for managing software projects and technical staff and familiarizes the student with artifacts of project management. The topics to be covered include: user specification; project proposal; contracts; software cost models and estimation techniques; project planning; implementation management; project delivery. Prerequisite: CS 370. CS 420 Numerical Computing (4) Basic techniques of numerical computation. Topics include: computer arithmetic and error control, solution of non‑linear algebraic equations including some non‑linear optimization, polynominal interpolations including splines, curve fitting, integration, and an introduction to differential equations. Emphasis will be on non‑formal settings with a view toward applications. Prerequisites: Calculus and proficiency in a high-level programming language. CS 421 Computational Linear Algebra (4) Computational aspects of linear algebra, including linear optimization models, are explored. Topics include: different algorithms for solution of sets of linear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems, linear programming, clustering techniques, and software requirements. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 340 or equivalent. CS 431 Principles of Programming Languages (4) This course fosters a disciplined approach to the design of programs. Through carefully chosen assignments, the need for certain data structures and programming language features is made apparent. Several different programming languages are used. Topics include: structured programming, functional programming, recursion, and string processing. Prerequisite: CS 240. CS 441 Computer Systems Architecture (4) After a higher level review of current mainframe architecture and operating systems, advanced architectures, proposed and implemented for parallel computation, will be considered. The second half of the course will survey techniques for modeling and assessing performance of computer systems and networks, with emphasis on probabilistic models. Prerequisites: MAT 225 and CS 220. CS 445 UNIX Network Programming (4) The course explores computer networks from the implementation and programming point of view. The network architecture and communication protocols studied by the class allow connection of heterogeneous systems in an environment that may be geographically distributed. Prerequisites: CS 240 and knowledge of UNIX and C. CS 446 Local Area Network Architecture (4) An intensive study of LAN architecture models for Computer Science students. Topics include: contention‑free and contention-based models, hybrid nets, HSLANs, integrated voice/video/data models. Prerequisites: CS 220 and CS 330.

CS 450 Computer Graphics (4) A conceptual and programmatic introduction to raster and vector graphics. Topics include object-oriented graphics application programming interfaces, hierarchical modeling, concepts of scene graphs, geometric transformations and transform groups, behaviors for animation and interaction, interactive tools for geometries and behaviors, classical application programming interfaces, web-related graphics technologies, and graphics file formats. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 115. CS 451 Distributed Systems (4) A study of distributed protocol and software frameworks. Synchronous and asynchronous networks will be covered. Protocols for leader election and distributed consensus will be presented synchronous networks. Faulttolerant protocols will be discussed for synchronous systems as well as their adaptability in asynchronous models. The use of shared memory and message passing as well as Byzantine failures will be discussed. Prerequisites: CS 240 and CS 330. CS 454 System Simulation (4) An introduction to the basic techniques of systems modeling and analysis through system simulation. Discrete and continuous system simulation models, use of various simulation packages and analysis of simulation output are included for consideration. Prerequisites: C, C++, or JAVA and senior status or permission of instructor. CS 477 Algorithms (4) How good is it? Is there a better algorithm to solve it? This course aims at developing a toolbox of algorithms for solving real problems that arise frequently in computer applications and the principles and techniques for determining their time and space requirements and efficiency. In addition, the general complexity spectrum is discussed to give students a grounding in intractability and unsolvability. Prerequisites: MAT 115 and CS 240. CS 480 Compiler Design (4) Basic concepts of formal languages and automata theory and their applications in compiler writing. Several practical parsing methods are discussed. Prerequisite: CS 240. CS 489

Cooperative Work‑Study in Computer Science (Variable 1‑4) Student will be employed by a cooperating firm or agency. Periodic progress reports will be required. The department will provide a list of cooperating employers, and the student will be required to interview for the position. Students are paid by the employer. Prerequisites: Limited to Computer Science majors who have completed core courses and secured departmental approval. Additional restrictions are on file with the department. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CS 490 Selected Topics in Computer Science (Variable 1-4) Coverage of a specialized computer science topic, of current interest but not adequately treated in regular course offerings. The topic may, for example, be the theoretical and programmatic study of a methodology for a class of computational problems, an introduction to a research area of computing, or an in-depth examination of the usage and internals of a software artifact or framework. The same topic will not be repeated for at least two years. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 115. CS 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. CS 495 Artificial Intelligence (4) An introduction to fundamental knowledge representation schemes and intelligent problem-solving techniques, and corresponding implementation software artifacts. Both symbol system and biology/ society-based approaches are covered. Topics include state space heuristic search, constraint satisfaction, classical logic, fuzzy logic, Bayesian techniques, connectionism, genetic algorithms, swarm and multi-agent intelligence, and planning. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 115. SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



CS 377 Introduction to the Theory of Computing (4) Introduction to theoretical computer science. Topics include: automata, formal languages, Turing machines, recursive function theory, computational complexity, and program correctness. Prerequisites: CS 240 and MAT 115.


CS 498 Capstone Project (2) Offers students the opportunity to integrate their knowledge of computer science by completing a significant project. Periodic written and oral presentations are required. Most students will complete, report on, and present a project started while taking CS 370. Prerequisites: CS 330, CS 350, and CS 370. CSC 300

Computer Systems and FORTRAN Programming (4) Basic concepts of computer science and computer programming. An introduction to computer hardware and applications programming using FORTRAN. No prior knowledge of computers or computing expected. Computer Science or Computer Systems majors will not receive Computer Science credit for this course.


CSC 301J

Introduction to Computing and JAVA Programming (4) Basic concepts of computing and computer programming are covered. An introduction to computing environments, the internet and applications programming using JAVA. No prior knowledge of computers or computing is expected. Course is for non-majors. Computer Information Science/ Systems majors will not receive Computer Science credit for this course. CSC 301V Introduction to Computing and Visual Basic Programming (4) Basic concepts of Computing and programming with object orientation using Visual Basic. Course is intended for beginners. Computer Science and Computer Systems majors will not receive credit for this course. CSC 310 Computers and Society (2) A half‑semester course examining the impact of computers in contemporary society. Topics include: components of a computer system, uses of computers in various disciplines and professions, and problems of data security and privacy. CSC 311B Word Processing (Windows) (1) A hands‑on introduction to word processing using Word for Windows or a similar Windows package. Topics include text entry, formatting, spell checking, search and replace, use of a thesaurus and grammar checker, printing, and merge printing. At the conclusion of this course, the student will have the skills necessary for the production of a term paper, resume, or similar prose document, and the ability to produce a customized form letter. Students who have received credit for CSC 311 or CSC 311A may not take this course. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 311C Spreadsheets I (1) A hands‑on introduction to spreadsheets. Topics include building, saving and printing a worksheet, simple formatting, functions, and sorting. At the conclusion of the course, the student should be able to design a spreadsheet for statistical or financial applications, and to answer what‑if questions. Students who have received credit for CSC 311 may not take this course. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 311D Spreadsheets II (1) A hands‑on course on advanced spreadsheet features. Topics include print enhancements (fonts, borders, shading, etc.), hiding parts of the spreadsheet, macros, spreadsheet graphing, spreadsheet database functions. Prerequisite: CSC 311C or equivalent. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 311E Microcomputer Database (1) A hands‑on introduction to the use of a microcomputer database using Microsoft Access or a similar product. Topics include database creation, data entry, sorting and report preparation, modification of the database structure, adding/deleting records, form and report generation. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 311F Presentation Graphics (1) A hands‑on introduction to presentation graphics using Powerpoint or a similar package. Topics include text charts, bar/line charts, pie charts, slide shows and transition effects, and output to disk, monochrome and color hard copy, overhead transparencies, 35mm film recorder and videotape. At the conclusion of the course, the student will have the


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skills necessary to use a presentation graphics package to communicate effectively employing a variety of media. Students who have received credit for CSC 312 may not take this course. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 311G Introduction to Desktop Publishing (1) A hands‑on introduction to the use of a desktop publishing package for the creation of fliers, posters, newsletters, and similar short publications. Topics include page layout, style sheets, text formatting, and image handling. Output to monochrome and color printers is covered. At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to design and create a short publication. Prerequisite: Ability to use a word processing program, or CSC 311A, CSC 311B, or its equivalent. This course may not be taken by students who have received credit for CSC 312. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. CSC 317 Computer Systems and C/C++ Programming (4) The basic concepts of computer science and computer programming are covered. Computer hardware and applications programming using C are also introduced. No prior knowledge of computers or computing is required. This course is intended for non‑majors. Computer Science or Computer Systems majors will not receive Computer Science credit for this course.

Computer Systems IS 305 Application Programming with COBOL (4) Problem solving, algorithm development, and application development using the COBOL programming language. Emphasizes user interface, calculations, data sorting, report writing, data manipulation, data validation, string operations, intrinsic functions, and file handling based on the structured/procedural paradigm. Programming tools that leverage the power of the COBOL programmer are included. Prerequisite: CS 240. IS 310 Hardware and Network Infrastructure (4) Conceptual and practical study of the computer hardware, connectivity devices, and other supporting artifacts that comprise enterprise internal information systems and external systems like the public Internet. Topics include: fundamental digital logic; common integrated chips and boards for computer organization; execution of processor instructions; device interfacing; peripheral devices; common abstractions for enabling software development; major functions of an operating system; common connectivity devices and their operation. Prerequisite: CS 108. IS 315 Networking of Information Systems (4) An integrated study of fundamental principles and representative technologies underlying computer and device networks. Topics include: key networking protocols and relevant implementation stacks; interconnection devices; sample distributed software frameworks; management issues in networked computers and peripherals; deployment requirements for distributed software applications; common tools for the management of networks and distributed software. Prerequisite: IS 310. IS 320 Systems Analysis and Design (4) Examines the process of logically developing information systems. Focuses on the analysis, planning, and logical design phases of the systems development life cycle that culminate in the specification of functional system requirements. Concentrates on methods, techniques, and tools used to determine information requirements and the documentation of these requirements in a thorough and unambiguous form. Topics include: data collection; risk and feasibility analysis; requirements analysis; process modeling; data modeling; prototyping; joint application development; rapid application development; structured walkthroughs; project management; presentations; report writing. Prerequisite: CS 240. IS 324 SQL Programming (2) Designed to develop SQL programming proficiency. Emphasis is placed on the Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML) of SQL. Upon completion, students should be able to write SQL statements which create, update, and maintain database tables as well as write SQL queries to manipulate data in database tables. Prerequisite: CS 108 or equivalent knowledge. Students may not receive degree credit for both IS 324 and IS 325.

Courses IS 325 Database Management Systems (4) Introduction to fundamentals of database management systems, techniques for database design, and principles of database administration. Emphasizes data modeling, database design, database application development, and database management. Topics include conceptual models; logical models; normalization; query languages; architectures such as centralized, distributed and client/server; database integrity; database security; error recovery; and concurrency control. Prerequisite: CS 240.

Criminal Justice

IS 330 Decision Support and Intelligent Systems (4) An introduction to the fundamentals of Decision Support Systems (DSS). Focuses on the logical aspects of data processing and analysis. Topics to be discussed include historical review of computerized decision support, DSS architecture. Data Warehouses, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and Data Mining. The student is introduced to the principles of Intelligent Systems with an emphasis on Expert Systems (ES) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The organizational and business implications of decision support systems are reviewed. Prerequisite: CS 240.

CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (4) Provides an overview of the field of criminal justice, including the history, theory, and structure of the criminal justice system, with an emphasis on substantive and procedural criminal law, policing, prosecution/defense, the courts, and institutional and community corrections.

IS 469 Information Technology Project Management (4) Enables students in the information technology area to understand project management principles for IT programs and be able to apply these principles to successfully manage IT projects. Covers the essentials of IT project management which include attributes of projects, project integration management, project scope, time, and cost management, project quality and risk management, human resources and communications management, and procuring IT projects and services from outside agencies. Includes individual and group assignments and activities, including a group case study, where students can apply what they have learned to real-life situations. Prerequisite: IS 320. IS 470 Database Programming (4) Provides rigorous coverage of database programming using the Structured Query Language (SQL) and SQL coupled with other programming languages. Topics include: database management systems (DBMS); data definition; data manipulation; data control; database administration; report generation; DBMS built-in and programmer-created procedures, functions, packages, and triggers. Prerequisite: IS 325 or equivalent and SQL programming proficiency. IS 490 Special Topics in Systems (Variable 1-4) An in-depth treatment of a selected topic not normally treated extensively in other Information System courses. The subject matter covered in this course will not be repeated in a future semester. IS 491

Independent Study/Information Systems (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean. IS 495 Computer Information Systems Practicum (2) Capstone course for Computer Information Systems (CIS) majors. Students form teams and each team spends an entire semester working to satisfy a set of requirements for a real-world organization. Teams will gain experience in all phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and project management. Periodic written and oral presentations are required. Success requires student teams to work as a cohesive unit which draws upon components of the entire CIS curriculum. Prerequisites: IS 310, IS 320, and IS 325.

CJ 201 Laws of Evidence (4) Examines the theories and practices associated with substantive and procedural criminal law, focusing on issues of evidence obtained by the police, used by the prosecution, objected to by the defense, and interpreted by the courts. Prerequisite: CJ 101. CJ 203 Criminal Law (4) Examines both theory and practice associated with substantive and procedural criminal law, focusing on fundamental descriptions of crime, including crimes against persons, property, and public order. Prerequisite: CJ 101. CJ 204 Ethics in Criminal Justice (4) Introduces the Criminal Justice student to ethical decision making in the criminal justice system. Explores ethical dilemmas and challenges in policing, criminal courts and corrections, using both philosophical principles/theories and hands-on criminal justice issues and applications. Prerequisite: CJ 101. CJ 310 (4) Presents an overview of the sociological study of crime and criminal justice, primarily in the contemporary United States. Material is broken down into four major topics: 1.) types and categories of contemporary criminal behavior; 2.) myths and facts about contemporary crime patterns; 3.) theories about why crimes are committed; 4.) how known crimes are dealt with by the U.S. criminal justice system. Prerequisite: CJ 101. CJ 332 Research Methods in Criminal Justice (4) Provides experience in the design and implementation of social science research with an emphasis on Criminal Justice topics and settings. Topics covered include the philosophies of social science, development of theories and hypotheses, modes of observation, and methods of sampling. Students will conceptualize and design several research projects during the semester, and review and evaluate professional published literature. CJ 333 Analysis and Reporting of Data (4) Engages the theory and practice of data analysis and reporting, using both qualitative and quantitative data. Students will become familiar with common software packages used in the analysis of social scientific data, as well as the norms and expectations regarding the written presentation of research. Use of computers is required, though no prior experience is assumed. Prerequisite: CJ 332 and STA 100. CJ 359 Sexual Offenders (4) Introduces the criminal justice student to the causes and treatments of sexual offending behavior and the ways the criminal justice and mental health emerging issues of tracking monitoring persistent offenders. Prerequisite: CJ 101. CJ 365 High Technology Crimes (4) Examines the nature and scope of high technology crimes and the legal response to these activities, including the challenges of apprehension and prosecution. Topics include cell phone fraud, virus dissemination, hacking, internet scams, on-line gambling, on-line p*rnography, securities fraud, and terrorism. Also examines developing trends in cyber-crime and cyber-law. Prerequisite: CJ 101.

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IS 340 E-Commerce (4) An introduction to the fundamentals of e-business and e-commerce. Topics to be discussed include e-business models, principles of electronic business transactions, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), electronic checks, and digital cash. The student is introduced to the protocols of secure e-commerce including the basics of cryptography, digital signatures. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol (SET). The languages and e-commerce technologies to be discussed include Java, JavaScript, XML, intelligent agents, and networking protocols. Prerequisite: CS 240.

CJ 100 Scope and Method of Criminal Justice (4) An introductory seminar primarily for first-year Criminal Justice students to introduce them to the breadth and process involved in the study of Criminal Justice, including identification, interpretation, and synthesis of professional research; appropriate forms of presentation; and the role of higher education in the field. Co-requisite: CJ 101 or consent of instructor.


CJ 420 Police and Society (4) Introduces the functions, roles, and services of the various policing agencies in the Untied States. This includes the history, development, and role of the police as a component of the justice system, with particular attention to the relationship of the police to community, society, and relate institutions of social control; societal control of the police as well as the influences of social change and urban decay and disorder on methods of policing. CJ 450 Politics of Re-Entry (4) Focuses on the demographics and dynamics of prisoner re-entry, i.e. the effects on individuals, families, and communities when former offenders are released from prison and attempt to integrate or be integrated into society. Has an applied and regional focus, with the goal of documenting the current status of prisoner re-entry in Central New York. Prerequisite: CJ 101; one 200- or 300-level CJ/SOC course.


CJ 490 Selected Topics in Criminal Justice (4) Provides in-depth treatment of a selected topic in Criminal Justice. Investigates criminological/criminal justice subject matter outside of standard course offerings. Prerequisite: CJ 101; one 200- or 300- level CJ/SOC course. CJ 491 Independent Study in Criminal Justice (1-4) Provides a structure for extensive study and/or directed research (under faculty supervision) on a specific topic. The application form must include a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method for evaluation, and suggested number of credits. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only; permission of instructor and school Dean required. Prerequisites: CJ 101 and one 200- or 300-level CJ course. CJ 493 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (4) Designed to be the capstone course for the CJ Program. Explores in depth a particular topic in criminology/criminal justice chosen by the instructor. Emphasizes critical analysis of current literature and the development of original projects by students. Prerequisite: CJ 101 and CJ 332.

Economics ECO 110 Microeconomics (4) An in‑depth analysis of the operation of market forces in determining resource allocation in the private sector via the price system. Comprehensive theoretical models of the consumer, the producer, and market structure are developed. The student will become acquainted with the techniques whereby economists analyze, for purposes of public policy, such issues as environmental restrictions, public utility rate fixing and other price controls, commodity taxation, minimum wage laws, occupational licensing, and the economics of crime and punishment. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. ECO 112 Macroeconomics (4) A study of both classical and modern theory focusing on the determination of national income, employment, and the rate of inflation. The major versions of the classical and Keynesian systems are developed, including a review of the consumption function and the behavior of investment. Specific modern problems, such as the effects of wage‑price controls, the institutional difficulties surrounding monetary and fiscal policy‑making, and the growth/no growth issue, are discussed. ECO 330 Economics of Aging (4) Covers a variety of economic problems related to aging, from the viewpoints of both the individual and society as a whole. The economic characteristics of older persons will be examined, including labor force participation, financial circ*mstances, consumption patterns, and health status. Major attention will be given to formal and informal economic security arrangements including individual saving programs, public and private pension systems, health insurance, and other legal and financial devices. Long‑term projections of the aged population, and its impact on the American economy, will be reviewed. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

ECO 405 Economics of Health Care (3) Providers and consumers of health care have historically been insulated from the classic economic market forces of supply and demand. However, recent and anticipated changes in health care financing and provider and consumer behaviors are expected to have profound effects on the supply and demand of health care. Examined in this course are: the products of health care, the demand for health care, the supply of health care, and government regulation and its influence on supply and demand. Cross listed with HSM 405. ECO 425 Economics of the Environment (4) An economic analysis of environmental protection. Topics include: the economic nature of environmental problems; a description of air, water, and land pollution; global environmental issues; the economics of natural resource use, conservation, and recycling; and an analysis of the history and evolution of environmental policies in the United States. Prerequisite: ECO 110 or equivalent. ECO 450 Money and Banking (4) A detailed examination of money, credit, and financial institutions, with emphasis on how the monetary system influences economic activity. Topics include: the nature and functions of money, the commercial banking system, non‑bank financial institutions, the roles of the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury, monetary policy, and international money and banking. Prerequisite: ECO 112 or equivalent. ECO 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 251 Digital Logic Design (4) Fundamental and advanced concepts of digital logic. Boolean algebra and functions. Design and implementation of combinatorial and sequential logic, minimization techniques, number representation, and basic binary arithmetic. Logic families and digital integrated circuits and use of CAD tools for logic design. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with ETC 110. ECE 252 Computer Organization and Microprocessors (4) Organization of computer systems: processor, memory, I/O organization, instruction encoding and addressing modes. Introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers. Design of hardware and software for microprocessor applications. Assembly language programming. Microprocessor system case studies. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 251. Cross listed with ETC 342 and CET 342. ECE 260 Electric Circuits (4) Units and definitions. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Circuit analysis using: Nodal and mesh methods, Norton and Thevenin theorems, and voltage divider. Transient and sinusoidal steady-state response of circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Prerequiste: MAT 230 and PHY 201. ECE 281 Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar I (1) Overview of the fields of electrical engineering and computer engineering. Various sub-fields within EE and CoE will be explored, with emphasis on how they are interrelated. Issues relevant to careers in EE and CoE (e.g., typical tasks performed by EEs and CoEs) will be explored. ECE 301 Signals and Systems (4) Provides an introduction to continuous-time and discrete-time signals and linear systems. Topics covered include time-domain descriptions (differential and difference equations, convolution) and frequencydomain descriptions (Fourier series and transforms, transfer function, frequency response, Z transforms, and Laplace transforms). Three

hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MAT 230 and ECE 260. ECE 315 Electronics I (4) Introduction to electronics concentrating on the fundamental devices (diode, transistor, operational amplifier, logic gate) and their basic applications; modeling techniques; elementary circuit design based on devices, laboratory exercises. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 260, Corequisite: ECE 251.

