THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (2024)

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (1)

Issue 21 | 2013

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment


THE SHEN TOUCHNewsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community

SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal Empowerment Workshop & Combined Retreat on the fabulous Greek island of Skopelos.

Skopelos Island – a harbour of peace, and tranquility and Venue for the combined SHEN Workshop and Retreat.

Skopelos Town, One of the most beautiful port towns in Greece. Explore 125 churches, Sea front Restaurants, lively bars, cafes and tavernas, shops and secluded beaches.

“This is a very special gift to yourself. Summer holidays on a Greek island and SHEN Healing!

A warm summer without cloudy surprises.; The sea at your feet; delicious fresh seafood and wine out of the recipe book of the 12 Greek Gods.

Don’t miss the opportunity to relax, heal and enjoy self empowerment drawn from Greece’s legendary re-vitalising energy.

We throw open our hearts and welcome the entire SHEN Community to join us.”

-Poppy Palimeri CST and Registrar

Dates: 20th to 28th August 2013 - BOOK NOW!

To Register please see page 7

Members Forum .................................. 02-03

Seaside SHEN Swap .................................. 03

Synchronicity by Donna Harcos ...................................... 04

Reminiscence by Richard Pavek ................................. 04-05

Role of the SHEN Mentor by Corona McGurk ....................................05

Sensing the magic of SHEN by Annie Vossinioti ...................................06

Workshops/Retreats in Greece ................07

New Zealand News ...................................08

Life After Murder by Barbara Smith ......................................08

Earthquake recovery in Christchurch by Anna Warner ........................................09

My SHEN Journey by Janice Allgood ................................ 09-10

Presentation to the CThA ........................10

My SHEN Journey by Stephanie Nel .......................................11

UK Workshops ...........................................12

Skopelos island, famous for its clear blue-green sea.

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (2)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920132

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

SHEN Community FORUM for YOUR NEWS, VIEWS & FEEDBACKComments following the December issue number 20 of SHEN TOUCH

Stephanie Nel writes from London, UK

Thank you once again for the SHEN TOUCH newsletter- so good to keep “in touch” as the saying goes!

I’m keen to continue with SHEN next year so we’ll be in contact for sure.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful festive season!

Deirdre Leavy CST, CSI writes from Ireland

Great work! (Christmas Issue) of SHEN TOUCH.

I had a stand at the local Christmas Market for 2 days, advertising SHEN and doing my bit to spread the word about this wonderful therapy, which brought lots of interest. The New Year will tell if it was productive.

Corona McGurk CST, Mentor writes from Merseyside, UK

You’ve done a great job with the SHEN TOUCH and your idea of the Christmas tree with the star guiding us all is ingenious!

Janice Allgood SSI writes from Ware, UK

The SHEN Touch is great.

Ed: Congratulations to Janice following her acceptance onto the SHEN Internship Program

Poppy Palimeri CST, writes from Athens, Greece

I just wanted to let you now that I received the SHEN TOUCH and it is Fantastic !!

I have a problem now on how to express my feelings with every new issue......This Christmas issue was glowing of light and the spirit of Christmas. I don’t know if you have realised that you own a special gift to transform and create miracles! Like a magician you take out of your hat ...miracles. This happens with SHEN TOUCH and with SHEN in Greece.

My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to you and your beloved. Our group in Athens send you warm wishes for unforgettable holidays.

With Love and Light Poppy”

Helena Legg, CST writes from Aylesbury, UK

I was just wondering about doing SHEN on babies and am assuming the flows and principles are the same. I guess their biofield is probably more free flowing, However, considering babies are also stressed, and are easily overwhelmed, the peripheral flows should help relax them.

Would appreciate your thoughts about this, as I was thinking of providing SHEN on babies and children when I start my SHEN practice from next year once I cut down my hours.

Planning to retire February/March and coming back to work part time, until my yoga and SHEN practice is more established.

…..Looking forward to assisting in next years SHEN training.

Ed: Please contact Helena if you have any experience or suggestions for doing SHEN with babies. [emailprotected]

Catherine Daley writes from the UK

Thank you for the newsletter - it’s good to hear what’s been happening in the world of SHEN.

A quick update on what’s been happening with me. I am training now as a cranio-sacral therapist and the decision to do this was very much shaped (in a positive way) from my experience with SHEN.

I hope all is good with you and please keep in touch.

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (3)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920133

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

SHEN Community FORUM for YOUR NEWS, VIEWS & FEEDBACKContinued...

Shona Neil, SSI shares the sunshine and also writes from Goa, India

All is good here and thanks for the good wishes - slowly counting up my SHEN hours and doing some other things to keep me busy!

Loving the sunshine and the blue sky and all the wonderful colours, that are India!

I hope things are well with you also and hope to catch up and perhaps assist as some of this years workshops.

I will be back in the UK mid June for 4 months.

Love and light, Shona

Sheila Kay, CST writes from sunny Goa in India

Thanks for the SHEN TOUCH. I’m wishing you a fabulous festive season and saying thanks once gain for all you do.

