Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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Waterville, Maine

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Operator 4 WaterviHeMorning Sentinel Wednesday Noy IS I HI llied AitCraft Obituaries And unerals criticism tha CLINTON 3 I 8 Pare) nevablnd COLOR THIS AD WIN A PRIZE! 282 fMcy iiTO fowl 22 26 are GIT Sb TOWEL SETS a Potato Market 159 Of count "THERE'S A we hove Santa Claws Ind beariog famoae wrvke QhE TOYS ALU KNOW ITS TIME TO GoZj St Y0ufTon yQUHGSTERS ei MAIL AND TIONlOlDrMnOMmimTDWWS 5 1 1 S' I 2 2 I a 2 1 8 3 a 3 3 roads still Christmas Gift Store a a fabric gets extra brushing for i extra warmth Sftug ltnit tuffs keep draffs out xi PURGER PURGED VIENNA Austria Nov Rudolf Slansky Moscow taught purger himself has been purged the Prague radio an nounced today 3 1 The first glimpse Columbus had of the mainland in the western hemisphere was at Venezuela He mistook it for an island Its Mt tee late er penOBalixed i greeting card ATHENS Mr and Mrs Daniel Brown and daughter Althea spent Thanksgiv ing Day with her sister Mrs Lena Taylor and family in Harmony Mr and Mrs Almon oss are the parents of a son born Wednesday Nov? 21 at the Stewart Hospital in Skowhegan Mr and Mrs Albert ish spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives in St Albans Mr and Mrs Malcolm Heaten and Mrs Walter McKenney were in Portland riday to take Mr and Mrs baby to the Chil Hospital as a surgical case Mrs Hope Cromwell took her daughter Joyce to the 'Shriners Hospital in Springfield Mass ri day for a check up Mr and Mrs Ralph Pullen "of Skowhegan were calling on her sister Mrs Stewart and family Saturday Mr' and Mrs Robert olsom of Cambridge were Sunday guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Sinclair? Bl Potatoes steady I Katahdln 5 US No 1 size A 100 lb sack 400 8 410 50 lb sack 200 210 few 215 Maine Katahdln US No 1 2 in min 50 lb sack 200 210 few 195 SOLON IRST BASKETBALL GAME This evening at 730 in the town halt will be played the first basket ball game of the season The Jun ior High girls coached by Miss Bet ty McCormack a graduate of SHS in 1951 and the Junior High boys coached by Principal Paul Given play the North Anson teams Double tost Double tolesj Extra wear (Continued rom The irst Plow operators beat the stork to an expectant mother stranded bn the Vote Road four miles outside Limestone After a Limestone Air orce base doctor got stuck trying to reach Mrs Clarence Olarry a town plow got through and plowed the road to Caribou Mrs Olarry was placed in a Caribou hospital A Limestone father and his two year old daughter were found safe after being missing overnight Hughie JOndro and the child Elaine left for Caribou yesterday and had to spend the night in a ditched truck A highway plow reached them this morning At Presque Isle red McCon nell division engineer of the Maine Highway Department said the Caribou Bangor main highway was open but several state in northern Maine were CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas Party of the Laurel Rebekah Club will be held at Odd ellows hall Dec 6 at 4:30 pm There will be a Christ mas tree from which gifts will be exchanged in charge of Mrs Lottie Wakely jmd Mrs Nellie Tap ley Mystery sisters will be reveal ed and members are to take a fifty cent gift for their mystery sister and new names of mystery sisters will be drawn at this time for the year 1952 Miss Marjorie Gerald the new president will arrange the Christmas program and a 6:30 pot luck supper will be served Who Stood By Post Will Get Medal Townspeople of Brownville and telephone officials will join a public ceremony today to present a silver Vail Medal to night tele phone operator Doris Chase for rousing the town last eb 4 against Spreading fire while the Masonic building in which she worked was burning i I An artist has put on canvas the smoky scene of Mrs Chase alone in the central office forking cour ageously to spread the alarm from her switchboard later was lost in the destruction of the build