ECE 428 Computer Networks (4) Introduce principles and practices in computer and communication networks. Emphasis is on the design, implementation, and management of IP backbone networks (the Internet), wired/wireless LAN’s , and mobile communication networks. Topics include: major network implementations, Internet protocols, LAN standards, network elements (switches, routers, bridges, and gateway), EMS/NMS, network security, and other current research topics. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 352.

ECE 323 Electromagnetics (3) Fundamentals of electromagnetic fields, Maxwell’s Equations, plane waves, reflections. Application to transmission lines, antennas, propagation, electromagnetic interference, electronics packaging, wireless communications. Prerequisite: ECE 301 and MAT 253.

ECE 462 Control Systems II (3) Conventional and state variable techniques for the analysis and design of analog and digital control systems, z-transform, sampled data systems, discrete state variable techniques, numerical simulation, and computeraided design of control systems. Prerequisite: ECE 361.

ECE 332 Semiconductor Devices (3) Basic theory of semiconductors, p-n junctions, bipolar junction transistors, junction and MOS field effect devices, device design and modeling, fabrication.

ECE 487 Senior Project I (4) Design projects in cooperation with local industry and other external clients. Specifications, proposal, time schedule, paper design. Periodic design reviews with client, written and oral progress reports, final presentation. Prerequisite: ECE 387 and senior standing.

ECE 351 Digital Systems Design (4) Synchronous sequential circuit design. Algorithmic state machine method; state reduction; control-datapath circuit partitioning. Design of sequential arithmetic circuits. Memory interfacing; bus-based design. Specification and synthesis of digital systems using hardware description language and implementation using programmable logic devices. Simulation, analysis, testing, and verification of digital systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 251. ECE 352 Computer Architecture (4) RISC machines and instruction set architectures, computer arithmetic, performance evaluation, single cycle and multi-cycle datapaths, pipelined architecture, static and dynamic scheduling, instruction-level parallelism, advanced pipelining, superscalar and super-pipelined processors, memory hierarchy and organization, I/O, compiler issues. Cross-listed with CS 411. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 351. ECE 361 Control Systems (4) Introduction to analysis, design and modeling of control systems. LaPlace transforms, transfer functions and transient analysis. Concepts of stability; polar and log-frequency plots. Numerical simulation and design of simple control systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ECE 301. ECE 377 Communications Systems (3) Fundamentals of communications systems. Modulation and demodulation methods. Characteristics of modern analog and digital communications methods. Prerequisite: ECE 301. ECE 382 Seminar II (1) Provides an overview of the professional aspects of the fields of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. Topics to be covered include: typical career paths in ECE, engineering ethics, resume writing and job search techniques, preparing for graduate school, professional engineer license, etc. ECE 387 Design Lab (3) Students will complete a series of assigned design projects that rely on background in the areas of microprocessors, electronics, and signals & systems. Lecture will focus on various aspects of the design process as well as discussion of component characteristics. Prerequisite: ECE 315. ECE 402 Signal Processing (3) Discrete time and frequency analysis of linear systems. Random signals, correlation functions, power spectrum, and design of elementary digital filters. Prerequisite: ECE 301. ECE 416 Analog Circuit Design (3) Active and passive circuits, bias point and small signal analysis. Frequency response and transient characteristics of electronic circuits. Feedback and stability. Electronic circuit design and system applications (multistage amplifiers, active filters, etc.), numerical simulations. T

ECE 488 Senior Project II (4) Continuation of EE 487. Prototype fabrication and test. Demonstration and documentation of functioning system delivered to client. Prerequisite: ECE 487. ECE 490

Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Variable 2-4) An in-depth study of topics selected from and based on new developments in electrical engineering and related areas. Topics may include areas of signal processing, control theory, communication theory, electronics, electromagnetism, semiconductor devices or device technology, probability, or alternative topic related to the discipline. ECE 491

Independent Study/Electrical and Computer Engineering (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

Electrical Engineering Technology ETC 101

Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (4) Introduction to basic circuit laws and analysis, transient circuits and first order circuits. Introduction to electronic devices and linear electronics. Examine the concepts of power systems, programmable logic controllers, and transistor switches. May not be taken for credit by graduates of associate degree programs in electrical/electronic or computer engineering technology. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Corequisite: MAT 120 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with CET 101. ETC 102 Electric Circuits (4) Units and definitions. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Circuit analysis using superposition, nodal and mesh methods, Norton Thevenin theorems, and current and voltage divider rules. Transient and sinusoidal steady state response of circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and incutors. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 101 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with CET 102 ETC 103 Electronics I (4) Introduction to semiconductors, conductors, and insulators. Analysis of transistors, diodes, and their related application in rectifier and amplifier circuits. Wave‑form interpretation, AC‑DC load lines, biasing techniques, small signal amplifiers, and h parameters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or permission SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013




Courses of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll in this course for credit. Cross listed with CET 103. ETC 203 Electronics II (4) Introduction to operational amplifier circuits incorporating feedback. Amplifier configurations, feedback amplifiers, applications of Op‑Amps in analog computers, and active filters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 103 or equivalent or permission of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll for this course for credit. Cross listed with CET 203


ETC 210 Digital Systems I (4) Fundamentals and advanced concepts of digital logic. Boolean algebra and functions. Design and implementation of combinatorial and sequential logic, minimization techniques, number representation, basic binary arithmetic and finite state machines. Logic families and digital integrated circuits and use of CAD tools for logic design. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or equivalent or permission of instructor. All students who have an EET associate degree may not enroll in this course for credit. Cross listed with CET 210 and ECE 251. ETC 215 Sustainable Energy Systems (2) An introduction to sustainable energy systems. Topics include solar energy, wind energy, fuel cell technology, biomass energy, geothermal energy, clean coal technology, ocean energy, hydroelectric power, and nuclear power. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross-listed with CTC 215 and MTC 215. ETC 216 Electronic Communications I (4) Introduction of analog electronic communication systems. Study of power measurements, signals, signal analysis, and signal generation. Focus on analog communication systems including amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation and single sideband. Introduce the concepts of data communications and networking and study the public telephone network. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 102 or equivalent or permission of instructor. ETC 265 Digital Systems II (4) Study of Digital Systems Design using the Intel family of microprocessors and their peripheral support integrated circuits. Incorporate Intel assembly language to develop programs to run the Intel hardware. Devices studied include the 8255A PPI and 8251 PCI. Design and implementation of Intel hardware and software will be emphasized. Interfacing and testing of the computer’s internal buses using logic analyzers and other test equipment will also be included. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent. Cross listed with CET 265. ETC 288 Alternative Energy (2) Principles and techniques associated with the methods of energy extraction from solar, wind, geothermal and biomass sources. Power management, economic development and environmental considerations will be discussed. ETC 290 Introduction to Nanotechnology (3) An introductory course covering fundamentals of nanotechnology and its applications. Course content will cover diverse nanosystems including carbon nanotubes, semiconductor quantum dots, nanosensensors, molecular nanomachines and nanomedicine. Prerequisite: One course in Physics or permission of the instructor. Cross listed with MTC 290. ETC 299 Quality Control and Workplace Issues (2) To provide a broad educational understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context along with a knowledge of contemporary issues and career opportunities. Also, focus will be placed on the process controls necessary for the practice of electrical and computer engineering. Cross listed with CET 299. ETC 300 Tools in Technology (2) Introduction to the field of CAD (Computer Aided Design) in the electrical engineering technology field. Will cover the proper design of schematic drawings and the techniques of designing printed circuit boards. Prerequisites: ETC 102 and ETC 110 or equivalents.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

ETC 308 Electrical Power Systems I (2) Fundamentals of power system analysis and design will be studied. Both the theory and modeling of power systems will be covered. Topics include power transformers, transmission-line parameters, steady-state operation of transmission lines, power flow and power system controls. Two hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: ETC 102 Corequisite: MAT 230. ETC 316 Electronic Communications II (4) Study of signals, digital modulation techniques, transmissions lines, microwave techniques and devices, and antennas. Optical fiber, RF and cellular communications are also introduced. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 216 or equivalent. ETC 331 Control Systems (4) Basic control systems studied using Laplace transforms. Principles of electro‑mechanical control systems (electrical and mechanical), measuring means, components and their characteristics, and controller characteristics. Analysis of a control system by the frequency/phase responses and stability criteria. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 104 or equivalent. ETC 342

Microprocessor and Embedded Systems Programming and Design (4) Programming and microprocessor for embedded systems application. Includes an introduction to interfacing components and hardware of the microprocessor. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or permission of instructor. No prior microprocessors background needed. Cross listed with CET 342 and ECE 252. ETC 356 Programmable Controllers (2) Use of programmable controllers to create relay logic ladder diagrams for the development of control systems. ETC 360 Advanced Circuit Analysis (2) Advanced circuit analysis stressing network theorems, solutions of time, and frequency domain problems. Prerequisites: MAT 121 and ETC 105. ETC 391 Fiber Optics (4) Principles and analysis of fiber optic components and systems, fiber optic sensors, integrated optoelectronics and applications of fiber optics in telecommunications and instrumentation. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: One physics course with optics and/or permission of the instructor. ETC 392

Fundamentals of MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) and NEMS (Nanoelectromechanical Systems) (2) Introduces the student to the emerging field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based nanotechnology. Topics will include introduction to nanonscale systems, methods of fabrications and packaging of MEMS, principle of microactuation, visualization and applications of nano and micro systems. Prerequisite: One course in Physics or permission of the instructor. Cross listed with MTC 392. ETC 416

Data Communication & Computer Network Technology (4) The principles and techniques of data and computer communications are covered in detail in this course. Topics include principles of data transmission, data encoding, digital communication techniques, transmission codes, error detection and correction, protocols, communication networks, interfacing and architecture. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Cross listed with CET 416. ETC 419 Satellite Communication (2) Principles of satellite communications, techniques of transmitting speech, data and video using satellites. Prerequisite: ETC 316 or permission of instructor. ETC 421 Wireless Communication Systems (4) Study of the theory and the techniques used in the implementation of wireless communication systems. Principle and analysis of mobile communication systems, wireless LAN, personal communication


ETC 423 Microprocessor Interfacing (4) Analysis of microprocessor interfacing with operational hardware. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ETC 110 or equivalent and ETC 342 or permission of instructor. Cross listed with CET 423. ETC 429

Microprocessors, Microprogramming and Computer Architecture (4) Design of microprocessor and computer central processing units. Stresses the architecture and microprogramming of the processor. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with CET 429. ETC 431 PC Integration and Maintenance (4) This course stresses the architecture and design of personal computers and emphasizes the use of diagnostic hardware and software to evaluate PC systems in actual lab situations. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 311 or ETC 342 or CS 220. Cross listed with CET 431. ETC 433 Automatic Control Systems (4) Transfer function approach to the analysis and design of feedback control systems. Use of Bode diagrams, and root locus plots to predict system performances. Analog and digital simulation of industrial control system problems. Prerequisite: ETC 331 or equivalent. ETC 434 Servomechanism Design (2) Servomechanism controls design. Mathematical modeling of AC & DC servosystems and study of their related stability, network compensation, performance, inertial damping, resonance. Tracking system design approaches. Analysis of scaling and non‑linear performance. Two hours of lecture per week. Prerequisite: ETC 433. ETC 435 Digital Control and Robotics (4) Discrete time systems and transform sampling and reconstruction, state‑space technique and digital stimulation, stability of digital control systems, digital filtering and digital compensator design, discrete‑time optimal control, and applications in robotics. This course is the capstone for the control emphasis which requires working on a team project using a robot arm in place of the laboratory, with an oral and written presentation at the end. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ETC 331 and one course in computer programming.

implementation using programmable logic devices. Simulation, analysis, testing, and verification of digital systems. Cross-listed with ECE 351. Prerequisite: ETC 210 or equivalent. ETC 455 VLSI Design Fundamentals (4) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design fundamentals relating to cell design, layout, chip design tools for both NMOS and CMOS are covered. Emphasis on chip testability will be at the end of the course. The course is supplemented by state‑of‑the‑art labs. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. ETC 475 Data Compression & Multimedia Technology (4) Data compression techniques are covered in detail for video, audio and text compression leading to the standards. Sensors are interfaced and an integrated environment is created by the use of appropriate hardware and software. Prerequisite: ETC 316 or permission of instructor. ETC 480 Electrical Technology Senior Project I (2) This is the first of two two‑credit courses which must be taken as a pair. Extensive investigation, preparation, and development of a design project incorporating concepts from senior level courses. A written report is required. At the end of first semester, student should have all information and material required to complete the project in the following semester. ETC 481 Electrical Technology Senior Project II (2) This course involves the full implementation, testing, troubleshooting, and final demonstration of the senior project as proposed in ETC 480. An updated final report shall also accompany the final project. Note: Credit given only if ETC 480 has been successfully completed. Prerequisite: ETC 480. ETC 483 Optical Communications (4) Principles and techniques associated with the transmission of optical radiation in waveguides (fibers) and free space, low and high power optical sources, internal (direct) and external (indirect) modulations. Fiber optical waveguide and characteristics of free space, hom*odyne and hetrodyne detection, and design of optical communication systems. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. This is the capstone course for the concentration in communications and requires working on a team project in place of laboratory assignments with oral and written presentation at the completion of the project. The written report will include analysis, design and management of the project. Prerequisite: ETC 391 or permission of instructor.

ETC 437 Digital Filters (4) Review of discrete‑time linear systems and random processes, z‑transforms, difference equations, and state‑space formulations. Discrete Fourier analysis and FFT algorithms, including discussions of recursive and non‑recursive filter transformations, FIR transversal and Kalman filters. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: MAT 122.

ETC 485 Microwave Communications and Radar Technology (4) Provides a basic understanding of microwave communications and radar technology. Topics include fundamentals of microwave and radar technology, microwave devices, microwave wave-guides and antennas, types of radars and applications. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: ETC 316.

ETC 444

ETC 488 Computer Control of Instrumentation (4) Computer control of electronic instrumentation via the IEEE Standard 488 General Purpose Instrumentation BUS (GPIB) for the purposes of data acquisition and its presentation (tabular and graphic form). “C” programming is utilized as the control language. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: ETC 331 and knowledge of a programming language or permission of the instructor.

Special Topics in Microprocessor/Digital (Variable 1-4) Seminar on the state‑of‑the‑art in microprocessor and digital techniques. Topics will vary as technology changes. May be taken more than once for credit provided topics are different. Prerequisite: ETC 110 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Cross listed with CET 444. ETC 445 Microcontrollers (4) Study the operation and design of systems using single chip microcontrollers and microcomputers. Current equipment will emphasize the MicroChip PIC series of microcontrollers. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ETC 342 or ETC 311 or equivalent. ETC 446 Programmable Logic Devices (4) Synchronous sequential circuit design. Algorithmic state machine method; state reduction; control-data path circuit partitioning. Design of sequential arithmetic circuits. Memory interfacing; bus-based design. Specification and synthesis of digital systems using hardware description language and

ETC 490 Special Topics in Communication Technology (2) An in-depth study of topics selected from and based on new developments in communications technology and related areas. Topics may include areas of secure communications, mobile communications, image transmission and optical signal processing, computer-aided design, analysis of communications links and networks and integrated services digital network standards. Prerequisites: ETC 316 and permission of instructor. ETC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study of a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



networks and Land-Mobile/satellite communications systems are also included. Prerequisite: ETC 316.

Courses written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, methods of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. ETC 494 CO‑OP Assignment (Variable 2 or 4) Provides 14 weeks of supervised experience in an industrial or government installation applying technology knowledge towards the solution of engineering technology problems and developing abilities required in the student’s career. At least two reports and two supervisors’ evaluations are required. A minimum of 60 contact hours of industrial work is required per credit hour. May be taken repetitively up to a maximum of four credits. Prerequisite: Permission of employer and dean.


ETC 495 Nanotechnology Research (3) This course introduces students with the scientific, technical and methodological aspects of nanotechnology research. Students will be required to work either individually or in a group on a research project and integrate knowledge of their majors into the evolving field of nanotechnology. Emphasis is placed on addressing interdisciplinary, economical, ethical, and environmental aspects of nanotechnology.

English ENG 090 Introduction to College Writing For students not meeting English 101 placement requirements. English 090 will prepare students for English 101 (Freshman Composition) by addressing fundamental writing issues at sentence, paragraph, and essay levels, with emphasis on student-generated writing and model essays. Only S/U grades are assigned for this course. ENG 101 Freshman Composition (4) An introductory expository writing course. Students will write a variety of short essays, culminating in a research essay. Emphasis is on close reading, discovering worthwhile topics, drafting and revising, and evaluation and presentation of evidence. Students will also be evaluated on the development and implementation of an oral presentation. Meets new General Education Basic Communication requirement. Prerequisite: COMPASS Placement Test score of 68 or higher or successful completion of ENG 090. ENG 105 Critical Reading and Writing (4) Students will write critical essays based on readings. The focus of this class will be critical reading and response. Students will be exposed to research methods including information gathering, source evaluation and analysis, synthesizing ideas and evidence and use of documentation. Readings for this class may be topical or organized around a theme. An oral presentation based on one of the course topics will be required and evaluated. Meets new General Education Basic Communication requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 101 or appropriate placement test score. ENG 110 Introduction to Literature (4) An introduction to the critical reading of various literary genres, with attention to the interpretation and evaluation of fiction, drama and creative non-fiction. Readings will represent a pan-historical approach to the study of literature and will include non-Western texts. The course will not be arranged by theme or topic; it is designed to cover a broad range of issues, themes, and topics through the study of various literary genres. This course provides a critical and aesthetic introduction to the major genres of literature.

to parallel Western works will be made to clarify cultural difference. The culture studied will vary; current subjects are modern Japan, revolutionary Mexico, Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution, and modern Israel. ENG 310 Topics in American Literature (4) A study of a major period, genre, figure, or theme in American literature. Typical topics include science fiction, twentieth century poetry, slavery and the Civil War, and the image of women in American literature. May be taken more than once as topics change. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 311 Topics in World Literature (4) A study of a major period, genre, figure, or theme in world literature. Typical topics include the modern European novel, technology in literature, Shakespeare, modernism, and women and power. May be taken more than once as topics change. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 312 Studies in the Short Story (4) Examines the short story as a literary genre. The emphasis is on interpretation, though selections may vary each semester. Literary questions provide the occasion for students to develop reading and writing skills and to explore how literature and composition interact. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 320 Recent American Poetry (4) Begins with several major poets of the 1920’s: W.C. Williams, T.S. Eliot, and Wallace Stevens. These poets serve as background for the study of poetry since World War II. Some of the poets studied will be chosen by the class. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 331 Black Voices (4) Students will become acquainted with several major figures of African‑American Literature and will examine their works in light of some of the political, cultural, and sociological influences evident within these works. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 350 Dramatic Literature (4) The playwright is a shaper of events as well as a wordsmith. Plays from several cultural eras will be studied to clarify the dramatist’s careful balance of plot, character, idea, language, and spectacle. Film and video versions of plays will supplement text study. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 360 Reading the Film (4) By accepting film as a legitimate form of literary expression, we utilize the tools of literary analysis which allow us to “read” the images of the cinema. This course will review some of the components of the language of literature and will introduce the basic elements of film technique. Students will be asked to “read,” understand, and critically evaluate the translation of literary elements into the language of film. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. ENG 361 Film Direction: Alfred Hitchco*ck (Variable 2-4) Encourages students to critically examine the facets of the film image. Using Alfred Hitchco*ck as a model, students will be presented with the range of options available to a film director and shown some of the techniques employed to make a text (story) visual. Our focus will be on the rhetoric and style found in the language of the cinema as represented in the work of Alfred Hitchco*ck. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement.

