Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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1 sass 7 Small SkoAvllCCail I nli Rcccffion "1 111 i 1 Weatherman 2 A Ide said In his speech Referred was a request to pur auPcations of cKase rtTsslTir ree thedvernUrtr program CIvmjk iliA 4U I4 and unerals said Muskie in a floor or Emancipation RR Presidents A Send Plan To JK the in paren 44 143 our white 41 both giant dcnt 1S standing firm against de 1 rd spe's out the i mands that private schools share re limitations of otter trawls jn any help provided for public BENTON As and in a unani tioned in Bendera he said i to Miss and end with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Yesterday's minimum tempera ish Sr hire: 24 i 9 5 1 BARGAINS rr hard labor the decision into and into Pro note by a choice disagree on civil Mansfield Leaders of see the air lines air con giant Into the AUTHORIZED 0 A 1 Morning Sbntlnel Wednesday Mach 871961 at Augusta State Hospital and renovations of bakery and kitchen facilities at Bangor State Hospi tal Although the proposal sparked xs Increasing cloudiness warmer north portion Wednes day Rain by late evening except snow north portion by midnight and warmer Wednesday night Thursday snow mixed with rain north portion Rain south portion ending in afternoon followed by partial clearing Little change in temperature HONERED AT SHOWER Mrs Joyce Lessard was guest of honor at a pink and blue shower Sunday afternoon at St cast and Lower Mississippi Val ley in the past week forcing peo ple from their homes sections from Great Lakes northern New Montana sprinkled MONUMENTS CHAS MORSE SON Spring TR 2 6131 Democratic Leader Mikel Mans ihrown 38 (37) 1 field who last year voted to let I Pullets white 33 (32) brown 33 144200 71 78000 75300 Market Prices inancial News fuse truck to the inance Com mittee to seek bids and to accept the lowest bidder The cirrent truck is out of Commission most of the time now according to Albert Moore Public Works director It is using six quarts of oil a day he ex plained and the transmission and motor both are gone The City Council also author ized the Health anchWelfare Com mittee to hire a public health nurse Tabled until next month was a request to install a street light on pole one on Swan Street This would be transferred from pole 2 The Junior Chamber qf Com merce was granted permission to the City Hall auditorium for its Miss Waterville Pageant March 18 The roll of accounts as ap proved totaled $13120588 am Many many late model ap pliances have been traded in under our ngidaireTrue Value Trade In program So reconditioned and re finished them until you can hardly tell them from new And now we offer them at real bargain prices! Qprpe and see for ydurselfl that Merewither acquitted him self with integrity in his testi mony before the committee he did not deny or seek to gloss over his attitude such ques tions as school integration in Alabama and other southern states he stated that he would obey the laws and regulations in his decisions by integration questions in countries seeking aid front the import export bank Muskie said he felt that re grrttabiyTirttempts wefeJtnarleto J1 disqualify him that approached guilt by Nor was there evidence adduced that Merewither is or ever was a When asked about the cost Alderman Richard Mcfclay Tabbutt replied: not going to put any frills on ft but not going to make it cheap Since then the idea was de veloped of separating out tiie repair items for immediate ac tion Reliable sources indicated that the total of repairs being considered ran somewhat over $4 million or nearly half the total program The governor had limited his request to $8 million because the part of his capital bud get that would be financed by revenue from new taxation Reed has recommended a one per cent increase in the sales tax to fi nance that and a $12600000 sup plemental operating budget Typical of the repairs being considered were major renova tions of old dormitories and class room buildings at the teacher colleges a $400000 continuation of renovations in ward buildings 13 4 1 39 22 1 13 1 36 1 8 17 1 30 2 68 25 25 27D jects in ms jhsuuuuu capital improvement program Appropriations committee spokesmen at that time indicated that action would take some time because it would be necessary to hold hearings on individual bills for capitarimprovements many of them duplications of items in 64300 53500 50400 49200 41600 $0400 38800 37400 36900 coux and her mother in law Mrs Pauline Lessard Guests