Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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i CANDIDATES OUT Spring Wear 0 fact 3 service for Mrs Tlla Da The New Spring Prices 4 Wear I Victor Rocord AIRIELD The old men who remain from Ian CHURCH NOTICES She the sea Special Lot of Irr ported rench THE MCE Kid Gloves Kennebce Auto Supply Co Drink Old Virginia ruitti Punch i fBB Into the matter was found that ends of the city of by the Myrtle Other 3 and Epworth league I Haflalujah Chorus i The Heavens are Telling GETCHELL STREET CHURCH The Knights of Pythias will attend the Getchell street church Sunday morning at 10 30 In a body The evan gelistic service will be held at 730 I II Soper Waterville' aine PAGE THREE 1 1 1 asw riday at 4 riday evening litany' and hddresa at 7 Soper Company I Waterville Odd ijadie at' their regular The meeting last night initiated a class of candidates and then served refresh ments Ahnd enjoyed dancing 1 Hosanna tn rench Mayor fnnimore request through the Sentinel that all store? on Main street be closed five or ten minutes today during the funeral of Perham Heald which is to be held at 2 Mr Heald was identified with the business interests of city and the mayor therefore thinks it would be only fitting appreciation to pay this respect to hi memory today At the meeting of the American Le gion next Monday evening an addres will be delivered by Warren Phil brook associate fustic? of the supreme court of Maine 'Mr Philbrook ha' not announced hi? subject yet But it is sure to be interesting riendsot rhe member? are invited to share the pleasure with them The city report is out! The much talked of city report left the Sentinel job office yesterday and est standby in the outfield Unqe hk freshman vear titzgerald when held down the second ack in a creditable manner in several games lat season George Will? the only southpaw firs! baseman in the state Harold Good a strong in fielder and cousin of Ralph and Roy Good fa mon? Colby athletes in their time Johnny fnipher who caught the whol0 season last year and blds fair go repeat again and Paul Brooks second string catcher of lat team who intends to give Ijatnpher a strong run before son cloe? With this group as a nucle us around which to build a strong team practice begun and will be held every day from now until the season close? under the direction of Captalq Taylor trainer jKyan and the Unlveraalist 'Church Preaching at ItA UtT by Rev A Knickerbocker Subject Church and its Relations to Institu tions and to Sunday school at noon 7 there will be a sper cial meeting of the church members to make plans for Eaater Gcf chell Street Church The musical program at the morn IngL eer ice at the Getchell street church Sunday morning will be: Pre lude Pastorale ranck: Offertory Can tabfile Demarest Postlude March Guilmant in the evening it will be aa follows: (Prelude Audante from ourth Symphony Widor Of fertory Intermezzo Ilellbes Post lude inale from Second Sonata Becker 1 ChriJ lan Science Society Room 4H1 Saving bank building Sunday services at 103(1 A Sub ject of lesson sermon: Je Sunday school during hour of morning Testimonial meet ing every Wednesday evening i METHODIST CHURCH have spread a net by the will be the text of t'be ser mon that Dr Pierce will deliver Sun day morning at 1030 in the Methodist church At 730 jn the ieVening A Meservey of the Railroad Gf A will deliver the message The large chorus choir will sing at both services Sunday school at noonf Junior Lea gue at at 6 30 Quimby of Portland state president of the will be the speak er Everyone is cordially invited 'rench of Rockland is in town on business Mr rench wa formerly employed at the A store in this town Eleanor is enjoying a vacation from her dude? at the Ben ton avenue market in Window Misses Helen WesCojt' and Ruth Dinsmore of Belfast are guets of MKs Edith Knowlton Eugene (Emery lr A Knowl ton McClintock Richard son and Worth Brown attended the funeral of Emery at Skowhegan There will be a dance at Victor gra nge hall evening or chestra will furnish music Ixrenzo Bickford ha completed hl? duties at Lily Bay and has returned home A party of young people from thia town and enjoyed a straw rlde Thursday evening to the home ot Mrs George Goodwin in Benton Mrs Goodwin served an appetizing sup per condstlg of oyster stew dough ut cream pie! cutard pie chocolate cake pickle? and coffee The remain der 'of the evening pleasantly in the party were Mr and Mrs Don Reed Vera Goodale Krvena Goodale IGlenys Bickford Gertrude Tot man Li Ilian Willette of this town and Miss Maud Herron of Waterville Miss Hattie Brown of Benton Arthur Cole Leon Broolc? and Embert Ram sey 'Norman 