Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (2024)

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Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (1)

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Worldchefs has welcomed five new Education Partners representing culinary training excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines.
  • Worldchefs has announced the addition of five culinary education institutions representing excellence in culinary training across the globe as part of the celebrated Quality Culinary Education Program. ALMA School of Italian Culinary Arts, the Cork Education & Training Board of Ireland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, George Brown College in Canada, and the IChef – Philippines have joined as Education Partners.
  • Accepted as a Worldchefs Recognized Schools, each Education Partnerfulfills the criteria for the Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program. Launched in 2010, the landmark Recognition of Quality Culinary Education officially recognizes educational institutions committed to the highest standards in culinary education.
  • To explore all Worldchefs Education Partners,

Paris, 13 June 2024–Worldchefs has announced the addition of five culinary education institutions from across the globe as part of the celebrated Quality Culinary Education Program.ALMA School of Italian Culinary Arts, the Cork Education & Training Board of Ireland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, George Brown College in Canada, and the IChef – Philippines have joined Worldchefs as Education Partners.The partnership unites their staff, students, and alumniwith an international network of hospitalityprofessionalschartingthe future of culinary education and training.

Accepted as Worldchefs Recognized Schools, each Education Partnerfulfills the criteria for the Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program. Launched in 2010, the landmark Recognition of Quality Culinary Education officially recognizes educational institutions committed to the highest standards in culinary education. Recognized Schools represent excellence in culinary education on a global scale.

Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (2)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (3)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (4)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (5)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (6)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (7)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (8)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (9)
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (10)
ALMA: The School of Italian Culinary Arts

Established in 2004, ALMA School of Italian Culinary Arts is recognized as a leading school ofhospitality training, thanks to a story made of willand passion, of people who every day believe in theproject, and in a prestigious and avant-garde structure.

Nestled in the heart of the ‘Italian Food Valley’, in the historic Ducal Palace of Colorno, ALMA has cultivated a global reputation for delivering unparalleled education in the art of Italian cuisine. ALMA is dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich traditions of Italian gastronomy while embracing modern culinary techniques and global trends.

Cork Education and Training Board

Cork Education and Training Board (Cork ETB) was established under the Education and Training Boards Act of 2013. Cork ETB plans, provides, supports, and coordinates education, training, and youth services in Cork, which are recognized internationally as a model of excellence.

A driving force of education and training in Cork, Corb ETB provides high-quality services that are innovative, responsive, and inclusive, with a pathway for every learner.

Cork College of FET, Cork’s Further Education and Training Service, offers a two-year Level 6 Commis Chef Apprenticeship and Level 5 Craft Butchery Apprenticeship, both run in the College’s Westside Hospitality Centre.

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland ranks 7th in the world for hospitality management, confirming its position as one of the world’s finest culinary schools.

Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland blends hands-on culinary arts
education with practical business theory. The school offers cutting-edge facilities that promote sustainability and inspire innovation. Hosted on two different campuses, the school offers both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, accredited by the University of Derby, with pathways in vegetarian arts, culinary arts, and pastry & chocolate arts. These three pathways can also be pursued as a one-year diploma.

George Brown College
Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (14)

The George Brown College Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts, is set in downtown Toronto, the largest, most vibrant hospitality city in Canada. The Centre is located just steps away from the city’s top restaurants, bars, hotels, and event venues. George Brown College offers 21 Certificate, diploma, degree, and postgraduate programs, including a four yearHonours Bachelor of Food Studies Degree, the first of its kind in Canada, and the first four-yearCulinary Management Honours Bachelor Degree.

Students are trained by professors who work in the industry, acquiring the essential skills required to succeed. Through real-world experience in its fully functioning restaurant, The Chefs’ House, students have the chance to interact with customers in real-life work situations.

Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (15)

One of the largest and most modern hospitality and culinary schools in the Philippines, The Institute of International Culinary and Hospitality Entrepreneurship (IChef) provides students with outstanding credentials by developing culinary creativity and hospitality business skills.