Of interest was Saranya’s comments on the WINs programme. I feel that this is an area of enormous potential for working with people and wish our medical bodies would sit up, take notice and recognise the effectiveness of SHEN.

Big loves and respect from Shee

Donna Harcos, CST writes from Duncan, British Columbia Canada

Love the news letter – you always give it just the right touch and make it so interesting. Beautiful! May New Year be fun and may 2013 be the beginning of newness all round.

Latest get to together: I am on the left – then Penny, Eileen and Bonnie Lynne. I share the newsletter with all of them and they like that I do. We are all so individual and it is their choice not to be as involved with SHEN as I am – and that is ok. But they do come to me to find out the latest in SHEN – haha!

They are happy with what they have – I am always seeking out more and more and more...All levels of Spirituality – My latest Author is Dr. Mitchell Earl Gibson, PhD out of NY - I like what he has to share on spirituality – I’ve just ordered a book of his and perhaps it will change my mind as he is so far out but at the same time resonates with me. Good to talk. All the best always. Blessings, Donna

Rosie Yea,SSI writes from Canterbury, UK

I am off to Lourdes with a pilgrimage group with sick children and parents for Easter. There’s another therapist going, so I’ll take my cradle and we’re planning lots of lovely relaxation sessions for everyone.- I am so looking forward to this as I’ve always wanted to go with a group.

Does anyone fancy doing a 1-1 SHEN swap with me over a long weekend at

my home and enjoy a mini-holiday at same time? I live right on the seafront in Littlestone, New Romney, Kent (between Folkestone and Hastings) and I have a spare en suite bedroom with sea view for you to use. Cost? Just nominal for food/expenses. I would love to have some

SHEN and to meet up with another SHEN therapist.

If you are interested please contact Jenny Jones on 01797 458144 or email me on [emailprotected]. Please see more info on my new website at”

Many thanks for your great efforts for the SHEN community!

Love, Jenny

Jenny Jones

Jenny Jones writes from Kent, UK

Seaside SHEN SwapCalling all SHEN therapists!

View of Littlestone-on-Sea Long golden beach

Donna, Penny, Eileen, Bonnie Lynne

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (4)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920134

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

Ahhh – your call for help – how many SHENNERS out there???? Oh, I do hope they will come

to the rescue. Your news letters are Fabulous...but it does take input. So here is my ‘two-bits’ worth – not a real SHEN story but for me an incredibly fascinating SHEN story. I think it is called synchronicity.

We four were together in November and again in January and as always – so good to be together and share what is going on in our lives. Eileen is still actively doing SHEN and loving the results. Penny & Bonnie Lynne are, like me, in semi-retirement although it looks like I may be called back into practice too, of which I am considering. If we believe in Universal intervention then it is right in my face.

Two weeks ago I took my young granddaughter to the Saturday Market

here in Duncan and as is our practice a chocolate ice cream cone was in order. We went into our little cafe and ordered one and sat down to eat and then the cafe was getting busy so I suggested we go out and sit on the bench outside where one woman was sitting using her cell phone. So out we go and sit quietly and when she finished we did some chit chat and she told me how stressed she was over a death in the family and life in general. I noticed her wearing a similar bracelet as mine and she said “Oh no it is a challenge bracelet from Visalis”, (coming to UK this year). I said I knew of it and my daughter-in-law and son were involved. I told her their names and she added “Oh, my friend just e-mailed me from Costa Rica and said that I need to go and see a Donna Harcos for some SHEN – she saved my life a few years ago and you have to go and see her”. I responded with – “That’s Me!” Both of us were shocked. Wow! What

a coincidence eh? I lived in Courtenay at the time and vaguely remember this man coming from down island several times – but I did not realize how much I had impacted his life. Always nice to hear that one has done well even 6 years later.

This is where life is right now and deep down I am hoping she calls me. I still have all my ‘equipment’ but space is questionable – however, if it is meant to be it will happen. The gift of healing is something we can share no matter how old we are – and I think we just get better with age – don’t you? Life may get even more interesting in 2013 – I look forward to the ride.

Blessings to you Tony and hopefully you will again be able to put together your beautiful SHEN News Letter.

Hugs from Canada, Donna

I recently received the following Email from Danielle…….

“Hi Richard,

I’ll never, ever forget the magical removal of my sunburn that occurred when you gave me a hug in the parking lot of the Community Congregational Church when I was 9.

34 years later, I am still a huge fan of the work and offer it to some of my few massage clients. I am actually a real estate broker now but keep up my practice (having trained under my Mom, Pamela Vantress) with a few select clients because I love it!


1979: The Back Story, by Richard Pavek

It was the middle of June, just a few weeks after returning from my first trip around

the world that I first saw Danielle. I had purchased an interline round-the-world ticket that allowed me to zigzag north and south so long as I continued moving towards the west. I plotted out the trip with the help of a young ticket agent; I was her first international traveler.