ENG 205 Creative Writing (4) Through writing prose fiction or poetry, students develop competency in narration, description, characterization, and other writing skills developing a personal “voice”. As students write, critique, and re‑write, they learn the skill of self‑criticism which is a necessary part of all writing. Meets new General Education Arts requirement.

ENG 375 The Novel (4) A study of the nature and evolution of the novel, including the social conditions that stimulated its growth and the special characteristics and possibilities of the genre. Emphasis will fall on British and American novels from the 18th century to the present, including trends such as the novel of manners, realism, symbolic and impressionistic realism, and recent experiments (“fabulation,” the non‑fiction novel). Meets new General Education Humanities requirement.

ENG 211 The Arts and Cultural Revolution (4) A study of one non-Western culture with emphasis on how its beliefs and customs are represented in the arts, including literature and visual arts, during periods of rapid technological and cultural change. Comparisons

ENG 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013


Entrepreneurship ENT 375 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (4) Introduction to entrepreneurship emphasizing the critical role of recognizing and creating opportunities in small business, new ventures, corporate projects, and other organizational settings. Topics include attributes of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial careers, idea conceptualization, introduction to marketing and finance, profitability, opportunity evaluation, and introduction to business plan writing. ENT 378 Entrepreneurial Technology Management (4) Technology provides entrepreneurs with a vast, evolving medium for engaging in all phases of business activity. New business opportunities are literally evolving with the introduction of new technological developments. As pioneers in the exciting new dimension of business, students will study trends that have evolved, learn what methods and standards currently exist, learn how to analyze existing business web activity, and develop web business strategies for launching their own business activities on the net. Both classroom and computer laboratory are integrated providing a real-time learning by doing environment. ENT 485 Business Planning for Entrepreneurs (4) Focuses on planning activities that support entrepreneurial ventures including small businesses, franchises, non-profits, and internal corporate projects. Emphasis on generating a business plan for innovative entrepreneurial ventures and concepts. In depth study of written and oral documentation needed to generate a complete quantitative and qualitative business plan. Communication of financial, business, and rhetorical arguments will be covered. Prerequisite: ENT 375 and FIN 378. ENT 492 Entrepreneurship Internship (4) Supervised, discipline based experience in business organization. Emphasis on application, process and techniques used by business to sustain and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker are targeted. Oversight provided by the School internship coordinator, min-semester evaluation and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Prerequisite: ENT 375, ENT 378, and Permission of Instructor. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course.

Finance FIN 302 Financial Management Principles (4) General principles of corporate finance are presented. Topics include: the tax environment, an overview of financial planning and control, working capital management, and forms of long‑term financing. Objectives include an analysis of responsibilities and functions performed by financial analysts, whether representing a firm, a financial institution, an investment officer, or financial/management consultant. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent or permission of instructor. FIN 332 Fundamentals of Investments (4) The investment of capital funds is a complex field and topics studied include: investment and risk, determination of investment policy, types of security investments, sources of investment information, the broker, the stock market, and portfolio management. FIN 341 Financial Institutions (4) Analysis of financial institutions with emphasis on their sources of funds and operating characteristics. Emphasis also is given to the role of commercial banks in the money market and the relationship of the other major financial institutions to the commercial banks.

FIN 343 Personal Finance (4) This course provides the informational and decision-making tools needed for planning and implementing a successful personal financial plan. It provides an overview of personal and family financial planning with an emphasis on financial recordkeeping, planning your spending, tax planning, consumer credit, making buying decisions, purchasing insurance, selecting investments and retirement and estate planning. FIN 378 Finance for Entrepreneurs (4) Focus on financial planning, analysis, and find raising to seed a small business through venture, angel, investment, and commercial capital sources. Topics include financial management for entrepreneurs over the life of the business including start-up financing, financial planning for growth, going public, selling off, bankruptcy, and other pertinent financing topics. Communication of entrepreneurial funding ideas through written and oral forms will also be discussed. Prerequisite: ENT 375 FIN 411 Financial Management Problems (4) An in‑depth financial analysis of problems experienced by different firms is pursued using actual cases and outside reading to supplement text data. Studies will cover value of cash flow, capital planning, break‑even analysis, inventory control, financial structure, cost of capital, external growth, failure, reorganization, and liquidation. Prerequisite: FIN 302. FIN 420 Financial Planning and Control (4) Analytical techniques and procedures for dealing with capital structure problems of business. Emphasis will be on capital budgeting techniques and methods of ranking investment alternatives available to business. The student should become familiar with different theories of probabilities to minimize risk in financial planning and control. Prerequisite: FIN 411 or equivalent. FIN 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. FIN 492 Finance Internship (4) Supervised, discipline related experience in a business organization. Emphasis is on application, process, and techniques used by business to sustain business and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker will be targeted. Oversight will be provided by the School internship coordinator and the sponsoring organization. Periodic meetings with the supervisor, mid-semester evaluation, and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

First Year Seminar FYS 101 First Year Seminar (1) To assist the first time, full time students in their academic and social integration of the college experience, this course will focus on accessing support services that enhance study skills and academic learning. Sessions on time management, stress management, study strategies and financial management are explored. Strategic reading and lecture notes, test taking and wellness activities are also addressed to assist students in meeting the academic demands of college life. Community service and civic responsibility are also addressed through this first year seminar.


See Health and Physical Activity

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.


French FRE 101 Elementary French (4) Introduces the basics of French language and culture. The student will develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through practice in pronunciation, listening comprehension and reading and writing of short passages. Integrated into the course is an introduction to the French way of life. Meets the new General Education Foreign Language requirement. FRE 102 Intermediate French (4) This course continues the basic grammar of FRE 101 to develop proficiency in French. It refines and polishes the four basic language acquisition skills: aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The focus is communication: listening, understanding, and responding in French. Instruction is primarily in French.


General Studies GEN 300 Academic Skills Enhancement (1) To help students reinforce the universal foundations of academic success, including critical thinking, study skills and time management. Additionally, to help students discover and benefit from their own individual strengths and experience. Assignments include readings from a variety of sources, self-reflection papers, and model assignments from different academic disciplines. To use this course as a first step toward a more rewarding academic career, students will produce a personalized Learning Plan and design and participate in a community service project. credits total in their chosen areas of concentration.

REC 101 Introductory Racquetball (1) Learn basic skills, strategies and rules for competitive recreational play; utilize racquetball as a primary or secondary source for cardiovascular health, flexibility and endurance. REC 102 Introductory Golf (1) Learn basic skills, strategies and rules for competitive recreational play; utilize golf as a primary or secondary source for cardiovascular health, flexibility and endurance.

Health Information Management HIM 100

Introduction to the Health Information Management Field (3) Introduction to the health information field and professional ethics. Regulatory requirements for content and maintenance. Numbering and filing systems. Retention and storage of records. Laboratory and lecture. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. HIM 111 Medical Terminology (3) The language of medicine including Latin/Greek prefixes, suffixes and root words. Diagnostic and procedural terms will be included. HIM 212

Pathophysiology for Health Information Management (3) A study of major disease processes including their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Students will learn which diagnostic tests are used as well as the appropriate surgical techniques. Basic pharmacology and the most commonly used drugs will be discussed. HIM 220

Geography GOG 310 Economic Geography (4) Surveys theories of the location of specific economic activities, such as agriculture, manufacturing, etc. Also considers theories of economic interaction among locations, including transportation, trade, and the role of cities. The student will have a grasp of why particular economic activities are located where they are, and of the economic consequences of physical geography. The goal of the course is an understanding of land‑use planning from the geographer’s perspective.

Health and Physical Activity FIT 100 Introduction to Fitness (1) Learn concepts of cardio, weight and flexibility training for long-term cardiovascular health, strength and endurance. The basic principles of exercise and the proper utilization of fitness equipment will be demonstrated and applied. FIT 101 Concepts of Aerobic Training (1) Learn concepts of aerobic training for weight loss, increased flexibility and for long-term cardiovascular health, strength and endurance. The basic principles of exercise and the proper utilization of fitness equipment will be demonstrated and applied. FIT 102 Athletic Conditioning (1) Concepts of total athletic conditioning, including cardiovascular, strength and agility training, through application of dynamic warm-up, flexibility, plyometrics and interval training. HLT 200 Peer Health Education I (2) An introduction to the field of peer health education with an emphasis on the development of a wellness lifestyle and self responsibility. Communication and interpersonal skills needed to peer counsel will be introduced. Course topics include drug, tobacco and alcohol use/abuse as well as sexually transmitted diseases. Students will be involved in campus outreach activities such as informational displays and data collection.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

Data Management and Analysis for Health Information (3) Use of database management software to manage and query health care data. Use of spreadsheet software to import data form health care databases. Data presentation principles. Calculation and use of special statistics related to the health care setting. These statistics are used for health facility planning and administration and for epidemiology. Pre/ corequisite: CSC 311C. HIM 305 Inpatient Coding and Classification (3) Coding and classification schemes used for hospital inpatients will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on the International Classification of Disease-10th-Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) and International Classification of Disease-10th-Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS). ICD-9CM will be discussed as legacy. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: HIM 100/111/212 and BIO 215. Corequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in BIO 216. HIM 306 Outpatient Coding and Classification (3) Coding and classification schemes used for outpatients in hospitals, ambulatory care centers and physician offices will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on Current Procedural Terminology, 4th edition (CPT-4), and reimbursem*nt classifications. Two hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIO 215. Corequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in HIM 305 and BIO 216. HIM 392 Professional Practice Experience I - Technical (3) The student will complete a three-week practicum in a hospital health information management services area. Students will practice technical skills learned during the first year of the health information management curriculum. (Note: Students who transfer from a health information technology program will transfer the equivalent of this course.) Prerequisites: HIM 305 and HIM 306. HIM 400

Non-Hospital Health Information Management Systems (2) Non-hospital health care settings offer exciting employment alternatives for health information managers. Included in this course will be a study of health information systems for psychiatric, developmental, occupational, long term, home health, correctional, emergency medical services, and veterinary care. In addition, disease registries will be covered. Prerequisites: HIM 392. Corequisite: HIM 494.

Courses Systems for the Evaluation and Improvement of Health Care Systems (3) A study of the historical basis for current trends in the evaluation of health care, and an explanation of the role of the health care manager in this process. Methods for assessing quality and appropriateness. Use of the system as a risk management tool. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. HIM 410 Health Information Services Management (3) Department management technique for health information management. Applications of systems analysis, computer science, budgeting, personnel management, and plant layout for the health information manager. Two hours lecture and two hours laboratory per week. Prerequisite: HIM 400. HIM 425 Research in Health Information Management (3) A study of the application of research techniques to the health information management field. Students will perform small research studies and will review published research in the field. Prerequisite: STA 100. HIM 435

Health Care Management/Medical Information Systems (3) This course is intended to expose hospital managers to the areas where computers can assist in the direct care of the patient and the management of hospitals. Emphasis will be placed on how to evaluate computers and information systems for hospitals, the unique problems involved in implementing computerized systems in the health care environment, and strategies for minimizing problems. HIM 440 Electronic Health Records (3) Addresses the definition, benefits, standards, functionality and confidentiality/security measures for the electronic health record. Case studies will be used to show how two health care organizations have developed their systems. Prerequisite: HIM 100 or permission of instructor. HIM 490

Selected Topics in Health Information Management (Variable 1-4) Courses offered as Selected Topics in Health Information Management supplement regularly offered courses. Such courses enhance the student’s general knowledge of Health Information Management topics. HIM 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, education goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. HIM 493 Senior Seminar (2) Final summary course with discussion of current events in the health information management field and preparation to enter the job market. Includes a final comprehensive examination on the curriculum (a mock certification examination for the registered health information administrator). Pre/Corequisite: HIM 410. HIM 494 Professional Practice Experience II - Specialty (1) Students will rotate through various non-hospital health information management service areas in facilities, such as those dealing with mental health, developmental disabilities, long‑term care, hospice, home care, ambulatory care, disease registries, correctional health and occupational health. Corequisite: HIM 400. HIM 495

Professional Practice Experience III – Management (3) The student will complete a three-week experience in the health information management services area of a type of health–related organization of the student’s choice. Students will apply management skills learned in the health information management curriculum and they will complete at least one project for the organization. Corequisites: completion of or concurrent enrollment in HIM 410.

Health Services Management HSM 201 Health Care Delivery in the U. S. (3) Health care delivery in the United States is a dynamic, evolving and extremely complex system; comprised of myriad providers and payers. The system is further complicated by significant government involvement in both delivery and payment. This course will address the multiple components of the health care delivery system and the rationale for its patterns and practices. HSM 300

Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Health Services (3) Health system utilization statistics are significant factors when assessing the population’s use of the health care delivery system. This course is intended to introduce the student to these important statistics, their calculation and interpretation. HSM 309 Health Care and the Law (3) A study of the legal aspects of various areas of health care administration will be conducted. Specific applications and study will include the health care administrator, governing boards, hospital liability, consent, procedure, malpractice, and other related topics. HSM 311 Management for the Health Professions (3) Introduces students to six basic management functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and decision making) in the context of health care such as hospitals, long term care facilities and other health related organizations. Concepts of management and management responsibilities (such as ethics, leadership and motivation) are related to selected functions. Students lead case discussion groups or critique journal articles on each management function. HSM 401 Introduction to Epidemiology (3) Preventing the incidence of disease requires an understanding of the risk factors associated with its cause. This course will provide a foundation for understanding the dynamics of health and disease in society, and impart a grasp of the fundamentals of epidemiology. HSM 405 Economics of Health Care (3) Uses an economic framework to examine major components of the health care system. Topics covered include the principles of microeconomics and regression analysis, the production of health, the demand for medical care (consumer behavior), the theory of health insurance, the market for physician services, the market for hospital services, and the long-term care services market. Students will complete a major research paper on a health economics related topic. Cross listed with ECO 405. HSM 410 Alternative Methods of Health Care Delivery (3) Provides a framework for understanding the meaning of the term “alternative health care delivery” and explores applicable methods from several health care arenas including the evolution of managed care, the expansion of alternative and complimentary medicine modalities into mainstream medicine and the international health care scene. The course presents theories, principles and methods for investigating, evaluating and conducting business using the discussed methods of health care delivery. It is designed to introduce students as current and future health care administrators to the concepts and dynamics of alternative health care delivery methods as a basis for monitoring organizational, legislative and reimbursem*nt changes – be it in acute care, long term care, physician practice management or some similar field. Prerequisite: HSM 201. HSM 422 Nursing Home Administration (3) Aging of the United States population has expanded the need for long‑term care services. This course will examine the nursing home as an integral part of the long‑term care continuum. This course is intended to provide the foundation necessary for students preparing for an internship and subsequent career as a nursing home administrator. It is a requirement for placement in a nursing home internship. Prerequisites: HSM 201, HSM 311.

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HIM 401


HSM 425 Health Care Marketing and Strategic Planning (4) Decision making, relative to facility planning and financial integrity, has become extremely complex in the health care field. Health care marketing is one of the tools available to the health professional which provides guidance and support to these efforts. This course will address many of the planning and marketing variables that should be addressed, as well as how to coordinate these activities. This is a capstone course. Prerequisites: HSM 300 and HSM 435 or ACC 430. HSM 431

Financial Management for Ambulatory Care Organizations (3) This course is designed for the health care administrator who will work primarily in ambulatory care facilities. The course will focus on financial reimbursem*nt issues which the administrator must understand in providing strategic financial and operational direction to his/her facility. Prerequisites: HSM 435 or permission of instructor.


HSM 435

Financial Management for Health Care Organizations (3) Students will acquire a working knowledge of cash flow projections, budgeting, cost accounting and control and evaluation techniques for not‑for‑profit organizations. Case study analysis and presentations will be the primary instructional methods. Students will learn to use an electronic spreadsheet to assist in analyzing case studies. Cross listed with ACC 430. Prerequisite: ACC 201 or equivalent. HSM 436

Financial Management for Health Care Organizations – Case Study (1) An extensive accounting case analysis problem involving a not‑for‑profit entity will be assigned. Students will be required to submit a written report. Students must be registered currently in ACC 430 or HSM 435; case study will be arranged by instructor on an independent study basis. Prerequisites: ACC 201 or equivalent and currently enrolled in or having completed HSM 435 or ACC 430. HSM 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. HSM 492 Internship (Variable 3-16) Students work off‑campus under the direction of a qualified preceptor in one of the many types of organizations involved in health care in New York or other states. Students are exposed to the various components of the organization and may prepare special reports or studies on behalf of the organization. To be eligible for an internship, students must achieve a C in all HSM core and elective courses and a 2.3 overall grade point average in these courses. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course. May be taken more than once for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

History HIS 101 American History: Colonies to Reconstruction (4) A description and analysis of the major factors accounting for the transformation of the earliest settlements into a sovereign national power. Emphasis will be placed on the role of immigration, changing institutional values and structures, and the interplay between economic and political forces. Meets new General Education American History requirement. HIS 102

American History: Reconstruction to the Present (4) A description and analysis of the principal forces involved in the growth of the U.S. from a society on the eve of massive industrialization into a technological consumer society. Features stressed will include the rise of the corporation, the development of an urban labor force, the changing role of government, and the integration of the United States into a global political and economic system. Meets new General Education American History requirement.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

HIS 150 History of Modern Europe (4) A political and social survey of the period 1815‑present. Primary attention is given to the major Western European states and Russia. Central themes of the course include: the decline of aristocratic dominance and the attempts of first the middle, and then the lower classes, to gain control of society, the origins of World War I, the war itself and its aftermath, the rise of totalitarianism and the coming of World War II, the Cold War, new prosperity, and the global age. Meets new General Education Western Civilization or Humanities requirement. HIS 240 Latin American Civilizations (4) A one-semester overview of Latin America, from the first encounters of European, African, and Native American cultures to the diverse and complex societies of the present. Study of the region’s indigenous and colonial past will help explain contemporary politics, economics, social relations, and cultural movements. Repercussions of the independence movements and subsequent democracies, monarchies, dictatorships and reform movements will be tracked. Students will evaluate demographic changes, social upheaval and revolution, industrialization and development, environmental degradation, and foreign intervention. Throughout the course, changes and continuities in race, class, gender, and other social roles will be identified and analyzed. Meets new General Education Other World Civilizations requirement. HIS 304 Technology in American History (4) A lecture and reading and writing intensive course in American history organized around the theme of technology. History is the understanding of change over time. As such, this course focuses on technology as a central organizing theme to study the changes that have happened in America. We will do so by exploring the interrelationship and interactions among technology and the changing political, economic, social, intellectual and cultural contexts in America. As a result, students can become thoughtful analysts of technology in context. HIS 306 History of Science and Technology (4) An analysis of the histories of science and technology in the context of the broad outlines of world history and the history of western civilization. As such, this course is an exploration of the interrelationships and interactions among technology, different forms of knowledge about nature, and their political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural contexts. That exploration will lay the foundation for a cross-cultural comparison of science and technology in the West and in other civilizations to analyze the significance of western science and technology’s dominance. Lectures will supplement the text, and will cover themes and issues important to understand the changes that occurred in the histories of science and technology. May not be taken for credit by students who previously took and passed HIS 307. Meets new General Education Western Civilization and Other World Civilizations requirements, or can be used to meet Humanities requirement. HIS 308 Latinos in American History (4) A review and analysis of the major historical developments explaining the presence of the United States’ largest emergent minority group, the Hispanics, or Latinos. Major themes include the colonial activities of the Spanish and Portuguese; subsequent historical developments involving Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and other areas of Central and South America; the experience of Latinos in the U.S. in the past 200 years; and the current status and culture of Latino groups in American society. Meets new General Education American History requirement. Only students scoring about 84 on the NYS Regents in American History. HIS 317 Topics in Black History (4) Deals with a variety of periods in Black History which have contributed to American life as it exists today. Topics will change each semester and may deal with such diverse matters as the African cultural roots of Afro‑American life, views of Black family life and institutions during slavery. Meets new General Education Western Civilization or Humanities requirement. HIS 330

American Women’s History: U.S. Historical Experiences in Hemispheric Perspective (4) An examination of the history of women in the United States from European colonization (ca. 1600) to the present, plus the opportunity


HIS 360 Environmental History (4) The constantly changing relationship between Americans and the land has been a continuing theme in American history, beginning with the ideas and attitudes the colonists brought with them from Europe and continuing to the current environmental movement and its opposition. This course deals with American attitudes toward land, natural resources, and nature from the roots of our ideas in Western civilization to the present. This course will focus on Native American and European ideas about nature, explore the impact of the ideas of Thoreau, Muir, and Leopold, and analyze how science has changed our understanding of the relationship between Americans and nature. Meets new General Education Western Civilization requirement. HIS 370 Western Civilization and the World (4) A historical analysis of Western and other world civilizations. Explores the broad outlines of world history by comparing, contrasting, and relating the distinctive features of Western civilization to other world civilizations. Topics covered include the origins and varieties of civilizations, the divergent traditions in world civilizations, European hegemony and the end of European dominance, and globalization. This is a reading-intensive course in which lectures and discussions supplement the assigned reading. Meets new General Education Western Civilization and Other World Civilizations requirements. HIS 375 Gender Issues in World History (4) An examination of how gender roles have shaped the experiences of diverse men and women in a range of human societies worldwide, and how those roles have affected experiences of cultural interaction among societies in modern and recent history. Using historical monographs and primary sources, students will employ critical reading and writing skills to gain in-depth knowledge of these experiences and of trends in the field of gender history that can guide independent inquiry. Fulfills the SUNY General Education requirement in Western Civilizations and Other World Civilizations. HIS 390 Topics in History (4) An in-depth examination of particular topics in history. Topics might include World War II, the history of women in America, the Sixties and the Vietnam War, history of presidential elections. Each course will use one or two general textbooks; in addition, every student will be required to perform research on a particular issue related to the topic of the course. May be taken more than once as topics change. HIS 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, education, educational goals, methods of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject matter.