Located at a new six-level campus in Davao City, Philippines, IChef is fitted with the most modern and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for a globally competent training delivery. With a teaching staff of multi-awarded master chefs, learners benefit from hands-on training. Working in partnership with industry professionals, IChef prepares students to perform the management and operational tasks necessary for them to start a successful career or business in the hospitality arena.

discover your career path with worldchefs education partners

To explore allWorldchefs Education Partners,

Cover photo: ALMA graduates celebrate at the school’s historic campus, the Ducal Palace of Colorno.

– END –


  • Education Partners, RQCE, Recognized Schools

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Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (16)

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Worldchefs Welcomes Five New Education Partners: Culinary Training Excellence in Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, and the Philippines (2024)


How to join the World Association of Chefs? ›

Worldchefs National Society Membership is open to one official culinary association or federation of a sovereign country. Individual members of this association automatically become members of Worldchefs.

Which country is best for culinary study? ›

Top 5 Best Countries To Study Culinary Arts Abroad
  • The United States of America. Without a doubt, the USA is one of the best study destinations for all the aspiring chefs out there. ...
  • Switzerland. Switzerland is the favorite European study destination for those who aspire to make a career in culinary arts. ...
  • Peru. ...
  • France. ...
  • India.
Feb 1, 2024

What is the word association of chefs society? ›

The World Association of Chefs' Societies, Worldchefs in short, is dynamic global network of more than 100 chefs associations, representing culinary professionals at all levels and across all specialties.

Is World Chef free? ›

World Chef is FREE to download and FREE to play. However, you can purchase in-app items for the game with real money.

What is the World Chef accreditation? ›

The Worldchefs certification is the first and only global certification for the culinary industry, created by Worldchefs, in partnership with City & Guilds. There are nine professional certification levels which reflect the typical career progression in the industry.

What is the #1 culinary school in America? ›

The Culinary Institute of America. The World's Premier Culinary College.

What country pays chefs the most? ›

Which Country In The World Gives The Highest Salary to Chefs? A survey published in 2022 reported Switzerland as the country that gives the highest salary to chefs.

What degree is best for culinary? ›

Culinary Arts Degree: This all-around degree can provide students with broad, general knowledge of the culinary arts field. Typically, students get an introduction to the food-service industry, including its history and present environment, as well as an introduction to taste and flavor.

What does the CIA stand for chef? ›

Today, The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) is widely recognized as the world's premier culinary college. Our industry-wide reputation for excellence is evidenced by our outstanding faculty, passionate students, and more than 50,000 accomplished alumni across more than seven decades.

Why do chefs call everyone chef? ›

Throughout the show's high-intensity kitchen scenes, you'll hear terms like “CORNER!” or “Yes, chef!” shouted out constantly. In the fictitious Beef kitchen, Carmy's insistency on calling everyone in the kitchen “chef” as a sign of respect helps build community and confidence within his team.

What is a world class chef called? ›

Executive Chef (Chef de Cuisine)

Also known as a head chef or a master chef, an executive chef is the overall kitchen boss. This position is the pinnacle of any chef career.

How do I become an ACF chef? ›

To apply for certification by the ACF, you need to choose the level of certification that matches your qualifications and goals, complete the online application form and pay the fees, submit the required documents such as transcripts, work verification, and continuing education certificates, take the written exam which ...

How do you become a world class chef? ›

Though there's no one standard pathway to becoming a chef, most chefs must complete the following steps.
  1. Build a Passion for Cooking. ...
  2. Get Restaurant Experience. ...
  3. Earn A Culinary Arts Degree or Certificate. ...
  4. Work Your Way Up. ...
  5. Consider Nontraditional Roles for Chefs. ...
  6. American Culinary Federation.
Feb 7, 2024

How do you become a world famous chef? ›

Famous chefs are usually found to share one or more common traits like:
  • Prestigious formal culinary arts school education.
  • Experience-driven education.
  • Chef apprenticeships with acclaimed chefs or in famous restaurants.
  • Own and operate restaurant(s)
  • Author books.
  • Teach other student chefs.
  • Culinary awards.

How do you become a world master chef? ›

The holder of this title has a minimum of ten years of professional cooking experience and is employed as an executive chef, corporate executive chef (or equivalent) or runs own business. Applicants must be working as the executive chef in the establishment which holds the Michelin star(s) at the time of application.


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Name: Jonah Leffler

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