'Haskell' Everett Jones Carl Hoxie and Charleg Lightbody of Waterville The Past and Present club will be entertained at the home ot Mr Jam es Atkins Mondav evening Mr George Patterson gave a pleasant dinner party at her home last evening ini honor ot the Premising Material Indoor Practice i Mike Ryan A Sentinel about the eariinese or late Maaatah I Know that My Radaomar Livoth Lucy MwwRl Oh for tho Wlnr of Dow' Lucy MnhJ5MS3 The Palma Roinald Wrrnrathl Rinald Trinity Choir Trinity Choir5 BandLJa Coowf Band1544 Cue Marshl Trtnity William Robvn) a a 'Ill 'The Unique Contribution to the Life of Men" Sunday school at 12 o'clock (Service at airfield Center Church in the afternoon The subject of Rev sermon the irst Baptist church on (Sunday morning will be the Greatest Sin in the Sub bath school at noon Junior society at 330 at 6 o'clock The regular evening meeting will be omit ted on account of the rances Willard memorial services at the Methodist Vhurch Services at Shawmut chapel as usual in the afternoon The (Christian Temperance union held itsmonthly meeting at the home of Mrs Js co*ker on Thurs day afternoon 10 member were pre sent In the absence of the president Mrs lora Hies presided The pro gram for the afternoon was unusually interesting and exercises in memor of rances Willard were conducted Mrs Charles Hatch opened meet ing with scripture reading anjl pray er and read Golden Touch of Character" from the works of ran ces' Willard came to knowMrs rances was given byMrs Twist Mrs Kay Chapman gave a paper on Child Welfare work A poem She Did nOfWhat She Said" was read bv red Howe Interesting letter from the county president Mrs Boynton were read by Mrs lora iles on the work that is being carried on In the unions WfATrntott iiviLXk MORNING SENTINEL SATURDAY EBRUARY 26 1921 irst Baptiit Church At the! irst Baptist church Sun day morning at 1030 Prof Neilson Hannay will preach on the topic Success of In the at 7:30 Ilrof Hannay will 'preach on the subject: Healing jot Sunday school vwlt'J i classes for all at noon At 6 30 Jun ior and Senior Christian Endeavor services in the vestries St Mark's Churcn" Center street Rev Yates rector Services Sunday wllj be: Ho lyCommunlon at 8 A morning prayer and sermon' at 1045: evening ray? and sermon at 730 Church school at 945: eholr practice Thurs day evening at Lenten vcrk day tervices every day except Silver Street Waterville Mains William RoVynl Th Holy City Harry Macdonouyh 1M4X Beautiful Ida of Somewhra Harold farriaLMa Chrixt Araaa I UNERAL MRS ELLA DAVIS (uneral uneral services tor Mrs Ella Da noon at 3 oclock by Rev I Mow er The remains will be taken to oxboro Ma today for burial i have already at hand quite a large showing of New Spring Coats and Wraps Many are made from ery an some fabrics especally desirable for early Spring wear Many new and choice cloths have been brought out this season giving the garments a very distinctive appearance You will be interested to see several choice one of a style made from some of the new cloths such as: Romona Chamoistyn Evora Cut Bolivia Vel dm? Poiret Twill Moirette and Corvella Congregational Chut ch ind Congregational church Wil liam Abbot Smith! minister Morn ing worship 1030 A Subject of sermon (Two Contrasted Views of Church school at noon Chris tian Endeavor society at G45 Ser vice of Prayer Thursday at 730 To pic third week in! Living I1 i Black White Gray Brown and Tan On Sale Saturday at i The Mew Coats arid wraps Are Good Weight for Early A RUIT DRINK QUALITY CALL AND SEE DEMONSTRATION AT STORE ALL THIS WEEK OAKLAND MAINE 5 i Wholesei TJLSiirage Bangor i Emery Brown Co i INORMAL DANCNG PARTY Tho Delta Kappa Epsilon fratern iy were the hosts last evening at an informal dancing party at' their home on College avenue The party was a decided cucce Io every way The hostesses were Dean Nettie May Run naK the division Mrs I Black Mrs George Terry i Mrs John Ware Mrs A Drummond Mu ic wa furnished by the College The committee who of 'the affair was Coul ter Worcester MSms ('lark Drum mond 21 Waifervillg and Hardy atten i can be secured today at the office of Start Myor lnnlmore or City Clerk Du 1 hnnl Thzs 4 il i 1 Lawrence high school Is to hare track meet with Oak Grove Satur day afternoon at 23Cf The en wili be a mile ri lay race 40 yard dash high hurdles and shot pty Lawrenc will be repreented by John lAwry Laiah Either Clement Loub ler Herbert Dorrian Douglas co*ker 'Vgtephen Bradley Arnold Bragg Hen ry Johnson Rusiellf Brown Cornelius Begin and Phillip The tracti team fortunate sUb mauer Truman Hollis aa Oach Mr Hollis wa captain of Edward high track team of Auburn and a member ofjtbe track team at Bates college "Stephen Bradley ls manager