Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

SIXTEEN. SPOKANE DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 4, 1939. New Type of Mask Combats Seasickness Development of a new type mask which allows to converse and even to eat while combatting inhalation of 100 per cent oxygen, was announced by M.

Boothby of Mayo clinic, who arrived in Boston the liner Lady Nelson. Dr. Richmond Goulden surgeon who will continue the experiments, new mask. (AP wirephoto.) May Charge Mother on Murder Count SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. Police would Inspector George said he confer with trict attorney today on whether to file murder charges against Mrs.

Marjorie Montgomery, 27, but admitted he was still unconvinced she had drowned her two small daughters, as she claims. Floodlight search last night off pier 7 did not reveal the forms Barbara Montgomery, 4, and Marylyn, 2, missing since, Monday The mother was found clinging to a stringer under pier and told police she held the babies, under were water dead." "until I was The hunt was to be resumed today, and Engler said divers might be employed. CARRIER OF GERMS IS BEING SOUGHT LONG BRANCH, N. Jan. 4.

(P) Health authorities searched today for a young itinerant who they said had left a hospital here a few hours before they learned he was a diphtheria germ carrier. In a broadcast alarm Clifford Erickson, city health officer, described the man as Harold Quirk, 33, small and dark-a walking danger to most persons, particularly diphtheria susceptibles. Erickson said the man, who is believed to have come here from Baltimore, probably was unaware of the serious potentialities of his condition. REBEKAH-1. 0.

0. F. OFFICERS SEATED HARRINGTON, Jan. Rebekah and Odd Fellows lodges here were installed Tuesday evening. Rebekah officers are: Veryl Stone, noble grand; Bertha Rux, R.

S. N. Bertha Henshaw, L. S. N.

Iva Gilbert, vice grand; Belle Talkington, R. S. V. Lola Williams, L. S.

Thelma Timm, past noble grand; Bernice Berge, warden; Swenson, conductor; Evelyn Coombs, inside Wilma Baker, outside guardian; Maude Armstrong, financial secretary; Lucinda Phillips, recording secretary; Bertha Braden, treasurer; Anne Schultz, chaplain; Mary Coombs, musician; Alice LePere, team 'captain. Odd Fellows' officers are: W. B. Hose, noble grand; Ernest Gilbert, vice grand; Arthur Connell, R. S.

N. George Simpson, L. S. N. Albert Braden, secretary; Carl Freberg, treasurer; James McKinnon, warden; Buriage Armstrong, conductor; John Gordon, chaplain; Chester F.

Gilbert, inside guardian; A. J. Soash, outside guardian; Emmett Phillips, past noble grand; C. B. Phillips, right scene supporter; K.

E. Wyatt, left scene supporter. SKATERS DROWN. the wearer seasickness by Dr. Walter Monday on (above), ship's demonstrates the LANSDOWNE, Jan.

4. (AP)Bright new Christmas skates and the lure of a thinly frozen pond brought death to three grammar school girls. The three, Shirley and Joan McEvoy, sisters, aged 12 and 9 years, respectively, and Patsy Grace, 12, drowned late yesterday when they crashed through two-inch ice at old Red lake. Hidden Proverb illustrated by this sketch is concealed in this puzzle. Answer to Previous Puzzle 24 Tow boat.

PENNY LAST CARUM 26 Rowing tool. OBOE AGREE WOSE 27 One plus one. DONS POUND AGES 28 Being. SEESEE HARASS 30 Indian. NET PIE ADDI 31 To make a GATS DRAMA SORT mistake.

BI FOOLISH OER 32 Title of BUT LED THE NEE respect. EN PENNY WISE DE 35 Japanese STYLE RISKY game. ALIAS LIARS ARISE POUND FOOLISH DONE 36 Health spring TAPEDI STATE 37 Exclamation used to startle 45 Thing for- VERTICAL 38 Warbles. feited to God. 1 To maintain.

40 Toward sea. 50 Large con- 2 To bellow. 41 1 To careen. tinent. 42 Slat.

51 Persian coin. 3 Kiln. 43 Heavenly 53 Genuine. 4 Crippled. body.

54 Birds' home. 5. Pressing tool 44 Pulls. 55 To adjudge. 6 Insect's egg.

45 To mend. 56 To force 7 Fence door. 46 Within onward. 9 Tissue. (combing 57 Collects 10 English coins.

form). (proverb 11 Breeding 47 Percussion word). places. instrument. 58 Nay (proverb 12 Themes.

48 Pertaining word). 14 Beverage. to air. 59 Lichen (last 16 Male child. 49 Scolds.

proverb word) 22 Skirt edge. 52 Mother. 13 15 20 22 23 STAY AT MOSS 25 126 28 VILLA 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 143 45 146 48 50 52 53 55 Twins Leading Baby Parade at Sand point SANDPOINT, Idaho, Jan, 4, (Special.) -Among new arrivals in Sandpoint on the first day of the year were twin sons, born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.

Sevier of Ponderay at the Page hospital at 6:45 a. m. Sunday. They have been named Dallas Henry and David Alexander, A son was born this year to Mr. and Mrs.

O. B. Ruther at the family home on West Pine, This new arrival has been named Leon Harlan. Two young men are held the county jail here awaiting trial on charges of stealing and wrecking an automobile owned by Earl Emery of Diamond lake. They are Melvin M.

Nichols, 20, Priest River, and Freeman Chapman, 24, Pasadena, Calif. Dorothy E. Bremner has filed suit to divorce Walter G. Bremner, charging he had failed to support her for more than a year. Miss Helen Senft left Monday for Portland to accept a position with J.

P. Finlay Son, morticians. She completed a course at the California College of Embalming recently. SCOUT MOTHERS MEET AT TEKOA TEKOA, Jan. -A special meeting of the Scout Mothers will be held at 7:30 p.

m. Thursday at the grade school. Tekoa basketball town team will play Rockford at 8 p. m. tonight here.