were present from Portland Lewiston airfield Waterville and Wins low She was presented with many gifts and refreshments were served including a decorated shower cake made by Mrs Ida LaChance Mrs Jennie Dutil a guest was presented a cake by her niece Mrs Pauline Lessard in honor of her 77th birthday Maine Egg Prices Maine egg prices paid by stores to wholesalers as reported by the Maine Department of Agriculture Tuesday Central Maine Area: Grade A case: Jumbo 53 ex large 47 48 large 46 medium 44 pullet 39 Grade A cartons Jumbo 56 ex large 50 51 large BOSTON The presidents of the six New Eng land railroads Tuesday urged President Kennedy to sup port what they called a 10 point In their wire to the President the New England rail road presidents said: "The difficulties faced by the railroads are not the result of any inherent Technological weakness but of government over regulation and discriminatory tax They said those regulations and taxes endangering the free enterprise railroad system which is one of this country's greatest The railroad heads said the 10 point program adopted by eastern railroads would provide fair and equal government treatment of all forms of transportation The program for which the sup port of the President and aU New England congressmen jm asked is as follows: 1 Establishment of a national user charge commission to col lect charges for commercial use of facilities provided by the federal government 2 Removal of present restric tions on the right of railroads to diversify into other forms of trans portation 0 3 Removal of restriction cre ated by the of the Interstate Commerce Act THE WEATHER Official US Government orecast a sharply defined battle as if had driven to the east had wedged Will Seek Mail Rate Increase rom Congress CHICAGO (AP) Congress I Sen Mansfield' Changes Stand On School Aid WASHINGTON (AP) Senate A small blaze in a connecting shed caused an unestimated amountof smoko damage notbcUevcLcxtcnslver ltc Tuesday afternoon at the James Paradise residence on Chestnut Street here ire officials reported that only a fibre boat and some bedding were damaged by actual flames The cause was immediately determined' EDITOR'S Like armies mannevering before batUe each day vast weather systems shift positions in the atmosphere thou sands of fecr above the' United Statcs Last eb 1 two systems collided over Amarillo Tex and three da vs later New Yorkers be gan shoveUljig 16 inches bf snow This second a scries of three articles explains1 how the two events were connected JOHN BARBOUR Associated Press Science Writer WASHINGTON (AP) This win ter a storm dumped 40 million tons of snow in just one day on New York City A typhoon raged out of the Bay of Bengal last fall to kill perhaps 6000 persons in Pakistan On the night of Jan eve of President inauguration all but smothered the capital in snow Hoods have gripped the South Mrs Mary Scribner spent the weekend with her daughter and husband Mr amfMrs Leon Luce in Auburn Mfrs Annie Adams is visiting niece and husband Mr and Mrs Robert Day and family in oxboro Mass parochial pnd other private schools get federal funds said Tuesday will do my best to President Kennedy's ed ucation aid bill which omits such help But the Montana Democrat would not amplify when pressed by reporters to say whether he had changed his views on aid to private schools His remarks indi cated he would go along with Kennedy but left up in the air how he would vote if the Presi dent's proposal were changed in Congress to provide aid to pri vate schools Mansfield gave his stand follow House conference with Democrat ic congressional field reported too that the Presi 1lzinl 1ft a I I uvui id aicujuiug mill agiiiuai ur UNERALO BARKER Services for the late Thomas Baker were held at 2 Tuesday afternoon at Lawry Brothers uneral Home 107 Main Street airfield with the Rev Russell owler pastor of the airfield Methodist Church officiating Honorary bearefrs were Des mond Bickford Linwood Ray mond and Philip Barker There weer no active bearers The body was placed in a receiving vault until spring interment at air Maplewood Cemetery Stocks In Spotlight NEW YORK Sales clos ing price and net change of the fifteen most active stocks Tues day Avco corp 174300 18 unch San Diego Im 153900 11 Brunswick Lib Me Nafi Corp Ampcx corp 711 00 Indust Stanc Koi Is Stude Pack Servel Inc Lionel Cp Gen Electric Sperry Rand Avnet Elec Gen QUAKE SHAKES CITY SANTIAGO Chile (AP) An earthquake shook the port city of Iquique about 1200 miles southof rttpttafr TWday The