Rome Business School International Online Master in Artificial Intelligence (2024)

Our experiential learning journey is designed to equip and empower you to fully embrace AI through a transformative toolkit. Instead of solely focusing on the technical aspects of AI, we emphasize the organizational and managerial implications of these technologies. By doing so, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of AI’s impact on businesses. Throughout the program, you will gain the knowledge, insights, and managerial skills necessary for successfully integrating AI into existing business frameworks or starting your own AI startup. We provide a well-rounded approach that goes beyond technical knowledge, ensuring you are prepared to navigate the challenges and leverage the opportunities presented by AI in the business landscape.​

By the end of the program, you will not only possess a solid foundation in AI concepts and techniques but also be equipped with the knowledge, understanding, and managerial skills necessary to drive AI integration within established organizations or embark on your own AI startup journey.

10% Start with Managerial Core

Understand the Strategic Impact and Value of AI in Business

During the first module of the International Master Online in Artificial Intelligence, students will learn notions of:

  • Managerial Economics
    This module aims to prepare students by providing them with the essentials of entrepreneurship and business planning.
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
    With this module, the managerial skills required to understand a Business Plan and its structure will be developed.
  • Business Strategy
    Through this module, students will know how to understand the long-term direction and strategy of a company and will be able to identify the strategic business units of organizations.
  • Accounting & Budgeting
    This module is aimed at students understanding the importance of financial management and control principles, with key indicators such as ROI, EBIT, and GAAP.
  • Project & Operations Management
    With this module, students can manage projects, examine data and information, and have a diagnostic approach to solving problems.
  • Marketing: Traditional and Digital
    Students will learn the application of marketing principles in organizational decision-making.
  • Human Resource Management
    This subject area focuses on strategic human resource issues such as workforce acquisition, development, motivation, and retention.
  • Data Analytics ​for Managers
    This course is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge needed to analyze and interpret large sets of data, to make effective business decisions and strategies.

35% Get Into Focusing and Specializing

Develop practical applications of AI as virtual assistants and chatbot

During the second module of the International Master Online in Artificial Intelligence, students will learn:

1) The Business value of AI

  • ​Introduction to AI in Business​
  • AI Strategy and Business Alignment​
  • ROI and Business Impact​
  • AI Adoption and Change Management​

2) AI in Practice and Use Cases​

  • ​Healthcare, data engineering, sparking talk​
  • AI in industry, R&D​

3) AI and ML algorithms for business​

  • ​Machine Learning Algorithms, Predictive Analytics and Forecasting​
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP), Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making​
  • Computer Vision​

​4) AI platform and vendors​

  • ​AI Infrastructure and Cloud Computing.​
  • AI Development Frameworks and Tools​
  • AI Platform Selection and Evaluation: ​
  • Data Management and AI​
  • AI Integration with Existing Systems
  • AI and exponential technologies to transform business and organizations​

10% Being an innovative and responsible leader

Lead AI Projects to Manage new Business Models

During the third module of the International Master Online in Artificial Intelligence, students will explore:

5) AI and the Internet of Things (IoT)​

  • AI and Blockchain​
  • AI and Robotics Process Automation (RPA) ​
  • AI and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR)​
  • AI and Edge Computing​

​6) The Social Responsability of AI:

  • ​Ethical Frameworks for AI and CSR ​
  • Bias and Fairness in AI​
  • Privacy and Security in AI​
  • Explainability and Transparency in AI​
  • AI Regulation and Governance​
  • Business Ethics and CSR

10% ElectivesWhy Electives?

The goal of Rome Business School is to develop future managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals who are ready to capitalize on the benefits of digitalization, go global, and have a positive impact on society.

Electives are ideal tools for students to improve their employability by focusing on high-demand skills. ​

  • Electives assist students in carving out a niche for themselves and becoming more competitive.
  • Electives expose students to courses they might not have encountered otherwise.
  • Electives provide a one-of-a-kind curriculum that fosters life and career skills. ​
  • Elective courses are organized in5 main areasof interest:
    1. ​Innovation &Growth
    2. Tech&Digitalization
    3. IndustryBusinessExcellence
    4. International Business
    5. Global Electives with RBS School partners

15% Business in Action

Practice Lab | In partnership with Immutable Data

Rome Business School Practice Lab (2024) is where theoretical concepts are put into practice and participants learn through experience. The Lab is run byImmutable DAtamanagers who will examine different specialist knowledge, work on exercises, and network while sharing their experience and expertise with the students. This Lab is entirely run byImmutable Datamanagers with whom you will solve a business challenge ofImmutable Data.

20% Capstone Project

Capstone Project

At the end of your educational experience, you will have the chance to prove your abilities by tackling a real business challenge. Use your talent to identify opportunities and create a truly innovative strategy.

Tackle a real company challenge. You can choose to be part of a small team and design a Marketing plan for a new business develop a strategy to increase online sales or create a loyalty offering for different generations.

You will be given two case studies from two real companies that will allow you to test your knowledge learnt during the master’s course.

Rome Business School International Online Master in Artificial Intelligence (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.