7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (2024)


ByVanessa Zaree

7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (1)

Spots, blemishes, skin flareups… as one of the most challenging skin concerns to treat, acne (and the various ways it manifests itself) can not only take a toll on our complexions and bodies, but also on our mental state. Thankfully, whether one’s

acne-prone skin

is down to genetics or fluctuating hormones, environmental factors and eating habits, there are many ways it can be regulated and even reduced.

acne at bay

can start with one of the most basic – yet vital – pillars of skincare: a suitable


that works for various skin types and conditions (because experiencing acne breakouts doesn’t necessarily equal oily skin). “Cleansing is always the first step in any basic skincare routine – it’s essential,” affirms Heather Wish, Paula’s Choice Skincare Education Manager. “It helps to address multiple skin concerns including breakouts, blackheads and signs of ageing.” You’ll want to look for a gentle formula in the form of a light-foaming or non-foaming gel, or cream or balm cleanser. Avoid over cleansing, as this could exacerbate breakouts and further upset your already damaged skin’s barrier.

Which ingredients should you look for in a cleanser for acne?

“Breakouts can occur at any age, whether you're 15 or 50 – and cleansing is the first step towards improving your skin. A good cleanser will be gentle, fragrance and irritant free, and won’t leave your skin feeling tight or dry after rinsing,” says Heather. The best cleansers for acne-prone skin should have a gentle formulation, but that doesn’t mean they need to be free of active ingredients either. Star exfoliators such as the AHA (alpha hydroxy acids) glycolic acid and BHA (beta hydroxy acids) salicylic acid, and antibacterial ingredient benzoyl peroxide, will be your best friends – they can help unclog pores and target blackheads and white heads, as well as hormonal acne. Plus, gentler botanical ingredients including green tea and black tea are great for soothing a sore complexion.
A little


is key, but drying out skin should never be the goal. “You cannot scrub away spots and blackheads! Always avoid using bars of soap or aggressive cleansers, as they dry out the skin too much,” advises Heather. “The ingredients in a bar of soap or an aggressive cleanser can also block pores. Avoid coarse scrubs as well, since the resulting irritation can make the problem worse.”So, if you’re on a quest to find the best cleanser for acne, keep scrolling – we think these are some of the best to try…




Active Clay Cleanser, € 44,85

Best Cleanser For Acne-Prone Oily Skin
Clay formulations are considered a godsend for oilier complexions, as clay can absorb excess oil and help decongest and minimise pores, blackheads and whiteheads. This mineral-rich clay and charcoal cleanser is the ultimate skin purifier – it absorbs impurities and excess oil while protecting your skin’s barrier and leaving your complexion smooth, refined and revitalised.


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (2)



Surface Radiance Cleanse, € 27,60

Best Cleanser For Dull & Maturing Acne-Prone Skin
Mixing two powerhouse forms of exfoliant ingredients, AHAs and BHAs, this cleansing gel means business. It brilliantly breaks down impurities and dead skin cells, revealing (as its name implies) a smooth, refreshed and glowing complexion. Designed for all skin types, we think it’s especially good for those wanting to tackle signs of ageing. We also love the citrusy scent!


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (3)


Youth to the People

Superfood Cleanser, € 17,25

Best Vegan Cleanser For Acne-Prone Skin
If you’re all about eating your greens, you’ll be pleased to know that this cleanser has been formulated with what sounds like an incredibly healthy meal – kale, spinach and green tea. Rich in antioxidants, its main mission is to keep your pores healthy and buildup-free. It’s also a great option for light makeup wearers who want to save themselves an extra cleansing step…


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (4)


Paula's Choice

Clear Cleanser, € 24,00

Best Cleanser For Regular Breakouts
Made for those who deal with breakouts, blackheads and enlarged pores, this cleanser is both perfectly gentle and powerful. It smoothly removes excess oil and pore-clogging impurities to leave your skin feeling and looking clean, clear and refreshed. This is achieved thanks to its exfoliating properties, while its hydrating ingredients ensure no dryness nor skin-stripping occurs.


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (5)


Rose Inc

Skin Clarity Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser, € 36,00

Best Exfoliating Cleanser For Congested Acne-Prone Skin
This innovative beauty line takes acne-prone skin very much into consideration and is proudly non-comedogenic (designed to not clog pores). Which is why this squalane, jojoba beads and pomegranate fruit enzyme blend is a must-try for congested skin types with breakouts – it polishes the skin’s surface beautifully while being surprisingly hydrating.


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (6)


Eve Lom

Cleanser, € 58,00

Best Gentle Balm Cleanser For Acne-Prone Skin
As one of Space NK’s bestselling facial cleansers, it’s fair to say this award-winning, cult formula is an absolute must-try, even if you struggle with acne. The botanical concoction, created in 1985, features cocoa butter and clove, eucalyptus, hops and Egyptian chamomile oils – and tones, refines and melts onto skin beautifully without clogging pores.


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (7)


Emma Lewisham

Illuminating Oil Cleanser, € 55,00

Best Cleanser For Dry & Combination Acne-Prone Skin
This cleanser is described as a ‘facial in a bottle’ by the brand – and we couldn’t agree more. The texture is beautifully luxurious and incredibly hydrating – leaving skin dewy, soft and nourished. And because it’s so gentle, it’s a dream for drier and combination skin types with breakouts. It’s also great at removing stubborn makeup, making it an ideal PM cleanser.


7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (8)

Read More

What Is The Difference Between AHAs And BHAs?
The Best Cleansers For Sensitive SkinThe Best Products From Paula's Choice
What Is Double Cleansing?The Benefits Of Using Clay Masks
How To Treat Hormonal Acne
7 Of The Best Cleansers to Use If You Have Acne-Prone Skin (2024)


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