shocks caused alarm but no darji aa wM reported Boston Market BOSTON Jobbing prices (with wholesale prices theses i Tuesday were: Eggs jumbos white brown 47 46) Extra large specials (39 40) brown 41 (39 40) Large specials white 40 38 39) brown 40 (38 39) Medium specials: white 38 (37) School has been named the state winner of the annual citi zenship by the Daughters of the American Revolution Miss Harriet Holmes of Skowhegan and Miss Ruth Ann Grindle' of South west naroor placed second third' Sentinel Almanac Wednesday Mar 8 1961 67th day 298 to follow Sunrise: 604 am Sunset: 536 pm length hrs 32 mins Increase: 2 hrs 42 mins' New moonMar16 351 p'm irst quarter: Mafr 23 948 pm ull mbbfi: Apr 1 1247 Last quarter Mar fit 9 57 me oeit pt freezing rain was ex pected to extend eastward into southwestern Wisconsin and north ern lower Michigan Scattered thundershowers set off by a collision of warm and cold ajr masses broke out from eastern Oklahoma into Tennessee Conditions were ripe for possible tornadoes from north central Tex as through eastern Oklahoma Into northern Arkansas and southern Missouri forecasters warped Aiic cadtcAti vuiviauu piaiiia tvpro hlirtffrt rmrbsr thn fhtrfrVrinwr storm in five days Heavy sniuv warn jpgs weyf is sued for parts of Nebraska Iowa South Dakota Minnesota Wiscon sin and Upper Michigan Drifting snow whipped by winds of 30 to 35 mph closed schools 1 in Cheyenne Wyo and slowed 1 auto traffic in the southeast cor ner of the state 1 Buses ran late lights in and out of Cheyenne Airport were on 1 an if and when basis 1 hools were closed in 35 Color ado communities as' biting winds whipped snow over the roads 1 1 The storm was expected to add fou to six inches of new snow to several inches already on the ground nortnern the Rockies to the Snow also fell in England and from Idaho Spotty rain Northwest coast CHICAGO Congress will be asked to Increase first class mail rates from the present 4 cents to 5 cents and airmail from Eastport Aq Block Island LigEt variable winds Wednesday east to south east the afternoon and in creasing to 15 to 20 knots In creasing cloudiness Visibility over 5 miles Governor Reed Signs New Laws AUGUSTA (P) Gov Reed signed into law Tuesday a meas ure that permits people to leave theif eyes after death med ical science for research or corneal transplants He also signed bills that re strict otter trawlers in Casco 'Bay Ore Thie "measures pro hibits trawlers in excess of 65 feet to operate in the bay wat ers Another closes the bay to otter trawlers from midnight riday tq midnight Saturday each week during June July and August Spurious Copy Of Me Maple Syrup or JK ASHIELD Mass (AP) gallon of Massachusetts maple syrup first of the 1961 season was on its way Tuesday tn Carol me Kennedy daughter of President Berkshire Pioneer Maple ducers Association sent a with the gift It said: "it is right that people from Massachusetts wher ever they are should have the pick of the maple syrup There is'none better anywhere than tnat made from the sap of our maples know you will share it with your mother and the Presi (Continued rom Page One) I think he has done a very fine jon in uw unci lime mat ne nas STATE DAR WINNER BIDDEORD (AP) Potato Market YORK ARi jwuotatoes LT 50 lb sk US No 1 size Katahdins unwashed 110 15 shriveled 100 Rancourt Asst Postmaster Here Is Dead Emile Rancourt 58 of 9 Au tumn Street Waterville assistant postmaster here since May of 11959 died Tues iday morning at a I local hospital He had been ill a short time i He was borii in Waterville Sept 14 1902 the son of Edward and the late Josephine Poulin Ran court He had lived here all of his life He was appointed as a substi tute carrier with the Post Office Service May 1 1930 A short time later he was appointed a regular clerk a post he held fdr more than 15 years In 1057 he was named foreman of the lo cal post office and in May of 1959 he named acting assistant postmaster He was appointed permanent assistant postmaster in January of this year He is survived by his widow Mrs Laura Roy Rancourt his father Edward Rancourt five brothers Joseph Rancourt Ro meo Rancourt Wilfred Rancourt and Marcel Rancourt all of Wa terville and Robert Rancourt Winslow four sisters Mrs Leona Vellleux Mrs Lorette Dumont Mrs Carmen Bailee and Mrs Es telle St Amand all of Waterville and several nieces and nephews He was a member of the Cuard of Honor of the Blessed Sacra ment Chapel and a member of the Postal Association The body is at the Veilleux neral Home until services at 9 a ryiay at St