Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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Waterville, Maine

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page four WATER VILLE MORNING SENTINEL THURSDAY EBRUARY) 3 1921 riend of Remarkable ells whatj they claim i3 the only constltu 1 3 1901 at the Postofflce aL'fin'1 a precedent in the case of Serbia i 1500 150 600 700 year I 4uu returning Kerensky to power if they b7ug CoT VugMT THURSDAY EBRUARY 3 1921 SKOWHEGAN rench Jf HONORING UNKNOWN DEAD that I waking I BARKS fine tru aui pain nil and horrid ulcer that your Oint a 4 i condes the i is aJ comfort Oxidaze gives er Jveelin the mouth almolt? year 3 center Using 4 to the CLINTON a so largely i 3 One tiix Certain Relief rom Bronchial Asthma are appealing the alliet and a pretty strong that they favor agree to refund the 1 sti rrArfr xik UUt tactory relief 'hotild give Oxidaze a trial 3 they enn the present hall serving as a the anti Boh eventually may he farm where I zvt Is Judkins I NERVOUS SYSTEM SHATTERED year and year The Old Scl was making someshadows yesterday so if there a 'thing as a groundhog and he cape out on that date to fix the weather for the rest of the winter in for a pretty bad session I If pitenetx want to make a with Judge Landis they'd better jtwt i peed and a straight hall Miss a Chicago alleyway was revived she said a woman about 35 years old a Btranger to her had put a few drops of perfume on fher handkerchief She lost her senses a few minutes later Several other Chi cago girls have reported that a wom an drugged and then robbed them In thia manner EW OLKS GHW HILI NOW torn BYI'ZfMCMS TH O'Shea was found unconscious When i she Old sweaters whether wool mixed goods can be dyed any rich in jzamoed three sand in the carburetor Mentis Gest think with a $5090090 without a no more strong jno more bowel aedfith zones) in advance Stu zones)n advance By Carrier in advance months in adannn Tbret mouths in advance One morth tn Part into I 'to Thirty have gathered in have organized MRS RrXlGTM VAN1DERBILT WED TO SYDNHY COLCXRD: Cath leen Vanderbilt divorced wlfeiof Reg inald Vanderbilt is now Mrs Syd ney Jones Colford Jr Mrs Vander bilt obtained a divorce from (Reggie Vanderbilt tn April 1920 cn the ground of wilful desertion During the early year of the war Mr Col lora was in tha service of the Army and won three decorations for valor In describing a fight between a lumberjack and a wildcat ye scribe says: trousers are badly torn bu otherwise he feels al It does hurt one's feelings to have trouuerg torn by a wild cat laugh all you want to can regain cntrclof At any rate they are rallying point for all Lhevik force and Into their new home Monday on Up ter Main Btreet recently purchased of Alton Rlcuardson Jr of Waterville Mr Lamb has made extensive repairs pn the house I I The Blue and Whltp basket ball teams of Clinton high school blayed their first game at Town hallTuesday evening The Blue won the game score 18 to 11 John Grant was a recent guest at the home of his aisterl Mr and Mrs Clifford of Troy Mrs Arthur Holt who has been quite ill at her home is reported as Sfnlng 'Mrs' Miranda Ricker sperft the day recently at the home of her grandson Mr and Mrs Clarence Ricker and family jMelvin Steward wid tn Unity Wed nesday cn business I Germany says she'll never pay that nmerl TNsrhap it might be jest as well io fcrwclose the mort gage arid settle up the affairs of concern for pcod and all week Melrose Park Ad WOMEN! YOU CAN DIAMOND DYE IT When a ord can run on whet It how much dote he can libel suit? to his 'paper last vocate In the old days it used to be a crook in the elbow that caused troubles like this bt a tribute to th AS IMVH rfV Wh US nistr cnt ns nd last week and we wefef iWU6Ut so ganantiy ana ns me to secure another union man rincedi so rhwfn i uii lur ine ace time to issue a theiv i i nf Hugh Belvlen died Av of only three days of me lunerai Iater and civilians MM CLARK VUS MUCH problems with the Ark look simple don't they The farmers are busy fhis week hauling their ICe Two fields of ice have been cut isher and Harold Brown of Benton A very pleasant