ing hf This painting will be part of the background against which she will receive in rebuilt Masonic build ing 'the medal and its accompany ing citation and a $500 cash award Vice President Erskine White of the New England Telephone Neff Is ired But Ohly Loses Title WASHINGTON Nov Neff was summarily fired the presidency of the big Missouri Pacific Railroad today for testimony he gave the Interstate Commerce Commission but all he lost was the title Davis the board chairman dismissed him from the presidency saying his testimony about the earnings prospects was tai lored to the interests of a New York financial But in St Louis Guy A Thomp son the Mo court appointed trustee in bankruptcy' declared that Neff would continue my chief executive The swift developments came in the midst of a hearing on a reor ganization plan for the Mo Pac which has been under bankruptcy trusteeship for 19 years 24000 Pts Blood I or Armed orces Is Quota AUGUSTA Nov A Maine quota of 24000 pints of blood a year for armed forces use was announced today at a meeting of Maine Red Cross chapter offi cers A blood collection project will start in Maine early next year af ter county medical societies and Red Cross chapters have approved preparatory steps 1 Dr John Whitney of Alexan dria Va Eastern Red Cross area director said the state quota is based on population AU the blood the Red Cross collects he said will go to the armed forces None will be diverted for civilian use About 75 officers of 31 chapters met io learn What their groups must do to prepare for the blood program in Maine They were told that at least 150 donors will be needed each day the collection program operates The Maine Blood Collection sub center' wiU be located in Bangor according to present plans A mo bile coUection unit? with a team of physicians nurses and techni cians will tour the state Blood will go to Philadelphia for process ing and then to the Army armed forces hospital here and overseas (Continued rom The irst Page) Debusschere died of a ruptured aorta suffered mul tiple rib fractures when crushed by steering wheel Dr Greene said part of an of ficial state circular on safe driv ing methods fell from the hat at the Debusschere who had on his person a bank book showing de posits of more than $3000 had been employed at the Poland Spring House Detective Captain Ralph raser said Debusschere zcame to this country from Belgium and has no survivors Arthur Morse driver of the other auto was hospitalized for treatment of a concussion Bowling Pin Boiler House Swept By ire EAGLE LAKE Me (TP) ire the boiler house at the Eagle Lake Lumber Mills laminated bowling £in factory to night Vice President Claude Martin said the fire would cause a tempor ary shutdown of the plant which employs about 160 people Cause of the blaze was under termined President Russell Diehl estimated the loss at $10000 to $20000 Eagle Lake firemen kept the flames from the factory building only 35 feet from the blazing boiler house and an adjacent sawmill Only a watchman was in boiler house when the fire broke out About 50 wefe at work in the factory buildins The plant was opened last Aug ust Xnly have Nevabmd underarm with Jiffon ihoulden all Line of Pottery And Dish Gardens Potted Plants Grown Under Or Own Glass MAPLEHURST GREENHOUSES Also Open Evenings Sundays Augusta Bdtr Winslew TeL 1576 Mr and Mrs Victor Dow Ridge Road West Clinton entertained for holiday dinner guests her nep hew and wife Mr and Mrs Clif ton Rlnes and children Pamela and Everett of East Hartford Conn Mr and Mrs Clarence Rlnes and daughters Lorena and Constance and Charlotte Helen Linda Janet and Thomas Dow Mr and Mrs Lauriston Wey mouth and daughter Marilyn of Mexico who have been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Archer Weymouth Upper Main Street and with her parents Mr and Mrs Archie Knight of reedom have returned There will be a rehearsal of the third and fourth degrees at Clinton Grange hall at 7:30 this evening Miss Myrtle Hutchinson a tea cher in the public schools at Pal ermo was a weekend