rancis de A Sales tri St rancis Cemetery MIS MARY RICHARDSON Miss Marty Anastasia (Stacie) Richardson 26 Greenwood Street died unexpectedly early Tuesday afternoon Ste collapsed in the vicinity of Post Office Square while walk ing and was rushed to a local hospital where she was pronounc ed1 'dead a few minutes later She was a lifelong resident of Waterville and was born hdre March 4 1817 the daughter of Charles and Mary Richardson She was employed by the Cham plin Insurance Agency Elm Street for the past year pre viously being employed by the Home Insurance Company 22 years She is survived by her mother Mrs Mary Richardson of this city two brothers William Richardson of Presque Isle and Charles Richardson Wjn slow two sisters Mrs Irene Proctor of this city and Mrs Madeline Hersey of airfield ten nieces and nephews and one grandnephew (32 I lour spring patents 658 668 Corn all rail no 2 yellow 151 Oats all rail 40 lbs poultry 93 Hay no 2 timothy 3900 4100 I Potatoes (50 lbs) 110 125 Potatoes 10 lbs) 26 27 Beef sides good to prime 41 46 Lambs good to prime 35 45 Veal good to prime 44 66 Poultry choice eviscerated fowls25 36 ancy live fowls 14 17 Sugar fine granulated 100 lbs V70 Pork loins 42 50 GOP Caucuses Approve Building Renovations By LEONARD JCOHEN AUGUSTA Republican caucuses gave tentative ap proval Tuesday to a proposal to IpeOd up a program of repairs to state buildings costing about $4 million as an anti recession measure A Senate GOP caucus in the morning and a House GOP cau cus at night raised little objection to the proposal which was first revealed when the scnate'passed an order giving the Approprla segrega tion he would not administer his office in line with policy of prohibition segregation in federal Institutions and agencies iging development non dte areas the world" Second objection was that Vast Weather Systems Battle High Over project prize will be furnished rooms or salaries or mvolv mg ui overiBllast af $24 billM over three years I 41 SHOT DEAD KARACHI Paklstan The governrhent says 41 persons were shot dead while along the 1500 mile border" between In confirm when tne vote comes at 2 nm todav Tuesday on notion of liberal But Jie said thp record shows Republican Jacob Javits ot New Yprk to recommit the nomina tion to the committee the Maine senators split Republican Sen Margaret Chase Smith voted to recommit Muskie voted against mo tion was defeated 66 to 18 Muskie said that the reason hia vnt in the com L11A ff Qeawiirxeart 4 dia and West Pakistan last vear i snarpiy would a replay of all proceed schools Both Kennedy and are Roman Catholics that church have taken strong is sue with Kennedy's views on aid to private schools and have urged his proposal be amended to grant loans for such schools Kpnnpdv hie naive ninnnr ence last week that federal as 49 medium 47 pullet 42 sistance to private primary and secondary schools is clearly un constitutional The Catholic heirarch cardinals archbishops and bishops contend loans to private schools The dinner committee is Mrs (framework of the Constitution Hildred Richards Mrs Mildfrl Kennedy proposal Includes out ish and Mrs Laura Odlin The I right grants to states for class Project DriZP Will wk fiirnRhed I wnAmr a kAk bKMrs Gailene JisL UTTS" expected that there will be work on the fir balsam pil lows under the direction of Mrs Wyona Brackett Mrs Hazel Ram sey and Mrs Alberta ish John and Richard Tarbell Robert and Annette Spaulding Rose and Brenda Littlefield Rita Diane and Roger Crosby of the Golden Rule 4 Club at tended a 4H Club jamboree at the Btfker School in Augusta riday evening Transportation was furnished by Mr and Mrs Vinal Tarbell Mr and Mrs Mil lard Littlefield and Mr and Mrs Delbert Crosby The Mothers of Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts of Troon 444 are sponsoring a public pound party at the parish hall riday eve ning at 730 for Mr and Mrs Charles Dodge and family who lost their home by fire last week Refresmments will be served 1 on the right of railroads to diver sify into other industries 4 Repeal or extension to the railroads of the "agricultural of the act which frees trucks from price regulation when carrying agricultural commodi ties 5 Repeal or extension to the railroads of the com modities of the act i frees barges from price regulation when carrying bulk materials 6 Support and development by all levels of government of mass transportation planning to solve the commutation 1 in in metropolitan areas 7 Reduction of the tax deprecia tion life of railroad property from the present average of 40 years to 15 yehrs for rolling stock and 20 years for other transport faci lities? 