I remember sitting at her desk with this huge volume of international destinations deciding how to get the most from my trip.

For example, one leg was from Hong Kong to Calcutta. There were several flights to choose from but I noticed that one included a stop en route. I looked up the code for the stop and saw that it was Singapore. Great! I routed myself through Singapore; the flight cost no more than flying direct!

Looking ahead and plotting stops along the way, I planned a trip stopping at

Honolulu, Hong Kong, (one of my favorite cities) Singapore, Calcutta, Darjeeling, back to Calcutta, Katmandu, Delhi, and on to Frankfort, Paris, London, (another favorite city) New York City and finally, San Francisco. Proving that if you fly west out of San Francisco long enough you will eventually get to — San Francisco!

The Sunday before I left I had announced at church that I was leaving the next day to fly around the world. I offered to gather hugs from anyone who wanted and give them back when I returned. That way they would own hug’s that had travelled around the world! Everyone laughed at my transparent ploy to get hugged, and some – mostly kids – gave me hugs to carry on my journey. Five weeks later I was back in church on Sunday and announced that I was ready to deliver the hugs. Most of the kids crowded around for their hugs. But not all were there that day.

Donna Harcos

Richard Pavek

by Donna Harcos, Duncan, Canada


Richard Pavek shares a reminiscence

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (5)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920135

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

A few weeks later Pamela Vantress cornered me after the service with Danielle and told me I hadn’t given Danielle her hug back, as she had been away the day I returned the hugs. I reached down, scooped up Danielle and held her, supporting her back with my hand, while chatting with her mother and some others. After a time I set her

down and she scampered off.

About 3:00 that afternoon Pamela called to tell me, “Yesterday Danielle sunburned her back; I just changed her dress, and right where you held your hand there is a big white handprint, right in the middle of the red sunburn!” What a surprise; until then I had not known what SHEN could do for sunburn!

Later that year, I held the first training in SHEN Healing. From 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday, September 29 and from 1:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday September 30, on my houseboat. Cost $55.00

I had two students; one of them was Danielle’s mother.


Tony’s invitation to write an article for SHEN Touch and

following on from his own article “Training to be a Certified SHEN Therapist”, was an incentive for me to say something about the Role of the Mentor as part of my own experience.

As I see it, the Role of the Mentor is a very wide and varied one and holds many responsibilities.

Once the required Workshops (Classroom Seminars) taught by the Instructors are completed and the Intern has been accepted on the Internship programme, the Intern is assigned a Mentor.

The Mentor becomes responsible from there on, for the personal growth and ongoing training of the Intern. This usually takes eighteen months to two years, or up to three years if required.

Growth Requirements:

In the guide lines “Training to Qualify as a Certified SHEN Therapist”, it states that: “during the Internship, the Intern is required to:

• Receive ongoing SHEN from your Mentor, CST’s or other Interns at least twice a month. Trading of sessions is acceptable.

• Receive a personal SHEN Intensive series from, or directly supervised by, your Mentor during the first six months of your Internship.

• Give at least six SHEN sessions to your Mentor, three near the beginning and three near the end of the Internship.

• Your Mentor may require additional SHEN Sessions to complete any issues that become identified prior to, or during, the Internship.”

The Mentor oversees and modifies the above requisites when needed.

Ongoing Training:

• Each Intern is expected to perform and keep clear records for a minimum of 200 therapeutic SHEN sessions.

• Each History Form and each client session performed is submitted to the Mentor for review prior to taking the next session.

• The 200 sessions must include at

least two successful two and one half

to three day therapeutic intensive series

of approximately 10 sessions each for

different clients. Close consultation with

the Mentor through this intensive is


Mentoring is by individual supervision,

through e-mail, phone contact, and

personal SHEN sessions.

So, it is evident that Mentors do much

more than just correct the Session Records

of their Interns! They teach, just as much

as do Workshop and Seminar Instructors,

but they do it in a more specific and

personal way.

It is my personal opinion that having two

teachers, one in the class room (Instructor)

and one personal (Mentor), gives an

added dimension to the Intern’s training

- especially if both Mentor and Instructor

can work closely together.

Jonathan Chambers SSI has taken the

initiative in SHEN Therapy UK applying for a pitch on The Healing Field at this year’s Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary

& Performing Arts. The invitation is for Certified SHEN Therapists and Interns to offer SHEN Therapy to the 15,000 Festival Goers. The Festival was an immediate sell-out.

For more information and to Register your interest contact Jonathan Chambers: [emailprotected] or Tony Bailey: [emailprotected]

Richard Pavek

Jonathan Chambers

By Corona McGurk, CST, Mentor

Wednesday 26th to Sunday 30th June 2013By Jonathan Chambers SSI

The Role of the SHEN Therapy Mentor

You are invited to the Glastonbury Festival!