meeting of the Ar cana club was held at the home of its past president 'Mrs Lottie Cain Tuesday afternoon The follow ng program was presented: Quota tions current events members reading from the Maine book Cain paper of Mrs Anne Cotton magazine arti cle Mrs rejection (Edit Brown 1 The nert mapp mg wni De neia at the home of Mrs Addle Holt Tuesday afternoon eb ruary 15th I a An interesting canje of basketball was played at Tbn hell Tuesday eve nlng between Maine T'nntrai tnaiiin Pittsfield team and Clinton high school iteam The home team won score 22 to 19 "Mlealonary will be ob served at Brown Memorial Methodist Sunday school next Tuesdav A mis sionary pregram will be enjoyed by some of the children i to which par ent and alj interested are Invited A m'ssionarv offering will be taken 1 There will be A horse race on the rnr oaturday noon There wi II: be three races first one free to ill i a Lim Tablets Cave Relief 385 Grant St Buffalo "1 have been on the whole right side eince" April 30th I preferred the case to a physician who Jiwrote me advising the use of iq HriO II would not be for anything or salts 1 irriiihlo nr ma i I recommend a to all I feel more like 40 than 62 which I have just i 1 IT OSTRANDER 50c a box for $250 trial size iAt dealers or from TIUIT A TIVESLimited OGDENSBURG Adv i rance and Great Britain having paid all possible honors to their un known coldlor dead as acknowledge ment of the debt they owe to the men ehieily responsible for victory co Publuned Every Morning except Sun ur naiervuie Sentinel Pub lishing Company 25 Silver Street Waterville Me cmierea as Second Class Matter uu ostomce at waierviiie Maine under the Act ot vuujress or March 3 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Mail (1st 2c 3rd zones) One year In advance Six months in advance Three onils in advance (sin otn One (7th One uorria Ulcers tha ment is a cure for theuwhen every thing else fails as have tried about HVeJZ Thanking you manv 1 yo ur haPPy friend Battle Creek Mich IMGG A'rsne January 12 n3 knbw and dozen of people write Peterson teT80n of Buffalo Peterson Ointment aleb cure ec salt PHes and A man in a wheel chair held and robbed an ex aloon keeper of $52 in cash and a $35 watch in Philadelphia Could this happen anywhere but in Philadelphia? The police are still checking up the city's cripples i AAA tractive use only thi by IJno1 MU4C IC ACIDS Li SIGMJCH CAUSE Create Gas Sourness and Pain Co tr yed who have with 't i Max Clark of Gi Jeirereon street Bangor writes Priest Drug Co Ban cor Ms i tonal government of Russia They have suffered for a longtime wnu KKiigesuon ana nave tnea ev erything Vave also used every doc tor 1 could poeaibly think of in Ban ger and abve also consulted a few specialists ip Boston and New York but they did me no good I made up my mind to try Indigestion Powder and to my surprise it did me eventually more good In one qjeek than ail the lucuicme anutne aoctors that I used Powers in a yean Our compositor Hair that loses its color and lctra xr BRIGHTON ur Ju8tre IL Campbell ha of Westl Vlllek nd buy one in Corn Mr Smith ha ako sold hL tm Every 'man who fourt and thousand of women and brv rrtn cPny of West i i a miiiirri i uniform would that beautiful Mwrd Teller liveir a 1 1 Mt faded skirts waist draperies evejrythinr" silk linen cotton or radeiea ctljr with Diamond Dye Buy no other Adv Simple Home Treatment Makes Breathing Easy Just becacse you start the day tired lifeless worn oiit from loss of rest and the difficult breathing of miserable doj not think you have to stay thto 'way long Be strong and well breathe clearly and easily again by using this simple treatment known as Oxidaze the pres cription 'of a Worcester Mass phy sician or ay form cf Aethma where the bronchial tubes are irritated the breathing short and difficult its heall oac CAtla ey consiaered jest Mo3tIy chanc separated! the American privates and officers ajid equal ability could be found ln pcth classes Some had to be privates and some had to be offi cers In paying special honors to unknown yad the great work of the army as a whole would be recognized Mdj'be a tribute of a grateful nation to those