8i Ending state and local tax discrimination against railroads by passage of a federal law con demning such practices as an un i i iu uuc DuxucD un inici oidic cuni'jgjg tx 4 used 1" the bay PrisvAtvrirKJ nnsr rrrnilnfnrv interference in the full develop ment of railer on flat car (piggy back) service 10 Elimination of the excise tax on passenger travel The telegram to President Ken nedy was signed by the presidents of The Bangor Aroostook The Boston Maine The Maine Cen tral The New York Central Sys tem The New York New Haven and Hartford and The Rutland Railroad Day said it appeared from a studj that the gap between in come and operating expenses ip the Postoffice Department for next year will be $900 million He said the entire operating budget calls for an outlay of $44 billion per year Elsenhower budget propo sal called for a substantial rate increase in all classes of mail first class airmail second class third class and parcel Day said President Kennedy and I have indicated our approv However Day said he thought some economies could be intro duced which would lop off some $12 million from the budget pro posal Day said increases may not be Put into effect this vaar twrnnu hearfcigs in Congress may take many nionths He said 'Jie believes that since first class mail and air mail get preferred handling they should carry rales that exceed their cost He said a studv showed thnt rwnl ny increases on the two classes of mail would bring in an added $430 mlllloh yearly (Continued rom Page One) closed the film star whispered to a nyrse asktag her to carry the message I love to singer Eddie isher her husband A secretary said Miss Taylor was conscious only "some of the EDDIE HAS NAP isher himself finally went sleep doctor cave him nii said Mrs Itouben Mamoulian wife of a film director the first real sleep he has had since Elizabeth went to the hospital Sat Joseph Mankiewicz recently ap pointed to succeed Mamoulian as director of the projected Taylor movie spent two hours at the hospital most of it talking with isher MiSs Taylor was breathing with the aid of an electronic lung pumping oxygen through a tube inserted in a surgical incision in her throat She was being nour ished intravenously in an ankle Earlier she had blood transfu aiuiis io comoat anemia Twice in four" days her doctors had de aenpeq ner as on the inc money you nave auouea Tabbutt explained In other business the Council approved establishment of a seven member "Code Commis to be comprised of elcc tricians plumbers and real estate a coniraciors New Snowstorm Battering At Mid Continent By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A new snowstorrfi slugged win ter weary sections of the mid con tinent Tuesday closing schools and disrupting auto and plane travel The storm coming hard ori the heels of a widespread wintry bn slaught over the weekend piled up towering drifts of snow fn sou heastern Wyoming and East ern Colorado and then fanned eastward reezine rain or drizzle mixed I discussion mow 5 7U5as anu Neurasna nz Mm im nvviu wa hg njporUnt post Mug Tna rxAlfr af fsAArtMCf rain wae av inkn tha vara nnmat ar Arnold's QUAUTy AT A PRICE Ruling Rebukes Judge About Ring Sentence ATLANTA The Georgia Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that a judge exceeded his legal authority in sentencing integra tion leader Martin Luther King jr to iz months at in a traffic case But did not free King The appellate court mous decision said King should be brought again before Judge Os County for resentencing The new sentence could be six months in jail anti six months pt labor a public works camp That would be the same sen tence insofar as time is concerned but would differ in how it should be served1 Th' Court of Appeals said it was powerless to order the Negro leader freed because he had en tered a plea of guilty last year to having no valid Georgia driver's license Thisi brought a $25 fine and the 12 inonth work camp sen tence which was suspended at the time pending good behavior plea of guilty by the de fendant appearing in the the court said cannot be dis charged although tlie sentence is a nullity but a legal sentence may be Imposed "Tn a misdemeanor case the sentence" is' illegal if the term of imprisonment is greater than the maximum provided by the statute but this does not redder the Judg ment The decision said later order revoking King's pro bation and orderingJiim to