ot theteam this year and is working on a schedule Lawrence fll participate la two interschola tlc meet one at Eowdoin March 5 and at BatesIMarch 17 It lit hoped that 'arranyyments can be made whereby jh tam can com op Its own field in the future' Tbe students are proud of the record twjiich was made at I ewlston last June when John ltwry Stephen Bradley Weatwcrth Greenleaf and La'ah Bitlf St won two cups In the mile relay race Other contestants were Edward Little ZWMgh Cony high and Augusta The meet today will be held 4 Seaverns field Waterville Mrs William Ward (Winona Wald rou) who has been visiting her par tn Mr and Mr James Waldron re turned yesterday her home in Ex veter rances Willard memorial servicei will be held at the Methodist church on Sunday evening at 7 under the auspices of the Womanj Christ iuo Temperance Ijnlon Miif Althea nesa of previous reports The ia th0 report for 1921 Is out so there Election day will be March 7th and the voters will then be called on to decide whether the Republicans or Democrats were right Under the subject of schools Mayo lnnlmore baa the following state ment in the report: On assuming office the preaent ad ministration was faced with a twofold difficulty in the school situation At the April meeting of the City Council representatives of the Board of Edu cation placed before us the shortage of available rooms An the schools of the city A'commlttee w3s appointed which in conjunction with Board of Education Ipoked very thoroughly It the north and south were well taken care street tha Walnut street the Brook street the Grove street ihe Redlng on street and the South grammar schools The congestion was found to be in central part of the city or in other words in the sections that are taken care of by the Western ave nue the North grammar and the Pleasant street schools Various plana were suggested tb nieet the situation Architects were consulted with a view of getting eati mates of the cost of a building such as appeared to be required Because of the cost of building tnateriala the figures submitted were enormous The city being practically up to the debt limit allowed by law the only available way to finance any kind of a building projfysition would have been to make a large increase In the taxes The burden of taxes and the high cost of living as everyone knows were as high a8 the public could stand and with everyone call ing for reductions In living expenses it was deemed to be a very Inoppor tune time to make further increases the Committee looked about to find other means ot relieving the situation By remodelling and fitting up two small rooms Jn the Western avenue school and by mak ing a few changes In a room which had not been used at the Pleasant street school the shortage in avail able space was at least temporarily relieved ft has been suggested tlifl the leg islature be petitioned to allow an In crease in the debt limit in order that funds may be realized to cope with the situation without Increasing the burden ot taxation lit is my de sire and! the desire of the present city government to furnsih the best possible school accommodations and any plan that will solve the diffi culty will certainly meet wltiLtny ap proval noro me poor report was entirely Innocent and the Sentinel did a good i job and it within the time spec! fled but the 'Democratic administra tion got Columbia" at the re cent Republican caucus for not hav ing the report out and tbe Democrata claimed when they met that the re port would be out earlier than ever before Memory doesn't serve Delicious in the Cup and pure to a leaf "SMiADA" ORANGE PEKOE TEA is equalled by no other tea on sale for quality and flavour Victrola selections IW A Are Much Lower a year ago Pripes this season are uJly 1 3 less The new garment price range is as follows: WRAPS up to $7500 $2500 $3500 up to $6500 1 At the first call for baseball candl 1 dates issued yesterday by captain Joel TE Taylor of Skowhegan about Itwenty men reportedor the prelimin I 1 ary wofk oup vhmn haia ii plan of definite preliminary practice I has been drawn up by Captain Tay I lor and Coach Mike Ryan which will a j'be adhered to until the time comes i for outdoor practice (our days a week are to be devoted to UmberingT up ekercLes and light workouts in the gymnasium with a hike every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons The gymnasium work will be under I the direction of Coach Ryan and the Thame training rules be applied as were in force during fho footbalf a season last fall These rules will be strictly adhered to throughout the season and the one breaking training a will suffer The choice of a coach has not been made "as but as soon as