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (6)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920136

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

Annie Vossinioti

By Annie Vossinioti, Athens, Greece January 2013

Sensing the magic of joy and fulfillment with SHEN

Today, for the first time since I can remember, I felt a joy that filled the

whole of my body, a joy that came from deep inside and rose up my chest; a joy that was bursting, so strong that I did not know what to do with it.

It started as I was going to the open air organic food market on a Monday afternoon. It was at the end of a long day’s work, like every other Monday. This time, doing the weekly shopping for the family did not seem like a chore. The weather was beautiful, more like spring time even though it was the beginning of February. The air was light and made me feel thankful that I was able and could afford to go shopping. I felt gratitude towards the farmers and towards this Earth that offers us such an amazing variety of wonderful fruit and vegetables. And then I was joyful, joyful so much that no words can describe. I remembered what Tony had said when I first met him, about 9 months ago: once the emotions of grief, fear, anger, sadness and powerlessness are released, the emotions of real love, happiness, peace and fulfillment that lie underneath can be experienced. For me, that came true.

I was feeling powerless and hopeless…..

For years and years I had been suffering from strong pains all around the body, from sweating and panic attacks at night, from eczema on my head and melancholy to say the least. After the death of my step son 7 years ago, my chest was heavy like carrying a stone, it felt cold and humid and I had difficulty breathing. The terror of death was overwhelming, I was feeling powerless and hopeless, my days and nights were full of agony.

About 9 months ago I started visiting

Poppy, my SHEN practitioner and psychotherapist, and with the aid of SHEN I was making progress, small steps at a time. Poppy had a magic way of unlocking emotions. At some point, at the beginning of January, I felt a pressing need to find out who I really am. I arranged to see Poppy for another SHEN session. And then....

During the session my memories started going backwards, all the way to the age of 3. I told Poppy that my anxiety had something to do with my freedom. I told her that from a very young age I wanted to break free, free from something but not knowing what. During my childhood being at home and having to do homework or learn French felt like imprisonment. I resisted learning and I had learning difficulties for many years. I wanted to be outside and play freely.

I then remembered a game that I used to play every day as a very small child with my friend: we were pretending to break the pillars of our house so it can fly. Suddenly, as I was lying on the cradle, with Poppy’s hands over my body, I started feeling scared, very scared. My whole body started shaking. And then I remembered. It was the year 1967 and I was living with my family in the center of Athens, in a flat on the first floor of a multi-storey building.

One night something terrible happened. There was a loud and unusual noise in the street, there were soldiers everywhere, there were tanks, those armoured fighting vehicles, and they were firing in the air again and again, in order to frighten people. My mother closed the window shutters that were overlooking the street. The flat resembled a prison.

My mother was crying hysterically not knowing what to do. I was frozen, terrorised, but I was caressing my mother telling her to calm down.

While I was re-experiencing that night, Poppy was over me placing her hands

from one emotional center to the other; she was empathizing, she was giving her whole self trying to feel and understand; she was trying to take out of me every single memory, every single emotion; she was asking me to breathe into her hands and try to feel those emotions. I experienced again, not only that night, but the whole of my past life.

there were soldiers everywhere..tanks, firing into the air again and again……..

Towards the end of the session I felt calm, I felt the tranquility that comes after the storm, I felt confidence and warmth, I felt happy, I felt empowered, I felt reborn. Poppy kept working with passion, tirelessly, her hands were burning and I could feel the energy flowing through, until she sensed that I was freed and ready to live my life being myself.

When we finished the session I knew it was over. I knew I had gone all the way to the root of all my troubles. I now realize that this was the night of the military coup when the Junta was established in Greece, and I was only 3. The bars of my prison now are fallen and I am FREE.

With the help of SHEN, I found Liberation, Love, Clarity and Joy, and above all, I found the way to Unity with Myself.

This is the end of my story and the beginning of a new journey.

I would like to thank Poppy Palimeri for being an outstanding SHEN practitioner, Tony Bailey for being an excellent tutor and mentor in SHEN, and Richard Pavek for developing SHEN Therapy.

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (7)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920137

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

Part ‘A’ 4 days Weekend WorkshopFriday 31st May to Monday 3rd June inclusive

‘Emotional Healing & Personal Empowerment Workshop’Come for an early summer to Athens and enjoy your part ‘A’ Emotional Healing and Empowerment Workshop.

We don’t promise anything more than we can offer:- A bright sun, clear sky, the moon and millions of stars at night, Akropolis overlooking the new, superb Museum at her side, delicious food and friendly people.!!!

7 day SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal Empowerment Workshop & RetreatTuesday 20th August to Wednesday 28th August

(First 4 days available as Part ‘A’ Workshop; last 4 days available as Part ‘B’ workshop + Lots of time for fun, sun, sand, tavernas etc on the island of “Mama Mia” This is a not to be missed opportunity! food and friendly people.!!!