guest pf Miss Charlotte Dow Ridge Road West Clinton le The adult choir of Clinton ree Baptist Church will meet with Mr and Mrs Dwight York at 7:30 this evening?" Mr and Mrs Paul Ellis who spent the holiday vacation with re latives in Rangeley and Phillips have returned Pvt Stanley A Thrasher Army who has completed his basic training at the radio school at ort Dix have been home on a few days furlough with his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Thrasher Hill Road has been sent to Camp Stonman base in Califor nia to await overseas assignment He was drafted into service for examination January 24 1951 Telegraph Company'wUl make the presentation The silver' medal is the highest award of the Theodore Vail Memorial und established in 1920 to give recognition to tele phone workers for outstanding acts of public sefvice This is the first time the silver medal has been awarded to Maine" telephone worker The citation commends Mrs Chase courage resourceful ness and feffective use of telephone facilities great personal risk in summoning aid during a disas trous With a recital of hmy she warned fellow townsmen and how she escaped through a second story window when forced to quit her post the citation concludes prompt action courage and fortitude undoubtedly saved tha entire town from Last summer VeteraM of oreign Wars acclaimed Mrs Chase the of tha at their convention in Au burn ROSE'S GREENHOUSE LORIST lowers uneral Designs Weddings 24 Oak St i Waterville PHONE 212 WE DELIVER Cozy baby happy youl Carter knits wa'sh and wear to perfection And they're jo pretty apple green candy pink buttercup orblue Sizes 6 mos to 4 yrs One 1 or two pant sets nouncement of an American to the North Atlantic command is made The British also have a new 280 caliber rifle which they think better than the Garand The British had Indicated they were ready to give way on both questions until they suddenly re versed themselves yesterday It was reported the reversal came on orders from Prime Minister Win 1 ston Churchill The unique rench plan for a European" army was bom out of fear that a rearmed Germany might march against Paris again Its structure is designed so that no one nation in the' army could usfe iis lurces wiuioui me consent vi the other partners The troops in the European army would wear one uniform draw same pay take orders in one language They would be supported by their own mixed naval and air units i Each national division wiuld be dovetailed with four or five div isions of the other nationalities in to a corps The effect would be to spread German units and lessen chances of a new German high command springing up Sells Home After Being Called Back Mr and Mrs Donald Reynolds and three children who recently purchased the Charles Hanson land with buildings Ridge Road West Clinton have sold the property and their furniture Reynolds was on the list of reserves Army having served in World War II and has been called to report for active service on Dec 11 The family have left for his home in Missouri her first visit home since coming to Clinton at the close of Worltj War 2 Besides Clinton the family has resided in East Vassalboro and Waterville Mr parents Mr and Mrs Russell Reynolds re side on the Clinton Town House Hill Road 56TH ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Guy Whitten Horseback Road will today observe their 56th wedding anniversary at their home where they have resid ed nearly all of their married life Mrs Whitten before her marriage will be remembered as Nellie Walker a native of Hartland Mr Whitten is 77 years of age and Mrs Whitten is 80 years of age They have one Bethel Whit ten and grand children Mr Whit ten followed the vocation of a far mer nearly all his! life Mr and Mrs Whitten are mem bers of Clinton ree Baptist Church and Mr Whitten a mem ber of Sebasticook Lodge A A No 146 LOWER SHOP CALL 2585 Quality I PERECT GIT OR THAT LITTLE ANGEL WATERVILLE SKQWHeUAR Budget and Charge Accounts Invited expense of radio and backing chairman of the sub the inquiry as erguson Downs 4 