serve four months after he engaged in mnen counter sit ins was void The court ruled there was no pro bation to revoke as the original 12 month sentence7 was illegal me effect of it all was that un less the decision is appealed to there U5ns Cdmtaittce power To" bring Senate caucus the was believed to be favorable Senate leaders avoided any defi nite statements however pend ing action by the House caucud Senate Majority Leader Shelton Noyes said they planned an announcement for this morning and also scheduled another cau cus before opening of today's ses sion House Speaker Vinal Good confined his comments to saying that the House caucus had pro duced no objections to the pro posal No detailed projects were dis (msitad details would be left to the bill which might come out of the ap propriations committee (Com mitees have power to ori ginate bills unless specifically au thorized by a joint order of both Houses) But it was pdinted out that re pair projects could be started and jobs provided much more quickly than could new construc tion projects The latter would require time for selection of ar chitects and drafting of detailed plans and specifications and in some cases acquisition of land The committee already has been over the list of projects and priorities assembled by the Bu reau of Public Improvements It appeared that the group was ready to take quick action on drafting and reporting a bill out net dui weauier aoc more inap ex aspcrattaRly wcck man's best laid be they spring crops I piviui3 vi uiauKUi mivua uvc would be impossible without our ocCan of air At this point in history 4 1 a' '6m4a1 Ca 6a ukan IIiaw Kam an4 onuiiu asV win OHM duck for cover if they come our way But how is a storm born? Even before it comet into be ing weathermen can see the germs of trouble In the United States the pattern it like a mam moth war fought with the energy of thousands of atorn bombs be tween great armies of northern and southern air The snowstorms that raked the Midwest and East in early eb ruary were born in such a battle AitAt fhA Danhanrlla aTavae un newspaper weainer maps the armies appeared as high pres ly huge mounds of air Inside them the pressure or weight of the air is greater than it la out sid' The cold dry northern air swept out of the Canadian arctic over North and South Dakota into Kan sas and southward The southern air mass born in the Gulf of Mexico held the southern United States in warm moist captivity As the two highs moved toward each other the low pressure area between over northern Texas and took on the un easiness of impending battle In each of the huge air masses the winds blew clockwise around the air mass centers So at the leading edge of the warm air mass in Texas winds flew from west to east At the leading edge of the cold air mass as it moved southward over Kansas winds blew east to west directly oppo i sue At the meeting there was con flict The cold hoavier northern air wedged tinder the warm south ern air The rising warm air ex panded cooled and poured out water vapor for clouds and energy to fuel the storm To indicate the expansive way of air A balloon with just one cubic foot of air at the earth's surface expands to twice that size at 18000 feet and a small puddle of water collects in the bottom of the balloon rom above on a weather map you now wave in southern northern northern southern lines to the west This wave borrowed from air masses to form its own winds Like a rising spiral these winds move counterclockwise gear meshing with the contrary winds of the air masses On eb 1 this storm was new born over Amarillo Tex The next day it was over Louisiana scat tering snow and rajn By eb 3 heart was over but there ws snow from Wichita Kan to Milwaukee Wis to Pitts burgh On eb 4 it passed over hap less Manhattan Island dumping some 16 inches of snow before it continued like a whirling into the Atlantic Born over Texas it fed tinually on the winds of the air masses By the time it got to New York "IT phcW a rolid punch The winds that nurtured it US Weather Bureau scientists say blow the energy of two billion atom bombs across the United States each year And what was the energy of this one" storm? Here's one clue: To melt the 40 million tons of snow that Tell on New York City would take the heat energy of 120 atom oomos Next: New weather eyes ears Split On Appointment By MAY CRAIG jh'is floor 'that (Sentinel Correspondent) Iserious objection has bccnTahcd iciHvrTnv to thc on the ground gs an exponent of segrex a of views of Charles Merlweth er of