Mrs. Floyd Butler returned Monday from Butte, where she attended the funeral of her brother who died last week. Page Lamoreaux of Oakland, returned home Monday after visiting Dr. and Mrs. A.

J. Nelson over Sunday. The Baptist ladies' aid will hold its next meeting Thursday afternoon at the church. The Tekoa Odd Fellows will meet for work in the first degree Thursday night. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 4c PER WORD Three consecutive times for price two.

Seven. consecutive times for price of four Minimum charge 10 words. Contract rates on application Note Rates for Money to Loan- -Salaries. Midwives Oil Promotion and Spiritualists will he quoted at office Phone Main 1121 LODGE NOTICES TYRIAN LODGE NO. 96.

F. A. M. Jan. 6, 7:30 p.

special communication, public installation of officers E. P. Schuknecht W. H. G.

Miller Sec NORTH HILL LODGE 210, F. A. M. Jan. 13.

stated: Jan. 14, Installation of Officers. A. Hocomb. J.

Fuller. Sec ORIENTAL LODGE NO. 74, F. A. M.

Jan. 9, stated communication. 7:30 D. m. R.

T. Mahoney, W. M. M. Pasley, Sec.

MANITO, LODGE Jan. 9. NO. 7:30 246. F.

p.m.. special communication. R. G. Lafferty, W.


K. T. Jan. 6. stated, 7:30 p.

Order of Malta. S. S. Endslow. C.

M. Heald. SPOKANE LODGE NO. 34. F.

A. M. Jan. 10. 8 p.

Open Installation of Officers. Dance and Refreshments. J. A. DeLong.

W. A. J. Barker. Sec.


Jan. 7, 8 p. public installation of officers. R. T.

Carr, W. F. J. Weimar, Sec. YORK LODGE NO.

234, F. A. M. Jan. 9, special public installation of officers.

Dance. W. E. Helzer. W.


38. I. O. 0. F.

Jan. 4. 8 p. regular meeting. Ada Hopkins.

Sec. Glen. 1615W. UNIQUE ENCAMPMENT NO. 32.

I. O. 0. W1017 1st. coo lation Jan.

of Officers. Private W. Instal- R. Elston, C. P.

IMPERIAL LODGE NO. 134. Jan. 5. 7:30 p.

Installation Rehearsal. Dr. Grant Hopkins. Noble Grand. DISABLED AMERICAN VETerans (office room.

505. city hall). Regular Meeting. State Armory. DEATHS 12 ARMFIELD.

Ella--Passed away N2227 Jan. 4 in Her home was at Hamilton. Mother of Walter. Weldon. Harry.

Henry and Frank Armfield: Mrs. Walter Josephson and Mrs. Claude Parkinson. all of Spokane: 16 grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME.

N1306 Monroe st. STONE, Annabelle- -Age 75 years. Passed away Jan. 2 at local hospital. Her home was at N3925 Magnolia.

She was a resident of Spokane the last 40 vears. Survived by 1 niece. Marybelle Spear. Odessa, Texas. The body is at the BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME.

4th ave. and Jefferson st. SHERMER, James--Age 70 years. Passed away Jan; 3 at a local hospital. He was a resident of W1426 6th.

His last services have been intrusted to the care of the SMITH FUNERAL HOME, W1124 Riverside ave. FUNERALS 13 BAASCH, Charles -Age 62 years. He was a resident of S638 Denver. having resided in Spokane the last 40 years. Survived by his wife.

Winifred Baasch. at the home: 2 sons. Fred Baasch. Spokane: Otis Russumussen. Los Angeles.

1 daughter. Mrs. H. A. Munsil.

Spokane: sister. Mrs. Kalfhagen. Cincinnati. Ohio: 2 brothers.

Fred Baasch. Chicago. Harry Baasch. Clarksburg. West Virginia; 3 grandchildren.

Funeral Jan. 5. at 2:30 D. from the SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 Riverside ave.

Interment Riverside Park. HAAG. Emma Jane- -Age 68. Her home was at Sandpoint, Idaho. Survived by her husband.

Ernest W. Haag. at the home: 1 son. Joseph Paul Haag: 1 sister, Miss Estella Bogle; 4 grandchildren, Grace, Janette, Virginia and John Haag. all of Sandpoint.

Idaho. Funeral Jan. 5. at 11 m. from the First Presbyterian church at Sandpoint.

Idaho. Rev. Frank Tiffany officiate. Interment Pinecrest cemetery at Sandpoint. Idaho.

BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME. 4th ave and Jefferson Spokane, in charge. HULBERT. Harry Herbert -Age 57 years. His home was at Nespelem, where he had resided the last Survived by his wife.

Maggie M. Hulbert. at the home: 1 sister. Mrs. C.

E. Archer. Madison. 1 brother. Fred H.

Hulbert. Winona, Minn. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Jan. 5. at 11 from the Methodist church at Nespelem.

Wash. and at 2:30 p. m. at the Community church at Wilbur. Wash.

Interment will be, made in the Wilbur cemetery, SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 Riverside in charge. HAWKINS, Gree 58 years. Her home was a6 V1307 Shannon. She was a member of the Central Christian church and the Barbara Fritchie Tent No.

25, Daughters of the G. A. R. Survived by her husband. Frank M.

Hawkins. at the home: 1 son. A. E. Ames.

Ogden. Utah: 1 brother. A. H. Ford.

of Iowa. Funeral Fri. Jan. 6. at 10:30 a.

m. from the CHAPEL OF MEMORIES at the THORNHILL-CAREY FUNERAL HOME. N1322 Monroe st. Rev. H.

A. Van Winkle will officiate. KOBERSTEIN, Bethold- Age 78 years. His home at W1508 Carlisle. Survived by 1 niece.

Mrs. August Berg. Spokane. Funeral Thurs. Jan.

5. at 2:30 p. m. from the TURNBULL-MERAGER FUNERAL HOME. W615 4th ave.

Crematian will folles. Radio Repairing. Heading 92 Fertilizer Black Dirt-149 Building Materials-144 FUNERALS 13 Continued. MARTIN, Israel- -His home was at W1812 Nora. Husband of Tillie M.