jdtizens who became sol diers regardless of yank There cocid ibe no more fitting piace rorRiinh a icuivuy snan Arlington This cemetery was start ea tor unknown dead chiefly distinguished soldiers were honored by being buried thor the place Is wholesale prices have dropped( Amm ican Amidat the acres of hum 1 Central Powers! wan Entente of Germany was' feel very good now and I think I ani cured I would advise every government! bni a ble thing as in digestion to try and use "Powders They are easy to take and it gives quick re or sale by all druggists If your dealer does not carry Indi gestion Powder insist on him order fntr it fertrvv me wuunraaitr ur ZfieSk Mimnlns snnt their country free Mention paperin which you reaa mis advertisem*nt Adv! When you remember all of the 'll United State ffiven a nliiAa a i il 21KA and that the gratitude of the to Its fighter's should It bs been said that Arling destfned to become the West SKOWirDGAN eb Mr Josie Lancaster who hajbeen vkhing her son Ralph at Livermore alls return vm erx vu wum i uesuay Judge Small of Madiscn wa in town Tuesday on bu ines Corn Johnson mmrnnH tram business trip Augusta Mrs Mary Stinchflehl was in Wa terville Tuesday on business red Davis of Madison was in town Tuesday on his way to Oakland on business Attorney (Harold Phillip was in airfield on business Tuesday i auu lur is Hie on Dullness Tuesday Mr and iMr? Carl Malley were in Waterville calling on friends Tues day Mrs ik McIntire who ha been visiting Mr and Mr 'Harry snrrnrH returned to her home in Dexter Tues day I Mr i Mary DOrathy of Waterville 1 the guet of her da ugh Mrs Chester Alley Clyde Blackwell confined to the hou with a bad cold Harold Withee who came home from his wtork in Waterville several ago in somewhat improved Mr Bowman a matron at the I 1 Says Every Railroad Man Should Read This Ointment do jnc Buf faljL Sira: 1 wa8 afflicted with' what the doctors said were Vari cose and up until about five wejs'ks ago 1 have been treating them foq about a year and five month With all the treatments that were prescribed to bv several doctor I received little benefit and they kept spreading and gate me much distress and caused ine! to quit ffiy work I wm induced by a brother brake map t0 try Peterson Ointment and aftr I had used two boxes I saw the iv under ful results You can tell suf the sugar profiteers are fight ing among themselves vieing with each other in reaching the lowest price in the hortcst time i sut to the lowest (point in two IMare power (o BRIGHTON la fnrYTi ti I use! in mtl3tering strength enough to oust Leninp If they can do this proper relations between Russia and the rest of the world7 can be de veloped! Immediately I I 1 Just mow thia Paris movement seems the beet hope of stricken Rus I NORRIDGEWOCK who very ill re mains about the same Ham housekeepar for Allie wjO feI1 dow' CUt her head sev bruM breaking her and Tte i 'Plt verv died Tuesday afternoon tore improved add7tton o7 tunAf 1 3 Dy MV AAAJ spone oft' br re increased 100 what d14h aPPe3r8 but aller in Unity nw city councn Sa a result the is IL girls of i swwu i Liinrin i scnooi will be held st VIA urmgs uume or its vice aUu iiivirp ftnJ (OULU 1 mi Klv Aijriirrin i appearance of Adv1 Mr inureQ McVhorton wins SARANIAC LAKE eb 2 ROV ALnWhnrtaee ail rr a uii rue ctt th hlf seniors event at the international okating et today His time WM 123 3 5 Charles Gorman ot St John wa taxd of Winn! P' cm tlllu 1 1 whose government was maintained pn the island of Corfu although all of the Serbian territory proper was occupied by the This 1 government recognized by the and after the defeat able to reorganize at home Russians at Paris recognition fromare able to make out case It is reported Waterville Morning Sentinel Sia In 1917 when it was found that j1 majority of the assemtily duly MEMBER of ASSOCIATED PRESS wa against Lenlne he had It entiHe4ASOClted 1" exclusively li8bPnded and has net allowed it to credited to it asain sIace thatt8e credited in this paper and also 01 thg members were thrown Xue local news published hereto All 4 rights of republication of su cia'l dlwM nd part of managed paiCues herein are also reserved 