Athens Skopelos

GreeceSHEN Workshop Dates in Greece for 2013By Poppy Palimeri

Poppy Palimeri

For more details please contact:Poppy Palimeri, CST, RegistrarEmail: [emailprotected] 0030 6944 527 2360030 210 8208 4457

Or Tony Bailey, CST, CSI, InstructorEmail: [emailprotected] 1299 401407

Skopelos beach

Seaside Tavernas to cool in the shade

Agios Ionnis Chapel, Skopelos, the location for the wedding scene in the movie ‘Mama Mia’

The Acropolis, a World Heritage Site.

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (8)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920138

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

New Zealand SHEN News

Life After Murder:

by Saranya Tarrant CST, CSI

By Barbara Smith, CST, Registered Psychotherapist, Auckland, NZ

Sheila Kay

SHEN testimonial from Sao Trinh – attendee at a 7 day SHEN workshop in New Zealand I am a Vietnamese New Zealander. In 1969, I came to New Zealand under the Colombo Plan Scholarship scheme to study for a Bachelor degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering. After graduation, I worked as a Research and Development Engineer for New Zealand Forest Products. From 1977 to 1982, I worked as a volunteer Social Worker and Interpreter assisting in the resettlement of Indo- Chinese refugees in Christchurch. After that, I studied for other qualifications such as a Master in Applied Linguistics. I am married and have two children and a teaching career. All through this time of studying, raising a family and having a career, I did not know that I was suffering from extreme Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. I did not find life easy: every day, every moment of my life was filled with pain and sluggishness. I had to struggle hard to motivate myself. When I looked at nature to find solace, all that I could see was pain and darkness. I wanted to feel joy, but all I could feel was a pervasive sense of sadness. Then about 9 years ago, I had a physical and mental breakdown. I was simply too tired to struggle to survive. I could not concentrate and found even the effort of listening and processing a simple conversation extremely difficult. I was ready to exit this life and I was longing for the eternal peace. A Natural Health Specialist and an Osteopath helped to rebuild my physical body while a counsellor tried to restore my mental state. Once a week for about 8 years, I worked with the counsellor to try to exorcise the painful and debilitating past memories. Through working with him, I realised that I was carrying a lot of traumas. They were the results of severe childhood abuses as well as the terrors of the war in Viet Nam. I found some relief but I was still carrying a lot of stress. My body was still extremely tense and I was still severely lacking in energy. That was as far as the counsellor could help me. Fortunately, about nine months ago I came across a SHEN therapist and she has helped to clear up these traumas at

Saranya Tarrant

Sheila KayBarbara Smith

I am enjoying mentoring the 3 Interns I have on the Internship Programme

The Internships are going well; Michael and Airavata (James) are working hard. Airavata spent the last two months in NZ with me to get some intensive mentoring as he is based in Melbourne, Australia. Michelle Lewis is re-starting this month as last year unexpected family commitments prevented her.

New Zealand SHEN Website - we are currently setting up a NZ website together. Its been fun learning how to do it ourselves. The address is It is on the web and we are still building it so it’s not complete yet.

SHEN Workshops - we hope to run some SHEN workshops this year with the first one this Easter in the South Island. Last year was very quiet so we hope 2013 will see a positive change for us. The Easter

workshop is being organised by Laura Campbell who is a SHEN Therapist based in the Nelson region. She and her family own a lovely property by the sea and they converted a large fruit packing shed into a beautiful venue.(

Clinical Skills Seminar - we have a date to run one in January 2014 at the lovely Aio Wira Retreat Centre where we have had many successful SHEN Workshops

This client arrived in a hyper-aroused panic attack; as her psychotherapist explained to me, “this was her normal state”. She told me that she wanted SHEN ‘to recover from the accident’ : The client’s ex-husband had broken into her home, murdered her boyfriend, then attempted to murder her.

As pre-arranged, the psychotherapist (who has attended SHEN workshops and a seminar) stayed & assisted for the 2 hour session.

Clients in this state require no rearward flows at all. They have taught me that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs because the defence mechanisms of shutting down the emotional centres fails. Their centres are wide open, hence their hyper- arousal and perpetual re-experiencing of the trauma.

Her symptoms ticked all of the PTSD check list from the DSM 4 (abridged):

• Recurrent and intrusive, distressing recollections of the event;

• Recurrent, distressing dreams of the event;

• Acting, or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (my client wrote ‘yes, all the time’);

• Intense psychological distress at

exposure to internal or external cues that resemble an aspect of the event;

• Psychological reactivity on exposure to cues;

• Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations, people, activities and places associated with the trauma;

• Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others;

• Restricted range of affect, unable to have loving feelings;

• Sense of a fore- shortened future (no expectation of marriage, children, career or a normal lifespan).

As soon as she was on the table I asked her what was happening. “I’m back there, he’s in our room”. I worked her Root (terror) and had her psychotherapist do a cluster on her Kath(guilt and powerlessness) and she relived the murder. It was devastating for us all. I then decided that the only humane way to treat her was to link all of her centres:

R - K, FF K K - SP, FF SP SP - H, FF H 5 H - SP, FF SP SP - K, FF K K - R, FF R

I have long known, as a psychotherapist of 20 years, that extreme trauma fragments the psyche / nervous system. In SHEN terms the emotional centres stop communicating with each other. It is as if the torso now has 4 craters, instead of the centres opening and closing like flowers, touching each other as they do so.