SEOUL Korea Wednesday Nov (P) Allied aircraft knocked four Communist MIG 15 Some six billion checks printed annually to supply the need for this handy substitute for cashl Gift Headquarters I i STEM NS Lawton Street who was born Sun pets from the northwest Korea day night at Stewart Private Ho skies and damaged four more in pital died Tuesday morning six separate engagementsTues The remains will be buried to 1 day day Sunset Cemetery in Nprth The Allies officially acknowl Aiion under the' direction of the edged the loss of one 80 Lord uneral Home Besides her Shooting Star parents the baby is survived by The ifth Air orce re her grandparents porting theresults said the Reds had from 80 to 100 of their Red UNERAL nosed jet fighters in the air at MRS DORA MeNEELIE I various times These were opposed uneral services by 83 fighters of all types for Mrs Dora Goodwin McNeeliej while the air war erupted anew wife of Elmer McNeelie of Ma di 1 fjghtlng on the ground off son Avenue were conducted Tues 1 truce negotiations at day afternoon? at 1 showed more promise uneral Home The ev 1 success 4 The Shooting Star went down in edlhhhriek Robert the first battle of the day when Hall Dr John Diller and Heniy 80001 waged one MIG and protected the UNERAL bomb laden fighters below the Air KONSTANTINE KRAMICH orce said uneral services of Kohstantine In Jlve engagements jtiie Kramich were held at the VeUleux Air orce added nil American uneral Home at 9:30 Tues planes returned safely to' their day morning with the Rev Wesley bases Haynes of the Congregational On the western front Allied Church in Winslow officiating units secured Jheir hold on the Bearers wiere Andrew Sadulsky peak called Littler Gibraltar Pat Joseph Zelenkewich Cook rols probing the area returned to and Walter ederovich Burial was report "no contact in the family lot in Pine Grove ss sssssssssssessssssssb Cemetery i financial News HAROLD DOE And Market Prices of Bingham died early this evening at his home following a long illness He had resided in this community for nearly 40 years Survivors and Stock Market Rolls tt be On Recovery Road NEW YORK Nov uneral services for Alphonse The stock market rolled along the Bolduc will be held at 9 am ri recovery road again today with day at Notre uame cnurcn jBunai prices advancing fractions to will? be in the family lot in St around a point rancis Cemetery In two days the market has gain back $1250000000 of the $2 250000000 lopped off the quoted THE WEATHER value stocks during last de clines Official Government orecast The volume and the advaflce in the Press averages Central air Wednes were the best since Nov 9 day but with increasing cloudiness number of advances was greater by afternoon and light snow by than yesterday and the number nightfall continuing Wednesday of dBclines was smaller nights Slightly higher afternoon Trading was still cautious Ev temperature Wednesday highest eryone had a weather eye on about 30 degrees Winds gentle truce negotiations in Korea and variable becoming gentle to mo wage bargaining between the CIO derate southerly Not so cold Wed steel makers in Pittsburght nesday Thursday partly cloudy Some traders took a deflation with little change in temperature ary view of the Korean truce talks RhlBut most Bgrecd that was short ode air Wednesday but I term outlook They said whatever with increasing high cloudiness I the outcome there would be huge Slightly warmer by Wednesday defense spending in the iponths afternoon Mostly cloudy and not ahead i I Thev keot an ear co*cked to the Ov VwAU 'T tOLLCl Jf AlllLLOUuJ 1 partly cloudy with little change in conference of the steelworkers and temperature the steel makers in Pittsburgh for New Hampshire' In the possibility of a seventh round creasing cloudiness Wednesday wage increases i which tgh with slightly higher temperature mean a higher pnce for steel and by afternoon Ligt snow in the set a pattern for other industries north portions Wednesday after The Associated Press adages noon And night knd cloudy else ovfd up cents to $9580 with where