'escape out of the country three rof them rance where they Rear Admiral rancto Bowlesby digging inttk old records In En la nd has that the May was only 9d feet long 20 feet on te beam and 12 to 14 feet de in me noia the people and all the furniture that should be rtiii 1 Haic crowded Into that Affton apace if all storie be true Noah' I bation there ton I mfnater Abbey of America Burying 1 America a b'e headstenes Hse the monuments of those wh0 ere mighty in life But at Arlington their honors and their rank are equal The place reserved for the unknown has come to be a place of honor for aH So It ot nulag tllal a ropre mllltar to in World To ee! it to Work 4 you must keep your stomach we'L your liver active your bowel regular 'KV fi i 44 UiWWU PUIV If you grt up in the morning tired' if you get exhausted with the slight est exertion you can depend Upon it that your liver is torpid and up A few doses of SEVEN nature a xrre rpfnaiw "kike up" that lazy ver aa4 maks you feel like new If you I liver has bn overworked AnW0Uid cause your whole system tofill up with acidB and potaons that would make you feel weak tired out and sick lou can easily remove ths i avd and Dotoons frpm our ays fronl t0 20 drops Of SE EN BARKS in a little water af 5 ter meals It will keep your bowels moving naturally every dav cleanse your system thoroughly unuiBt ica looa and bring you back to active and normal health again SEX EX BARKS tg remedy made from the extracts of roots and herbs and has £tuod the teat for many many years and will certainly give you a feeing of new life and vigor To feel fresh and fit for your dally duties you must keep your stomach and liver active and bowels regular To get and keep well ask your drug gist for SEVEN BARKS If he is out of ft he will get it you Ac vepr no sunatirute Price 60 cents aav $600 325 175175 i ee" greased CHICAGO i eb Ka Ii 1l mog here Per cent today by th ouvemem ha5 beea Chical 1 As result the hMia yoinponnd is that rH IL girl Il WVV afl Womans Reformatory left Vtodnes day for a riit in Bangor Mrj Decato of Providence I who wa called here last week owing to the illness ot her mother Mrs George Vigue returned home Wednes day Mr and Mrs Pratt of Bath arrived Tuesday for a vist with Mr and Mr Charles Berry i Mr Blakney who been visiting her aunt 'Mr and Mr Clifford returned to her home In Wa terville Wednesday Mrs William owler left Wednes day for a visit with relatives Id Bath Mrs Harrv Smith Mr ellow i man and Mjts Iura Twad well were wviue Wednesday shopping! (Mr Arthur Trafton who ha been Jhtog herj sister MP and Mrs Clifford returned to Waterville Wed nesday Canton Somerset will hold reg 1 OaG in The (Relief corp will bold Its regular meeting riday at which time there will be a special program 5uuiai nour enjoyed MARY'EVELYN BELVIEuMary Evelyn Belvieu daughter OM K1I uitjii ar the ome of her parents Tuesday aft ar itn Hl nA 1 wnr i i The funcraI services held ar 2 in rr afternoon from St My' hoHc church Renaud officiating The remains were placed in the tomb celebrated tholr 25ih anniversary Af ter short business session a program presented by the charter mmb Mrs Alices Baker Mr and Mrs Mr flank wuu r1Wrara spear Prscilla IRebekah lodge wa tnsf tilt Ail Tflrttafs to in old burn hall which was later detr by fire with 15 charter members XXnZ a ueau 4 45 Jharter members eft' SohOdrt prHnph and nesden two Odd ellows helped to $ecuHtha institution rwn Krana master vui or somerset Refoek rv i iv ZWB SAJ nAxr 31 or lodgwere: AiruniL IKlcnartk whto 1320 vlCe BKkford secretary Ruth Lum ucu treasurer Ella Mw ductor Annhj Walker warden Eva 11 Tri 4 Helen Brown outs'lde ox A fiUMIU rnnnloln chfui Allee bXZ 7 I TAL3 liter Vf A I 1 41IKV la tn'eatest financial agencies in alftkeV Of the statenient that of all the business failures in 1920 84 per cent were of concerns that vares a I cruse rneir Bare statements i vertisinjf as the art uijl reUIre httT conent mends itself a tk more and more com England has Int Tru? of success hbition for the tors declared that V11 trade 1 he exhib Penso maria noXS at umer because ithet to the con in large than in small qSie 4 out a market The nation A es'They