In psychotherapy the therapist is the linking agent for the client’s psyche, mirroring and linking reality and feelings until the client can do this alone.

In SHEN I know to do this by linking the emotional centres. As I linked up and down her torso I instructed her therapist to continue doing numerous clusters on her Root. At a certain point of transition I requested that she move to clusters on the Kath.

The client, therapist and I were amazed at her dramatic recovery after the follow up session. She was free of the hell she had lived in for a year.

This client wants the world to know that SHEN cures PTSD, hence her approval of my writing of her case.

Barbara Smith CST, Registered Psychotherapist, Auckland, NZ

Witnessing, then facing death – How SHEN cured PTSD in a double and follow up session

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (9)

© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/0920139

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

Earthquake recovery in Christchurch by Anna Warner

We have just had the 2 year remembrance of the February 2011 Earthquakes. The city

has really fallen over now; all the damaged buildings are coming down one after the other and it is certainly a site to see. Barbara Smith (SHEN Practitioner ) was down this weekend from Auckland and we ventured tentatively around the ruins, detour after detour, literally going in circles to get to the centre of the city. All the roads are also being repaired; my poor little VW was getting a bumpy ride and getting very confused about where she was going.

The grief was palpable; we were both in tears...

I was as shocked as Barbara as I have tended to stay in my own little world around my own particular area where I live and work. My house had minor damage and was repaired a year ago. I am one of the lucky ones.

We ventured out to Sumner, a suburb at the beach, and saw houses hanging over the cliffs, still too dangerous to do anything about. The houses across the road will become the cliff front houses. They are talking about lassoing the damaged

houses away from the edge.

We visited the site where the CTV building came down and 285 people killed. The grief was palpable; we were both in tears; just as well we were having a SHEN weekend together. There were lots of flowers twisted into the metal fences surrounding the area.

Across the road they have started to build a Cardboard Cathedral costing 5 million

dollars; a lot a controversy around this. it will last 50 years. There are steel bars in the middle of the round cardboard columns and lots of nasty chemicals we were told. Our old Cathedral is a pile of stones.

I took Barbara to the only street open with container shops in the city. it was enchanting; they are opening one other street soon. All the empty building lots are now car parks. The sky line has gone with only 3 tall buildings that we could see left. Some new buildings have already gone up and they are just square boxes; goodness knows what kind of city we will end up with.

The sky line has gone…

Barbara and I have just had a wonderful weekend of SHEN. It is an astounding therapy; for both of us past lives came up that are very related to what we are both experiencing in our lives at the moment. We both had profound healing at a very deep level. The space I am in now is peaceful, beautiful and clear.

We have also been able to make some contacts with the Counseling Centre here and will look at presenting SHEN to them to help with PTSD relating to the ‘quakes.

So…. the beginning of a new adventure!

Lots of love Anna Warner

My SHEN Journey by Janice Allgood

I would like to share my experience of SHEN through the SHEN TOUCH newsletter.

For many years I was a successful business woman, devoting my time and energy to my work, family and continuously seeking ways of fulfilling my thirst for knowledge of life’s natural healing resources. My spirituality had driven me forward throughout my life, pushing me through all adversity.

I had been introduced to SHEN and my enquiring mind wanted to know more. As a practicing therapist already, I was interested to know how SHEN differed from other therapies. I understand the biological physiological function of massage, however, with many healing therapies there is no scientific basis. SHEN appealed to me as it seemed to have a scientific basis.

I booked the next workshop and was eagerly looking forward to discovering what SHEN was all about when an

enormously traumatic tragedy struck my life. I was in turmoil. My family persuaded me that having booked the workshop I should attend, that it may actually help me and was meant to be; they urged me to go as they felt I needed a break and they could see I was struggling.

Bewdley was to be my saviour; a lovely, serene but quirky little town, so detached from my world; a place of peace and calm. My first meeting with Tony Bailey was poignant and has stayed with me. He was such a caring man; I could see he had

Sheila KayJanice Allgood

Sheila KayAnna Warner

One of the Church Bells dug from the ruins of the Christ Church Cathedral Tower

Inspirational plans for 700 seat transitional “Cardboard Cathedral”

From Ruin to Resurrection!

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Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

many stories, a wealth of knowledge of life. I instantly felt comfort from him and his assistants.

I was determined to learn all I could...

I was determined to learn all I could from the workshop and the stubbornness in me was not going to allow me to use this therapy for myself, I was here to learn! These thoughts could not have been furthest from the truth. The first of many workshops with Tony was to unravel the depths of my sorrow and start a series of releasing my pain from my recent trauma. I fought hard against showing any emotion and what I perceived as weaknesses. I realised later this was my own learned behaviour from the past. The first workshop was incredibly painful and yet it gave me the tools and strength to enable me to return home and face what was to be an extremely traumatic year ahead.