Humanities HUM 110 Humanities and the Postmodern World (4) The twenty-first century world is being shaped by an array of technological, social, and economic forces ranging from the ubiquity of media and information technologies to the globalization of economic processes. The role of humanities in interpreting and understanding the reshaped landscape of this postmodern world is examined by exploring various modes of human expression (for example, art, architecture, film, literature, philosophy) and studying how these try to make sense of this dynamic and sometimes disorientating social and cultural environment.

HUM 220 Introduction to Social and Political Thought (4) An introduction to major ideas, themes and thinkers in social and political thought. While providing an overview of the western tradition, the course will also focus on recurring themes such as questions of power and authority, relations between the individual and the state, concepts of justice, equality, rights, and ideas of individualism, democracy, and community. Attention will be given to the development of ideas within their larger social, cultural and historical contexts.

Industrial Engineering Technology ITC 101 Introduction to Engineering Technology (2) Required for all freshmen in Industrial Engineering Technology. Topics include academic requirements, advisem*nt, software packages, career opportunities, and project management. Additional topics include professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement. Cross listed with CTC/MTC 101. ITC 111 Manufacturing Processes (4) Machining and non-machining methods of processing materials into manufactured components will be discussed. Both traditional and nontraditional machining processes are covered. Machine shop equipment and practices, along with different types of tooling, will be reviewed. Cross listed with MTC 111. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ITC 162 ITC 162 Computer Aided Design (4) Students will develop basic skills in using AutoCAD software to develop mechanical drawings. Blue print reading and basic drawing fundamentals will be covered. Students will become proficient in using 2D AutoCAD software. Geometric tolerancing and dimensioning will be covered. Students cannot receive credit for both ITC 162 and ITC 362. Cross listed with MTC 162. ITC 198 Industrial Instrumentation (2) A freshman-level course that teaches the fundamentals of devices and methods used to instrument industrial processes and commercial products. Focuses on conventional instruments, electro-mechanical transducers, and computer-based data acquisition equipment and techniques. Two hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisite: Introductory Physics, Algebra, and Trigonometry. Students completing this course cannot take MTC 398 for credit. Cross listed with MTC 198. ITC 218 Statics (2) Analysis of equivalent systems of forces, free body diagrams, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, centroids, friction, and forces in structures. Two hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: PHY 101 and MAT 120. Cross listed with MTC 218 and CTC 218. ITC 261 Introductory Fluid Mechanics (4) Introduction to fluid mechanics, fluid properties, fluid statics and dynamics, pressure variation in flowing fluids, drag and lift, applications of fluid mechanics. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students may not receive credit for both ITC 261 and MTC 461. Cross listed with MTC 261. ITC 301 Professionalism in the Work Place (2) Topics include lifelong learning; professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement. Cross listed with CTC 301 and MTC 301. ITC 311 Manufacturing Operations (4) Manufacturing concepts which relate to operation selection. A limited number of topics are covered each semester, such as casting, machining, joining, forming, chipless machining, and surface finishing.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



to compare American women’s experiences with those of their peers throughout the Western Hemisphere. Themes addressed will include: race and ethnicity in colonization and coexistence, labor (paid and unpaid) and class issues, health and sexuality, religion and spirituality, and legal and political struggles. Meets new General Education American History requirement.


ITC 320 Applications Project I (2) Individual student designed project in a major field, includes: written specifications of project requirements, project plan, milestone identification, implementation, and descriptive report. An oral presentation regarding the project is required. Course includes a one-hour lecture per week. Students will work on an independent basis for the other hour.


ITC 321 Applications Project II (2) Individual student designed project in a major field, includes: written specifications of project requirements, project plan, milestone identification, implementation, and descriptive report. An oral presentation regarding the project is required. Course includes a onehour lecture per week. Students will work on an independent basis for the other hour. ITC 327 Production & Operations Management (4) Modern production and operations management in an industrial setting. Planning, organizing, and controlling using the relevant qualitative and quantitative approaches. Covers topics such as forecasting, capacity requirement, planning, work standards, scheduling, fundamentals of inventory control, and material requirement planning. Cross listed with MTC 327. ITC 330 Assistive Technology (2) Introduction to the fundamentals of assistive technology for people with physical disabilities. Rehabilitation engineering with an emphasis on mechanical devices used to enhance mobility and manipulation, improving physical interaction with the environment. Topics include prosthetics, manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, and alternative methods for computer access. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross listed with MTC 330. ITC 336 Material Science Applications (2) Composition, structure, and behavior of metallic and non-metallic materials, and their effect on the physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of that material. Analysis of crystalline structure, physical properties, and service analysis of materials for physical, mechanical, and electrical properties. Cross listed with MTC 336. ITC 358 Plant Layout and Material Handling (4) Analysis and design of layouts used in manufacturing industries. The analysis and selection of the optimal material handling system. Appropriate laboratory experiments will be assigned. ITC 362

Computer‑Aided Design for Industrial Engineering Technology (4) Basics of CAD as applied to Industrial Engineering Technology. AUTOCAD software used for typical Industrial Engineering Technology applications such as: part prints, process prints, tooling layouts, NC prints, office layouts and plant layouts. ITC 366 Introduction to Robotics (2) Introduction to robot classification, justification, and application characters in different environments. Hands‑on operational experience, including motion control, safety, tooling, and industrial application project. One hour lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. ITC 373 Statistical Quality Control (4) Modeling and inferences about process quality. Philosophy and methods of statistical process control. Quality improvement in the modern business environment. Techniques for quality trouble-shooting, decision-making, and implementation. Review of basic concepts for statistics. Prerequisite: STA 225 or STA 100 or permission of instructor. ITC 390 ISO 9000 and Total Quality Assurance (2) An introduction to quality regulations ‑ ISO 9000 and elements of total quality assurance: Deming’s points, quality problem solving tools, control charts, inspection policy trade‑offs, product reliability and its life cycle cost. ITC 391 ISO14000 - Auditing and Implementation (4) An introduction to environmental management systems (EMS)- IS014000 series topics include: ISO14000 series overview; labeling; EAE; LCA; environmental auditing; conformity assessment; legal and regulatory


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

concerns; global status; preparing for, planning and implementing IS014000; and different implementation approaches. ITC 392 ISO9000 & TS16949 Implementing and Auditing (4) Contains the information that an organization needs to understand the ISO9000 series, initiate the process of implementing the standards, and auditing the quality systems. Included also is information about TS16949, the American auto industry producers and additional quality system requirements on their suppliers. ITC 405 Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototyping (2) The fundamentals of feature based 3D Solid Modeling CAD software is explained and used. The software utilized will be “Solid Works”. Appropriate parts will be assigned for the students to create 3D CAD models. Rapid Prototyping will also be covered and parts will also be assigned as appropriate. Prerequisite: ITC 362 or basic understanding of AutoCAD. ITC 411 Manufacturing Cost Estimation (4) Methods for estimating the cost of manufacturing a newly designed product. Cost of various production processes. Cost‑quantity relationships. Postproduction review of production methods and product design improvements. Prerequisites: ITC 311 or consent of instructor. ITC 422 Applied Project Thesis (2) Students, either individually or in groups, will work on a current engineering technology problem related to their specialty. Scope includes: specification of requirements, project plan, milestone identification, implementation, and description report. An oral presentation on the thesis will be required. Course includes one hour of lecture per week. Students will work on an independent basis for the other hour. ITC 452 Environmental Engineering Technology (3) Introductory course in environmental science and engineering. An understanding of the basic nature of natural systems: the atmosphere, aquatic and terrestrial systems, and how technology affects these systems and can be used to minimize damaging impacts. Cross listed with CTC 450. ITC 462 Computer‑Aided Manufacturing (4) Basic concepts of computer‑assisted manufacturing. Computer‑aided process planning, materials requirement planning, machinability data bases, computer numerical control systems, group technology, and integrated manufacturing systems. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ITC 311 or permission of instructor. Cross listed with MTC 442. ITC 467 Industrial Safety & Environmental Impact (2) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards in industrial safety management. The impact of industry on the environment. ITC 475 Economic Analysis in Technology (4) Methods for choosing between alternatives based on the time value of money. Replacement studies, depreciation and after‑tax analysis, risk, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Cross listed with CTC 475 and MTC 475. Prerequisite: MAT 121 ITC 483 Quality Improvement (4) A thorough study of process improvement with designed experiment, Taguchi’s Technique, and modeling & inferences about process quality. Discussion of IS09000 and total quality management. Prerequisite: ITC 373 or STA 100/225 or permission of instructor. ITC 484 Advanced Topics in Statistical Process Control (2) In-depth study of Statistical process control in topics such as: Rational sampling and rational subgrouping. The power of charts for locations, control charts and correlated data, slopping control limits, process control for the short run production, difference charts, X‑nomial charts, Z‑charts, and other charts that are widely used in industry for controlling processes. ITC 485

Concurrent Engineering and Design for Manufacture (4) This course introduces and familiarizes design, production, quality, and process with latest methods in Concurrent Engineering and Design


ITC 486 Reliability for Design and Production (4) Study of reliability-related probability distributions, reliability testing methods, FMEA, reliability assurance, confidence limits for testing as well as manufacturing process control, reliability design, MIL‑STD, maintainability, and availability. Prerequisite: ITC 373 or STA 100 or permission of instructor. ITC 487 Lean Design of Products and Processes (4) Systematic in-depth study and presentation of current best practices in the design and development of products and processes. The student will develop an understanding of product delivery systems and become knowledgeable in the corresponding best practices such as: integrated product development, lean concepts, quality practices, and the application of ISO 9000 standards. In addition, the students will learn how to apply system thinking to an entire organization. Cross listed with MTC 487. ITC 488 Introduction to Ergonomics (4) A scientific study of work. Ergonomics focuses upon human capabilities and limitations with respect to the appropriate design of living and working environments. Students will learn how to design for minimizing human operator stress and fatigue, and also for promoting work output as well as productivity. Laboratory work substituted for lectures as appropriate. Prerequisites: Calculus I and Calculus II and Physics I. Cross listed with MTC 488. ITC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. ITC 492 Technology Internship (4) This course provides the student with work experience in a professional atmosphere which supplements classroom instruction. Two written reports and one oral report on the work experience are required. A minimum of 240 contact hours of industrial work is required. Prerequisite: Permission of dean. ITC 494 CO-OP Assignment (2 or 4) This course provides 14 weeks of supervised experience in an industrial or government installation, applying technology knowledge towards the solution of engineering technology problems, and developing abilities in the student’s career. At least three reports, two written and one oral, and two supervisors’ evaluations are required. May be taken repetitively up to a maximum of four credits. Permission of employer and Dean of Engineering Technology.

Interdisciplinary Studies IDS 102 Art and Culture (4) A study of the ways that the arts represent major cultural changes in otherWorld and Western cultures. Several art forms (literature, performing, or visual arts) will be studied as they mirror social history. Students will create their own versions of several of theses arts, such as poems, short plays, drawing, or stories. Emphasis falls on the appreciation of each art and its cultural context, with some comparison of the traditions of other-World and West. Specific topics may vary. A reading and writing intensive seminar course; part of the Interdisciplinary Studies General Education Core. IDS 103 Science, Technology, and Human Values (4) An exploration of the interrelationships between science and technology and their social and cultural contexts. This course is a topics-based investigation that introduces students to a multi-disciplinary examination of a specific topics with the goal of developing an integrated, coherent,

and well-rounded understanding of both that topic and the value of interdisciplinary inquiry. Possible topics include health and illness, food, transportation, energy, information, and other subjects. A reading and writing intensive seminar class; part if the Interdisciplinary Studies General Education Core. IDS 201 Perspectives on Knowledge (4) A critical, comparative, cross-cultural analysis of different ways of knowing. Begins by analyzing different ways humans have sought to know the truth, and by comparing and contrasting formal, universal ways of knowing with practical, experience based, problem oriented ways of knowing. The resulting understanding of knowledge provides the foundation for students to develop their own perspectives on knowledge. A reading and writing intensive seminar class; part of the Interdisciplinary Studies General Education Core. IDS 203 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (4) Explores the humanistic and social dimensions of science and technology by looking at the interactions and interrelationships among science, technology, and society. We will explore: 1) the practice of science and technology to understand how scientific and technological work are conducted as creative and human enterprises; 2) how science and technology are shaped by different social and economic forces; 3) the impact of science and technology on society; 4) ethical issues related to science and technology. IDS 204 Understanding Human Nature (4) Examines human nature from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives including philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology, biology, and literature. It also includes an examination of the implications of the relationships between humans and technology for our understanding of human nature. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement. IDS 301 Monsters, Robots, Cyborgs (4) What is the significance of the troubling figures – the monsters, robots, and cyborgs – that haunt our collective imagination? In this course students will examine the monstrous figures and technological bodies that populate the cultural landscape, interpreting them within their social, historical, cultural, political, and intellectual contexts. Approached in this manner, we will explore how these figures reveal our anxieties about the world – anxieties about the social, political, moral, and technological orders that organize our world, and how we fit (and do not fit) within these structures and systems. Meets General Education Humanities requirement. IDS 302 Postmodernism and Popular Culture (4) Begins with a foundational overview of major theories of Postmodernism from interdisciplinary perspectives (e.g. philosophy, sociology, psychology, history, anthropology, literary studies, political science). Students will then read, discuss and apply knowledge from more specialized scholarship that discusses some popular cultural practices and artifacts. Assignments include readings, discussion, quizzes, formal and informal writing, presentations, and a midterm and/or final exam. Topics may include: film, television, celebrity, technology, social networking, and self publishing (blogs, wikis, etc.). Fulfills General Education Humanities requirement. IDS 390 Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies (Variable 4) A selected topic explored in depth from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students may receive credit for taking the course more than once provided the course has a different topic. IDS 400

Prominent Themes in Western Civilization Since the Renaissance (4) A reading and writing intensive course that examines the central themes, issues, and ideas in western civilization in the modern and postmodern eras in an interdisciplinary fashion. It incorporates knowledge from a variety of intellectual fields, including physics, biology, social science, philosophy, political science, and literature. In this course, students will read primarily original sources as well as some secondary sources. Meets new General Education Western Civilization requirement. IDS 401 Contemporary Worldviews (4) A reading and writing intensive course that studies a dominant characteristic of Western thought in the twentieth century through SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



for Manufacture of new products. Here students will find most of the techniques of world class design and manufacture, detailed and illustrated with actual data and case studies from leading manufacturing firms. Prerequisite: ITC 373 or STA 100 or permission of instructor.

Courses interdisciplinary readings. Students will read primary sources in history, philosophy, science, literature, the visual arts, or social sciences, and will study and compare the nature of the core idea in each discipline. Possible issues to be examined include the crisis of authority, the ecological consciousness, technology and culture. Meets new General Education Western Civilization requirement.


IDS 410 Research and Critical Methods (4) Introduction to various modes of analyzing subjects in the humanities and social sciences. Students will gain an understanding of the techniques, methodologies, and vocabularies of research methods and will become familiar with debates regarding those research methods. Students will employ several research methods to assess their preferences for approaches to subject matter, and will design and carry out an interdisciplinary final project. Topics of study include: critical theory, film and visual arts criticism, historiography, literary criticism, and social science research issues. IDS 435 Art and Technology (4) A study of the interaction between technological change and artistic expression. Early historical examples will be used to establish fundamental principles of art and technology as sources of cultural value. The course will emphasize twentieth century developments in imaging, including film and digital art. Students will produce their own examples of traditional and electronically mediated art. IDS 492 Interdisciplinary Studies Internship (2-4) Intended for Interdisciplinary Studies majors to gain practical and/or professional experience in an area related to their individual program of study. Student will work with a qualified specialist in the relevant area and will be responsible for reporting to both that specialist and to a faculty supervisor. Students wishing to enroll must have filed their program of study and completed a minimum of 12 credits in their chosen area of concentration. IDS 499 Interdisciplinary Studies Project (4) A capstone seminar in which students design and complete an individual project demonstration their mastery and integration of their individual Area of Concentration and the Interdisciplinary Studies core. Projects may take a range of forms appropriate to the student’s concentration and future goals, e.g. a research essay, marketing study, computer program or curriculum design. Projects must be approved by the student’s project supervisors. Students will participate in a seminar addressing research issues and will present their projects to their faculty supervisors at the end of the course.

Japanese JPN 101 Elementary Japanese (4) Elementary Japanese is designed for students with little or no background knowledge of the Japanese language and culture. Will provide students with basic language and cultural knowledge, strategies and skills to help them interact in real and social situations they are most likely to encounter in Japan. Students will learn basic Japanese language structures that will serve as a base for further Japanese language acquisition. Meets SUNY General Education Foreign Language requirement. JPN 102 Intermediate Japanese (4) This course continues the basic grammar of JAP 101 to develop proficiency in Japanese. It refines the language acquisition skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn to read and write with combinations of hiragana, katakana, and kanji. The course integrates aspects of Japanese culture to broaden understanding of the language.