Martin, at the home: father of Maude E. Martin and David J. C. Martin. both at the home: brother of William Martin in freland; Mrs.

George Tuck, Canada: uncle of Marcus D. Begley, in Ireland: Miss Elsie Begley, in England. He was an employee of the city water dept. and member of the Christian Missionary Allance church. Funeral Jan.

5. at 1 D. from the ALWIN CHAPEL at the HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME. N1306 Monroe, Rev. Gill will officiate, Interment Riverside Park.

MARTIN. Elva 54 years. Her home was at Mica, Wash. Survived by her husband. D.

Martin. Mica. daughter, Mrs. D. A.

Allen. Route 8. Spokane: 1 son. Allen V. Martin.

at the home brothers. Marvin D. Parkhurst. Redding. Junius W.

Parkhurst. Temple City. grandchildren. She WAS a member of the Neighborhood Grange No, 891. Funeral Jan.

5. at 1 p. from the CHAPEL OF MEMORIES at the THORNHILL-CAREY FUNERAL Home. N1322 Monroe st. Christian Science service.

Interment Greenwood. MERTZ. Carrie -Age 88 years. She was A resident of E222 Sumner. Survived by a daughter.

Mrs. Belle Muzzy, home: 2 sons Carl Lozan. G. Mertz. 'Seattle: Morris A.

Mertz. West Virginia. Private funeral services Thurs. Jan. 5.

at 1 p. m. from the SMITH FUNERAL HOME. W1124 Riverside ave. Dr.

Joel Harper will officiate. Interment Greenwood. MeMANUS, James -Age 78 years, His home was at E1309 3d. Survived by 1 son. Elmer McManus.

Funeral Jan. 5. at 2 p. HENNESSEY CALLOWAY'S CHAPEL. N2203 Division st.

Interment. Riverside Park. OSBORNE, John W. Age 72 years. His home was at N3904 Washington.

Survived by his wife. Beatrice Osborne, at the home: 2 daughters. Mrs. Naomi McDonell. Portland, Miss Ruth Osborne, Spokane: sister.

Miss Nancy A. Osborne, and 1 brother. Mike Osborne. both of Sisseton. S.

D. He was a member of the Holy Names society and the Third Order of St. Francis, Rosary will be said Jan. 4. at 8 p.

m. from HENNESSEY CALLOWAY'S CHAPEL. N2203 Division st. Funeral Jan. 5.

at 9 a. m. from St. Francis Assisi church. Rev.

Cornells Snyder, O. F. will officiate. Interment. Holy Cross.

STONE. Annabelle Age 75 years. Her home N3925 Magnolia, She was a resident of Spokane the last 40 years. Survived by 1 niece, Marybelle Spear, Odessa, Texas, Funeral Jan. 7.

at 2 p. from the GALILEAN CHAPEL at the BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME, 4th ave. and, Jefferson st. Rev. Erma Wells will officiate.

Interment in the family plot at Greenwood MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 26 M. MONUMENTAL CO. N2017 DIVISION. 5225. LOST 28 LADY'S WRIST WATCH.

WHITE GOLD, link bracelet. Sunday night. Valued as keepsake; liberal reward. Broad. 3354R.

N1704 Ash. YELLOW PEKINGESE. BLACK FACE. license 2762. Reward.

W1209 12th. Riv. 5238. MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA DOG NAMED "Keeno." reward. Mrs.

J. A. Nusbaum. Lacrosse. Wash.

PARTY TAKING OVERCOAT BY MIStake Sat. night State Line Garden please return management or Carl Knudsen. Liberty Lake. AUTO SEAT BETWEEN Almira and Spokane. Simon.

Parsons hotel. GLASSES, CHILD'S. MANITO DISTRICT. Approximately December 24. Reward.

Riv. 8961. RING YELLOW GOLD. DIAMOND. I BEtween City Ramp.

Fox theater. Reward. Lake 0025 RED co*ckER SPANIEL. FEMALE. NAME Penny, Tuesday.

Reward. S1514 Perry. Lake. 2270. CROSSCUT SAW, TWO WOODen handles.

Monday; reward. Lake. 0025. ANNOUNCEMENTS 32 DEBTS. DEBTS.

DEBTS. One place to pay on your debts. No security or signers. A helpful service. Credit Extension Service.

726 Paulsen. Moles, Hair Removed Electrolysis. Mrs. Farrell. 611 Hyde.

MAIL IN GOLD TEETH, JEWELRY. diamonds; highest prices. Millman's Jewelry. N109 Wash. Call us.

Riv. 2085. DAY OR NITE PARKING. $6 DAY AND NITE $8. Court Garage.

rear P. O. KODAK Studio. 523 PRINTS. Eagle ANY SIZE, Spokane.


REGISTERED optometrist. New location. 319 Hyde Bldg. BEAUTY SHOPS 38 SPECIAL, $1.75. COMPLETE.

SOFT OIL push-up wave, including trim: highest quality materials: 6 years' exp. Kenny's. 510 Hyde bide. Main 4534. $1.75 STYLED OIL PUSH-UP WAVE, COMplete.

We depend on satisfied customers. Milady's. 319 Kuhn. Main 3525. Reg.

$3.50 oil. beautiful ends. PEAco*ck. 310 ZIEGLER. MAIN 1555.


machineless. Violette. 208 Ziegler. Riv. 4343.

OIL PERMANENTS. BARBERING: shampoo Backman's. W820 Riverside. Main 6511. OIL PERMANENTS.

$2.50 UP. chael's. Second floor. Montgomery Ward. Main 3341.

$5 DUART WAVE. COMPLETE. HYDE SALON. 310 Hyde. Main 6943.

OIL PERMANENTS. SHAMPOO. Wave, 50c. W903 Indiana. Broad.