I had sought other therapies during that year, but talking was not for me. I found myself yearning to return to the idyllic

town of Bewdley and a safe haven. I did return and the SHEN workshops became a source of fulfilling my spiritual desire to learn and the one therapy helping me through my crises. I also met an array of wonderful people on those workshops, fellow participants and like many others we were holding pain and emotion, searching for a release from the everlasting rat race we live in and seeking solace, a quest for answers to the meaning of life, the purpose of life and freedom from pain within and to be at peace with one’s self. To share a small amount of my life with those fellow participants was an experience I will remember, a diverse group of people with experiences that would never be shared openly, but creating a bond through SHEN. Where secrets are safe within the sanctuary walls being unlocked to reveal a new path of positivity and confidence.

I had been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…

I continued to discover through regular SHEN swaps that there was indeed further hidden grief buried within me. For me it has been a necessary journey. Not only to heal myself but having experienced first hand SHEN’S technique, which has enabled me to continue my journey, because without it I feel sure I would have left this world. I had been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder and this was a consequence of withholding stored grief and turmoil. I understand and believe the science around SHEN. I had experienced my own bodily expression of the involuntary action of doubling up, I could feel my insides contracting and squeezing my Solar Plexus. The pain was excruciating, I felt this everyday until SHEN released my pain. I have total belief in this system and hope to continue to share and practice with many others. Thank you Tony for your nurturing and professionalism and for the opportunity to meet so many of your lovely assistants, each of whom is imprinted on my mind with their kindness. I now have the strength to turn stumbling blocks into building blocks, have the ability to express freely and be true to myself and look forward with a newfound sense of confidence and self worth.

Presentation to the Complementary Therapies Association (CThA)

Sheila KayDhanu Kara The CThA is a leading

professional association representing spa and complementary therapists in the UK and Ireland.

Following a hugely successful presentation & Demonstration of SHEN Therapy to the Healing TOUCH Network (HTN) last year we were delighted to receive an email from Dhanu Kara, Vice Chair for HTN and CThA Co-ordinator saying “After our last meeting, I had a thought that you might like to do a session for CThA Therapists Support Group I co-ordinate, on what is SHEN THERAPY and the benefits;

Your session was so amazing, I would love for the Therapists to experience it!”

Topic: SHEN THERAPY – Emotional healing & Personal Empowerment

Dhanu Kara Vice Chair for Healing Touch Network (CTN and CThA Coordinator for Harrow, Middlesex & Uxbridge Therapist Group writes:

“Profile: I am a Complementary therapist and specialise in Stress Management and Well-being Advice. I work for a charity foundation at the (Royal National Orthopedic Hospital (RNOH) treating clients with differing needs - from ‘simple back pain, ME, digestive etc. to spinal injuries. I also treat employees through their Occupational Health departments with Stress Management and Well-being Advice. I am passionate about helping

each person, to attain their best health and well-being. More information on

I am Vice-chair for Healing Touch Network (HTN) which provides support, CPDs, clinical supervision and organises a community health awareness day per year to raise money for our designated charity.

I am also the co-ordinator for the CThA Harrow, Middlesex & Uxbridge therapist group; organising 5 - 6 CPD meetings/outings per year for CThA members, which is an opportunity for net-working and support in their practice. We charge £3 per meeting. All are welcome, please notify your attendance: [emailprotected]

Dates: Sunday, 28th April 2013 Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm

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© Shen Therapy 2013 / R6060/09201311

Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment

My SHEN Journey By Stephanie Nel

Warm greetings to all in the SHEN Community,

Thank you Tony for keeping us all “in touch” with SHEN TOUCH...It’s so good to hear of the good work that each of you are doing.

Do we come to SHEN or does SHEN come to us?

I’ve met a few of you and have had contact with others but I’m still relatively new to SHEN. I remember at the last workshop I attended in Bewdley with Tony we had a moment of reflection where a comment was made to the effect of “Do we come to SHEN or does SHEN come to us?” Well, whichever way it is I’m sure you’ll agree that discovering SHEN is like a gift and that once you’ve experienced it you’ll begin to experience life differently, almost as if there’s a new dimension of awareness that unfolds.

I came to SHEN because I desperately needed some help. Over the past few years my life had been really chaotic and I was surprised that I had made it to my 21st Birthday (I’m now 23).

At 17 years old I had to leave school during my ‘A’ Level year at a very strict high school in Zimbabwe as I had a nervous breakdown and basically couldn’t function well enough to keep up with my academic work. There was very little support and understanding and I was whisked away to see a specialist and monitored for 2 weeks in an outpatients rehab to make sure I was eating and sleeping. I was depressed and having headaches and migraines.

