What Happened To Dr Ray On Dr Pol (2025)

1. 'Incredible Dr. Pol' Veterinarian Dr. Ray Harp Has Parted Ways With ...

  • Dec 17, 2021 · Dr. Ray Harp has left Pol Veterinary Services, according to the Nat Geo Wild program's executive producer Charles Pol, and Harp himself.

  • Find out why 'The Incredible Dr. Pol' veterinarian Dr. Ray Harp recently parted ways with Pol Veterinary Services.

2. Why the "Incredible" Dr. Pol Is So Controversial in the Vet World - Petful

  • Jul 5, 2024 · Cable TV's famous veterinarian has faced charges of negligence and incompetence since his show first aired.

  • Cable TV's famous veterinarian has faced charges of negligence and incompetence since his show first aired. Here's why the Dr. Pol controversy persists.

3. New vet joins mid-Michigan's Nat Geo Wild show - The Morning Sun

4. Regulators discipline star of 'The Incredible Dr. Pol' - News - VIN

  • Apr 7, 2015 · The star of a reality show about a rural veterinary practice in central Michigan has been found negligent in his treatment of a dog struck by a car in May 2011.

  • Reality TV veterinarian is a polarizing figure

5. Court rules against TV veterinarian Dr. Pol - DVM360

6. Dr. Jim Ray | Pell City Animal Hospital

  • For the past seven years, Dr. Ray was chief of staff at Spartanburg Animal Clinic in South Carolina. His areas of professional concentration are feline medicine ...

  • Meet Dr. Jim Ray at Pell City Animal Hospital.

7. Get To Know 'The Incredible Dr. Pol's Newest Vets: Dr. Ray Harp and Dr ...

  • Sep 8, 2020 · Dr. Ray Harp, 38, joined the staff of Pol Veterinary Services in July 2019. He explained to Charles and Dr. Pol his journey in realizing his vocational choice.

  • Meet Dr. Ray Harp and Dr. Lisa Jones, the most recent hires on staff with 'The Incredible Dr. Pol'!

8. 2024 Is dr ray still with dr pol

  • Ray, a beloved veterinarian on the hit TV show "The Incredible Dr. . ... Pol's many years of helping animals as well as opportunities to meet Dr A memorial for ...

  • 404

What Happened To Dr Ray On Dr Pol (2025)


Is Dr. Ray still at Dr. Pol? ›

Ray Harp appeared on the show from 2019 to 2021.

What happened to Dr. Sharkey on Dr. Pol? ›

Michele Sharkey(1990-2024)

There has been some confusion online about an older veterinarian also named Michele Sharkey who died of cancer in 2022. The Dr Michele from Dr Pol was dating Dr Emily's brother and when he went to Missouri, Dr Michele went as well, leaving the show.

Why did the Dr. Pol show get cancelled today? ›

National Geographic Wild canceled The Incredible Dr. Pol after 24 seasons due to declining viewership, production costs, and changes in the network's programming strategy.

Who are the current vets with Dr. Pol? ›

Dr's Jan Pol, Brenda Grettenberger, Nicole Arcy & Lisa Jones are licensed veterinarians, treating all types of pets.

Is The Incredible Dr. Pol retired? ›

Despite speculation about retirement, Dr. Pol continues to work actively in his practice and has plans for future television projects. He remains committed to animal care and education.

Who is the new vet on Dr. Pol 2024? ›

Pol welcomes a new vet, Dr. Olivia, to the clinic. The percentage of Tomatometer-approved critics who have given this title a positive review.

Why did vets leave Dr. Pol? ›

Lax aseptic technique, a free hand with steroids, and minimal attention to anesthetic and pain relief protocols are a few examples that explain why most veterinarians I know agree Dr. Pol delivers substandard care. It also explains why so many veterinarians have called on Nat Geo Wild to cancel his show.

What happened to Mr Pigglesworth on Dr. Pol? ›

Pol removed Mr. Pigglesworth's damaged eye, stitched lacerations in his mouth and x-rayed his fractured pelvis, which he said would heal. The pet went home with his owners the day after his operation and made a full recovery, the court said.

Is Lisa Jones married? ›

Personal life and education

She married Kenneth S. Brown in 2004 and their daughter was born in 2005. She is Jewish. Her sister, Kellie Jones, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University.

Did Charles Pol have a baby? ›

Jan Pol's son Charles Pol, who stars with his veterinarian dad on Nat Geo WILD's series The Incredible Dr. Pol, and his wife Beth welcomed their second baby, son Silas Pol, on Monday, July 12, in Michigan, their rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively. The newborn weighed 9 lbs. and measures 20.25 inches long.

What happened to Dr. Arcy on Dr. Pol? ›

Nicole Arcy Left Dr. Pol and Joined a New Vet Hospital in Michigan. Dr. Nicole Arcy is a well-known veterinarian and tele...

Is Pol Farm cancelled? ›

Pol was cancelled after 24 seasons on the air.

Did Dr. Pol lose a family member? ›

The beloved veterinarian lost a family member that viewers were well aware of due to the member's on-and-off appearances in the series. It was none other than Dr Pol's grandson, 23-year-old Adam. Here's what happened to Adam James Butch.

Did Dr. Pol have his ankle replaced? ›

Decades of rough riding have left Doc with severe arthritis in his right ankle. Between bovine blunders, parvo panics, and a never-before-seen procedure, Jan and the Pol family find time to head south through Grand Rapids, Michigan to Metro Health Hospital for a life-changing ankle replacement surgery.

What is Charles Pol doing now? ›

Instead of continuing to deal with just those issues, Charles has added another big project to his producing plate. He is manning – and starring in – the spinoff series “The Incredible Pol Farm.” The series will follow the Pol family as they turn their 350-acre family farm in Central Michigan into a hobby farm.


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