2024. LUCILLE'S GUAR. OIL WAVE. $1.95. complete.

310 Ziegler. Main 1555. $3.50 RINGLET OIL A WAVE. $1.95. GUAR.


Babe Evelyn. Riv. 3066. $3.50 RINGLETTE PERMANENT. $1.95.

Guaranteed. N10 Post. Main 5615. LU'S BEAUTY SALON. PERMANENTS.

$1.75 complete, up. Wall. Riv. 1320. BOB-INN.

405 HYDE. MAIN 3813. OIL waves, $3.50: shampoo, fingerwaves. 75c. OIL PERMANENTS.

$1.50 UP: FINGERwaves. 25c. Post. Riv. 0421.

BEAUTY SCHOOLS 40 Permanent Wave, 95c and Up Inc. shampoo. fingerwave. haircut. Fingerwave.

shampoo BUTLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING. 4th Floor. Kuhn Bldg. 5 SERVICES FOR $1. (Shampoo, rinse.

fingerwave. facial and manicure.) $1.95 permanent wave. 95c. Spokane Beauty School W617 SPRAGUE. RIV.

2003. RESOLVE TO BE BETTER GROOMED this year. Better positions will await you. Beauty work at all prices, including free services. MORSE BEAUTY SCHOOL.


Moler's Beauty. N217 Wash. $1.25 OIL PERMANENTS GIBSON'S. 224 Rookery. Riv.


Private tutoring for children and adults. Trial lesson free. Riv. 2304. SCALP TREATMENTS 44 ITCHY SCALP.

DANDRUFF TREATED: satisfaction, A or no pay. BROAD. 3804. MASSAGE AND BATHS 46 ESTELLE ALDRICH, MAGNETIC HEALER, elec. keep your blood stream young.

9-9 518 Jamieson. Riv. 0723. NATUROPATHIC SALON. 317 KUHN bids.

Hour 10-7 m. Miss Gay and asst. TURKISH BATHS -MEN OPERATORS. hours. 8211 Howard.

0796. CLASS VAPO-PATH FOR RHEUMATISM, neuritis. N1129 Hamilton. Glen. NATUR-PATH STUDIO.

EFFICIENCY IS success. 401 Title Bldg. Riv 2700. HELP WANTED -Female 48 ADVERTIsem*nTS UNDER THIS HEADare restricted to those offering bona fide positions without an investment required. All positions offered are salaried unless otherwise stated.

Positions requiring investment will be found under the heading. "Help Wanted With It is requested that any infractions of this rule or any misleading statement be reported to the Classified Advertising Department of the Spokane Daily Chronicle, Main 1121. or the Better Business Bureau, Main 4646. GIRL OR WOMAN. VICINITY SPOKANE children's home.

light housework one child. days only, $3 week. Broad. 5636J after 5. COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; 4 in family.

$5 per week. Write 46. EXPERIENCED GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEwork. cooking.

Must have references. Riv. 4949. VACCINE BATTLES A DREAD DISEASE PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 4.

(P). -A dread horse disease, to "which humans are susceptible with predominantly fatal resultins, being successfully combated vaccine recently developed from chick embryo. discovery was reported to a conference of veterinarians yesterday by Dr. Carl Tenbroech, Rockefeller institute scientist, who said it was only last year that humans were found susceptible to the disease--known as encephalomyelitis. Carried by? mosquitoes and birds.

the germs attack the brain and prove fatal in 90 per cent of cases, Dr. Tenbroech "It is now believed that the disease, which has arisen epidemically in the salt marsh regions of southern New Jersey and Maryland, is transmitted by mosquitoes," he told the conference. Attempt to Float Ferry on Shoals ST. IGNACE, Jan. 4.

(AP) -Attempts were being made today to free the 352-foot railroad car ferry Chief Wawatam, which aground Tuesday on the North Graham shoals in a snowstorm. The ferry carries a crew of 33 men. It has enough fuel and food for a week. Although its route is the seven-mile stretch across the Straits of Mackinac and its ordinary running time is 52 minutes, no chances are taken during the bleak and dangerous winter months. The ferry was reported resting with three feet of its bow high and its stern deep.

Rough seas and poor visibility made it impossible for coast guardsmen or tug crews to be of immediate assistance but they stood by. COLLEGE MEN GET NO PREFERENCES NEW YORK, Jan. 4. (AP)---A college of graduate New who York seeks city's to become 19,000 no policemen must prove he is more brainy than less-educated applicants. Supreme Court Justice Charles B.

McLaughlin ruled that the municipal civil service commission had acted illegally in giving a preferred credit, rating to college graduates men trained in college or professional athletics. "Whatever a man gains in college is dependent on his individual ability as a said Justice McLaughlin yesterday. SECOND VICTIM OF SHOOTING DIES TULSA, Jan. 4. (AP)Thomas G.

Hickey, 42, hotel operator and anti-vice crusader, died today, the second victom of an exchange of pistol fire with Leonard Turner, 21. Turner died late yesterday. County Investigator H. H. Cullison said it had, been determined Turner came Hickey's hotel early yesterday, called Hickey from his room where he was reading his Bible, and opened fire.

Hickey said he had never seen Turner before. PLEAD INNOCENT TO FRAUD CHARGE NEW YORK, Jan. 4. (AP)-William P. Buckner 31, and William J.

Gillespie, 37, pleaded innocent today in federal court to an indictment charging mail fraud and conspiracy in their activites in connection with Philippine railway bonds. Buckner had been permitted by the court to leave this jurisdiction before Christmas for a brief trip to the west coast. While there, he escorted Loretta Young, movie actress, to a Christmas church service. SAYS UNION MEN CAN GET BENEFITS PORTLAND, Jan. 4.

(AP)A decision of a state unemployment compensation commission deputy was reversed yesterday when Referee Laurence Brown of the commission staff ruled 1050 union workers at the Doernbecker Manufacturing company were entitled to $200,000 in benefits from October 1. Brown held that the plant shut down October 1 not as the result of a dispute over wages, but because the big furniture plant faced adverse market conditions. WALKER IS GIVEN SAVINGS ON SALARY NEW YORK. Jan. 4.