MGT 318 Human Resources Management (4) Current managerial thought recognizes the importance of human resource contributions to organizational effectiveness and goal achievement. A key aspect of this course is the focus on state‑of‑the‑art systems which support basic business objectives as well as foster good working relations between employees and managers. Topics include: human resource planning; legislative and legal requirements; staffing; performance evaluation; employee relations; and compensation. Personal computer projects are included. MGT 320 Appraisal, Compensation & Motivation (4) The use of compensation as a motivator is a complex issue, but of paramount importance in all organizations. Key topics include motivation theory, performance appraisal, government regulation and internal and external pay equity. Students design a pay system for a hypothetical company. Prerequisite: MGT 318. Cross listed with HRM 620. MGT 415 Industrial and Labor Relations (4) Managerial success in many human resource-oriented work environments demand competency in the labor relations area. Labor relations extends beyond the traditional boundaries of contracts and grievances. This course provides the necessary background to enable the student to appreciate how the labor relations environment has developed; to function both formally and informally within that environment; and to understand economic, cultural and legal factors which may affect that environment in the future. Prerequisite: MGT 318 or permission of instructor. MGT 425 Human Resource Selection & Staffing (4) A systematic framework for understanding the process of recruitment, selection, and retention in organizations. This framework begins with planning, job analysis, and the analysis of external factors such as the legal environment. Presents recruitment sources, selection methods (e.g., structured interviews, written testing, work performance samples, validation), and staffing decision making criteria, and concludes with the issue of retention (how to keep the good employees hired). Topics include job analysis, recruitment, internal selection, external selection, testing, checking references, legal compliance, decision making, final match, and retention of employees. Prerequisite: MGT 318. MGT 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. MGT 492 Management Internship (4) Supervised, discipline related experience in a business organization. Emphasis is on application, process, and techniques used by business to sustain business and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker will be targeted. Oversight will be provided by the School internship coordinator and the sponsoring organization. Periodic meetings with the supervisor, mid-semester evaluation, and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Management Information Systems MIS 315

Management MGT 307 Organization Behavior (4) Managerial practices will be studied using a strong emphasis on the importance of individuals’ behaviors influencing the effectiveness of organizational performance. The course combines a review of organizational behavior, based upon theory and research in the social


sciences, and a variety of individual and small group activities intended to aid students in applying theory to the management of varied organizations. Subject matter includes key topics such as organization-structures, motivation, perception, conflict, communication, leadership, decision making, cultural diversity, and multinational perspectives for managers.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

Introduction to Management Information Systems (4) The wide availability of powerful and affordable information technologies today has made it imperative for managers and entrepreneurs to not only appreciate the role that they play in achieving organizational goals but also develop skills to deploy them for both personal and organizational competitive advantage. This course introduces students to information technologies, the common systems built using such technologies, the major


Management Science MGS 411 Introduction to Management Science (4) A broad range of quantitative techniques and their applications in business are included in this course. Microcomputers and/or calculators are used extensively. The topics covered will be: cost‑volume‑profit analysis, linear programming‑graphical and simplex methods, transportation method, probability concepts and applications, decision theory, inventory and production models, and game theory. Prerequisites: MAT 111, STA 100 or equivalents.

Marketing MKT 301 Marketing Management Principles (4) Topics covered include: marketing’s role in society and the firm, the marketing concept, product planning, consumer behavior, marketing research, channels of distribution, retailing, wholesaling, pricing, promotion, and planning and evaluating marketing strategy. Group discussions, case studies, and spreadsheet software are utilized. MKT 312 Marketing Management Problems (4) Analysis of problems encountered by firms in marketing goods and services. Emphasis is placed on the formation of strategies to integrate product planning, pricing, distribution, promotion, and service within the existing legal framework. Prerequisite: MKT 301 or equivalent. MKT 321 Advertising Management (4) Issues in the development and management of creative strategies to accomplish marketing objectives in a competitive economy. Includes the role, scope, and organization of advertising, the use of agencies, media investigations and campaigns, personal selling, and legal, regulatory, and ethical constraints. Prerequisite: MKT 301 or equivalent. MKT 345 Retail Management (4) Explores retail management from a theoretical and applied perspective. Surveys the structure and operation of various kinds of retail firms and the competitive environments in which they operate. Topics include: merchandising and promotional practice, buying and control procedures, pricing decisions, financial planning, evaluation of store operations, and retail strategy formulation. Prerequisites: MKT 301 and ACC 201 or equivalents. MKT 365 Personal Selling (4) The fundamentals of personal selling are discussed and applied throughout the course. Emphasis is placed on developing, within the individual, the ability to sell either products or services. A comprehensive sales presentation is developed by each student for the product or service of an organization of his/her choice. MKT 378 Marketing for Entrepreneurs (4) Focuses on marketing activities required by entrepreneurial ventures, including small businesses, franchises, new ventures, non-profits activities, and internal corporate projects. Emphasis is placed on effectively and creatively marketing the innovative venture. This course focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects of marketing entrepreneurial ideas in written and oral form supported by numerical and qualitative arguments. Prerequisite: ENT 375. MKT 444 Direct Marketing (4) An introduction to the fundamentals of effective direct marketing. Topics covered will include: direct mail, telemarketing, interactive TV, and print campaigns. Emphasis will be on a pragmatic approach, with frequent use of cases and outside speakers, as well as field trips and an assignment to conduct an actual direct marketing campaign. Prerequisite: MKT 312.

MKT 465 Consumer Behavior (4) Behavior science theories are examined for practical application in developing marketing strategies: motivation theory, consumer perception, attitude theory, and social referents. Case studies, class discussion, and projects are used to examine consumer behavior. Prerequisites: MKT 301 or equivalent. MKT 470 Marketing Research (4) Through the use of cases, exercises, and projects, the course reviews the application of research methods to gather marketing information. Applied marketing research studies are examined in steps: plan, design, execution, and interpretation. Prerequisites: MKT 301 and STA 100 or equivalents. MKT 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. MKT 492 Marketing Internship (4) Supervised, discipline related experience in a business organization. Emphasis is on application, process, and techniques used by business to sustain business and promote growth. Specific skills and competencies needed to be a successful decision-maker will be targeted. Oversight will be provided by the School internship coordinator and the sponsoring organization. Periodic meetings with the supervisor, mid-semester evaluation, and a final, comprehensive written report are required. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Mathematics MAT 090 Preparation for College Mathematics (0) A mathematics skills course designed for the student who needs to develop basic arithmetic, geometry and pre-algebra skills. Only S/U grades are assigned for this course. MAT 110 College Algebra (4) Techniques of algebra manipulation needed for success in the Calculus courses will be introduced and developed. Topics will include: sets, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, exponents, radicals, coordinate geometry, inequalities, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, and partial fractions. Applications with word problems will be included. MAT 111 College Mathematics (4) The course provides a basic background in critical thinking and problem solving through the language and methods of mathematics. Topics include a review and extension of algebra, geometry, quantitative reasoning and data analysis. An emphasis is placed upon logic and reasoning in a mathematical context. Students who have previously completed MAT 112 or higher may not enroll in this course for degree credit. Prerequisite: High school algebra and geometry. A terminal college course in mathematics for students who will not take other mathematics courses (such as Precalculus, Elements of Calculus, etc.). Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement. MAT 112 Elements of Calculus (4) This is a terminal introductory course in calculus suitable for business, computer science, and telecommunications majors. Topics in both the differential and the integral calculus are covered. These include: functions and graphs, the derivative, differentiation rules, optimization problems, rates of change, exponential and logarithmic functions, the antiderivative, the definite integral, and integration by substitution and by parts. Applications will be drawn from diverse areas such as business, economics, and the life sciences. Students who have previously completed MAT 121 or higher may not enroll in this course for degree credit. Prerequisite: MAT 110 College Algebra or equivalent. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



organizational processes that such systems sustain, and the development and management of systems in organizations. Topics covered include the role of business intelligence, e-commerce, hardware, software, databases, and telecommunications; information systems development and management.


MAT 115 Finite Mathematics for CS (4) A rigorous introduction to discrete mathematics as it is used in computer science. Topics include functions, relations, sets, propositional and predicate logic, simple circuit logic, proof techniques, elementary combinatorics, and discrete probability. Prerequisite: MAT 111 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement.


MAT 120 Precalculus (4) Introduces the student to some of the fundamental concepts needed to be able to study calculus. Topics include: algebra review, functions, graphing, exponential, logarithmic, and circular functions, trigonometry, complex numbers, and vectors. Students who have previously completed MAT 121 or higher may not enroll in this course for degree credit. Prerequisite: MAT 111 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement. MAT 121 Calculus for Engineering Technology I (4) Introduces the student to the differential calculus. Topics include: analytic geometry in a plane, functions, limits, the derivative and differentiation rules, partial derivatives, related rates, extrema, curve sketching, mean value theorem, linear approximations and parametric equations. Prerequisite: MAT 120 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement. MAT 122 Calculus for Engineering Technology II (4) Introduces the student to the integral calculus. Topics include: the indefinite and definite integrals, areas, volumes, work, the exponential, logarithmic, inverse trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions, integration techniques, improper integrals, L’Hopital’s rule, Taylor polynomials and polar co‑ordinates. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or equivalent. MAT 151 Calculus I (4) More advanced than MAT 121, this course is required for mathematics and engineering majors, and is recommended for mathematics minors. Covers the concept of the derivative and begins the study of integration. Topics include: functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, differentiation rules, mean value theorem, related rates, extrema, curve sketching, Newton’s method, linear approximations, definite and indefinite integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus and parametric equations. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement. Prerequisite: MAT 120 or equivalent. MAT 121 and MAT 151 cannot both be taken for credit. Restricted to Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering Majors only. MAT 152 Calculus II (4) More advanced than MAT 122, this course is required for mathematics and engineering majors, and is recommended for mathematics minors. Continues the study of integration and also includes infinite series. Topics include: integration techniques, transcendental functions, applications of integration, conic sections, L’Hopital’s rule, improper integrals, sequences and series, and polar co-ordinates. Meets new General Education Mathematics requirement. Prerequisite: MAT 151 or equivalent or MAT 121 with permission of instructor. MAT 152 and MAT 122 cannot both be taken for credit. Restricted to Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering Majors only. MAT 225

Applied Statistical Analysis (4) (Cross Listed with STA 225) Deals in depth with statistical methods used to analyze data. Applications are drawn from many diverse areas. Topics include: measures of location and scale for frequency distributions, addition and multiplication laws for probability, the binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, inferences about proportions and location parameters in one‑sample and two‑sample problems, analysis of completely randomized and randomized blocks designs, simple linear regression and correlation, sign test, median test, rank sum test, and signed rank test. Prerequisites: Calculus II (MAT 152) or Calculus II for Engineering Technologies (MAT 122). MAT 230 Differential Equations (4) An introduction to the theory of ordinary differential equations and matrices. The emphasis is on the development of methods important in engineering and the physical sciences. Topics include: theory and


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

applications of first order and second order differential equations, Laplace transform method, matrix algebra, determinants, Cramer’s rule, eigenvalues, and systems of linear differential equations. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. MAT 253 Calculus III (4) Many properties of systems studied in applied science are functions of several variables or vector valued functions. This course develops the calculus of such functions. Topics include: vectors and vector valued functions, analytic geometry in space, functions of several variables, partial differentiation, the gradient, maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers, and multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, Stokes and Divergence theorems. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. MAT 260

Ordinary Differential Equations and Series Solutions (4) The course will allow students to become familiar with the subject of differential equations. It covers methods of solutions such as: separation of variables, integrating factor, reduction of order. Differential equations with constant and variable (Cauchy-Euler) coefficients are treated as well as series solutions of differential equations are introduced (method of Frobenius, Bessel and Legendre equations). Laplace transform and system of Linear first order equations are covered. Examples of applications of differential equations in physics, engineering are given. Prerequisite: MAT 152. MAT 290 Topics in Mathematics (1-4) An introductory course in selected topics in Mathematics not currently covered in any of the listed classes. Topics are chosen to illustrate different fields and applications which are all part of mathematics. MAT 335 Mathematical Modeling (4) Designed to teach the student some of the skills necessary to construct and critique mathematical models of physical and industrial processes. The student will apply skills acquired in MAT 230 to the models presented. Topics include: applications of first and second order ordinary differential equations, systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, stability, phase plane analysis, optimization, conservation laws and finite differences. Prerequisite: MAT 230 and familiarity with a computer language, or permission of instructor. MAT 340 Linear Algebra (4) Many systems studied in science, engineering, and computer science involve a linear relationship among many variables. Linear algebra is the mathematical description of such problems. Topics include: systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices, determinants, Cramer’s rule, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MAT 121 or permission of instructor. MAT 345 Introduction to Graph Theory (4) Provides students with an introduction to graphs and their properties. Topics include graphs and digraphs, eulerian and hamiltonian graphs, connectivity, planarity, shortest path problems, trees, and coloring. Attention will be paid to theorems and their proofs. Applications will be given throughout the course. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or MAT 413. MAT 370 Applied Probability (4) An introduction to the theory of probability and its applications. Topics include: basic set theory, elementary probability, counting arguments, conditional probability and independence, random variables and their properties, functions of random variables, distribution functions, probability models and applications such as stochastic processes. Prerequisite: MAT 122. MAT 380 Abstract Mathematics: An Introduction (4) An introduction to rigorous mathematics. Students will be exposed to the building blocks of mathematical theory – axioms, definitions, theorems, and proofs. The emphasis will be on constructing proofs and writing clear mathematics. The language and methods of mathematics will be explored while introducing students to the basics of set theory, number theory, topology on the real line, and functions. Prerequisite: MAT 122.


MAT 401 Series and Boundary Value Problems (4) Introduces advanced mathematical methods used to solve certain problems in engineering and the physical sciences. Topics include: sequences and series, Fourier series and transforms, series solutions of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, and solution of some boundary value problems. Prerequisite: MAT 230 or equivalent. MAT 413 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (4) Background to understanding computer science as the science of clear and concise descriptions of computable, discrete sets. Provides conceptual tools useful for any advanced study in computer science. Topics include: review of set theory, logic and relational calculus, algebraic structures (lattices, Boolean algebra, semi‑groups, groups, rings, etc.) and morphisms and their application in computer science (automata theory, coding, switching theory, etc.), formal languages and their acceptors, and elements of information theory and of the theory of computability. Prerequisite: MAT 115. MAT 420 Complex Variables and their Applications (4) An introductory study of functions involving complex numbers. Subjects are selected based upon their importance in physical and engineering applications. Included are complex numbers, complex functions, analytic functions, complex integration, infinite series, residue theorem, contour integration, conformal mapping and application of harmonic functions. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. MAT 423 Vector and Tensor Calculus (4) Vector and tensor calculus is a fundamental area of mathematics, and is used extensively in science, engineering, and technology. The methods developed in this course include: the gradient, curl, and divergence, the del operator in general curvilinear coordinates, covariant differentiation, line integrals, surface integrals, Gauss’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem, and the divergence theorem. Selected applications will be included from fluid and continuum mechanics, and from electromagnetism. Prerequisite: MAT 253 or equivalent. MAT 425 Real Analysis (4) Introduces the student to a rigorous development of the real number system and the theory of Calculus on the real number line. Topics include: basic set theory, the real number system, sequences and series, limits and continuity, the derivative, the Riemann Integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and sequences and series of functions. Prerequisite: MAT 381. MAT 430 Number Theory and Its Applications (4) Introductory course in Number Theory that will introduce students to the basic concepts as well as some modern applications. Topics include: prime numbers, Greatest Common Divisors, The Euclidean Algorithm, congruences, Fermat’s Little Theorem, primality testing, etc. Applications of Number Theory: cryptography, pseudorandom numbers, etc. Prerequisite: MAT 380 or MAT 381 or MAT 413 or permission of the instructor. Cross listed with 530. MAT 450 Partial Differential Equations (4) A study of Partial Differential Equations, or Pde’s, and their applications in science and engineering. The basic development of physical models leading to partial differential equations is discussed. Solution methods and basic theory are presented. Topics include: first order Pde’s, method of characteristics, the canonical second order Pde’s, separation of variables, Hilbert space methods, finite difference methods. Prerequisites: MAT 253 and MAT 401. MAT 460 Numerical Differential Equations (4) Fundamental mathematical methods associated with the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations are investigated.

Algorithms emphasizing both standard and newly developed methodologies are developed in the context of theoretical and practical considerations. Mathematical questions such as convergence, accuracy, and appropriateness of method are developed in a systematic manner. A variety of mathematical models and problems of current interest are used to emphasize many of the core results. Students will learn to develop their own algorithms and to use algorithms from existing high quality numerical libraries. Many of the models studied in this course will come from both standard mathematical models and topics related to current faculty research interests. Topics include: Runge-Kutta methods, finite difference techniques, finite element techniques, approximation methods, error estimation, and accuracy. Prerequisites: MAT 335 and MAT 450 and familiarity with a programming language. MAT 490 Selected Topics in Mathematics (Variable 1-4) An in-depth treatment of a selected topic not normally treated extensively in other mathematics courses. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. MAT 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. MAT 492 Applied Mathematics Internship (4) The internship is available to qualified Applied Mathematics majors. It is designed to provide students with an opportunity to integrate academic and practical experience in an industrial setting in a field related to mathematics. Before the internship is approved, the student, the employer, and a Mathematics faculty member develop a contract concerning the nature of the internship. Weekly reports and a final presentation are required for the internship. Prerequisites: 3.0 or better GPA in major and approval of Applied Mathematics faculty.

Mechanical Engineering Technology MTC 101 Introduction to Engineering Technology (2) Required for all freshmen in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Topics include academic requirements, advisem*nt, software packages, career opportunities, and project management. Additional topics include professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement. Cross listed with CTC/ITC 101. MTC 111 Manufacturing Processes (4) Machining and non-machining methods of processing materials into manufactured components will be discussed. Both traditional and nontraditional machining processes are covered. Machine shop equipment and practices, along with different types of tooling, will be reviewed. Cross listed with ITC 111. Two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: MTC 162. MTC 136 Material Science Applications (2) Composition, structure, and behavior of metallic and non‑metallic materials, and their effect on the physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of that material. Analysis of crystalline structure, physical properties, and service analysis of materials for physical, mechanical, and electrical properties. MTC 162 Computer Aided Design (4) The use of AutoCAD software to develop geometric models for engineering technology applications. Blue print reading and basic drawing fundamentals. Basic geometric dimensioning and tolarancing. Introduction to the creation and visualization of three-dimensional models. Four hours of lecture per week. Laboratory activity will be substituted for lecture as appropriate. Cross listed with CTC 162.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



MAT 381 Modern Algebra (4) An introductory course in Abstract/Modern Algebra. Topics will include elementary theory of groups, rings and fields: Groups, Subgroups, Quotient Groups, Symmetry, Rings, Fields, and Extension Fields. We will explore connections between Modern Algebra, Number Theory and Linear Algebra. SUNYIT mathematics course at 200 level or higher excluding MAT 225 or, permission of the instructor.


MTC 198 Industrial Instrumentation (2) A freshman-level course that teaches the fundamentals of devices and methods used to instrument industrial processes and commercial products. Focuses on conventional instruments, electro-mechanical transducers, and computer-based data acquisition equipment and techniques. Two hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisite: Introductory Physics, Algebra, and Trigonometry. Students who completed this course cannot take MTC 398 for credit. Cross listed with ITC 198. MTC 210

Introductory Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) (2) Topics include principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer relevant to HVAC, concepts of air conditioning, principles of mechanical refrigeration, psychrometrics and load estimating. Two hours of lecture per week.