Wednesday night Not 80 the industrials gening 30 the cold Wednesday night Thursday rails 80 cents and the utilities a partly cloudy with little change inlntnie temperature i Main Increasing cloudiness Stocks In The Spotlight Wednesday with slightly higher NEW voRK Nov temperature by afternoon Light gales closing price and net change SD jWr ternoon of the fifteen most active stocks and Wednesday night Not so cold today Wednesday night Thursday partly Rai6 Co 16 700 22i4 cloudy with little change in tem Philc0 corp 15000 2514 Vi perature Am Woolen 14800 40 DI Eastport to Block Dimin ny central 13500 17 4 Ishing northwest winds Wednesday fNorth Pac 13300 59 1 becoming moderate variable most RR 12ooo 19 1 ly southerly Wednesday afternoon Canad pac 300 30 14 Increasing cloudiness with excel Balt Oh Pf io7OO 42 lent visibility Light show by night Anaconda Cop 9900 50 over the north portion Gen Motors 970049 i Same as for Boston Am Tel Tel 9600 157 Tel 9600 16 Sentinel Almanac Pepsi coia 8400 8 No Nov 28 1951 Mo Kan Pf 7700 51 2 Sun rises: 6:50 a I Repub Stl 7700 43 Sun sets: 403 I Length of day: 9 hrs 13 mins Boston Market Sew Nnv62RrSR BOSTON Nov 27 Jbb tort 5 H20 A bin Prices (with wholesale prices parentheses) today were: i Dec 13 4:30 a EGGS: Large specials 66 67 (65) minimum tempera medium specials 83 64 (62) puHets tnre? I4 specials 54 (53) maximum tempera LOUR: Short patents 677 687 ture: 30 CORN: AU rail 40 lbs poultry 219 AUGUSTA Me Nov 27 (P) OATS: AU rail 40 lbs poultry Philip Hodgkins of armington 28 operator of the Triangle dus line HAY: No 2 timothy $35 $37 has asked the Public Utilities Com 1 POTATOES: Green Mtz 300 mission for permissibn to halt set 325 vice on that part of his route be? BEE SIDES: Good to prime tween Belgrade Depot and Augus 547 587 ta The today ordered a pub LAMBS: Good to prime 56 63 lie hearing Thursday VEAL: Good to prime 56 62 POULTRY: Choice dressed fowl laxity uve auwi 3 SUGAR: ine granulated 100 lbs 825 1 mrmvnvfi' 1 co*kE UlkfkDlOi JAdUVC Uvud native toms 44 48 PORK: Loins 56 62 ssasaaaaaaBaMoaEaEaEfaaaaEMaaEaaa WILRED RICH HALL Wilfred Hall died at his home on High StreetTuesday morning after several days illness He was born eb 20 1870 in Brooks' the son of 7 Shad rack and Mary Bassick HalL He has been a resident of this town or mahy years being weU known Asta carpenter and he is retired from the Maine Central Railroad shops' or several years he resid ed in Sidney where he was prop rietor of the Pine Tree Sheep 3arm Inc 51'H was united in marriage Nov is 1893 to Harriet Taylor and en Nov 15 of this year they observ ed' their 58th wedding anniversary Besides his wife he leaves three daughters Lyda Hall Berry of New ySrk Eleanor HaH Nelson of Man chester and Martha Hall tlark airfield one sons Raymond THaU Caldwell three grand daughters Anita Louise and Nancy fJee Clark wljo resided with him and Rosemary Hall Caldwell jjf one nephew Leroy HaUJ Dix axiont The body is at the home at 9High Street where funeral services will be held riday afternoon at 2 UNERAL MRS CORA CHALMERS ALBION uneral services for 'Mrs Cora Chalmers widow of the'Jate Milton Chalmers tof Albion were held at 2 pm Sat Zurday at the Albion Christian SDhurch Rev Nelson Heikesofficiated assisted by Mr Erie tMorse pastor of the churchs i' The bearers were Clarence Chalmers Hillard Bessey WiUis (Hussey and George HammondBurial was ini the No 4 Cemetery Those attending from out of were Mr and Mrs Earl Libby daughters Jeanne and Carol4f Syracuse Mr and Mrs Lindsay Chalmers of Catskill NY 'Mr and Mrs James Brown of Canaan Mrs Vesta oss and Mrs iLucy oss Of Benton Mr and Mrs Richard Dolloff of Orono 1 Mrs gWeston Ames of Matinicus and Mrs Lyle Adams of Unity 5 Mrs Chalmers died "Nov 22t the home of her son and wife and Mrs Earl Libby in Syra cuse where she has made ther home for many years in' 1 JOHN CASSIDY BINGHAM Nov John Jo fceph Cassidy a Bingham resident for the past 57 years died Monday evening at a i Waterville hospital He was 78 years of age 4 He was In Cranbourne onMay 2 1873 the son of