(P)-Former Mayor James J. Walker, who an annual pension chance. $12,000 jeopardized his of getting when he resigned in 1932, has been paid $20,738.09 as his total accumulation in the annuity savings fund under the city employees' retirement system. Walker resigned while Franklin D. Roosevelt, then governor of New York, was conducting hearings on removal charges made against him during an investigation of New York city's government.

Rates Are Lower SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. (AP)- The railroad commission today established a new, lower statewide schedule of rates for the transportation of property by highway carriers, and ordered railroads to make extensive adjustments in their charges. The commission described the decision as "the most momentous" it has been called upon to render. The decision called for numerous reductions in freight rates now in effect.

SAND POINT GETS CASH. SEATTLE, Jan. 4. (AP)-Approxi- mately $2,000,000 will be spent this year in improving the Sand Point naval air station base here, Commander A. W.

Radford said toHis a announcement followed action of a navy board at Washington, D. rejecting a proposed establishment of an air base at Tongue Point. Ore. SAYS MOST NAZIS ARE WITH HITLER CHICAGO, Jan. 4.

(P) -Dr. Colin Ross, German author and lecturer, in discussing his country's domestic and foreign policies a nazi viewpoint, said today from "90 to 98 per cent of the German people are with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler." Dr. Ross spoke before a largeand at times demonstrative- audience of the council of foreign relations. He was introduced as one having excellent connections with highest German officials and personally acquainted with Hitler. The author of "Unser Amerika" (Our America) among other books, Dr.

Ross said no one speaks out against Hitler in Germany because any one daring to do so would need police protection against the resentment of the German people. "You can't differentiate between the German people and those who are for Hitler," he said. "Practically every German who lives in Germany respects Hitler who in six years has done great things for Germany." Those who don't have left Germany, he added. BACK AT SPRAGUE FROM SPRINGDALE SPRINGDALE, Jan. 4.

(Special.) -Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Sparks and daughter of Sprague have returned home after a visit at the L.

E. Solum home. Howard Christeson spent New Year's in Spokane at the home of his brother, Emmitt. and Mrs. E.

V. Fleming had their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Elie Brevet of Spokane, and Mrs. Zetta Bowers as New Year's guests.

Ronald Snyder, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snyder, is convalescing from a tonsil operation performed last week. Ed Black of Ford lost a horse yesterday when the animal dropped dead. He had purchased it about two weeks ago.

BUILD MILL POND. PENDLETON, Jan. Work has started on an 11-acre mill pond in the west end of town to serve the Harris Brothers' Milton Box company, which moved here last year from Milton-Freewater. Latest Programs on Radio Stations KHQ 590 KC-Wednesday. -Easy Aces.

Keene. 4:30 Whistling Tenor. 5:00 -Contracts. Lobby. Trio.

Martin and Music, Kyser's Kollege. and Andy. C. Hill. Dorsey orchestra.

Hall Varieties. Music. KFPY, 890 KC-Wednesday. -County Seat. 4:30 -Melody Rendezvous.

and Yeo. for Two. Wing. 5:30 Westerners. Theater.

Producers. It Basket. Norvo. 'n' Abner. Whiteman.

Music. McCoy. KGA, 1470 KC- -Wednesday. 4:00 Hotel Biltmore orchestra. 4:30 -Horace Heidt orchestra.

of the Lone Star. Hour. for the Martins, Minstrel Show. 7:45 Harmony Highway. Basketball.

9:30 Parents on Trial. and Organ Music. KFIO, 1120 -Wednesday. Sunshine. of Evening.

S. C. vs. W. S.

C. basketball. KWSC, 1220 KC-Wednesday. Quiz. 4:45 -For You Alone.

Scrapbook. to Music. Only Measles. Gossip. Service.

Trails, 8:00 -Mark Van Auken, barytone. Fox, mezzo-soprano. Hall of the Air. Parade. KHQ, 590 KC-Thursday.

6:45, Yodeling Cowboy; 7:15, Farm; 7:30, Farm Reports; 8, Funerals; 8:15, Business and Pleasure; 8:30. Joe Rangan; 8:45, Minister of Song; 9, Martha Meade; 9:15, O'Neills: 9:30. Old Refrain; 9:45, Whistling Tenor: 10, John's Other Wife; 10:15, Plain Bill: 10:30, Dangerous Roads; 10:45, Dr. Kate: 11. Betty and Bob; 11:15, Grimm's Daughter; 11:30, Valiant Lady; 11:45.

Hymns: 12, Mary Marlin; 12:15, Ma Perkins: 12:30, Pepper Young; 12:45, Guiding Light; 1, Back Stage Wife; 1:15, Stella Dallas; 1:30, Vic and Sade; 1:45, Girl Alone: 2, Houseboat Hannah: 2:15, Organ Concert: 2:45. Club Bulletin; 3, Old Home Quartet; 3:15, Malcolm Claire; 3:30. Woman's Magazine; 4, Easy Aces; 4:15, Mr. Keen: 4:30, Voice: 5, Rudy Vallee: 6. News of 1939: 7, Music Hall: 8, Amos and Andy: 8:15.

Standard Symphony; 9:15. Old Home Quartet; 9:30, Busse orchestra; 9:45. Scene Changes; 10:15, Secret Diary; 10:30, Hollenden orchestra: 11, Sudy orchestra; 11:30, Loveland orchestra. KFPY, 890 KC-Thursday. 6:45, Farm; 7.

Devotionals: 7:15, Neighbors: 8:15. Captivators; 8:30, Highlites: 8:45, Sally; 9, Kitchen Philosophy; 9:15, Nancy James; 9:30. Heln Trent; 9:45, Our Gal; 10, Artists; 10:15, Life Beautiful; 10:30, Road of Life; 10:45, Mary Lee Taylor; 11, Big Sister; 11:15, Aunt Jenny; 11:30, American School; 12:15, Army Band; 12:30, Scattergood Baines; 12:45, Fletcher Wiley; 1, Kitty Kelly: 1:15, Myrt and Marge: 1:30. Hilltop House: 1:45. Ruth Carhart: 2.