MTC 215 Sustainable Energy Systems (2) An introduction to sustainable energy systems. Topics include solar energy, wind energy, fuel cell technology, biomass energy, geothermal energy, clean coal technology, ocean energy, hydraulic power, and nuclear power. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross listed with ETC 215 and CTC 215. MTC 218 Statics (2) Analysis of equivalent systems of forces, free body diagrams, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, centroids, friction, and forces in structures. Two hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: PHY 101 and MAT 120. Cross listed with ITC 218 and CTC 218. MTC 220 Introductory Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (2) Topics include working principles of fuel cells, types of fuel cells, hydrogen production, hydrogen safety, hydrogen engines and vehicles, hybrid solar hydrogen car and hydrogen economy. Two hours of lecture per week. MTC 222 Strength of Materials (2) Effect of shape and composition on strength of materials. Moments of inertia, shear forces and bending moments in beams, torsion of shafts, thermal expansion, and pressure vessels. Two hours lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: PHY 101 and MAT 120 and MTC 218. Cross listed with CTC 222. MTC 261 Introductory Fluid Mechanics (4) Introduction to fluid mechanics, fluid properties, fluid statics and dynamics, pressure variation in flowing fluids, drag and lift, applications of fluid mechanics. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students may not receive credit for both MTC 261 and MTC 461. Cross listed with ITC 261. MTC 290 Introduction to Nanotechnology (2) An introductory course covering fundamentals of nanotechnology and its applications. Course content will cover diverse nanosystems including carbon nanotubes, semiconductor quantum dots, nanosensors, molecular machines, and nanomedicine. Prerequisite: one course in Physics or permission of the instructor. Cross listed with ETC 290. MTC 301 Professionalism in the Work Place (2) Topics include lifelong learning; professional, ethical and social responsibilities; respect for diversity and a knowledge of contemporary professional, societal and global issues; and a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement. Cross listed with ITC 301 and CTC 301. MTC 308 Mechanical Components (4) Fundamental principles of design, working stresses, analysis and design of mechanical components such as shafting, springs, screws, belts, and chains. Four hours of lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: MTC 218 and MTC 222 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. MTC 320 Applications Project I (2) Individual student designed project in a major field, includes: written specifications of project requirements, project plan, milestone


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

identification, implementation, and descriptive report. An oral presentation regarding the project is required. Course includes a onehour lecture per week. Students will work on an independent basis for the other hour. MTC 321 Applications Project II (2) Individual student designed project in a major field, includes: written specifications of project requirements, project plan, milestone identification, implementation, and descriptive report. An oral presentation regarding the project is required. Course includes a onehour lecture per week. Students will work on an independent basis for the other hour. MTC 327 Production & Operations Management (4) Modern production and operations management in an industrial setting. Planning, organizing, and controlling using the relevant qualitative and quantitative approaches. Covers topics such as forecasting, capacity requirement, planning, work standards, scheduling, fundamentals of inventory control, and material requirement planning. Cross listed with ITC 327. MTC 330 Assistive Technology (2) Introduction to the fundamentals of assistive technology for people with physical disabilities. Rehabilitation engineering with an emphasis on mechanical devices used to enhance mobility and manipulation, improving physical interaction with the environment. Topics include prosthetics, manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, and alternative methods for computer access. Two hours of lecture per week. Cross listed with ITC 330. MTC 350 Solar Energy Technology (2) Introduction to solar energy, insolation, fundamental principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer relevant to solar energy applications. Study of the working principles of solar collectors, heating and cooling systems. Application of solar energy for power generation in space. One hour of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. MTC 352 Thermodynamics (2) Energy determination science for fluids systems. Enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy properties. Problems in energy state change, steady flow within elementary mechanical systems, and the measurement of energy. MTC 362 Experimental Stress Analysis (4) Empirical determination of stresses in mechanical components. Static and dynamic stress analysis of combined tension, torsion, and bending loads. Use of commercial instrumentation. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. MTC 363 Mechanisms Analysis and Design (4) The kinematic study of mechanisms, including velocity and acceleration analysis of linkages, cams, and gears in mechanical systems. Introduction to inertia forces in uniform motion machinery. Prerequistes: MTC 218 and MAT 122 or equivalents. MTC 373 Statistical Quality Control (4) Modeling and inferences of process quality. Philosophy and methods of statistical process control and quality improvement in the modern business environment. Techniques for quality troubleshooting, decisionmaking, and implementation. Review of basic concepts or statistics will be included. Prerequisite: STA 100 or STA 225 or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ITC 373. MTC 388

Fundamentals of Solid Modeling with Pro/Engineer (2) Detailed study of creating three-dimensional solid models of mechanical components using Pro/Engineer. Topics include feature-based modeling, protrusion, sweeps, blends, and assembly drawings. One hour of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.


MTC 398 Mechanical Measurements (4) A junior-level course on devices and methods for measuring mechanical phenomena such as temperature, pressure, speed, displacement, acceleration, and force. Uncertainty, accuracy, and precision of measurements are presented. Focuses on electro-mechanical transducers and computer-based data acquisition techniques, experimental methods, analysis of collected data, and computer generation of technical reports. Laboratory activity will be substituted for lecture as appropriate. Students who have taken ITC/MTC 198 may not register and receive credit for MTC 398. Prerequisites: Introductory Physics, Algebra, Trigonometry. MTC 405 Solid Modeling and Rapid Prototyping (2) The fundamentals of feature based 3D Solid Modeling CAD software is explained and used. The software utilized will be “Solid Works”. Appropriate parts will be assigned for the students to create 3D CAD models. Rapid Prototyping will also be covered and parts will also be assigned as appropriate. Prerequisite: ITC/MTC 162 or basic understanding of AutoCAD. MTC 420 Capstone Experience (2) Student-designed project in a focused mechanical area. Includes written specifications of project requirements, literature review, planning, milestone identification, implementation, and a comprehensive written report. Projects must have a well-documented teamwork component. An oral presentation of the complete project is required. Course includes a one-hour lecture per week; students work on an independent basis for the other hour. Student must have senior status. MTC 430 Engineering Dynamics (4) Kinematics of particles, lines, and bodies, and the kinetics of particles and of rigid bodies with translation, rotation, and plane motion using the methods of force‑mass‑ acceleration, work‑energy, and impulse‑momentum. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: MAT 122 or equivalent. MTC 442 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (4) Basic concepts of Computer Assisted Manufacturing. Computer aided process planning, material requirement planning, machinability data bases, computer numerical control systems, group technology, and integrated manufacturing systems. Requires two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MTC 111 or permission of instructor. Cross listed with ITC 462. MTC 450 Solar Energy Concepts (4) Energy resources, energy consumption patterns, and future energy supplies. Physical, technical, and economical aspects of solar energy as a present and future source of energy. State‑of‑the‑art applications of solar energy to domestic household applications. Four‑hour lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted for lectures as appropriate. MTC 454 Engineering Heat Transfer (4) Introduction to heat transfer, steady state conduction-one & multi dimensions, unsteady state conduction, principles of convection, heat exchangers, condensation and boiling heat transfer, mass transfer, radiation heat transfer, special topics in heat transfer. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MTC 352 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Students who have taken MTC 451 and/or MTC 452 may not register for MTC 454 for additional degree credit. MTC 455 Laser Technology (2) Analysis of basic laser fundamentals, including optics and laser hardware. Operational characteristics of specific laser systems. Two‑hour lecture per week, with laboratory work substituted appropriately.

MTC 461 Fluid Mechanics and Systems (4) Introduction to fluid mechanics. Study of the principles of statics and dynamics applied to fluids. Some of the topics covered are: Pressure variation in fluids, flow in conduits, flow measurements, special topics in fluid mechanics, etc. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Students may not receive credit for both CTC 461 and MTC 461. MTC 462 Turbomachinery (4) Application of the laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to cascades, axial flow turbines and compressors, centrifugal pumps, fans and compressors, and radial flow turbines. Four‑hour lecture per week with laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: MTC 352 and MTC 461 or permission of instructor. MTC 464 Vibration Analysis (4) Methods for computing natural frequency of mechanical vibrations in machinery. Damped and forced vibrations of two dimensional, linear, or linearized systems, using both theoretical and instrumental investigations. Analysis of absorbers and isolators. Prerequisites: MTC 218, MTC 222, and MAT 230. MTC 465 Advanced Machine Design (4) In-depth study of major mechanical elements. Topics include: steady loading, variable loading, flexible elements, clutches, brakes, failure prevention theories, and metal fatigue. Students are expected to integrate course material as well as previous experience into a major mechanical design project. Prerequisites: MTC 218 and MTC 222, MTC 308 or MTC 362, and Calculus II, or permission of instructor. MTC 466 Wind Turbines (4) Introduction to Wind Turbines. Topics include: wind resources, aerodynamic principles, blade manufacture, control methods, performance testing, ecological effects, planning and regulations for wind energy development. Prerequisite: MTC 461 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Four hours lecture per week. MTC 467 Computer‑Aided Design and Drafting (4) Topics included for study are displaying equations, vector presentation of curves, creating a mathematical formulation, splines, and parametric techniques. Engineering geometry on the computer and basics of three‑dimensional geometry are included. Engineering applications on totally supported and independent interactive computer graphics system is presented. Requires two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CSC 300 and MTC 306 or equivalent or permission of instructor. MTC 470

Mechanisms of Flow and Fractures in Machine Components (4) The nature of plastic flow and the fracture in solids, applications to the propagation of cracks and failures in machine components. Roles of strengthening mechanisms to reduce failure will be emphasized. Laboratory exercises my be substituted for lecture when appropriate. Prerequisites: MTC 218, MTC 222 and MTC 336 or equivalents. MTC 471 Space Technology (2) The course addresses the application of some of the well‑known principles of science and engineering in space technology. The particular topics covered are: spacecraft structure, power systems, propulsion systems, fundamentals of spacecraft dynamics, orbital maneuvers, attitude maneuvers and control systems, spacecraft testing. Students will research an individually selected topic on space technology and make written and oral presentations on it. Prerequisite: PHY 101 or equivalent or permission of instructor. MTC 475 Economic Analysis in Technology (4) Methods for choosing between alternatives based on the time value of money. Replacement studies, depreciation and after-tax analysis, risk, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Cross listed with ITC 475 and CTC 475. Prerequisite: MAT 121

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



MTC 392 Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) (2) This course introduces the student with the emerging field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based nanotechnology. Topics will include introduction of nanoscale systems, methods of fabrications and packaging of MEMS, principle of microactuation, visualization, and applications of nano and micro systems. Prerequisite: One course in Physics or permission of the instructor. Cross listed with ETC 392.


MTC 476 Finite Element Applications (4) Concepts of finite element analysis and their applications. Analysis of structure, plate, shell, pipes, plane stress and plane strains. Extensive use of FEA software package ALGOR. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: MAT 122, MTC 218 and MTC 222, and a formal course in computing or permission of instructor.


MTC 478 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) (4) The course addresses some of the fundamental aspects of computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The specific topics covered in the course are: The Governing Equations of fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations, Basic Aspects of Discretization, Grids with appropriate Transformations, CFD Techniques: The Lax-Wendroff technique, MacCormack’s technique, some applications: One-dimensional Nozzle Flows, Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow-Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Wave, Incompressible Couette Flow, Navier-Stokes equations. Prerequisites: MTC 352 and 461 and MAT 230 or equivalent or permission of instructor. MTC 487 Lean Design of Products and Processes (4) Systematic in-depth study and presentation of current best practices in the design and development of products and processes. The student will develop an understanding of product delivery systems and become knowledgeable in the corresponding best practices such as: integrated product development, lean concepts, quality practices, and the application of ISO 9000 standards. In addition, the students will learn how to apply system thinking to an entire organization. Cross listed with ITC 487. MTC 488 Introduction to Ergonomics (4) A scientific study of work. Ergonomics focuses upon human capabilities and limitations with respect to the appropriate design of living and working environments. Students will learn how to design for minimizing human operator stress and fatigue, also for promoting work output as well as productivity. Laboratory work substituted for lecture as appropriate. Prerequisites: Calculus I and Calculus II and Physics I. Cross listed with ITC 488. MTC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area. MTC 493 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (4) This course addresses some of the fundamental aspects of computer integrated manufacturing. The specific topics include: CIM units: computers, input/output, the robot, material handling, computer‑aided functions; system design, design of the data base, material requirements planning (MRP), manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), the human factors of CIM. Requires two hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: MTC 467 or equivalent or permission of instructor. MTC 494 CO-OP Assignment (2 or 4) This course provides 14 weeks of supervised experience in an industrial or government installation, applying technology knowledge towards the solution of engineering technology problems, and developing abilities required in the student’s career. At least three reports, two written and one oral, and two supervisors’ evaluations are required. May be taken repetitively up to a maximum of four credits. Prerequisite: Permission of employer and Dean of Engineering Technology.

Music MUS 301 SUNY Jazz (1) Introduces students to the performance of jazz in an ensemble. Study of basic jazz theory and improvisational techniques. Analysis of musical styles and performers. Students will rehearse ensemble works and perform in a public setting. Prerequisite: Instructor’s permission, based on student’s ability to perform a musical instrument appropriate to jazz performances. Meets new General Education Arts requirement.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

Network and Computer Security NCS 181 Introduction to Cybersecurity (4) Introduction to the field of information system security. The kinds of information system security threats that might be faced by home and/or small business users and prudent security countermeasures used to counteract them are covered. Security issues faced by users of information systems will be explained as well as the potential damage the may cause. Provides the student with knowledge necessary to protect themselves against many of the information systems security threats faced in everyday life. NCS 210 Telecommunications Transmission Technology (4) This course will familiarize students with the three principal transmission technologies used in data communications: copper wire, fiber optics, and radio frequency wireless. Each physical layer medium is covered in detail to understand the nature of the communications channel it provides, and the impairments that affect data communications signals. Transmission media standards, signaling, loss budgets, and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each transmission technology will be treated in detail. NCS 310 Hardware and Network Infrastructure (4) Conceptual and practical study of the computer hardware, connectivity devices, and other supporting artifacts that comprise enterprise internal information systems and external systems like the public internet. Topics include: fundamental digital logic; common integrated ships and boards for computer organizational execution of processor instructions; device interfacing peripheral devices; common abstractions for enabling software development; major functions of an operating systems; common connectivity devices and their operation. Prerequisite: CS 108 NCS 315 Networking of Information Systems (4) An integrated study of fundamental principles and representative technologies underlying computer and device networks. Topics include: key networking protocols and relevant implementation stacks; interconnection devices; sample distribution software frameworks; management issues in networked computers and peripherals; deployment requirements for distributed software applications; common tools for the management of networks and distributed software. Prerequisite: IS 310. NCS 316 Data Network Design (4) Data network design issues and applications, point‑to‑point network design, multipoint network design, data collection and verification and an overview of protocols. Network design tools such as ITGURU and OPNET are used for network design and simulation. Use of simulation results to design a private line or packet switched based data communications network. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: NCS 315 and STA 100. NCS 320 Information Assurance Fundamentals (4) A fast paced introduction to the field of Information Assurance. The various kinds of threats that might be faced by an information system and the security techniques used to thwart them are covered. Hacker methods, viruses, worms, and system vulnerabilities are described with respect to the actions that must be taken by a Network Manager to combat them. The basics of cryptography are covered including hash functions, symmetric cryptography, public key cryptography, cryptography algorithms, and cryptographic applications in computer and network security. Prerequisites: CS 108, and NCS 181 or equivalent. NCS 330

Information Assurance Ethics, Policies and Disaster Recovery (4) This course covers the development of information systems security policies for small and large organizations with specific regard to components such as email, web servers, web browsers, firewalls, and personal applications. The course covers cyber ethical standards for information system users and administrators, and their role as a driver in developing disaster recovery plans and procedures are also covered. Prerequisites: NCS 181 or equivalent.


NCS 383 Network Firewalls (4) Teaches the student the basic design of firewalls and provides actual hands-on experience with a popular enterprise firewall. The need for firewalls is also covered. Builds upon the foundations of Information Assurance presented in NCS 320, Information Assurance Fundamentals. Provides more detailed background and skills in the area of firewalls for those individuals who seek employment in the areas of network and data security. Prerequisites: NCS 315 and NCS 320. NCS 384 Network Intrusion Detection (4) The need for intrusion detection systems (IDS) is described. Several basic IDS design approaches and implementation methods are presented. Basic attack methods employed by network attackers and the resulting signatures are explained. The business case for justifying the acquisition of IDS is explored. Builds upon the foundations of Information Assurance covered in NCS 320. Provides additional background and skills in the area of network IDS for those students interested in the areas of network and data security. Prerequisites: NCS 315 and NCS 320. NCS 416 Digital and Internet Telephony (4) Consists of both lecture and application oriented lab assignments. Emphasizes digital and internet telephony fundamentals including the convergence of voice, data and multimedia communications using the Internet Protocol. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: NCS 210 and NCS 315. NCS 425 Internetworking (4) Intended to introduce new content and extend previously learned networking skills which will empower students to enter the workforce and/ or further their education in the area of telecommunications networking. A task analysis of current industry standards and occupational analysis is used in the development of content standards. Instruction introduces and extends the student’s knowledge and practical experience with switches. Local area networks (LAN’s) and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLAN’s) design, configuration and maintenance. Students develop practical experience in skills related to configuring LAN’s, WAN’s, routing protocols and network troubleshooting. Prerequisite: IS 315. NCS 435 Computer Forensics (4) Introduction into the field of computer forensics in networked systems. The student will receive training in the methods, techniques and tools used by those practicing computer forensics in support of audit, security privacy and legal functions. Specific legal issues regarding seizure and chain of custody will be addressed. Students will have opportunity to learn computer forensics applications, methods and procedures through hands-on lab activities. Prerequisites: NCS 210, NCS 315, NCS 320. NCS 450 Network Security (4) Detailed coverage of network threats, vulnerabilities and security protocols as countermeasures to advance the students’ understanding of computer security, network security, e-mail and internet security. Focus is on security issues across the entire network protocol stack from the physical to the application layer. Specific topics include physical layer security, secure routing protocols, IPsec, SSH, TLS, Web security, authentication and key management, and network borne malware such as worms and viruses. Prerequisites: NCS 315. NCS 460 Advanced Wireless Security (4) Provides advanced coverage of wireless networks and the special security problems they pose. Topics include measures taken to secure wireless personal area networks (PAN’s), wireless LAN’s, cellular wireless networks, and ad-hoc wireless networks. Threats, vulnerabilities and

countermeasures specific to each type of networks will be enumerated and studied in detail. Coverage includes the use of cryptography and cryptographic primitives in secure protocols, wireless device security, and security policy management. The treatment of ad-hoc wireless network security will cover secure routing protocols and intrusion detection systems. Prerequisites: NCS 350, NCS 450. NCS 490

Special Topics in Network and Computer Security (4) An in-depth study of selected topics based on: new developments in the field, more in-depth treatment of topics than covered in regular courses, or topics not normally covered in an undergraduate program in Network and Computer Security. Prerequisites: NCS 210, NCS 320, and permission of the instructor. NCS 494

Network and Computer Security Internship/Co‑op (2 or 4) Part‑time supervised experience in a professional atmosphere which supplements classroom instruction. Two written reports on the work experience, two supervisor’s evaluations and one site interview required. Required contact hours min. 150. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. NCS 495 Network and Computer Security Capstone (2) Offers students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of network and computer security by completing and presenting a significant project. The topic should be of contemporary significance in the field. Periodic written and oral examinations are required. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

Nursing NUR 303 Transition in Professional Nursing Practice (2) An empirical foundation within the discipline of nursing is essential to the development of professional nursing practice. Critical reflection, caring, independent judgment, collaboration, research, and lifelong learning are fostered to enhance the development of professional excellence in nursing. Professional role development in nursing and a synthesis of practical approached to facilitate the nursing student’s transition form the basic preparation to baccalaureate nursing education are examined within this course. Reflection and articulation of values and ideals within the self and profession are encouraged and described within personal philosophies of nursing and meaningful nursing practice. NUR 313

Theoretical Bases for Professional Nursing Practice (4) A theoretical and empirical foundation within the discipline of nursing is essential to the development of professional nursing practice. Selected nursing theories and standards of practice described in the New York State Education Law and the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) Standards of Nursing Practice are introduced to guide the development of professional nursing practice. Critical reflection, caring, independent judgment, collaboration, research, and lifelong learning are fostered to enhance the development of professional excellence in nursing. Theories of nursing, models of caring, principles of teaching/learning, role theory and development, and health promotion and wellness are explored to develop understanding of the mutual and interactive relationship of nursing to people, health, communities, and health care delivery environments. Reflection and articulation of values and ideals within the profession and self are encouraged and described within personal philosophies of nursing and meaningful nursing practice. NUR 314 Comprehensive Health Assessment (4) Assessment of individuals across the life span is addressed as they experience wellness and illness. The focus is on the interrelatedness of the physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, and environmental components of health assessment of people as they interact with their environment. Utilizing the framework of selected nursing theories, an analytical and comprehensive assessment of the individual’s health is emphasized. The relationship of health assessment knowledge, skill, and disposition fostered by the Standards of Nursing Practice and the New York State Education Law is explored within the context of accountability SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



NCS 350 Wireless Systems and Security (4) Investigation of technologies, networks, standards and services of wireless systems in the context of satellite, cellular, wireless local area networks (802.11), personal area networks (Bluetooth and Zigbee) and metropolitan networks (WiMax). Specific topics to be examined include network design and infrastructure, 2G/3G cellular standards, wireless media access control protocols, wireless network routing, congestion control, location management, and security in wireless networks. Prerequisites: NCS 210 and NCS 315.