Alabama to be a member of the board ofalrectors of the Tmnnrtirnnrt Rank said Tuesday (Continued rom Page One) mission The Leopoldville regime accuses him of partiality toward Lumumbists While tension continued high in Leopoldville news came of 200 Congolese civilians being rounded up by Lumumbist authorities at the other end of thc country UN reports said the 200 were arrested in Stanleyville and herded to jail The reason for the swoop was not known NKRUMAH'S plan At the UN General Assembly in New York meanwhile President Kwame Nkrumah pro posed his own solution for the primarily an all African UN command and new parlia mentary elections under UN su pervision Although he accused the UN secretariat headed by Dag Ham marskjold of making serious mis takes Nkrumah did not join in Soviet pressure to replace the sec retary xeneral The Navy meanwhile called off four ships it was send ing to the Congo area 46 help the United Nations if necessary The Navy said the United Nations ad vised their presence is not re quired ornyijuieJiing jaUsesoUatim between Congolese political lead ers meeting in Malagasy Repub lic markqd time because Antoine Gizenga head of the leftist Stan leyville rebel regime failed to show up He is the only leading vongo politician not there Gizenga the slain Patrice Lu political heir sent word Monday he was on his way But a subsequent cable failed to say he was coming and it was report ed he had decided not to attend It appeared little could be done to settle the Congo's civil strife unless Gizenga joins the negotl auons In Elisabethville a Katanga government spokesman said reh els from Kivu Province have invaded (he northern tip of Katanga Province and threatened the town of Bendera Three thou sand rebels have surrounded the town he said and the civilian population has asked the Katanga nc wiinneiqni voie in me vvm mittee was thaTie had4een in an Important meeting on potatoes on the diir th 41 Jhsx9mmltte fi heard the evidenee on Meriweth er Muskie said that since he had neither heard nor read thc evi dence when the vote came in the member of the Ku Klux KJan committee he withheld his vote He said that "he? felt the Senate was entitled to know his posi tion as a member of the com mittee before the vote' on the motion to recommit was taken Tuesday and he therefore out lined his position speech am confronted on a man whom I the crucial issue of Muskie said "I shall vote to support the nomina tion of Mr Merewither I take this position recognizing that I dot not agree with Mr Mere position nor do I ap prove of his party organization In Alabama on the civil rignts questions "I DO NO CONTEND trfat his Is an outstanding appointment I find no evidence in the record to justify denying consent to the The hearing on Merewither's nomination was brief and the general talk about him was not backed up by witnesses at the hearing Muskie a lawyer said this in Deborah Allen of Biddeford High Anyone wishing to assist with the rerresnments for the evening is asked to take cake or cookies The town reports are now avail able from the Benton Station Post Office Libby's Variety store or from any of the selectmen Golden Rule 4 Club will meet Thursday afternoon at 330 at the home of Mrs Doris Tar bell instead of riday evening Mr and Mrs Oliver Adams and granddaughter Catherine of 91 have returned to their YeenlaxtounLjifflpera home after spend week tufe: 40 irnporL iUApuri drur amu that on basis ot the evidence sub "Jr mitted to the Banking and Cur wannv whioVl hie is a member he saw no Tea political association with certain son to vote against the conf irma extremist anti negro ntl semitic tion of the nominee anti Catholic persons dis out a special bill House action was deferred until after the cau cus Thc move was a follow up to thc request of Governor Reed two weeks ago for prompt ac "We want to get all we can for tion on $8 million worth of pro HlAHnV VAII llntloH inrte in it CO QAA AAA anilol at Sacred Heart Church at 9 amJ Postmaster General Edward riday Burial will be in the fam Day said Tuesday ny tat st rancis cemetery riends may call at the Reding ton uneral Home from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 SiSthAndMiiskie Extension Assoc Meeting Thursday The Benton alls Extension will have an all day meeting Thursday at the parish house The meeting will be on Take Care of Our Clothes? under the direction of the cloth ing leader Mrs Gailene ish VASSALBORO Mn Cong uneral servlirei ill ta I 'I ne I.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.