Questions Before Senate; 2:15, Let's Pretend: 2:45. Four Notes; 3. Jamboree; 3:30. Bob Trout: 3:45. Country Church; 4, County Seat; 4:30, Melody Rendezvous; 4:45.

Tea for Two; 5. Before Evening; 5:15, Howie Wing: 5:30, Joe Penner; 6, Major Bowes: 7. Columbia Workshop: 7:30, Americans at Work: 8:30, Kate Smith; 9:45, People and Places; 10, Youth Welfare; 10:15, Nightcap Yarns; 10:30. Harry Owens; 10:45, Old-Timers; 11, Jack Bain; 11:30. Clyde McCoy.

KGA, 1410 KC-Thursday. 7. Story; 7:15, John Higgins: 7:30, Financial; 7:45, Lou Webb: 8. Viennese: 8:30, Paul Page; 8:45, Morin Sisters; 9. Southernaires; 9:15.

George Griffin: 10:15. Agriculture: 10:30, Almanac: 10:45. Rakov's orchestra; 11. School: 11:45. Whispers; 12, Agriculture; 12:30.

Market: 12:45. Book Ends; 1, Club Matinee: 2. Williams' orchestra; 2:15. New Hans Andersen: 2:30. Landt Trio: 2:45, Vaughn de Leath: 3.

El Chico Revue; 3:30. Armchair Quartet: 3:45. Sweet and Low: 4. Keith orchestra: 4:30. Gasparre orchestra: 5, Dick Tracy: 5:15, Interesting Neighbors: 5:30.

Jack Armstrong: 5:45. Orphan Annie: 6. Dance; 6:15. Musicale; 6:30. Town Meet; 7:45.

People I Have Known: 8. Artie Shaw orchestra: 8:15. Don't Believe It; 8:30. Noble orchestra: 9. Shelley orchestra: 9:30.

Kay orchestra: 10, Fields' orchestra: 10:30. Romance and Rhythm; 11, Charles Runyon. KFIO, 120 KC-Thursday. 6, Early Bird Band: 6:15. Southern Melodies: 6:30, Around the Globe: 6:45.

Old-Timers; 7. Round-up: 7:15, Farm Flashes: 7:30, FourSquare Gospel: 7:45, Serenader: 8. Concert: 9. Weather: 9:15, Sacred: 9:30. Club Cabana: 9:45.

Dances: 10, Housewives; 10:40. Martial Airs; 11. Peaco*ck Court; 11:15. Organ, Don Casey; 11:45. Dance; 12.

Weather: 12:15. Police: 12:30. Crimson Trail: 1. Social: 1:30. Mutiny; 2, Big Little Things: 2:15.

Timely Tips: 3. Adams County Requests; 3:30. All Requests: 3:45. Gospel Fellowship; 4. Requests; 4:30, Song of Evening.

KWSC, 1220 KC-Thursday. 6:45. Farmet: 11. Melodies: 11:15, Homemakers; 12, 12:45. Doris Goodman, Pianist; 1:15, Accordion Serenade: 1:30.

Book Man: 1:40. Chapter A day: 2:15. Trade Names: 2:30. Music Appreciation; 3. Our Radio Community: 3:30, Your English: Monitor: 4:30.

Recital: 5:15. Excerpta From Rime: 5:45. School; 6. Dining Music: 6:35, Lois Bastien, Contralto; 6.45, Major Guess: 7. Irene Droz, Pianist: HELP WANTED- -Female 48 Continued, HOUSEKEEPER, $3 FOR week.


Wash. NEAT DEPENDABLE GIRL FOR HOUSEwork, call before 6. Riv. 5623. HELP WANTED--Male 50 SALESMAN WANTED Salary Position Want man, age 24-30, with sales experience, Permanent position and good chance for advancement for the man who proves himself ambitious and productive.

Answer in own handwriting the questions an employer would ask. Address your reply to 11, care this newspaper, ADVERTIsem*nTS UNDER THIS HEADing are restricted to those offering bona fide positions without investment required. All positions offered are salaried unless otherwise stated Positions requiring investment will be found under the heading, "Help Wanted With It is requested that any infractions of this rule or misleading statement be reported to any. Classified Advertising Department of the Spokane Daily Chronicle, Main 1121, or the Better Business Bureau. Main 4646.


with car, to assist Wear -Ever distributor. Commission and guarantee. Postoffice Box 1204. Spokane. SALESPEOPLE- -Wanted 54 NEW.

canvassing. OPPORTUNITY No TEN investment. FOR WOMEN, to $23 NO weekly commission possible and your own dresses FREE. Send age and size. FASHION FROCKS, Dept.

N-541. Cincinnati. Ohio. MAN WHO CAN SELL USED CARS WILL find a very remunerative connection at Riegel Brothers. Prefer one with local experience.

See Mr. Coffman. SELL DRESSES AS LOW AS $1.24 TO friends. Experience unnecessary. but write fully.

Harford. Dept. 7734. Cincinnati, Ohio. SITUATIONS Wanted -Female 64 EXPERIENCED.

EXCELLENT LADY COOK wants work in camp or institution; can furnish best references. Write 42. Review-Chronicle. YOUNG LADY. HOUSEKEEPING POSItion, motherless competent: references.

Broad. 5803W. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER. 7 YEARS' A experience; Walnut best 1170M references: stenograph10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE INSURANCE and automobile company; references. Main 1694.

NEAT YOUNG LADY; housekeeping: good cook. Write 40. Review-Chronicle. PRACTICAL NURSE: EXPERIENCED; references; assist housework. Broad.

0827J WAITRESS, COMBINATION; IN, OUT; experienced; dependable, Riv. 1050, Room 39. STENOGRAPHER. MACHINE BOOKKEEPer. comptometer operator: 3 years' experience; young.

efficient. Broad. 2914. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK: PERMAnent; reasonable wages. Riv.