Courses and responsibility of professional nursing practice. Critical thinking skills are enhanced as the student develops a beginning level of competency in physical and psychological assessments within faculty supervised laboratory settings with well individuals. Therapeutic communication skills are also facilitated throughout the obtainment of personal health data and the formulation of nursing diagnoses. Prerequisites: Microbiology, Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II. Pre/Corequisites: BIO 350.


NUR 320A Nursing Theory for Professional Nursing Practice (2) Provides the theoretical and empirical foundation of beginning professional nursing practice for students in the accelerated, BS/MS program. Focus is on the examination of nursing theories and models as the theoretical framework for the discipline of nursing. Standards of practice described in the New York State Education Law and the American Nurses’ Association (ANA) Standards of Nursing Practice are examined as a guide for the professional practice of nursing. One’s personal belief about nursing theory and practice is also explored as students continue their professional development. Prerequisite: Matriculated into the Accelerated BS/MS program. NUR 325 Epidemiology in Nursing (2) The concepts and methods of descriptive epidemiology are introduced and applied to health care delivery and professional nursing practice. Patterns of acute and chronic disease occurrences and progression are studied. The discovery of unusual disease patterns is also critically examined across culturally diverse communities. Methods to uncover epidemiological causes, frequency, and the distribution of disease; and the critical appraisal of the literature and screening programs are explored to promote a theoretical and empirical foundation for practice. The utilization of epidemiological information and evidenced-based data will be applied across populations to reduce risk, prevent disease, and optimize health among communities. NUR 330A Nursing Research for Professional Nursing Practice (2) Provides the basis for the examination of nursing research within culturally diverse populations for students in the accelerated BS/MS program. Focus is on the development of research skills as students develop a literature review of selected research topics and explore nursing research studies. Emphasis is placed on professional standards of practice and the safeguard of human subject rights within a context of care. The application of research findings to practice is discussed as it relates to the quality of care and the development of the nursing profession. Prerequisite: Matriculated into the Accelerated BS/MS program. NUR 340A Nursing Leadership (1) Designed for the accelerated RN to BS/MS program of study, students learn to evaluate and integrate communication, management, change and leadership within the microsystems of the healthcare institution. This course focuses on developing the leadership and management function of the professional nurse through a synthesis of knowledge from previous nursing courses, and leadership and management theories. Through the leadership project, the student will further develop and refine skills necessary to coordinate, manage and deliver nursing care. NUR 344 Ethical Issues in Nursing (2) Models of caring and traditional frameworks of ethical decision making are introduced as a guide to understand ethical decisions within diverse environments of health care systems, among providers and consumers, and within personal interactions. The synthesis of theoretical knowledge from nursing theories, the arts and sciences, and humanities are applied to ethical issues to develop knowledge, skill, and disposition essential for values-based behaviors and professional nursing practice. The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses is examined to clarify the ideals and values of the nursing profession. Reflection of one’s values and ideals through the values clarification process is examined and discussed as it interacts within the nurse-patient relationship. Positions held by others within selected ethical issues and personal conflicting experiences are also critically examined.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

NUR 377 Introduction to Clinical Nursing Education (2) This introductory course will explore the functions of the clinical nurse educator. This course will provide a practical approach to clinical nursing instruction. Evidence-based clinical teaching methodologies will be explored, with emphasis on the process of educating a diverse nursing body. NUR 381

Nursing Education and Instruction for Long Term Care (2) Students will examine nurse educator competencies and apply principles of teaching and learning, adult learning theory, critical reflection, and active learning strategies to teach nurses and other health care personnel in clinical and classroom settings. A variety of informational sources such as lecture, discussions groups, and web enhanced instruction will be explored and related to personal experiences in service and academic learning environments. Research, literature, and case studies supporting these techniques with plans for assessment of learning outcomes will be explored throughout this course to enhance one’s teaching practice. NUR 382 Reminiscent Therapy (2) The origin, theoretical basis, and practice of reminiscent therapy will be studied during this course. Various approaches to reminiscent therapy will be discussed, applied and evaluated by the students throughout the semester as they read related literature and research. An integrative approach to assignments will facilitate the students’ ability to clarify concepts, look introspectively at their own memories and value reminiscence as a therapeutic nursing intervention. NUR 383 Palliative Care (2) In recognition of the universal need for humane end-of-life care, it is essential that nurses appreciate their unique opportunity and responsibility for insuring that individuals at the end of life experience a peaceful death. Recognition of the limits and inappropriate use of technological resources and apprehensions of the public about suffering and expenses associated with dying contribute to a renewed interest in humane end-of-life care. Precepts underlying palliative care principles are crucially examined and include the assumptions that individuals live until the moment of death; that care is sensitive to diversity, and gives attention to the physical, psychological, and spiritual concern of the patient and the patient’s family. By stimulating scholarly discourse on this important reality, this course serves as a catalyst for integrating palliative care into traditional models of care delivery. NUR 384 Evidence-based Practice in Nursing (2) The exploration and application of evidence-based practice (EBP) is the emphasis of this course. Students will learn how to solve practice problems by formulating and EBP question and answer it using the best evidence available. An in-depth look at performing literature searches and utilizing practice guidelines will be presented. EBP implementation models will help students learn the best way to explore practice questions and present change. Students will have the opportunity to exercise these skills through a written assignment and examination of internet resources (e.g. Cochrane Library). NUR 385 Transformational Leadership for Nurses (2) The exploration and application of transformational leadership for Nurses is the emphasis of this course. Students explore leadership styles and an innovation model to investigate the significance and application of transformational leadership. Profiles of leaders and analysis of team approaches are explored within a variety of practice arenas. Critical reflection of the individual nurse’s role as a leader and the student’s personal leadership development will be explored as it relates to transforming others. NUR 386 The Nurse Practice Act (2) The course provides an overview of the nurse practice act from its’ past to the present. It will assist the professional nurse in designing the nurse practice act of the future. The practice act and the influences affecting nursing practice and the health care delivery system will be discussed. NUR 387 History of Nursing (2) Awareness of historical events in the discipline of nursing fosters socialization within the profession, facilitates comprehension of current nursing issues and prepares the nurse for future trends in the


NUR 388 Civility and Horizontal Violence (2) Violence between and among nurses is a behavioral interaction found within all types of workplace environments. This course examines the nuances of horizontal violence among professionals within health care settings. Emphasis on civility and preventing horizontal violence explored through effective communication strategies, anger management, and standards of professional behavior. NUR 390 Nursing Research (3) Professional standards of practice, the moral obligation to safeguard human subjects, and the ethic of care are emphasized as professional nurses participate in research activities. Students learn to critically review qualitative and quantitative research designs and explore their relevance within culturally diverse populations. The integration of knowledge from nursing, the arts, and sciences provides a basis for the development of critical reflection, decision making, and clinical judgment. The application of these studies as it relates to the foundation of practice, research utilization, and evidence based nursing is examined. Pre/ Corequisites: NUR 313, Statistics. NUR 444 Nursing Leadership (4) As designer, coordinator, and manager within today’s health care delivery system(s), the student examines and utilizes the professional nurse roles of leader, manager, collaborator, teacher, change agent, and advocate. Synthesis of knowledge from the arts and sciences and previous nursing courses, standards of practice and ethical codes, leadership and management theory, and research are emphasized in management and leadership skill development. Leadership approaches, principles of management, decision-making, communication and information management are utilized to evaluate the systems needed to care for groups of clients. Opportunities for collaboration with nurse mentors/leaders, and critical reflection of one’s ongoing professional development and changing practice are provided in clinical experiences with practicing nurse leaders and in peer group discussions. Prerequisites: Matriculated status, NUR 313, NUR 390, current New York Registered Professional Nurse license, current CPR certification, complete health clearance on file. Clinical clearance must be validated prior to first scheduled clinical agency experience. Attendance at clinical activity without prior clinical clearance will result in clinical failure. Pre/Corequisites: NUR 324, NUR 344. NUR 455 Public Health Nursing Science I (4) The basic concepts of community health and their interrelationship with people, nursing, and the environment are examined. Structure, function, and programs of the health care system are explored. Critical thinking and research are used to assess and analyze culturally diverse populations and community resources as they impact health of populations at risk. The professional role and standards of community health nurses, as they provide care in community based settings, are examined within a nursing and public health theoretical framework. Principles of teaching and learning, decision making, leadership, and management within the larger social system are analyzed for their impact on health care. Prerequisites: NUR 313, NUR 325. Pre/Corerequisite: NUR 324, NUR 390.. NUR 474 Public Health Nursing Science II (4) Building on nursing theory and clinical practice as essential to community health nursing, focus is on health teaching and health care opportunities that are available in a variety of culturally diverse community settings. Health promotion for individuals, families, and communities across the life span is emphasized. Family systems theory, development theory, and caring are applied to community health nursing. Incorporating a multifaceted approach, levels of prevention, communication skills, transcultural assessment, public health and home health standards of practice, and community health regulatory requirements are examined and applied. Opportunities for critical reflection, collaboration, professional growth, and lifelong learning are also integrated within clinical experiences. Community health experiences are provided

through scheduled clinical days one day per week (M-F) based on agency availability. Students must provide their own transportation. Prerequisites: NUR 324, NUR 444, NUR 455, current New York State Registered Professional Nurse license, current CPR certification, complete health clearance on file. Clinical clearance must be validated prior to first scheduled clinical agency experience. Attendance at clinical activity without prior clinical clearance will result in clinical failure. Pre/Corequisite: Sociology elective. NUR 490 Culminating Seminar (2) The connections of nursing theory, research, and practice are the emphasis of this culminating experience. Opportunity for collaboration with peers and faculty is provided as students develop and participate in research and scholarly activities. Inquiry into scholarly works is explored to further enhance nursing knowledge, research utilization, and professional practice. Personal values and beliefs are reexamined as the student describes one’s transformed view of self and practice as a maturing professional in nursing. Critical reflection of one’s personal growth and commitment to ongoing professional development is examined within the context of achieving professional excellence. Pre/Corequisites: NUR 474; Student must be within 4 credits of graduation at completion of culminating seminar. NUR 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) This is an independent study of selected contemporary problems within the nursing discipline. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, education goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

Philosophy PHI 130 World Religions (4) An examination of the origins, philosophies and development of the major religions of the world. Ways of knowing other than western, scienceoriented ones will be explored, and a fundamental knowledge of religious answers to questions about ultimate meaning will be pursued. Religions to be studied include Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shinto, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. Meets new General Education Other World Civilizations requirement. PHI 350 Technology and Ethics (4) Traditional ethical theory and the problems in applying theory to contemporary technological situations. Ethics in communication receives special emphasis. Meets new General Education Humanities requirement.

Physics PHY 101 General Physics I (4) Algebra-based introduction to mechanics, wave phenomena and thermodynamics. Topics include kinematics, dynamics of linear and circular motion, gravitation, conservation of energy and momentum, fluids oscillations, sound, thermal physics and the laws of thermodynamics. Includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Recommended for all Telecommunications majors with appropriate placement scores. Prerequisite: MAT 111 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. PHY 102 General Physics II (4) Algebra‑based introduction to electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. Topics include electric forces and fields, electric potential, DC circuits, magnetic forces and fields, electromagnetic induction, AC circuits, electromagnetic waves, geometrical and physical optics and an introduction to modern physics. Includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Recommended for all Telecommunications majors with appropriate placement scores. Prerequisite: PHY 101 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



discipline. Critical reflection of the historical roots in nursing enhances the development of professional nursing roles. Exploration of nursing history promotes critical thinking skills and allows for understanding of the impact of historical events on practice today.


PHY 201 Calculus Based Physics I (4) The first course in a three course calculus based physics sequence. Covers topics in mechanics including motion in one, two and three dimensions, Newton’s laws of motion, work and kinetic energy, motion of rigid bodies, and simple harmonic motion. Also wave motion is briefly covered. Includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. This course and PHY 101 cannot both be taken for credit. Prerequisite: MAT 152 or equivalent. Meets new General Education Natural Science requirement or the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement.


PHY 202 Calculus Based Physics II (4) The second course in a three course calculus based physics sequence. Covers topics on electricity and magnetism, and some topics on optics and electromagnetic waves. Includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. This course and PHY 102 cannot both be taken for credit. Prerequisite: PHY 201 or equivalent. Meets the SUNYIT Laboratory Science requirement. PHY 203 Calculus Based Physics III (4) The third course in three course calculus based physics sequence. Covers selected topics from thermodynamics (temperature and heart, thermal properties of matter and laws of thermodynamics) and waves (mechanical waves, wave interference and normal modes). Includes lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PHY 202 or equivalent. PHY 290 Topics in Physics (1-4) An introductory course in selected topics in Physics not currently covered in any of the listed classes. Topics are chosen to illustrate different fields and applications which are all part of Physics. PHY 311 Modern Electronics (4) Designed to give students who do not intend to become Electrical Engineers or Technologists a good background in the field of analog and digital electronics. Upon completion of this course, the student should have a practical understanding of test equipment and basic analog circuits such as power supplies, analog switches of operational amplifiers as well as a practical understanding of the operation and use of digital integrated circuits and their application to more complicated data acquisition systems used in modern chemical instrumentation. Three hours of lecture and three hours laboratory per week. May not be taken be electrical engineering, electrical technology or computer engineering technology students. Prerequisite: One year of high school physics or equivalent. PHY 325 Geometrical Optics (4) Covers the topic of classical optics with both lecture and laboratory. The nature of light, the laws of reflection and refraction, mirrors, lenses, image formation as well as aberrations will be covered using geometric techniques. The structure and operation of specific optical instruments will be explored in detail. Prerequisite: PHY 202 or equivalent. PHY 326 Physical Optics (4) Introduces the student via lecture and laboratory to the wave properties of light as observed in such phenomena as interference, diffraction and polarization. Topics also include a review of harmonic wave motion, the principle of superposition of waves, Fraunhofer and Fresnal diffraction, interferometry, coherence, diffraction gratings, multiple reflection interference and optical boundaries. Prerequisite: PHY 325 or equivalent. PHY 351 Modern Physics (4) Provides a broad overview of the major developments and breakthroughs in physics since the beginning of the 20th century, including Einstein’s special theory of relativity, quantum nature of light, wave nature of particles, introduction to quantum mechanics, atomic structure, molecular and condensed mater physics, nuclear physics, particle physics and cosmology. Includes three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Calculus Based Physics II (PHY 202) and Differential Equations (MAT 230) or equivalents. PHY 361 Intermediate Mechanics (4) Newtonian theory is used to describe the mechanical behavior of objects. Topics include: Newton’s laws of motion, momentum and energy, motion of a particle in one or more dimensions, motion of a system of particles,


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

rigid body motion, introduction to Lagrange and Hamilton’s equations. Prerequisites: MAT 230, MAT 253, and PHY 201 or equivalents. PHY 371 Electromagnetism (4) The laws of electricity and magnetism are developed using the language of vector calculus. Topics include: Coulomb’s Law, the electrostatic field and potential, Gauss’ Law, dielectrics, capacitors, electric current, the steady magnetic field, Biot‑Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, magnetic materials, Faraday’s Law, the displacement current, Maxwell’s Equations, and plane electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: MAT 230, MAT 253, and PHY 202 or equivalents. PHY 380 Laser Principles and Systems (4) Through lectures and laboratory experiences, the properties of laser radiation, general operational principles, the modification of laser outputs and specific laser systems and their applications are introduced. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: Optics course and Calculus II. PHY 381 Introductory Quantum Mechanics (4) An introduction to the theory and applications of Quantum Mechanics. Topics will include: wave‑particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum states and operators, Schroedinger equation and quantum statistics. Applications will be selected from atomic and solid state physics, including semiconductors and lasers. Prerequisites: MAT 230, MAT 253, and PHY 202 or equivalents. PHY 472 Electromagnetic Waves and Radiation (4) Within an advanced mathematical framework that involves vector and tensor algebra, differential equations, and special techniques of electromagnetism, this course studies the solutions of the Maxwell’s equations (a system of coupled partial depth analytical study of electromagnetic waves, their structure, propagation, reflection, transmission, interaction with matter and the mechanisms for their generation by antennas. Prerequisite is Electromagnetism (PHY 371) or equivalent. PHY 490 Special Topics in Physics (4) A detailed examination of a topic in physics not treated extensively in other physics courses. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. PHY 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

Political Science POS 110 American Public Policy (4) An introduction to the major features of the policy making process in the United States. Emphasis on the structures and institutions of the American political system and the role of citizens in political process. Examination of democratic theory and political philosophy in the American context. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 262 Online Politics (4) The emergence of the Internet, and especially the Web, as a significant factor in American and global life has challenged traditional views of communication and politics. In this course, we use some core concepts of political communication, information design and technology, and deliberative democracy to examine the role of information technologies in candidate and issue campaigning, online voting, protest and advocacy movements, law-making and electronic governance. Students will be required to engage as participant-observers of a Web-based political activity using a methodological approach appropriate to their analysis. Cross listed with COM 262. Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement.


POS 321 State and Local Government (4) A structural examination of the organization and responsibilities of state and local governments, with particular emphasis on the state of New York. This course includes a discussion of current problems facing urban governments, and their solution in the context of multiple levels of government. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 330 World Politics (4) A survey of major political developments in the post‑WWII period. Through the use of several case studies, the student will examine political structures and processes in both the western and non‑western world. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 339 Public Opinion in Contemporary Society (2) An analysis of public opinion as a phenomenon that is simultaneously political, psychological and sociological. Draws on resources and knowledge from several fields, including political science, psychology, sociology and market research. Examines the formation, measurement and marketing of public opinion in contemporary society. POS 340 Elections and Political Behavior (4) An exploration into the roots and consequences of political behavior with a focus on the “average” citizen. Topics include the formation and importance of political values, the dimensions of political participation, and the implications of empirical evidence for electoral strategy and contemporary democratic theory. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 341

American Politics and Communication Technology (4) An examination of the interplay between patterns of development in American public policy, political institutions, and communications technology. Close study of the role of the FCC, Congress and the Courts in regulating and controlling communication technologies. Emphasis on newly emerging media delivered via computer networks. Analyzes the place of communications technology in democratic theory. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 342 Constitutional Law (4) An examination of the Constitution of the United States and its interpretation by the judiciary, with an emphasis on the activities of the Supreme Court. Analysis of issues concerning the separation of powers, federal-state relationships, economic regulation, and political and civil rights. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. POS 400 Topics in Political Science (4) An in‑depth examination of a current topic in political science. Examples might include political psychology, media and politics, political ethics, and presidential elections. May be taken more than once as topics change. POS 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.

POS 492 Political Science Internship (Variable 1-4) Internship is designed to provide practical work in a position related to political science or public policy, and to compare and contrast real-world experience with scholarly assessment of political actors or behavior. Students either work on or off campus. Minimum of 45 hours of contact time per credit required. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty member; approval of internship agreement. Only S/U grades are awarded for this course.