Edward PJsnd Ellen Colgan Cassidy He had ibeen a farmer and lumberman inBingham for many years i Survivors "include three sons aHugh Cassidy of Bingham James Cassidy of Portland and Daniel 'Cassidy of Winslow a daughter Mrs Agnes Atwood of Concord several' brothers Patrick Jacob and Albert Cassl4y of Bingham and Benjamin Cassidy of Moscow and others In Canada uneral services will be held at St Church in Bingham Thursday morning at 9 with the Rev Napoleon Madore officiating Burial will be in the Bingham Village Cemetery UNERAL JO MRS NORA HERRIN SKOWHEGAN uneral servi ces for Mrs Nora Herrin were held at the Union Church in Ca naan Monday at 2 pjn a Mrs Herrin died riday night at home of her daughter Mrs Arthur Cates In Canaan with whom she resided for two years She was born March 19 187O at Cfipton daughter of Horace and Ellen Goodwin Survivors include three daugh ters Mrs Gladys Cates Mrs Eva Nelson Mrs Mertie Hart Canaan th'ee sbns Harold Herrin East Madison Carl Herrin Bath and Kenneth Herrin of Canaan two Mothers George Goodwin of pfttsfield and Eddie Goodwin Clinton also several grandchil dren i 1 Bearers at' the services were Bertram and Merl Nelson Leland Herrin Herbert Hart Paul Good rch and Charles Dickey Burial vis ln the family lot in Canaan 4 Village Cemetery A REBECCA ERGUSON SKOWHEGAN er guson infant daughter of' Robert and Virginia Dorgan erguson of Ohio Voting Gillette Hits arcial Reports Of Campaign Costs WASHINGTON Nov Senator Gillette ID Iowa) hit out at reporting of campaign costs today as the Ohio election investigation produced new multi million dollar figures In the exchange of big spending charges between Republican Sen ator Taft and Joseph ergusonthe Democrat he beat in 1950 er guson went all the way up ta $100 000000 (M) for Taft costs He said he reached that height by using the same formula Taft used in figuring erguson spending' to in clude the newspaper Gillette committee voiced his testified in Support of his more seriously advanced estimate that the Republicans! spent $5000000 (M) for Taft last year Taft a wit ness yesterday had i guessed $2 000000 was laid out for erguson figure for his own total campaign cost was $107004 of which $2270 was reported as his personal spending Taft had figured his own campaign cost $60000 to $700000 listing his per sonal outlays at $1800 commented that evid ence before the committee indicat ed that of were spent on I behalf of both men erguson testified earlier that a page newspaper advertising campaign estimated to have cost $1200000 was "desighed to the reelection of Taft The unsuccessful Democrat said that amounted to a government subsidy for the Taft campaign since the cost could be deducted for taxes erguson acknowledged under questioning by Senator Mar garet Chase Smith (R Me) that the ads did not 'mention Taft or other Republican candidates specifically He described the campaign however as which he said would the Taft had said he was against newspaper advertising but some local committees went into it on their own He said he could not es timate the cost SANTA'S GIT HEADQUARTERS aSTBWsWi ''J i WATERVILU SKOWHEGAN Jjf you want a beautiful gift for the whole familyt come and see our outstanding election of towel sets both beautiful and prac I it i tical bath dnd face towels with wash cloths jin white pastels and dark colors Plaids stripes and floral sets 1 I I in tho wo 1 "Ofc rO 8 I 1 "El 'sZ') cL xSs i': 2 Aydy a Carter 1 1 a lffon I I SR SO 20 S2 SO Aaa au i fl NDMEB 9 I I Jia tT 1 I I I fl I iA 1 1 I I TT Lehere i toe ika nrrwJ 'kxt BurehaM OM ol but beOufiMlv P1 "Sarto Gow Irtter" and moil it Uro our special mail box Wo wil we that jfegfl? sent to yovr favonH cWd from heme jtk rrw frs a Il leiteWf I fmo nrtnnin a 1 cow rt 1 row Each ir I ST 1 I IS I A rnlim COtaf0 fl A fl IS I XL? Uive A Ihought to LJuniity 11V I 4 st 11 fl wx aa law fl JT Skobin Phone 411 I 1 fl YOR ROSE'S GREENHOUSE LORIST lowers uneral Designs Weddings 24 Oak St i Waterville PHONE 212 WE DELIVER I.

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.