this is done "by the athletic council which will probably be next week the battery candidates will be turnediover to him at once The probable men tor is not known but it is understood that several men prominent in big league and minor league baseball with 'good experience In coaching college baseball are being considered "and the will be picked for thq job will be canablG of discharging his du ties inan efficient manner I Among the new men 1 in college to report for practice yesterday were: eeney pitcher on the lEsuterns last summer and rated as one of tbe best men in the league Coulman a star boxman from Lynn English high! with a good record another pitching candidate and veteran of the Everett high tea mof las: year Breuer unknown quanity from the Empire state who brings with him a creditable reputation as a slab artist and Wey moufa who did good work on the Higgins nine of last season Catching candidates were erguson protege of Colby Jack Coombs who coinep all the way from the Lone sSiar state to display his wares to Aiaine fans Tar pey who handled himself well on the football field and a veteran of a well known Massachusetts preparatory school and Siefert of Nashua In the infield there are two well known men in tbis vicinity for their playing year's championship Coburn neam These men are Iee Nichols candidate for short and (Roswell Saddout for the first sack Ernest quarter back on last fall's grid team is also a good prospect for the infield a is Carlos Grande ot Lawrence Mass Maurice Daniels of (Massachusetts of Stoughton High and who has also played on Westbrook Sem ahd Moran veteran of many seasons' on tho fast ElirfiburK high team are I twn arltltflon 11 nriktlfttf for firs! anniversary of her Ralph The I string berths in the box guests were: Mp and Mrs Ralph Pat The old men who remain from last tersou Mr and Mrs Harvey Patter year's nine captain Taylor whose son Mr and Mrs John (Patterson Wai work with the stlt and in the outfield Patterson and Miss Clara I each during the nast four years made him of Oakland the logical cho'ce for this" year's lead The remains of Airs Mary Dearborn i er Spike William one of tbe strong who died in Jewlston Tuesday at the home of her son William Dearborn werei brought here for burial at Ma plewood cemetery Mrs Dearborn formerly resided in this town was T5 years of age i CLEMENT Miss Iela Clement and John (E Washburn were united tn marriage Thursday evening at 8 oclock at Baptist parsonage (Rev fa ay officiated and the single ring serv ice wasused Mr Washburn an ex service man and was engaged in farm Ing at Martin Stream before coming to this town to reside Mr and MrWashburn will make their borne on Preble street At te (Methodist church on Sunday morning the pastor Rev Hearse will take for the subject of hls sermon new coach 2 I 45UmM Rrraux O' Palma) In rcncH iLnrico Caruw 4S4S9 Enrico Caruao The Way to Battery Service Buy a a Willard Threaded Rubber Battery the first step Because the plates are in sulated not merely separated No chance of puncturing car bonizing splitting or warping and no bills for replacement of insulation It outlasts the plates Next your battery charged and put in water every two weeks inally drive around twice a month for a battery test know us by the red Willard Sign Ask about the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery We are also showing many new and handsome models in tricotine dresses some neatly tailored and others handsomely embroidered Especially pretty aref the hew brown tricotines These dresses are nearly all one of a style in quite exclusive designs Serge dresses in the new spring styles are also pretty and ready for your inspection We will be glad to show them to you PRICE $2750 $3500 $3950 $5500 up to $p950 New Tricotine Dresses for Early Spring 'LCOLBY BASEBALL National i Extracts i Advent Christian Church Rev T' Coolbioth paetor 1030A preaching service Topic of the 1145 AM Sunday school hour 630 Myojng i meeting and praye service 7 Evangelistic iThe mid week service will be held on i Thursday evening lat 730 fl like Love for Each Under the Batteries I jpiT I 'V 1 i 1 4 i rt A1' IB IV 1 Wr yfk Vf 4 1 if The Loat Chord lr oativol To Part I Zir i estival To Daum Part 11 Hi I 4 i I i IS I I i InI I I i III I 4 i Ik 4 I i jg I hall ba rlad to play for fou that apisadid Victor Eaatar Raaorda I I i VXkVT 1 i I Wil I i ''U 1 IChwSBEoMm it Ill 4 lil A a Jr'11 i I i iH 'I 1 I I hi a i a a 6 a i 1 I '4 i 1 i I a i I a 3 'V JlisT RECEIVED qt' a i i A (i i 1 i 4 vl I Op) 1 I 1 i i i 3 li a I I I a a a aX Jk Sti kt 'Si' fl nMa igtHiM.

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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.