advertise to create Paigns because larger mke advertisin8 5am' prosperity mean greater national ter than England things as well or bet America ruit Exchange Ce'fresidnt of the North address before the New Yorkt the point in an the other day Society fully invest $750 000 a vew 85owe success appetite for citrus fruit Lk irlj dvtl8ng to create an invest hardly a cent to crL apple finest fruit produced on theT for 8ome of tlle Ad he wepnt her prunes and iraisiqs while rkrf8er about her potatoes and says nothing Does it pay to advertise? That fl4 the answer Modern i lhat Per cent is 6uCceeds like good adve oh 1 a A' i £rfVrl VX 4 A I a4j nirucan nope to see something of the sort done in this country It has been suggested that the tiody of OmP unknown American soldier bp brought home from rauee and burled at Arlington th national ceineteryi at'Washingtcn 'It ha8 (been objected that as rank counted for so little in fhe American army there can be no object In hon oring fn nmknown private But such honors are not to be paid to Pr vateiaa distinguished from higher ranks Tpere would be nu Medical authorities state near i 1 vw an 1 Vi 9 A A 44 44V 4UTJ UOCC3 Vi Stomach I trouble Indigestion sourness burn Ing gas bloaLng nausea etc are' due to an excess of hydrochloric acid i in the stomach and not as somebe 1 lieve to a lack of digestive juices 7 The delicate stomach lining is irritat ed digestion Ls delayed and food sourtf causing the disagreeable sm ptoms which every stomach sufferer 'J knows so well Artificial digestants are not need ed in Auch cases and may do real harm Try laying aside all digestive aT aids end instead get from any dfig gist a few ounces of Bisurated Mi nesia and take a teaspoonful in I quarter glass of water right after I eating This aweetenB the stomach prevents the formation of acid and there is no sourness gas or pain Bisurated Magnesia (In powder or dl tablet never liquid or milk) harmiesB to the stomach Inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form ot magnesia for stomach Purposes lb It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no morel i fear of indigestion Adv John Rockefeller Jr wentlnto A afeteta the other dkv a for and pa make it inch' with Litt 1 i rv UUR iemng the cashier LO KftAB the aLa I vh lflat shows an uniform would have a share Th' shade of hato which I what happen from be! IiAkm 'O)A trflntfvck wufl Rdxuiand it wnidH golden spoon in your mouth John peri recognition of ft 7 Ntowsd Sr 'U8nun Of the loyalty Nowaday we get this fa "'r aave been so patriotism of American rf i improved With tho Kt utner ingredient WbUMvetrin 1 th have ug storejfor a bJtttoo tvi tun Micu Bon or two for the cause but prob bly would have kltjk because hU cost him a fe4 lent too much HOPE OR RUSSIA Druflfliftt Raw JI A UUICI rc Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphu rY unknown American doughboy Jless Is canned by afcTof sulpS therewith appropriate honors lr' grandmother made i ii uu a nniLure nr Ma i to keep her lock dark and heTnti anti thntiawJ imr relieving 113 ueu viarence fr! iiy wonder and Mary Carr of night ana whn atl lodge Norridgewock a ki mvu loeefe en breath will apprevfate the relief and nnhi comrnri Oxidaze is a tablet made from es sential oilg which when 1 A na Han dfronlvAA I in i aiUlUBr I out cS a CnnUI UV1A rr rv I Te 4 slvie maaing druggiSa to refund thn rii 'nmu wa xir Alien i Price of first package to av followed by' Mary ctirroenw i ax a tixiirri 'in! a 1 a not obtain satis fprraT sunerers mv aau Bve uxmaze a trial If li to know that harmless ana Adv hd called the Dau 1 nterol Hebekahs in town he to iiue present lodge wu intitutPL 1 I fe: 1 4: i if i 2 Er Ar jim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiifliiiiiiiiii 1 1 iV 1 i DoesltP? 1 I ft i dr I I i US 4E EE SSSe SS 5 i 2S i I i et t1: 'fc I I I 1 i I 3 7111111111 min i Mir i ii I HX a tfl E'l Hi Mil IHr IB 1 rt Jlg 4 1 i I he Ihr i iBhj EE 'A id.

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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)


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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.