5083. Room 29. SCHOOL GIRL WANTS A. PLACE IN Christian home: work for room and board, Broad. 2609W.

YOUNG STENOGRAPHER. EXPERIENCED mining. full time. Riv. 2050.



motherless home. Riv. 4. HOUSEWORK EXPERIENCED 1313. GIRL; children; in or out.

Lake, SITUATIONS Wanted -Male 66 BOOKKEEPER 12 YEARS' GENERAL OFfice experience. in or out of Spokane: A-1 references. Riv. 6308. MARRIED.

LICENSED ENGINEER. JANItor. house man; anything. Chaffee. Lake.

1507J3. YOUNG MAN WANT'S WORK: ANYTHING considered. Andrews. Rockford. Wash.

MIDDLE- SINGLE MAN, CHORES. milk. wood. Write 45. Review-Chronicle.

AGE 22; EXPERIENCED BUS. TRUCK driver. waiter; references. Riv. RELIABLE MAN WANTS WORK: CONSIDer anything.

N220 Howard, 24. WOODSAWYER'S HELPER. SPLIT WOOD: YOUNG A FARMER WANTS FARM OR consider anything. Leo Peme. Riv.

4232. dairy work. Phone Glen. 4066. JANITOR WORK.

FIRING, PAINTING. odd jobs. Riv. 4212. room ALL-ROUND COOK.

GO ANYWHERE. EXcellent on pies. Broad. 4288. WORK BY CONTRACT 70 CARPENTERING.

REMODELING. SHINgling, built-ins. painting. Winter estimates. Uttke.


BAIRD-NAUNDORF LBR. CO. CESSPOOLS, SEWERS. SEPTIC TANKS: reasonable estimates. Prompt service.

Glen. 3473. PAPERHANGING, CALCIMINING. PAINTing; floors refinished; repairing. alterations: terms arranged.

Lake, 3341. PATCHING: satisfaction guaranteed: reasonable: estimate. Reynolds. Riv. 3923.

CARPENTERING. REMODELING. CALCImining. painting; sprinkling systems: monthly payments. Lake.

1787. CONCRETE WALKS. DRIVES. FIREplaces, stone masonry, carpentering. remodeling.

Riv. 1875, evenings. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING. ing.

guaranteed. Extra Droz. special Riv. prices. 6254.

Workmanship PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, guaranteed CALCIMIN- workmaning, ship. Special this week. Riv. 4962.

FLOORS SANDED. FINISHED: estimate. PRICES right: modern machinery: Broad. 2982. FOR RELIABLE CARPENTER WORK call Main 3054.

any time. Anything. Reasonable. "THE PLUMBER WITH A CONSCIENCE." Bob White. N423 Monroe.

Broad. 5086. CESSPOOL. SEWER WORK: GUAR ESTImates. Don Day.

Lake. 2492. PAINTING, PAPERING. CALCIMINING: special to apts. Skog.

5445. SEWERS. IRON OR TILE (BONDED). Estimates. We hurry, Kaye.

Glen. 0572. DRESSMAKING AND SEWING 72. DRESSMAKING. alterations; repairing.

Lake. COATS 0854R REBroad. 0186. RADIOS 92 BIG SALE ON REBUILT CONSOLE RADIOS. 8-tube Stewart-Warner, nice looking.

$8 8-tube Edison console. a $10 8-tube Fada console, nice $9 Several good in table sets from $5 Good used tubes. all kinds. 10c to 30c Parts and service. all makes, reasonable.

INLAND RADIO W925 1st. M. 4655. COMPLETE LINE OF 1939 PHILCO RAdios. $9.95 up.

Liberty Furniture W212-214-216. Riverside. SIX USED CONSOLE RADIOS. YOUR choice. $7.50.

Standard Furniture W222-224 Riverside. RADIO REPAIRING. ALL MAKES. WILL call Dean's. Main 2814.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 94 Compare Quality and Prices Hollenback Piano Co. Exclusive Representatives Steinway, Chickering, Wurlitzer, Story Clark Today's Standards of Piano Value. Pianos for Rent All Styles- New or -All Makes. $2.50. $3, $3.50.

$4. $5 Up. Also Fine Selection Used Pianos, HOLLENBACK'S. HOWARD at SECOND. End Year Clearance 4 used uprights $32.50 to $95 $900 grand, 5 ft.

$285 2 new uprights discount 1 consolette, new discount THESE PRICES THIS WEEK ONLY. Write for new 1939 catalogue. Hoffman Bros. RIVERSIDE. 3D FLOOR.

WILL PAY CASH A FOR GOOD USED piano. Main 6841, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 94 Continued. Pre-Inventory Sale on all Band, New Orchestra Instruments. and Used Pianos. Guertin Ross W914 SPRAGUE.

RIV. 4915. Roy Goodman Used pianos. All styles and sizes. Baldwin pianos, rentals.

Write 840 up, Terms, trades. for free booklet. 814 SPRAGUE. OPP. DAVENPORT.

for band and orchestra. Year NEW AND USED INSTRUMENTS Russ Balley's. 911 Riverside. Opp. to Day, P.

O. CASH for FOR YOUR PIANO. OR TRADE new HOLLENBACK'S. Zenith radio or furniture, PRE- INVENTORY SALE ON USED 8167 HOWARD, and orchestra instruments. BAND GOODY'S MUSIC W814 PIANOS $2,50, RADIOS, RENT.

DELIVERED. Sprague, Oslund Piano, W1216 Broadway. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 96 ETHEL Private BUNCE. RIDPATH, MAIN 4206 lessons, piano. both guitars FREE clarinet.


QUALITY SORT. 2203J4. delivered Glen. SPUDS, RILEY'S. APPLES.


84c. Boston. Broad. 5274. VACUUM CLEANERS 118 PARTS AND REPAIRS.

ALL MAKES. Brotherton. N122 Division. Main 4575. REFRIGERATION 119 SERVING Peerless- SPOKANE MERCHANTS WITH Par Refrigeration.