Psychology PSY 100 Principles of Psychology (4) Surveys the field of psychology, emphasizing issues of current importance. Topics covered include research methodology and the influence of biological, social, and environmental factors on behavior. No credit will be given to students who have previously taken an introductory psychology course. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. PSY 216 Child and Adolescent Development (4) Provides a general introduction to the study of psychological development from conception through adolescence. The emphasis is primarily on normal development. We will consider development in contexts such as home and school, and examine specific issues such as daycare, infant attachment, cognitive development, sibling relations, and adolescent identity. When discussing these issues we will focus on integrating theory and research with real world problems and your own knowledge and experience. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 218 Adult Development and Aging (4) Provides you with a general introduction to the study of psychological development from early adulthood through death. The emphasis is primarily on normal development, although aspects of abnormal development will be discussed when appropriate. We will consider development in contexts such as home, work, school, and long-term care facilities, and examine specific issues such as identity formation, mid-life crisis, sandwich generation, and cognitive decline. When discussing these issues we will focus on integrating theory and research with real world problems and your own knowledge and experience. PSY 220 Life-span Developmental Psychology (4) Examines the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of individuals from conception to death. Special attention is given to the environmental and biological factors that contribute to normal development in childhood, adolescence, adulthood and aging. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 222 Abnormal Psychology (4) Examines the dimensions, theories, and empirical findings in human psychopathology. Topics covered will include: concepts of abnormality, theories, classification, etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major psychopathologies. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 242 Social Psychology (4) Examines principles of social behavior in a variety of settings. Topics include: attitude formation and change, group dynamics, interpersonal attraction, social perception, altruism, and aggression. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 262 Learning and Motivation (4) Examines historical and modern concepts of learning and motivation, Pavlovian and operant conditioning, and their application. The relationship of learning to motivation and physiological, cognitive, and social theories of motivation will also be discussed. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 273 Dying, Death & Bereavement (4) Examines psycho‑social conceptualizations of dying, death and grief in contemporary society with special emphasis on one’s own feelings and attitudes towards death and coping and supportive strategies of the dying and bereaved persons. Socio‑cultural, legal/ethical issues are also explored. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



POS 252 The Politics of Life and Death (4) Examines the nature of political debate and policy-making in the United States on issues related to human life. Four issues will be examined: assisted reproduction, human cloning, abortion, and assisted suicide. For each of the issues, we will review the scientific and philosophical context, assess the actions of the legislative, judicial, executive and administrative branches of the national and state governments, and explore the nature of public discourse. This course assumes an interest in and understanding of American politics and political institutions. Though not a prerequisite, completion of an introductory course in American politics is recommended prior to enrollment. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement.


PSY 304 Sports Psychology (4) Deals with the applications of psychology in sport: personality analysis of athletes, skill acquisition, equipment design, gender differences, role of the coach, aggression and stress management. PSY 310 Research Methods in Psychology (4) This lecture and laboratory course will provide experience in the use of a variety of research designs and methods of data analysis. Students design research projects in small groups by selecting an appropriate sampling procedure and devising a method of collecting and analyzing data. Prerequisites: STA 100 or equivalent and PSY 305 or permission of instructor. PSY 325 Psychology of Gender (4) Reviews the major findings and theories related to sex roles and sex typing. It will also examine gender specific issues (e.g. motherhood/ fatherhood). Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


PSY 331 Psychology of Personality (4) A study of determinants of personality and methods of studying personality, including various systems of psychology and their interpretations of personality structure and development. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 352 Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4) Examines the behavior of people in industrial work environments. Topics include attitudes toward work, organizational climate, appraising employee performance and interest, engineering psychology, worker efficiency, accident behavior, leadership styles, and effectiveness. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 360 Perception (4) A presentation of the basic facts and theories of human perception, concentrating primarily on vision. Topics to be covered include psychophysics, form and space perception, the constancies, the effects of learning, motivation, and set on perception, selective attention, and perceptual development. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 365 Educational Psychology (4) Provides an overview of the psychological theory and research in relation to educational practices. Cognitive, motivational, interpersonal and socio-cultural influences on learning and retention in educational institutions will be examined. Characteristics and developmental needs of the learner throughout lifespan, along with evaluative measures of learning/instructions will be considered. Prerequisite: PSY 100. PSY 377 Health Psychology (4) Health and illness is experienced within a broad psychosocial context. Physical states affect mental states and mental and emotional experiences have the capacity to influence the course of physical health and illness. Investigates the relationship that exists between physical and mental health. Emphasizes the role that psychological, cultural and social factors have for both physical health and illness, and also examines stress and stress management techniques. Prerequisite: PSY 100. PSY 385 Evaluation Research (4) Application of various research methods to the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of social intervention programs. Topics include research design, questionnaire construction, survey methods, computer applications, and the critical analysis of evaluation studies. Assignments in class and field settings will provide students with practical experience in the design of evaluation studies, data collection and analysis, and the writing of evaluation reports. Prerequisite: PSY 310 or SOC 332 or equivalent. PSY 390

Engineering Psychology and Human Performance (4) Deals with the systematic application of relevant information about human capabilities and limitations to design of things and procedures people use. Topics include: information displays, acquisition of skills, person‑machine system properties, work space, applied anthropometry, accidents, and psychological factors in transportation. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent.


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

PSY 405 History and Systems of Psychology (4) Examines theoretical systems of psychology in historical perspective. Classical and contemporary theories of human behavior will be analyzed in terms of their impact on various fields of psychology. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. Restricted to Psychology majors only. PSY 415 Psychology of Aggression and Nonviolence (4) Deals with the factors associated with aggression and nonaggression. Topics include theories of aggression, control of aggression, personality patterns of violent and nonviolent individuals, psychology of power, conflict resolution, and techniques for teaching nonviolent behavior. Prerequisites: PSY 305 or PSY 315 or PSY 331 or PSY 242 or permission of instructor. PSY 425 Cognitive Psychology (4) A survey of memory, thinking, language, and problem solving. The course will follow the history of psychological theory on cognition from associationism to gestalt approaches to modern information processing approaches and artificial intelligence. Particular attention will be paid to practical and clinical applications of research. Prerequisite: PSY 262 or PSY 360 or permission of instructor. PSY 444 Applied Social Psychology (4) Intended to expose students to interventions by social psychologists in real‑world problem solving. Topics include applied nature of social psychology; social psychology of education, religion and politics; cross‑cultural psychology; social psychology and legal issues; consumer behavior; social psychology and social policy; and conservation and environmental concerns. Prerequisites: PSY 305 or PSY 331 or PSY 242 or PSY 352 or equivalent or permission of instructor. PSY 445

Group Dynamics and Interpersonal Communication (4) Examines interaction in small groups. Topics include group structure and development, and aspects of group process such as problem‑solving, decision‑making, productivity, creativity, power, conflict resolution, leadership, and communication. Skill in application of concepts of group dynamics is developed through exercises in experiential learning and observation. Prerequisite: PSY 242 or PSY 352 or equivalent. PSY 460 Neuropsychology (4) The mind arises from the brain and every topic in psychology has a biological basis. This course is a survey of the biological bases of a wide array of topics, including perception, motivation, emotion, bodily movement, learning, memory and language. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or equivalent. PSY 470 Psychological Testing (4) Examines the basic concepts of measurement theory and their application to developing, administering, and interpreting psychological tests. Moral, ethical, and legal issues associated with testing and the use of test results are considered. Prerequisites: PSY 222 or PSY 331 or PSY 352 or equivalent. PSY 477 Principles of Psychological Counseling (4) Examines the theories and techniques used in counseling situations. Special attention will be given to interviewing skills, ethical issues, and the interpersonal dynamics that comprise the major therapeutic approaches. Prerequisites: PSY 222 or PSY 331 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. PSY 490 Selected Topics in Psychology (4) An in depth treatment of a selected topic in Psychology. Provides students with the opportunity to investigate psychological subject matter. Students may receive credit in a future semester for different topic areas. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or an introductory psychology course. PSY 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, method of evaluation, and number of credits to be earned. Prerequisite: Matriculated students only, permission of instructor and dean of subject area.


PSY 493 Senior Seminar in Psychology (4) Special topics of current interest and relevance are treated in‑depth. Emphasis is placed on the critical analysis of current research literature and development of independent projects by seminar members. Topics vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSY 310 and PSY 385 or equivalent and permission of instructor.

Recreation See Health and Physical Activity

Science, Technology, and Society STS 350

Science and Technology Transfer and Assessment (4) Focuses on two aspects of modern science and technology: 1) an introduction to and critical analysis of technology assessment; i.e., the determination of potential impacts of technology on people and the environment; and 2) an analysis of the basic mechanisms and major obstacles related to the communication and transfer of science and technology to different groups of users, including the general public, and the public’s response to science and technology. STS 490

Topics in Science, Technology and Society (Variable 1-4) An in-depth examination of particular topics in science, technology and society. Topics may include: Science, Technology, and Identity; Science, Technology, and the Environment; Science, Technology, and Gender; Science, Technology and Religion; Science, Technology, and Science Fiction. Typically, a topics course will use two or three general textbooks, and every student will be required to perform research on a particular issue related to the topic. May be taken more than once as topics change. STS 491 Independent Study (Variable 1-4) Extensive study and research on a particular topic of student interest under the supervision of a faculty member. The student is required to submit a written proposal which includes a description of the project, its duration, educational goals, methods of evaluation, and the number of credits to be earned. Prerequisites: STS 300 and permission of instructor and dean of subject matter.

Sociology SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (4) Introduces the sociological perspective in understanding the everyday lives of members of a society. Emphasizes the influence of socialization, culture, inequality, institutionalization, conflict and collective behavior. Focuses primarily on the United States. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement. Senior Sociology majors may not register for this course. SOC 110 Social Problems (4) Examines social problems in industrial society, and how social institutions can lead to their creation, perpetuation, and solution. Focuses on particular social issues, such as poverty, power, race, ethnicity, gender roles, work, health, education, and war. Explores similarities and differences between sociological and other social science approaches to the study of social problems. Emphasis placed on the United States. Meets new General Education Social Science requirement.

SOC 210 Sociology of the Family (4) Analyzes the nature of gender roles in the family, a basic social institution. Examines various patterns of family organization and problems confronting the family. Emphasizes the family in the United States. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 220 Sociology of Gender (4) Explores contemporary theories, understandings and performances of gender, with attention to the intersections of race, class, gender and sexuality. Also examines the relationships of gender to life opportunities and experiences, social structures and societal reproduction. Prerequisites: SOC 100 or SOC 110 or CJ 101. SOC 230 Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations (4) Explores the complex and dynamic nature of race and ethnicity in American society, with a combined focus on historic and ethnographic approaches. Topics covered include the patterns of racial and ethnic inequality, the evolving social construction of race and ethnicity, the changing perceptions of and explanations for race relations, the intersection of race and ethnicity with other forces (such as social class and gender), and the social pressure for and against assimilation and acculturation. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or SOC 110 or CJ 101. SOC 290 Special Topics in Sociology (1-4) Treatment of a special topic in Sociology. Provides student with the opportunity to investigate sociological subject matter. Students may receive credit in future semester for different topic area. SOC 310 The History of Sociological Theory (4) Presents a historical overview of the emergence and development of sociological theory, with emphasis on theorists such as Comte, Spencer, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Mead, and post‑WWII theorists. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 314 Sociology of Deviance (4) Presents major sociological theories of deviance. Examines specific forms of deviance, such as drug abuse, crime, sexual deviance, and mental illness. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 332 Methods of Inquiry (4) Provides experience in the design and implementation of social science research. Topics covered include philosophies of social science, development of theories and hypotheses, modes of observation, methods of sampling and techniques of analysis. Students will design and implement several research projects during the semester. Use of computers is required, though no prior experience is assumed. SOC 350 Chemical Dependencies and Human Behavior (4) Explores sociological perspectives on the acquisition, continuation, and elimination of human dependency on chemical substances like drugs and alcohol. Aims to bridge the gap between professional and academic skills and information. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 351 Sociology of Crime (4) Introduces the study of crime and the criminal justice system. Examines the causes of crime, including violent crime, crimes against property, substance abuse, sexual offenses, white collar, and organized crime. Considers the efforts of the police, courts, penal system, and community to deal with the various types of crime, as well as the social policy implications of our understanding of and approaches to the problem of crime. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013



PSY 492 Practicum in Psychology (4) Supervised, discipline‑related experience in a community service agency is provided. The major emphasis is to help the student in applying theoretical knowledge to real life situations, and to develop skills and competence as a professional. Regular meetings with agency supervisor and practicum coordinator are an essential feature of the practicum. Minimum GPA 3.0 and permission of the psychology department are required for admission. Prerequisites: PSY 305, PSY 310, and PSY 385 or equivalent. This course will not be a substitute for one of the three advanced courses required to complete the credits to major in the Psychology program.

Courses SOC 360 The Sociology of Work (4) Describes contemporary sociological analyses of work, especially industrial labor processes. Explores the relative impact of technological and social factors on the organization of a variety of specific labor processes. Develops and synthesizes skills of work description. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 370 Sociology of Health and Illness (4) Integrates varied sociological perspectives with the study of health and illness. Investigates the relationship between social structure and the experience of health or illness. Examines the organization and delivery of medical services in the United States. Focuses on the individual’s experience of illness. Links sociological theory and sociological practice in the healthcare arena. Prerequisites: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course.


SOC 381 Social Gerontology (4) Compares sociological, biological, and psychological analyses of aging. Analyzes the problems confronting older people in industrial societies. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110 or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 410 Power and Violence in the Family (4) Issues of power and control are part of every relationship and can lead to emotional, physical, and sexual violence. Through lectures and class discussion the student will gain an understanding of the fundamental dynamics of abusive situations, the consequences for all concerned, and the policy implications. (Designed specifically to meet the needs of students interested in the human services field.) SOC 411 Sociology of Community (4) Examines the tradition of Community Studies in American Social Science. Presents various models of community process. Examines particular social problems manifest in communities such as community development, ethnicity, and poverty. Encourages a research orientation in socially‑relevant professions. Prerequisite: ANT 321. SOC 424 Social Welfare Policy (4) Investigates the history, concepts, programs, and practices of social welfare policies in the United States. Promotes an appreciation for the interrelatedness of practice and policy analysis in the field of social welfare scholarship. Prerequisite: ANT 321. SOC 446 The Individual and Society (4) Presents various ways to conceptualize the mutual influences of individual‑level and social‑structural processes. Addresses specific topics within social psychology, “human nature,” communication and language, perception, socialization, and the acquisition of roles, ideologies, and values. Prerequisite: ANT 321. SOC 450 Sociology of Corrections (4) Introduces students to correctional institutions by examining the history and philosophy of corrections; the social organization of prison societies as total institutions; the management of prisons; prison violence and court‑mandated attempts to restore civility; jails and community corrections; and critiques of traditional approaches to corrections. SOC 452 White Collar Crime (4) Focuses upon crime that occurs within organizational and occupational contexts. Applies the major theories of crime causation to such illegality whether committed for the benefit of an employing organization, by individuals through the exercise of State authority, by individuals in their particular professional capacity, or for other types of individual gain. Explores legal and social strategies for controlling these practices. SOC 453 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (4) Compares the American Criminal Justice System to Criminal Justice Systems of a number of other advanced industrial societies, especially in Western Europe. Focal areas include overall policy/philosophy and social organization. Special emphasis upon the alternatives to American approaches, referred to broadly as harm reduction, including decriminalization, diversion before entering the CJS, diversion after


SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013

entering the CJS, effective rehabilitation, and successful re-entry. Prerequisites: CJ 101 or SOC 110 and one 200 or 300 level CJ or SOC course. SOC 455 Sociology of Law and the Courts (4) Examines the social origins of law and the institutions by which it is administered; the effect of law on the reproduction of social arrangements; the history of legal ideas and their influence on legislation and court precedents; and the relation of law to the problem of social order and control. Primary emphasis is on criminal law and courts. Prerequisites: ANT 320 SOC 465 Sociology of Occupations and Professions (4) Presents previous and current sociological approaches to the structure of labor markets, both occupational and professional. Analyzes changes in these markets. Examines the relations between labor markets and other social institutions, such as the family, the school, race/ethnicity, gender, and class. Analyzes professions as particular types of occupation, the social consequences of professionalization, and the implications of current patterns of labor market recruitment, mobility, segregation, and segmentation. Prerequisite: ANT 301 or SOC 110, or an introductory anthropology or sociology course. SOC 490 Selected Topics in Sociology (4) An indepth treatment of a selected topic in Sociology. Provides students with the opportunity to investigate sociological subject matter. Students may receive credit in a future semester for different topic areas. SOC 491 Independent Study (Variable 1‑4) Provides a structure for extensive study and/or directed research (under faculty supervision) on a topic. Application form must include a description of the project, its duration, its educational goals, method for its evaluation, and a suggested number of credits. Prerequisites: Matriculated students only; permission of instructor and school dean required. SOC 492 Internship in Sociology (2-6) Intended for majors to gain practical and/or professional experience in an appropriate social service, criminal justice, or work-related community setting. Student will work with a qualified specialist in the relevant area, and will be responsible for reporting to both the specialist and to a faculty supervisor. Students wishing to enroll must have completed a minimum of 12 credits total in their majors. SOC 493 Senior Seminar in Sociology (4) Explores in depth a particular sociological topic chosen by the instructor. Emphasizes critical analysis of current sociological literature and the development of independent projects by students. Topic varies. Prerequisite: SOC 310 and SOC 332. Permission of instructor required. SOC 495 Practicum in Sociology (4) Integrates academic and practical experience during one semester placement in an appropriate social service, criminal justice, or work‑related community setting. Involves execution of a social practice project, negotiated among student, staff, and placement supervisor. Students must apply for admission to the course. Prerequisites: Completion of at least 2 Sociology/Anthropology courses at this campus prior to the start of this class and a 3.0 GPA and permission of instructor.

Spanish SPA 101 Elementary Spanish (4) Designed to give the beginning student an awareness of how members of another culture communicate and live. Student achieves this by using language skill of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The process entails study of pronunciation, basic grammar, selected vocabulary, and the culture that the language represents. Meets the new General Education Foreign Language requirement. SPA 102 Intermediate Spanish (4) Refines the skills learned in an introductory Spanish class in oral comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. The course instruction will be primarily in Spanish. Meets the new General Education Foreign Language requirement. Prerequisite: SPA 101.



STA 100 Statistical Methods (4) Study of the methods whereby data are collected, analyzed, and presented. Topics include: frequency distributions, measures of location, dispersion, and skewness, probability and probability distributions, and various topics in statistical inference. Meets the new General Education Mathematics requirement.

THR 120 Studio Art: Visual and/or Performing (2) An introduction and hands-on experience with the style and techniques of a visiting artist. Suitable lecture/demonstration of background and personal approach to the work will be shared by the artist. Students in a studio/workshop type of environment will participate in sequential exercises designed to allow them adopt and adapt some of those stylistic elements and/or features in their own work (visual and/or performing). Meets new General Education Arts requirement.

STA 225 Applied Statistical Analysis (4) This course deals in‑depth with statistical methods used to analyze data. Applications are drawn from many diverse areas. Topics include: measures of location and scale for frequency distributions, addition and multiplication laws for probability, binomial, Poisson, and normal distributions, inferences about proportions and location parameters in one‑sample and two‑sample problems, analysis of completely randomized and randomized blocks designs, simple linear regression and correlation, sign test, median test, rank sum test, and signed rank test. Prerequisites: Calculus II (MAT 152) or Calculus II for Engineering Technologies (MAT 122). Cross listed with MAT 225. STA 290 Topics in Statistics (1-4) An introductory course in selected topics in Statistics not currently covered in any of the listed classes. Topics are chosen to illustrate different fields and applications which are all part of Statistics.

THR 300 Theater Production (4) A balance between academics and studio work. Students will learn about theatre history and production as well as actively participate in the mounting of a theatrical work. Using the varied talents of the class, we will select polished scenes, a one act play, a full length play, or an interactive educational play about current issues. The production may be a public performance or merely in-class final design and performance presentations. If a public performance, members of the class will provide the artistic and technical staffing of the production, under the overall guidance of the class instructor. Additional assistance may be provided by student volunteers not enrolled for credit. Because theatre is an art which draws upon many areas of skill and intelligence, some reflective work will be done to document each student’s personal journey. There will be some class visits to areas theaters and/or productions as these opportunities become available. Meets new General Education Arts requirement.

SUNYIT Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2013




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Name: Jerrold Considine

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