I was seen by a neurologist and he did an EEG test (Electroencephalogram) which is a standard test typically used to check for epilepsy and consists of observing brainwave activity by placing sensors on the scalp. I was discharged with a prescription for antiepilepsy medication

which is often also used as a “mood stabilizer” and antidepressants.

The Doctors got really carried away…

I was fascinated with the EEG test and talked to the technician who conducted it. I decided that once I was better I wanted to train to be an EEG technician too. Unfortunately it took years to actually recover and I seemed to relapse every couple of months. I just couldn’t find stability in my life - emotionally or mentally and I relied on prescription medication to numb me from my life. In the middle of all of this I moved to Ireland and then to London a year later.

The doctors got really carried away and at one point I was taking 4 different types of pscyhoactive medications at the same time. I began to develop tardive dyskinesia (shaking and involuntary movements) and so antiparkinsons medication was added to the co*cktail of pills.

That is when I abruptly decided to turn away from the medical profession and to stop swallowing the pills. This was necessary to salvage my physical health but it meant that once I began to detox from it all I re-experienced all the emotions that I had suppressed and that was truly the most terrifying experience I have ever gone through.

This is where SHEN comes in. I’m very grateful to Vijay and Tony for the SHEN sessions I received from them, because there were just so many emotional issues that I needed to process and integrate and I couldn’t have done that without their help. It’s only through SHEN that I was able to actually come to terms with my past and to forgive my family for not protecting me and to begin to communicate with them again. So SHEN was an absolutely essential part of my recovery and I am looking forward to continuing with the training.

During my second and last stay at an outpatients rehabilitation centre, this time in North London, the doctors just wanted to do a CTscan to rule out any medical issues that could be causing my mental distress. Essentially the CTscan was mostly clear except that it revealed that there had been mild atrophy to my cerebellum caused by the prescribed medication. I was still experiencing issues of dizziness and frequent headaches and migraines and some memory problems too. As much as my body, emotions and soul had needed help, I knew my brain needed some help too but I couldn’t turn to medicine for answers this time.

I did what anyone would do and escaped the English Winter by going back to Zimbabwe and South Africa for a few months. Whilst I was there I was in touch with a friend of mine who had been suffering with really severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for about 2 years. She told me that she had gone through some therapy called “Brainwave Optimization” and that she had been so relieved at how much it had helped her. She recommended it to me and so I researched it. To cut a long story short I ended up going for the therapy and was really impressed with it, and as I was already so curious about the brain and this particular EEG technology I knew I had to go ahead and study it which I did by going over to the USA to Phoenix, Arizona to certify as an EEG Technologist which is essentially a technological upgrade from the original EEG Technician course I had been interested in all those years ago when I was a patient.

When I recall how much I had to struggle with daily life compared to how much easier life is for me now I know this technology is needed and feel that it is a wonderful complement to SHEN.

Part 2 to follow in which I will share my experiences with EEG Technology.

Sheila KayStephanie Nel

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Emotional Release | Emotional Unfolding | Emotional Grounding | Emotional Empowerment


London - Columbia Hotel, Lancaster Gate, London“Emotional Healing & Personal Development Workshop” in 2 Parts - Workshop Leader – Tony Bailey, CSIPart “A” 4 days Weekend Workshop

May 2013: Friday 24th May to Monday 27th May inclusive September 2013: Friday 20th September to Monday 23rd September inclusive

Part “B” 4 days Weekend Workshops November 2013: Friday 1st November to Monday 4th November inclusive

Worcestershire - Heart of England SHEN Therapy Centre, Bewdley, Worcestershire“Emotional Healing & Personal Development Workshop” in 2 Parts - Workshop Leader – Tony Bailey, CSIPart “A” 4 days Weekend Workshop

October 2013: Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October inclusive

Part “B” 4 days Weekend WorkshopJuly 2013: Friday 5th July to Monday 8th July inclusive November/December 2013: Friday 29th November to Monday 2nd December inclusive

All dates are inclusive and Workshops begin at 9:00am and finish at 5:00pmCosts: 3 day Workshops: £300 / 4 day Workshops: £400For more information, registration and accommodation, please contact:-Tony Bailey, CSI • Tel/Fax: 01299 401407 • Mobile: 07801 810016 Email: [emailprotected]

You can also book & pay online at:

Glasgow - Lorne Hotel, 923 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G3 7TQ“Emotional Healing & Personal Development Workshop” in 2 Parts - Workshop Leader – Tony Bailey, CSIPart “A” 4 days Weekend Workshop

April 2013: Friday 19th April to Monday 22nd April inclusive

Part “B” 4 days Weekend WorkshopsAugust 2013: Friday 2nd August to Monday 5th August 2013

Participants of the March 2013 Part ‘A’ Workshop pose for a ‘close of Workshop’ Photoshoot! Sitting: Eve Randall, Maggie Peyton,

Standing: Ronni McKay, Stephanie Nel

THE SHEN TOUCH - SHEN Therapy SHEN TOUCH Newsletter for the Worldwide SHEN Community SHEN Emotional Healing & Personal - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.