8116 LINCOLN. MAIN 2644. WASHING MACHINES 120 Bendix Home Laundry Demonstration Dally. Floor The Crescent. Main 2341.

SPECIAL NEW FAULTLESS WASHING machines. $39.95 while they last. Liberty Furniture W212-214-216 Riverside. CONLON, WASHERS. FLOOR SAMPLES.

formerly $64.95. now $39.95. Sold on easy terms. The Palace. $29.50.


Main 4903. WOOD SAWING 134 GLEN. 2749-EXPERIENCED UNION woodsawyers. Satisfactory woodsawing guaranteed. Washington government inspected.

Lewis. LICENSED WOODSAW. SAFETY INspected: quick service: catch dust. Broad. 1740.

GLEN. 3979-PROMPT, SATISFACTORY woodsawing; state inspected; catch dust. Tomlinson. INDEPENDENT SAWYERS. EVEN LENGTHS.



RIV. 1577. HUBBLE -GLEN 3858. BROAD. 4612 A-1 service: catch dust; even lengths.

o. SAWYERS. NONUNION SERVICE: we sack the dust. Lake. 2186.

BUILDING MATERIALS 144 PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOWER AT Standard Cashway Yd. 1-panel doors $2.00 Combination storm. screen doors. $5.50 Shiplap $15.00 2x4s to 2x10s $19.00 Dishman, Wn. Wal.

1216. WE DELIVER. Bargain Lbr. Yard Coast fir rustic, 2 and better $20.00 Coast fir flooring. 2 and better $20.00 Fresh stock 3-ply veneer.

E3301 Sprague. Lake. 3232. Crest Line Lbr. Co.

DIVISION MISSION. BROAD. 5241. CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS. 1x8 pine shiplap $15.00 "D' pine lapsiding $25.00 2-8x6-8 glazed doors $3.50 Long Lake Specials 1x8 shiplap $15.00 2x4 or 2x6 No.

3 fir and larch $18.00 panel doors $2.00 E2402 Mallon. Main 4394. FHA Remodeling Loans McGoldrick Lbr. Co. N816 CINCINNATI.

GLEN. 0180. SPECIAL. 1x6 6-In. clear and rustic.


E4107 SPRAGUE. LAKE, 1144. Six- word proverb HORIZONTAL 1 Indefinite article (first word of pictured proverb) 2 Rotating (proverb word). 8 Rock (proverb word). 13 Portico.

15 Melodies. 17 Goddess of discord. 18 Oceans. 19 Maxim. 20 Youths.

21 Made of earth. 23 Tonic spasm. 25 Clan symbol. 29 Conjecture. 33 Barley spikelet.

34 Three. 35 Twelve 37 Cranberry, 39 Weight to steady a balloon. FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT 149 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, CINDERS. DIRT. dairy fertilizer, hauling.

Reasonable. Murphy, Lake. 0971. FERTILIZE NOW WITH GOOD MANURE. Call Old Union Stockyards.

Lake. 2780. SEE US ABOUT FERTILIZING YOUR lawn or shrubbery. Westlake's. MISCELLANEOUS- -For Sale 150 REVERSIBLE WOOL RUG.

tiful 9x12; 8x11 American oriental, rug. 9x12 rug. perfect. beaurich. heavy.

very cheap: electric cabinet ironer, cost $100; sell $25; perfect. 81311 Walnut. Riv. 3463. USED MONARCH ELECTRIC RANGE, white and black trim' $15 Other used electric ranges $5 up JENSEN-BYRD CO.


was $157.50. NOW $89.50. Westinghouse enamel range $44.50 Hotpoint enamel cooker pot $42.50 Washington Electric. W401 Riverside. BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL COAL AND WOOD kitchen range.

like new, $40; or trade. MAXWELL FRANKS. FIRST AND WALL ST. NEW 4500-GALLON HORIZONTAL Gasoline or Diesel Tank, $165. WESTERN TANK AND EQUIPMENT.

N608 Monroe. Broad. 1608 or Glen. 0780. DELCO LIGHTING PLANT.

17-PLATE batteries. horsepower motor. Radio. vacuum. light globes.

$130. John Aeschliman. Colfax. Wash. STOP WORK AND DIRTI SPARK DIESEL oil heaters are clean and economical.

$57.75 and up. Zahniser Warren. Spark Oil Heater W609 2d. "WOOD MISER." CIRCULATING DOUBLE drum wood heaters (patented) save on fuel: give more heat. $34.50.


BINOCULARS. bought. sold. rented. exchanged.

Sandy's Camera Exchange. N4 Howard. HOT WATER TANKS. $2.75: GUARanteed repairing that lasts. $2.


$2.50 up. American Welding. W29 Trent. Main 3460 RANGES. $8 UP; HEATERS.

$3 UP: CIRculators. washers. rugs. beds, mattresses. furniture, dishes.

Terms. N1229 Division, RENT A LATE MODEL UNDERWOOD: $3 month. or $7.50 3 months. MAIN 2326. 85 WASHINGTON ST.

RECONDITIONED STORAGE BATTERIES; fit all makes of cars; exchange. $3. Automotive Electric Riv. 4181. JANUARY.

frocks. CLEARANCE 79c. Size SELECTED 14-16. Roberta's. Post.

A. B. DICK MIMEOGRAPH. WITH AUTOmatic feed: reconditioned. $65 KERSHAW'S.

W612' SPRAGUE. BASKETBALL LETTERS. CLUB EMBLEMS. chenille or felt; club hats. caps.


$157 HOWARD. BROWN BROADTAIL SQUIRREL TRIM fur coat. Riv. 2187. apartment 316.


KELVINATOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERAtor. perfect shape, cheap Broad. 2762. 6 FT. FRIGIDAIRE.

LIKE NEW $125; cost $208. N4418 Stevens. Glen. 2181, MOTOR REWINDING: ALL SIZES. O.

Toms Elec. Co. W822 2d. Main 6911, Glass Hospital. W31 Main.


Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.